/*============================================================================ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more information. ============================================================================*/ #include "cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator.h" #include "cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmake.h" #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" // Utility function to make a valid VS6 *.dsp filename out // of a CMake target name: // std::string GetVS6TargetName(const std::string& targetName) { std::string name(targetName); // Eliminate hyphens. VS6 cannot handle hyphens in *.dsp filenames... // Replace them with underscores. // cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(name, "-", "_"); return name; } cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator::cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator() { this->MSDevCommandInitialized = false; } void cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator ::EnableLanguage(std::vectorconst& lang, cmMakefile *mf, bool optional) { cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::AddPlatformDefinitions(mf); mf->AddDefinition("CMAKE_GENERATOR_RC", "rc"); mf->AddDefinition("CMAKE_GENERATOR_NO_COMPILER_ENV", "1"); this->GenerateConfigurations(mf); this->cmGlobalGenerator::EnableLanguage(lang, mf, optional); } void cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator::GenerateConfigurations(cmMakefile* mf) { std::string fname= mf->GetRequiredDefinition("CMAKE_ROOT"); const char* def= mf->GetDefinition( "MSPROJECT_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY"); if(def) { fname = def; } else { fname += "/Templates"; } fname += "/CMakeVisualStudio6Configurations.cmake"; if(!mf->ReadListFile(mf->GetCurrentListFile(), fname.c_str())) { cmSystemTools::Error("Cannot open ", fname.c_str(), ". Please copy this file from the main " "CMake/Templates directory and edit it for " "your build configurations."); } else if(!mf->GetDefinition("CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES")) { cmSystemTools::Error("CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES not set by ", fname.c_str(), ". Please copy this file from the main " "CMake/Templates directory and edit it for " "your build configurations."); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator::FindMakeProgram(cmMakefile* mf) { this->cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::FindMakeProgram(mf); mf->AddDefinition("CMAKE_VS_MSDEV_COMMAND", this->GetMSDevCommand().c_str()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string const& cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator::GetMSDevCommand() { if(!this->MSDevCommandInitialized) { this->MSDevCommandInitialized = true; this->MSDevCommand = this->FindMSDevCommand(); } return this->MSDevCommand; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator::FindMSDevCommand() { std::string vscmd; std::string vskey = this->GetRegistryBase() + "\\Setup;VsCommonDir"; if(cmSystemTools::ReadRegistryValue(vskey.c_str(), vscmd, cmSystemTools::KeyWOW64_32)) { cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(vscmd); vscmd += "/MSDev98/Bin/"; } vscmd += "msdev.exe"; return vscmd; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator::GenerateBuildCommand( std::vector& makeCommand, const char* makeProgram, const char* projectName, const char* /*projectDir*/, const char* targetName, const char* config, bool /*fast*/, std::vector const& makeOptions ) { // now build the test makeCommand.push_back( this->SelectMakeProgram(makeProgram, this->GetMSDevCommand()) ); makeCommand.push_back(std::string(projectName)+".dsw"); makeCommand.push_back("/MAKE"); std::string targetArg; bool clean = false; if ( targetName && strcmp(targetName, "clean") == 0 ) { clean = true; targetName = "ALL_BUILD"; } if (targetName && strlen(targetName)) { targetArg += targetName; } else { targetArg += "ALL_BUILD"; } targetArg += " - "; if(config && strlen(config)) { targetArg += config; } else { targetArg += "Debug"; } makeCommand.push_back(targetArg); if(clean) { makeCommand.push_back("/CLEAN"); } else { makeCommand.push_back("/BUILD"); } makeCommand.insert(makeCommand.end(), makeOptions.begin(), makeOptions.end()); } ///! Create a local generator appropriate to this Global Generator cmLocalGenerator *cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator::CreateLocalGenerator() { cmLocalGenerator *lg = new cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator; lg->SetGlobalGenerator(this); return lg; } void cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator::Generate() { // first do the superclass method this->cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::Generate(); // Now write out the DSW this->OutputDSWFile(); } // Write a DSW file to the stream void cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator ::WriteDSWFile(std::ostream& fout,cmLocalGenerator* root, std::vector& generators) { // Write out the header for a DSW file this->WriteDSWHeader(fout); // Collect all targets under this root generator and the transitive // closure of their dependencies. TargetDependSet projectTargets; TargetDependSet originalTargets; this->GetTargetSets(projectTargets, originalTargets, root, generators); OrderedTargetDependSet orderedProjectTargets(projectTargets); for(OrderedTargetDependSet::const_iterator tt = orderedProjectTargets.begin(); tt != orderedProjectTargets.end(); ++tt) { cmTarget* target = *tt; if(target->GetType() == cmTarget::INTERFACE_LIBRARY) { continue; } // Write the project into the DSW file const char* expath = target->GetProperty("EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT"); if(expath) { std::string project = target->GetName(); std::string location = expath; this->WriteExternalProject(fout, project.c_str(), location.c_str(), target->GetUtilities()); } else { std::string dspname = GetVS6TargetName(target->GetName()); std::string dir = target->GetMakefile()->GetStartOutputDirectory(); dir = root->Convert(dir.c_str(), cmLocalGenerator::START_OUTPUT); this->WriteProject(fout, dspname.c_str(), dir.c_str(), *target); } } // Write the footer for the DSW file this->WriteDSWFooter(fout); } void cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator ::OutputDSWFile(cmLocalGenerator* root, std::vector& generators) { if(generators.size() == 0) { return; } std::string fname = root->GetMakefile()->GetStartOutputDirectory(); fname += "/"; fname += root->GetMakefile()->GetProjectName(); fname += ".dsw"; std::ofstream fout(fname.c_str()); if(!fout) { cmSystemTools::Error("Error can not open DSW file for write: ", fname.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReportLastSystemError(""); return; } this->WriteDSWFile(fout, root, generators); } // output the DSW file void cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator::OutputDSWFile() { std::map >::iterator it; for(it = this->ProjectMap.begin(); it!= this->ProjectMap.end(); ++it) { this->OutputDSWFile(it->second[0], it->second); } } // Write a dsp file into the DSW file, // Note, that dependencies from executables to // the libraries it uses are also done here void cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator::WriteProject(std::ostream& fout, const char* dspname, const char* dir, cmTarget& target) { fout << "#########################################################" "######################\n\n"; fout << "Project: \"" << dspname << "\"=" << dir << "\\" << dspname << ".dsp - Package Owner=<4>\n\n"; fout << "Package=<5>\n{{{\n}}}\n\n"; fout << "Package=<4>\n"; fout << "{{{\n"; VSDependSet const& depends = this->VSTargetDepends[&target]; for(VSDependSet::const_iterator di = depends.begin(); di != depends.end(); ++di) { const char* name = di->c_str(); fout << "Begin Project Dependency\n"; fout << "Project_Dep_Name " << GetVS6TargetName(name) << "\n"; fout << "End Project Dependency\n"; } fout << "}}}\n\n"; UtilityDependsMap::iterator ui = this->UtilityDepends.find(&target); if(ui != this->UtilityDepends.end()) { const char* uname = ui->second.c_str(); fout << "Project: \"" << uname << "\"=" << dir << "\\" << uname << ".dsp - Package Owner=<4>\n\n"; fout << "Package=<5>\n{{{\n}}}\n\n" "Package=<4>\n" "{{{\n" "Begin Project Dependency\n" "Project_Dep_Name " << dspname << "\n" "End Project Dependency\n" "}}}\n\n"; ; } } // Write a dsp file into the DSW file, // Note, that dependencies from executables to // the libraries it uses are also done here void cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator::WriteExternalProject(std::ostream& fout, const char* name, const char* location, const std::set& dependencies) { fout << "#########################################################" "######################\n\n"; fout << "Project: \"" << name << "\"=" << location << " - Package Owner=<4>\n\n"; fout << "Package=<5>\n{{{\n}}}\n\n"; fout << "Package=<4>\n"; fout << "{{{\n"; std::set::const_iterator i, end; // write dependencies. i = dependencies.begin(); end = dependencies.end(); for(;i!= end; ++i) { fout << "Begin Project Dependency\n"; fout << "Project_Dep_Name " << GetVS6TargetName(*i) << "\n"; fout << "End Project Dependency\n"; } fout << "}}}\n\n"; } // Standard end of dsw file void cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator::WriteDSWFooter(std::ostream& fout) { fout << "######################################################" "#########################\n\n"; fout << "Global:\n\n"; fout << "Package=<5>\n{{{\n}}}\n\n"; fout << "Package=<3>\n{{{\n}}}\n\n"; fout << "#####################################################" "##########################\n\n"; } // ouput standard header for dsw file void cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator::WriteDSWHeader(std::ostream& fout) { fout << "Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00\n"; fout << "# WARNING: DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE THIS WORKSPACE FILE!\n\n"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator::WriteUtilityDepend(cmTarget* target) { std::string pname = target->GetName(); pname += "_UTILITY"; pname = GetVS6TargetName(pname.c_str()); std::string fname = target->GetMakefile()->GetStartOutputDirectory(); fname += "/"; fname += pname; fname += ".dsp"; cmGeneratedFileStream fout(fname.c_str()); fout.SetCopyIfDifferent(true); fout << "# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name=\"" << pname << "\" - Package Owner=<4>\n" "# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00\n" "# ** DO NOT EDIT **\n" "\n" "# TARGTYPE \"Win32 (x86) Generic Project\" 0x010a\n" "\n" "CFG=" << pname << " - Win32 Debug\n" "!MESSAGE \"" << pname << " - Win32 Debug\"" " (based on \"Win32 (x86) Generic Project\")\n" "!MESSAGE \"" << pname << " - Win32 Release\" " "(based on \"Win32 (x86) Generic Project\")\n" "!MESSAGE \"" << pname << " - Win32 MinSizeRel\" " "(based on \"Win32 (x86) Generic Project\")\n" "!MESSAGE \"" << pname << " - Win32 RelWithDebInfo\" " "(based on \"Win32 (x86) Generic Project\")\n" "\n" "# Begin Project\n" "# Begin Target\n" "# Name \"" << pname << " - Win32 Debug\"\n" "# Name \"" << pname << " - Win32 Release\"\n" "# Name \"" << pname << " - Win32 MinSizeRel\"\n" "# Name \"" << pname << " - Win32 RelWithDebInfo\"\n" "# End Target\n" "# End Project\n" ; return pname; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator ::GetDocumentation(cmDocumentationEntry& entry) { entry.Name = cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator::GetActualName(); entry.Brief = "Generates Visual Studio 6 project files."; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmGlobalVisualStudio6Generator ::AppendDirectoryForConfig(const char* prefix, const char* config, const char* suffix, std::string& dir) { if(config) { dir += prefix; dir += config; dir += suffix; } }