PROJECT( Dependency ) # to test directories with only one character One was changed to 1 # There is one executable that depends on eight libraries. The # system has the following dependency graph: # # NoDepA: # NoDepB: NoDepA # NoDepC: NoDepA # 1: # Two: Three # Three: 1 Four # Four: 1 Two NoDepA # Five: Two # SixA: Two Five # SixB: Four Five # Seven: Two # Eight: Seven # # Exec: NoDepB NoDepC SixA SixB # Exec2: Eight Five # Exec3: Eight Five # Exec4: Five Two # # The libraries One,...,Eight have their dependencies explicitly # encoded. The libraries NoDepA,...,NoDepC do not. # # Although SixB does not depend on Two, there is a dependency listed # in the corresponding CMakeLists.txt just because of commands used. SUBDIRS( NoDepA NoDepB NoDepC ) SUBDIRS( 1 Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight ) SUBDIRS( Exec Exec2 Exec3 Exec4 )