/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "QCMakeCacheView.h" #include <QHBoxLayout> #include <QHeaderView> #include <QEvent> #include <QStyle> #include <QKeyEvent> #include <QSortFilterProxyModel> #include <QMetaProperty> #include <QApplication> #include "QCMakeWidgets.h" // filter for searches class QCMakeSearchFilter : public QSortFilterProxyModel { public: QCMakeSearchFilter(QObject* o) : QSortFilterProxyModel(o) {} protected: bool filterAcceptsRow(int row, const QModelIndex& p) const { QStringList strs; const QAbstractItemModel* m = this->sourceModel(); QModelIndex idx = m->index(row, 0, p); // if there are no children, get strings for column 0 and 1 if(!m->hasChildren(idx)) { strs.append(m->data(idx).toString()); idx = m->index(row, 1, p); strs.append(m->data(idx).toString()); } else { // get strings for children entries to compare with // instead of comparing with the parent int num = m->rowCount(idx); for(int i=0; i<num; i++) { QModelIndex tmpidx = m->index(i, 0, idx); strs.append(m->data(tmpidx).toString()); tmpidx = m->index(i, 1, idx); strs.append(m->data(tmpidx).toString()); } } // check all strings for a match foreach(QString str, strs) { if(str.contains(this->filterRegExp())) { return true; } } return false; } }; // filter for searches class QCMakeAdvancedFilter : public QSortFilterProxyModel { public: QCMakeAdvancedFilter(QObject* o) : QSortFilterProxyModel(o), ShowAdvanced(false) {} void setShowAdvanced(bool f) { this->ShowAdvanced = f; this->invalidate(); } bool showAdvanced() const { return this->ShowAdvanced; } protected: bool ShowAdvanced; bool filterAcceptsRow(int row, const QModelIndex& p) const { const QAbstractItemModel* m = this->sourceModel(); QModelIndex idx = m->index(row, 0, p); // if there are no children if(!m->hasChildren(idx)) { bool adv = m->data(idx, QCMakeCacheModel::AdvancedRole).toBool(); if(!adv || (adv && this->ShowAdvanced)) { return true; } return false; } // check children int num = m->rowCount(idx); for(int i=0; i<num; i++) { bool accept = this->filterAcceptsRow(i, idx); if(accept) { return true; } } return false; } }; QCMakeCacheView::QCMakeCacheView(QWidget* p) : QTreeView(p) { // hook up our model and search/filter proxies this->CacheModel = new QCMakeCacheModel(this); this->AdvancedFilter = new QCMakeAdvancedFilter(this); this->AdvancedFilter->setSourceModel(this->CacheModel); this->AdvancedFilter->setDynamicSortFilter(true); this->SearchFilter = new QCMakeSearchFilter(this); this->SearchFilter->setSourceModel(this->AdvancedFilter); this->SearchFilter->setFilterCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); this->SearchFilter->setDynamicSortFilter(true); this->setModel(this->SearchFilter); // our delegate for creating our editors QCMakeCacheModelDelegate* delegate = new QCMakeCacheModelDelegate(this); this->setItemDelegate(delegate); this->setUniformRowHeights(true); this->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::AllEditTriggers); // tab, backtab doesn't step through items this->setTabKeyNavigation(false); this->setRootIsDecorated(false); } bool QCMakeCacheView::event(QEvent* e) { if(e->type() == QEvent::Show) { this->header()->setDefaultSectionSize(this->viewport()->width()/2); } return QTreeView::event(e); } QCMakeCacheModel* QCMakeCacheView::cacheModel() const { return this->CacheModel; } QModelIndex QCMakeCacheView::moveCursor(CursorAction act, Qt::KeyboardModifiers mod) { // want home/end to go to begin/end of rows, not columns if(act == MoveHome) { return this->model()->index(0, 1); } else if(act == MoveEnd) { return this->model()->index(this->model()->rowCount()-1, 1); } return QTreeView::moveCursor(act, mod); } void QCMakeCacheView::setShowAdvanced(bool s) { #if QT_VERSION >= 040300 // new 4.3 api that needs to be called. what about an older Qt? this->SearchFilter->invalidate(); #endif this->AdvancedFilter->setShowAdvanced(s); } bool QCMakeCacheView::showAdvanced() const { return this->AdvancedFilter->showAdvanced(); } void QCMakeCacheView::setSearchFilter(const QString& s) { this->SearchFilter->setFilterFixedString(s); } QCMakeCacheModel::QCMakeCacheModel(QObject* p) : QStandardItemModel(p), EditEnabled(true), NewPropertyCount(0), View(FlatView) { QStringList labels; labels << tr("Name") << tr("Value"); this->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(labels); } QCMakeCacheModel::~QCMakeCacheModel() { } static uint qHash(const QCMakeProperty& p) { return qHash(p.Key); } void QCMakeCacheModel::clear() { this->QStandardItemModel::clear(); this->NewPropertyCount = 0; QStringList labels; labels << tr("Name") << tr("Value"); this->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(labels); } void QCMakeCacheModel::setProperties(const QCMakePropertyList& props) { QSet<QCMakeProperty> newProps = props.toSet(); QSet<QCMakeProperty> newProps2 = newProps; QSet<QCMakeProperty> oldProps = this->properties().toSet(); oldProps.intersect(newProps); newProps.subtract(oldProps); newProps2.subtract(newProps); bool b = this->blockSignals(true); this->clear(); this->NewPropertyCount = newProps.size(); if(View == FlatView) { QCMakePropertyList newP = newProps.toList(); QCMakePropertyList newP2 = newProps2.toList(); qSort(newP); qSort(newP2); int rowCount = 0; foreach(QCMakeProperty p, newP) { this->insertRow(rowCount); this->setPropertyData(this->index(rowCount, 0), p, true); rowCount++; } foreach(QCMakeProperty p, newP2) { this->insertRow(rowCount); this->setPropertyData(this->index(rowCount, 0), p, false); rowCount++; } } else if(this->View == GroupView) { QMap<QString, QCMakePropertyList> newPropsTree; this->breakProperties(newProps, newPropsTree); QMap<QString, QCMakePropertyList> newPropsTree2; this->breakProperties(newProps2, newPropsTree2); QStandardItem* root = this->invisibleRootItem(); foreach(QString key, newPropsTree.keys()) { QCMakePropertyList props = newPropsTree[key]; QList<QStandardItem*> parentItems; parentItems.append( new QStandardItem(key.isEmpty() ? tr("Ungrouped Entries") : key) ); parentItems.append(new QStandardItem()); parentItems[0]->setData(QBrush(QColor(255,100,100)), Qt::BackgroundColorRole); parentItems[1]->setData(QBrush(QColor(255,100,100)), Qt::BackgroundColorRole); root->appendRow(parentItems); foreach(QCMakeProperty prop, props) { QList<QStandardItem*> items; items.append(new QStandardItem()); items.append(new QStandardItem()); parentItems[0]->appendRow(items); this->setPropertyData(this->indexFromItem(items[0]), prop, true); } } foreach(QString key, newPropsTree2.keys()) { QCMakePropertyList props = newPropsTree2[key]; QStandardItem* parentItem = new QStandardItem(key.isEmpty() ? tr("Ungrouped Entries") : key); root->appendRow(parentItem); foreach(QCMakeProperty prop, props) { QList<QStandardItem*> items; items.append(new QStandardItem()); items.append(new QStandardItem()); parentItem->appendRow(items); this->setPropertyData(this->indexFromItem(items[0]), prop, false); } } } this->blockSignals(b); this->reset(); } QCMakeCacheModel::ViewType QCMakeCacheModel::viewType() const { return this->View; } void QCMakeCacheModel::setViewType(QCMakeCacheModel::ViewType t) { this->View = t; QCMakePropertyList props = this->properties(); QCMakePropertyList oldProps; int numNew = this->NewPropertyCount; int numTotal = props.count(); for(int i=numNew; i<numTotal; i++) { oldProps.append(props[i]); } bool b = this->blockSignals(true); this->clear(); this->setProperties(oldProps); this->setProperties(props); this->blockSignals(b); this->reset(); } void QCMakeCacheModel::setPropertyData(const QModelIndex& idx1, const QCMakeProperty& prop, bool isNew) { QModelIndex idx2 = idx1.sibling(idx1.row(), 1); this->setData(idx1, prop.Key, Qt::DisplayRole); this->setData(idx1, prop.Help, QCMakeCacheModel::HelpRole); this->setData(idx1, prop.Type, QCMakeCacheModel::TypeRole); this->setData(idx1, prop.Advanced, QCMakeCacheModel::AdvancedRole); if(prop.Type == QCMakeProperty::BOOL) { int check = prop.Value.toBool() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked; this->setData(idx2, check, Qt::CheckStateRole); } else { this->setData(idx2, prop.Value, Qt::DisplayRole); } this->setData(idx2, prop.Help, QCMakeCacheModel::HelpRole); if (!prop.Strings.isEmpty()) { this->setData(idx1, prop.Strings, QCMakeCacheModel::StringsRole); } if(isNew) { this->setData(idx1, QBrush(QColor(255,100,100)), Qt::BackgroundColorRole); this->setData(idx2, QBrush(QColor(255,100,100)), Qt::BackgroundColorRole); } } void QCMakeCacheModel::getPropertyData(const QModelIndex& idx1, QCMakeProperty& prop) const { QModelIndex idx2 = idx1.sibling(idx1.row(), 1); prop.Key = this->data(idx1, Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); prop.Help = this->data(idx1, HelpRole).toString(); prop.Type = static_cast<QCMakeProperty::PropertyType>(this->data(idx1, TypeRole).toInt()); prop.Advanced = this->data(idx1, AdvancedRole).toBool(); prop.Strings = this->data(idx1, QCMakeCacheModel::StringsRole).toStringList(); if(prop.Type == QCMakeProperty::BOOL) { int check = this->data(idx2, Qt::CheckStateRole).toInt(); prop.Value = check == Qt::Checked; } else { prop.Value = this->data(idx2, Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); } } QString QCMakeCacheModel::prefix(const QString& s) { QString prefix = s.section('_', 0, 0); if(prefix == s) { prefix = QString(); } return prefix; } void QCMakeCacheModel::breakProperties(const QSet<QCMakeProperty>& props, QMap<QString, QCMakePropertyList>& result) { QMap<QString, QCMakePropertyList> tmp; // return a map of properties grouped by prefixes, and sorted foreach(QCMakeProperty p, props) { QString prefix = QCMakeCacheModel::prefix(p.Key); tmp[prefix].append(p); } // sort it and re-org any properties with only one sub item QCMakePropertyList reorgProps; QMap<QString, QCMakePropertyList>::iterator iter; for(iter = tmp.begin(); iter != tmp.end();) { if(iter->count() == 1) { reorgProps.append((*iter)[0]); iter = tmp.erase(iter); } else { qSort(*iter); ++iter; } } if(reorgProps.count()) { tmp[QString()] += reorgProps; } result = tmp; } QCMakePropertyList QCMakeCacheModel::properties() const { QCMakePropertyList props; if(!this->rowCount()) { return props; } QList<QModelIndex> idxs; idxs.append(this->index(0,0)); // walk the entire model for property entries // this works regardless of a flat view or a tree view while(!idxs.isEmpty()) { QModelIndex idx = idxs.last(); if(this->hasChildren(idx) && this->rowCount(idx)) { idxs.append(this->index(0,0, idx)); } else { // get data QCMakeProperty prop; this->getPropertyData(idx, prop); props.append(prop); // go to the next in the tree while(!idxs.isEmpty() && !idxs.last().sibling(idxs.last().row()+1, 0).isValid()) { idxs.removeLast(); } if(!idxs.isEmpty()) { idxs.last() = idxs.last().sibling(idxs.last().row()+1, 0); } } } return props; } bool QCMakeCacheModel::insertProperty(QCMakeProperty::PropertyType t, const QString& name, const QString& description, const QVariant& value, bool advanced) { QCMakeProperty prop; prop.Key = name; prop.Value = value; prop.Help = description; prop.Type = t; prop.Advanced = advanced; //insert at beginning this->insertRow(0); this->setPropertyData(this->index(0,0), prop, true); this->NewPropertyCount++; return true; } void QCMakeCacheModel::setEditEnabled(bool e) { this->EditEnabled = e; } bool QCMakeCacheModel::editEnabled() const { return this->EditEnabled; } int QCMakeCacheModel::newPropertyCount() const { return this->NewPropertyCount; } Qt::ItemFlags QCMakeCacheModel::flags (const QModelIndex& idx) const { Qt::ItemFlags f = QStandardItemModel::flags(idx); if(!this->EditEnabled) { f &= ~Qt::ItemIsEditable; return f; } if(QCMakeProperty::BOOL == this->data(idx, TypeRole).toInt()) { f |= Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable; } return f; } QModelIndex QCMakeCacheModel::buddy(const QModelIndex& idx) const { if(!this->hasChildren(idx) && this->data(idx, TypeRole).toInt() != QCMakeProperty::BOOL) { return this->index(idx.row(), 1, idx.parent()); } return idx; } QCMakeCacheModelDelegate::QCMakeCacheModelDelegate(QObject* p) : QItemDelegate(p), FileDialogFlag(false) { } void QCMakeCacheModelDelegate::setFileDialogFlag(bool f) { this->FileDialogFlag = f; } QWidget* QCMakeCacheModelDelegate::createEditor(QWidget* p, const QStyleOptionViewItem&, const QModelIndex& idx) const { QModelIndex var = idx.sibling(idx.row(), 0); int type = var.data(QCMakeCacheModel::TypeRole).toInt(); if(type == QCMakeProperty::BOOL) { return NULL; } else if(type == QCMakeProperty::PATH) { QCMakePathEditor* editor = new QCMakePathEditor(p, var.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString()); QObject::connect(editor, SIGNAL(fileDialogExists(bool)), this, SLOT(setFileDialogFlag(bool))); return editor; } else if(type == QCMakeProperty::FILEPATH) { QCMakeFilePathEditor* editor = new QCMakeFilePathEditor(p, var.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString()); QObject::connect(editor, SIGNAL(fileDialogExists(bool)), this, SLOT(setFileDialogFlag(bool))); return editor; } else if(type == QCMakeProperty::STRING && var.data(QCMakeCacheModel::StringsRole).isValid()) { QCMakeComboBox* editor = new QCMakeComboBox(p, var.data(QCMakeCacheModel::StringsRole).toStringList()); editor->setFrame(false); return editor; } QLineEdit* editor = new QLineEdit(p); editor->setFrame(false); return editor; } bool QCMakeCacheModelDelegate::editorEvent(QEvent* e, QAbstractItemModel* model, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) { Qt::ItemFlags flags = model->flags(index); if (!(flags & Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable) || !(option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled) || !(flags & Qt::ItemIsEnabled)) { return false; } QVariant value = index.data(Qt::CheckStateRole); if (!value.isValid()) { return false; } if ((e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) || (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick)) { // eat the double click events inside the check rect if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick) { return true; } } else if (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { if(static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(e)->key() != Qt::Key_Space && static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(e)->key() != Qt::Key_Select) { return false; } } else { return false; } Qt::CheckState state = (static_cast<Qt::CheckState>(value.toInt()) == Qt::Checked ? Qt::Unchecked : Qt::Checked); bool success = model->setData(index, state, Qt::CheckStateRole); if(success) { this->recordChange(model, index); } return success; } // Issue 205903 fixed in Qt 4.5.0. // Can remove this function and FileDialogFlag when minimum Qt version is 4.5 bool QCMakeCacheModelDelegate::eventFilter(QObject* object, QEvent* event) { // workaround for what looks like a bug in Qt on Mac OS X // where it doesn't create a QWidget wrapper for the native file dialog // so the Qt library ends up assuming the focus was lost to something else if(event->type() == QEvent::FocusOut && this->FileDialogFlag) { return false; } return QItemDelegate::eventFilter(object, event); } void QCMakeCacheModelDelegate::setModelData(QWidget* editor, QAbstractItemModel* model, const QModelIndex& index ) const { QItemDelegate::setModelData(editor, model, index); const_cast<QCMakeCacheModelDelegate*>(this)->recordChange(model, index); } QSize QCMakeCacheModelDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const { QSize sz = QItemDelegate::sizeHint(option, index); QStyle *style = QApplication::style(); // increase to checkbox size QStyleOptionButton opt; opt.QStyleOption::operator=(option); sz = sz.expandedTo(style->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_ViewItemCheckIndicator, &opt, NULL).size()); return sz; } QSet<QCMakeProperty> QCMakeCacheModelDelegate::changes() const { return mChanges; } void QCMakeCacheModelDelegate::clearChanges() { mChanges.clear(); } void QCMakeCacheModelDelegate::recordChange(QAbstractItemModel* model, const QModelIndex& index) { QModelIndex idx = index; QAbstractItemModel* mymodel = model; while(qobject_cast<QAbstractProxyModel*>(mymodel)) { idx = static_cast<QAbstractProxyModel*>(mymodel)->mapToSource(idx); mymodel = static_cast<QAbstractProxyModel*>(mymodel)->sourceModel(); } QCMakeCacheModel* cache_model = qobject_cast<QCMakeCacheModel*>(mymodel); if(cache_model && idx.isValid()) { QCMakeProperty property; idx = idx.sibling(idx.row(), 0); cache_model->getPropertyData(idx, property); // clean out an old one QSet<QCMakeProperty>::iterator iter = mChanges.find(property); if(iter != mChanges.end()) { mChanges.erase(iter); } // now add the new item mChanges.insert(property); } }