![NLM logo](/CMake/Art/nlm_logo.gif) |
National Library of Medicine (NLM) - Dr. Terry Yoo at NLM/NIH is
sponsoring the bulk of this work as part of the Insight segmentation
and registration toolkit
CMake was originally created for
the multi-platform support necessary for ITK.
![ITK logo](/CMake/Art/itkLogoSmallTransparentBackground.gif) |
Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit - ITK is the original
sponsoring project for ITK. ITK is being funded by NLM to develop
cutting-edge algorithms and techniques to support the
Visible Human Project.
![Kitware logo](/CMake/Art/swooshSmall.gif) |
Kitware, Inc. - Kitware personnel, primarily Bill Hoffman, Ken Martin,
and Brad King, were the principal developers of CMake.
![ASCI VIEWS Logo](/CMake/Art/asci_little.gif) |
ASCI VIEWS Project -
Jim Ahrens at the Advanced Computing Laboratory at Los Alamos National
Lab is technical project leader. He has supported the deployment of
CMake for building parallel processing applications.