/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmCTestRunTest.h" #include "cmCTestMemCheckHandler.h" #include "cmCTest.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" cmCTestRunTest::cmCTestRunTest() { } cmCTestRunTest::~cmCTestRunTest() { } bool cmCTestRunTest::IsRunning() { return this->TestProcess->IsRunning(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- //waits .1 sec for output from this process. void cmCTestRunTest::CheckOutput() { std::string out, err; int pipe = this->TestProcess->CheckOutput(.1, out, err); if(pipe == cmsysProcess_Pipe_STDOUT) { cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, this->GetIndex() << ": " << out << std::endl); this->ProcessOutput += out; this->ProcessOutput += "\n"; } else if(pipe == cmsysProcess_Pipe_STDERR) { cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, this->GetIndex() << ": " << err << std::endl); this->ProcessOutput += err; this->ProcessOutput += "\n"; } } //--------------------------------------------------------- bool cmCTestRunTest::EndTest(size_t completed, size_t total) { //restore the old environment if (this->ModifyEnv) { cmSystemTools::RestoreEnv(this->OrigEnv); } this->WriteLogOutputTop(completed, total); std::string reason; bool passed = true; int res = this->TestProcess->GetProcessStatus(); int retVal = this->TestProcess->GetExitValue(); std::vector >::iterator passIt; bool forceFail = false; if ( this->TestProperties->RequiredRegularExpressions.size() > 0 ) { bool found = false; for ( passIt = this->TestProperties->RequiredRegularExpressions.begin(); passIt != this->TestProperties->RequiredRegularExpressions.end(); ++ passIt ) { if ( passIt->first.find(this->ProcessOutput.c_str()) ) { found = true; reason = "Required regular expression found."; } } if ( !found ) { reason = "Required regular expression not found."; forceFail = true; } reason += "Regex=["; for ( passIt = this->TestProperties->RequiredRegularExpressions.begin(); passIt != this->TestProperties->RequiredRegularExpressions.end(); ++ passIt ) { reason += passIt->second; reason += "\n"; } reason += "]"; } if ( this->TestProperties->ErrorRegularExpressions.size() > 0 ) { for ( passIt = this->TestProperties->ErrorRegularExpressions.begin(); passIt != this->TestProperties->ErrorRegularExpressions.end(); ++ passIt ) { if ( passIt->first.find(this->ProcessOutput.c_str()) ) { reason = "Error regular expression found in output."; reason += " Regex=["; reason += passIt->second; reason += "]"; forceFail = true; } } } if (res == cmsysProcess_State_Exited) { bool success = !forceFail && (retVal == 0 || this->TestProperties->RequiredRegularExpressions.size()); if((success && !this->TestProperties->WillFail) || (!success && this->TestProperties->WillFail)) { this->TestResult.Status = cmCTestTestHandler::COMPLETED; cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " Passed " ); } else { this->TestResult.Status = cmCTestTestHandler::FAILED; cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, "***Failed " << reason ); } } else if ( res == cmsysProcess_State_Expired ) { cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, "***Timeout"); this->TestResult.Status = cmCTestTestHandler::TIMEOUT; } else if ( res == cmsysProcess_State_Exception ) { cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, "***Exception: "); switch ( retVal ) { case cmsysProcess_Exception_Fault: cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, "SegFault"); this->TestResult.Status = cmCTestTestHandler::SEGFAULT; break; case cmsysProcess_Exception_Illegal: cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, "Illegal"); this->TestResult.Status = cmCTestTestHandler::ILLEGAL; break; case cmsysProcess_Exception_Interrupt: cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, "Interrupt"); this->TestResult.Status = cmCTestTestHandler::INTERRUPT; break; case cmsysProcess_Exception_Numerical: cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, "Numerical"); this->TestResult.Status = cmCTestTestHandler::NUMERICAL; break; default: cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, "Other"); this->TestResult.Status = cmCTestTestHandler::OTHER_FAULT; } } else // if ( res == cmsysProcess_State_Error ) { cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, "***Bad command " << res ); this->TestResult.Status = cmCTestTestHandler::BAD_COMMAND; } passed = this->TestResult.Status == cmCTestTestHandler::COMPLETED; char buf[1024]; sprintf(buf, "%6.2f sec", this->TestProcess->GetTotalTime()); cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, buf << "\n" ); if ( this->TestHandler->LogFile ) { *this->TestHandler->LogFile << "Test time = " << buf << std::endl; } this->DartProcessing(); // if this is doing MemCheck then all the output needs to be put into // Output since that is what is parsed by cmCTestMemCheckHandler if(!this->TestHandler->MemCheck) { if ( this->TestResult.Status == cmCTestTestHandler::COMPLETED ) { this->TestHandler->CleanTestOutput(this->ProcessOutput, static_cast (this->TestHandler->CustomMaximumPassedTestOutputSize)); } else { this->TestHandler->CleanTestOutput(this->ProcessOutput, static_cast (this->TestHandler->CustomMaximumFailedTestOutputSize)); } } this->TestResult.Reason = reason; if ( this->TestHandler->LogFile ) { bool pass = true; const char* reasonType = "Test Pass Reason"; if(this->TestResult.Status != cmCTestTestHandler::COMPLETED && this->TestResult.Status != cmCTestTestHandler::NOT_RUN) { reasonType = "Test Fail Reason"; pass = false; } double ttime = this->TestProcess->GetTotalTime(); int hours = static_cast(ttime / (60 * 60)); int minutes = static_cast(ttime / 60) % 60; int seconds = static_cast(ttime) % 60; char buffer[100]; sprintf(buffer, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds); *this->TestHandler->LogFile << "----------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; if(this->TestResult.Reason.size()) { *this->TestHandler->LogFile << reasonType << ":\n" << this->TestResult.Reason << "\n"; } else { if(pass) { *this->TestHandler->LogFile << "Test Passed.\n"; } else { *this->TestHandler->LogFile << "Test Failed.\n"; } } *this->TestHandler->LogFile << "\"" << this->TestProperties->Name.c_str() << "\" end time: " << this->CTest->CurrentTime() << std::endl << "\"" << this->TestProperties->Name.c_str() << "\" time elapsed: " << buffer << std::endl << "----------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl << std::endl; } this->TestResult.Output = this->ProcessOutput; this->TestResult.ReturnValue = this->TestProcess->GetExitValue(); this->TestResult.CompletionStatus = "Completed"; this->TestResult.ExecutionTime = this->TestProcess->GetTotalTime(); this->TestHandler->TestResults.push_back( this->TestResult ); this->MemCheckPostProcess(); delete this->TestProcess; return passed; } //-------------------------------------------------------------- void cmCTestRunTest::MemCheckPostProcess() { if(!this->TestHandler->MemCheck) { return; } cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, this->Index << ": process test output now: " << this->TestProperties->Name.c_str() << " " << this->TestResult.Name.c_str() << std::endl); cmCTestMemCheckHandler * handler = static_cast (this->TestHandler); if(handler->MemoryTesterStyle == cmCTestMemCheckHandler::BOUNDS_CHECKER) { handler->PostProcessBoundsCheckerTest(this->TestResult); } else if(handler->MemoryTesterStyle == cmCTestMemCheckHandler::PURIFY) { handler->PostProcessPurifyTest(this->TestResult); } } void cmCTestRunTest::SetTestHandler(cmCTestTestHandler * handler) { this->TestHandler = handler; this->CTest = handler->CTest; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Starts the execution of a test. Returns once it has started bool cmCTestRunTest::StartTest() { this->ComputeArguments(); std::vector& args = this->TestProperties->Args; this->TestResult.Properties = this->TestProperties; this->TestResult.ExecutionTime = 0; this->TestResult.ReturnValue = -1; this->TestResult.Status = cmCTestTestHandler::NOT_RUN; this->TestResult.TestCount = this->TestProperties->Index; this->TestResult.Name = this->TestProperties->Name; this->TestResult.Path = this->TestProperties->Directory.c_str(); // continue if we did not find the executable if (this->TestCommand == "") { *this->TestHandler->LogFile << "Unable to find executable: " << args[1].c_str() << std::endl; cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Unable to find executable: " << args[1].c_str() << std::endl); this->TestResult.Output = "Unable to find executable: " + args[1]; if ( !this->CTest->GetShowOnly() ) { this->TestResult.FullCommandLine = this->ActualCommand; this->TestHandler->TestResults.push_back( this->TestResult ); return false; } } this->StartTime = this->CTest->CurrentTime(); return this->CreateProcess(this->TestProperties->Timeout, &this->TestProperties->Environment); } void cmCTestRunTest::ComputeArguments() { std::vector::const_iterator j = this->TestProperties->Args.begin(); ++j; // skip test name // find the test executable if(this->TestHandler->MemCheck) { cmCTestMemCheckHandler * handler = static_cast (this->TestHandler); this->ActualCommand = handler->MemoryTester.c_str(); } else { this->ActualCommand = this->TestHandler->FindTheExecutable( this->TestProperties->Args[1].c_str()); ++j; //skip the executable (it will be actualCommand) } this->TestCommand = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(this->ActualCommand.c_str()); //Prepends memcheck args to our command string this->TestHandler->GenerateTestCommand(this->Arguments); for(std::vector::iterator i = this->Arguments.begin(); i != this->Arguments.end(); ++i) { this->TestCommand += " "; this->TestCommand += cmSystemTools::EscapeSpaces(j->c_str()); } for(;j != this->TestProperties->Args.end(); ++j) { this->TestCommand += " "; this->TestCommand += cmSystemTools::EscapeSpaces(j->c_str()); this->Arguments.push_back(*j); } this->TestResult.FullCommandLine = this->TestCommand; cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, std::endl << this->Index << ": " << (this->TestHandler->MemCheck?"MemCheck":"Test") << " command: " << this->TestCommand << std::endl); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmCTestRunTest::DartProcessing() { if (!this->ProcessOutput.empty() && this->ProcessOutput.find("ProcessOutput.npos) { if (this->TestHandler->DartStuff.find(this->ProcessOutput.c_str())) { std::string dartString = this->TestHandler->DartStuff.match(1); // keep searching and replacing until none are left while (this->TestHandler->DartStuff1.find(this->ProcessOutput.c_str())) { // replace the exact match for the string cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(this->ProcessOutput, this->TestHandler->DartStuff1.match(1).c_str(), ""); } this->TestResult.RegressionImages = this->TestHandler->GenerateRegressionImages(dartString); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmCTestRunTest::CreateProcess(double testTimeOut, std::vector* environment) { this->TestProcess = new cmProcess; this->TestProcess->SetId(this->Index); this->TestProcess->SetWorkingDirectory( this->TestProperties->Directory.c_str()); this->TestProcess->SetCommand(this->ActualCommand.c_str()); this->TestProcess->SetCommandArguments(this->Arguments); std::vector origEnv; this->ModifyEnv = (environment && environment->size()>0); // determine how much time we have double timeout = this->CTest->GetRemainingTimeAllowed() - 120; if (this->CTest->GetTimeOut() && this->CTest->GetTimeOut() < timeout) { timeout = this->CTest->GetTimeOut(); } if (testTimeOut && testTimeOut < this->CTest->GetRemainingTimeAllowed()) { timeout = testTimeOut; } // always have at least 1 second if we got to here if (timeout <= 0) { timeout = 1; } cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, this->Index << ": " << "Test timeout computed to be: " << timeout << "\n"); if (this->ModifyEnv) { this->OrigEnv = cmSystemTools::AppendEnv(environment); } return this->TestProcess->StartProcess(); } void cmCTestRunTest::WriteLogOutputTop(size_t completed, size_t total) { /* Not sure whether we want to prepend the test index anymore cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, std::setw(3) << this->Index << ": ");*/ cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, std::setw(3) << completed << "/"); cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, std::setw(3) << total << " "); if ( this->TestHandler->MemCheck ) { cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, "Memory Check"); } else { cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, "Testing"); } cmOStringStream indexStr; indexStr << " (" << this->Index << ")"; cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, std::setw(6) << indexStr.str().c_str()); cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " "); const int maxTestNameWidth = this->CTest->GetMaxTestNameWidth(); std::string outname = this->TestProperties->Name + " "; outname.resize(maxTestNameWidth, '.'); *this->TestHandler->LogFile << this->TestProperties->Index << "/" << this->TestHandler->TotalNumberOfTests << " Testing: " << this->TestProperties->Name << std::endl; *this->TestHandler->LogFile << this->TestProperties->Index << "/" << this->TestHandler->TotalNumberOfTests << " Test: " << this->TestProperties->Name.c_str() << std::endl; *this->TestHandler->LogFile << "Command: \"" << this->ActualCommand << "\""; for (std::vector::iterator i = this->Arguments.begin(); i != this->Arguments.end(); ++i) { *this->TestHandler->LogFile << " \"" << i->c_str() << "\""; } *this->TestHandler->LogFile << std::endl << "Directory: " << this->TestProperties->Directory << std::endl << "\"" << this->TestProperties->Name.c_str() << "\" start time: " << this->StartTime << std::endl; *this->TestHandler->LogFile << "Output:" << std::endl << "----------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; *this->TestHandler->LogFile << this->ProcessOutput.c_str() << "" << std::endl; cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, outname.c_str()); cmCTestLog(this->CTest, DEBUG, "Testing " << this->TestProperties->Name.c_str() << " ... "); }