# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Doxygen documentation batch # modified by S. Barre (Time-stamp: <2001-11-02 16:40:58 barre> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Path to several tools (_PROG to avoid the typical GZIP env var pb) # Example: # DOXYGEN_PROG=@DOXYGEN@ (INCLUDE(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindDoxygen.cmake)) # GZIP_PROG=@GZIP@ (INCLUDE(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindCygwin.cmake)) # HHC_PROG=@HHC@ (INCLUDE(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindHhc.cmake)) # MV_PROG=@MV@ (INCLUDE(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindCygwin.cmake)) # PERL_PROG=@PERL@ (INCLUDE(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindPerl.cmake)) # RM_PROG=@RM@ (INCLUDE(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindCygwin.cmake)) # TAR_PROG=@TAR@ (INCLUDE(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindCygwin.cmake)) # WGET_PROG=@WGET@ (INCLUDE(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindWget.cmake)) # export DOXYGEN_PROG=@DOXYGEN@ # Doxygen export GZIP_PROG=@GZIP@ # gzip (Unix-like 'gzip compressor') export HHC_PROG=@HHC@ # HTML Help Compiler export MV_PROG=@MV@ # mv (Unix-like 'move/rename files') export PERL_PROG=@PERL@ # Perl export RM_PROG=@RM@ # rm (Unix-like 'remove files') export TAR_PROG=@TAR@ # tar (Unix-like 'archiver') export WGET_PROG=@WGET@ # wget (remote file retrieval) # PROJECT_NAME: # Documentation/project name. Used in some of the resulting file names and # xrefs to uniquify two or more projects linked together through their # Doxygen's tag files. Mandatory for each documentation set. # Note: might be the same as the doxyfile's PROJECT_NAME # Example: # PROJECT_NAME=VTK # export PROJECT_NAME=CMake # SOURCE_DIR: # Source directory. The top directory of the source files. # Example: # SOURCE_DIR=@VTK_SOURCE_DIR@ # export SOURCE_DIR=@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@ # REL_PATH_TO_TOP: # Relative path from the top directory of the source files to the directory # (or top directory) holding the files to document. Useful if several parts # of the same source directory should be documented separately. # Example: # REL_PATH_TO_TOP=. # REL_PATH_TO_TOP=framework/src # export REL_PATH_TO_TOP=Source # INTERMEDIATE_DOX_DIR: # Directory where the intermediate Doxygen files should be stored (mainly # these headers files converted from the VTK format to the Doxygen format). # This directory is erased at the end of this script, unless you comment # the corresponding line. # DOXTEMP might be used to simplify the syntax. # Example: # DOXTEMP=DOXTEMP=@VTK_BINARY_DIR@/Utilities/Doxygen # INTERMEDIATE_DOX_DIR=$DOXTEMP/dox # export DOXTEMP=@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/Utilities/Doxygen export INTERMEDIATE_DOX_DIR=$DOXTEMP/dox # DOXYFILE: # Path to the Doxygen configuration file (i.e. doxyfile). # Example: # DOXYFILE=$DOXTEMP/doxyfile # export DOXYFILE=$DOXTEMP/doxyfile # OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ALLOW_ERASE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: # Path to the Doxygen output directory (where the resulting doc is stored). # Note: should be the same as your doxyfile's OUTPUT_DIRECTORY # If ON, allows the output directory to be erased when some advanced output # file have been produced (HTML Help for example). # Example: # OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=$DOXTEMP/doc # ALLOW_ERASE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=ON # export OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=$DOXTEMP/doc export ALLOW_ERASE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=ON # COMPILE_HTML_HELP RESULTING_HTML_HELP_FILE: # Compile the CHM (Compressed HTML) HTML Help file, name of the resulting # file. If set to ON and name is non-empty these options will actually # trigger the HTML-Help compiler to create the CHM. The resulting # file (usually index.chm) will be renamed to this name. # Note: if ON, the whole $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY will be erased at the end of # this script, since this file is considered to be one of the # advanced final output, unless ALLOW_ERASE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY is OFF # Note: your doxyfile should be configured to enable HTML Help creation # (using GENERATE_HTML = YES, GENERATE_HTMLHELP = YES) # Example: # COMPILE_HTML_HELP=ON # COMPILE_HTML_HELP=@DOCUMENTATION_HTML_HELP@ # RESULTING_HTML_HELP_FILE=$DOXTEMP/vtk4.chm # RESULTING_HTML_HELP_FILE=$DOXTEMP/$PROJECT_NAME.chm # export COMPILE_HTML_HELP=@DOCUMENTATION_HTML_HELP@ export RESULTING_HTML_HELP_FILE=$DOXTEMP/$PROJECT_NAME.chm # CREATE_HTML_TARZ_ARCHIVE RESULTING_HTML_TARZ_ARCHIVE_FILE: # Create a compressed (gzip) tar archive of the html directory (located # under the OUTPUT_DIRECTORY), and name of the resulting archive file. # Note: your doxyfile should be configured to enable HTML creation # (using GENERATE_HTML = YES) # Example: # CREATE_HTML_TARZ_ARCHIVE=ON # CREATE_HTML_TARZ_ARCHIVE=@DOCUMENTATION_HTML_TARZ@ # RESULTING_HTML_TARZ_ARCHIVE_FILE=$DOXTEMP/vtk4-html.tar.gz # RESULTING_HTML_TARZ_ARCHIVE_FILE=$DOXTEMP/$PROJECT_NAME-html.tar.gz # export CREATE_HTML_TARZ_ARCHIVE=@DOCUMENTATION_HTML_TARZ@ export RESULTING_HTML_TARZ_ARCHIVE_FILE=$DOXTEMP/$PROJECT_NAME-html.tar.gz # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the Doxygen doc. if test "x$DOXYGEN_PROG" != "xNOTFOUND" ; then if test "x$RM_PROG" != "xNOTFOUND" ; then $RM_PROG -fr $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY fi $DOXYGEN_PROG $DOXYFILE fi # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the CHM HTML HELP doc. if test "x$COMPILE_HTML_HELP" == "xON" ; then if test "x$RESULTING_HTML_HELP_FILE" != "x" ; then cd $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY/html if test "x$HHC_PROG" != "xNOTFOUND" ; then $HHC_PROG index.hhp if test "x$MV_PROG" != "xNOTFOUND" ; then $MV_PROG -f index.chm $RESULTING_HTML_HELP_FILE fi fi fi fi # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the compressed tar archive. if test "x$CREATE_HTML_TARZ_ARCHIVE" == "xON" ; then if test "x$RESULTING_HTML_TARZ_ARCHIVE_FILE" != "x" ; then cd $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY if test "x$TAR_PROG" != "xNOTFOUND" ; then if test "x$RM_PROG" != "xNOTFOUND" ; then $RM_PROG -f html.tar fi $TAR_PROG -cf html.tar html if test "x$GZIP_PROG" != "xNOTFOUND" ; then if test "x$RM_PROG" != "xNOTFOUND" ; then $RM_PROG -f html.tar.gz fi $GZIP_PROG html.tar $MV_PROG -f html.tar.gz $RESULTING_HTML_TARZ_ARCHIVE_FILE fi fi fi fi # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clean-up. if test "x$RM_PROG" != "xNOTFOUND" ; then if test "x$DOWNLOAD_VTK_TAGFILE" == "xON" ; then if test "x$VTK_TAGFILE" != "x" ; then $RM_PROG -f $VTK_TAGFILE_DEST_DIR/$VTK_TAGFILE fi fi if test "x$COMPILE_HTML_HELP" == "xON" ; then if test "x$RESULTING_HTML_HELP_FILE" != "x" ; then if test "x$ALLOW_ERASE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY" == "xON" ; then $RM_PROG -fr $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY fi fi fi fi