cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8) project(FortranOnly Fortran) message("CTEST_FULL_OUTPUT ") # create a library with hello and world functions add_library(FortranOnlylib hello.f world.f) set_property(TARGET FortranOnlylib PROPERTY Fortran_FORMAT FIXED) set_property(SOURCE world.f PROPERTY Fortran_FORMAT FREE) # create an executable that calls hello and world add_executable(FortranOnly1 testf.f) set_property(TARGET FortranOnly1 PROPERTY OUTPUT_NAME FortranOnly) target_link_libraries(FortranOnly1 FortranOnlylib) # create a custom command that runs FortranOnly1 and puts # the output into the file testfhello.txt add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${FortranOnly_BINARY_DIR}/testfhello.txt COMMAND FortranOnly1 > testfhello.txt) # create a second executable FortranOnly2 that has # testfhello.txt has an source file so that it will # run the above custom command. add_executable(FortranOnly2 testfhello.txt testf.f) target_link_libraries(FortranOnly2 FortranOnlylib) # create a custom target to check the content of testfhello.txt # by running the cmake script checktestf2.cmake add_custom_target(checktestf2 ALL COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${FortranOnly_SOURCE_DIR}/checktestf2.cmake) # create a custom target that runs FortranOnly1 exectuable and creates # a file out.txt that should have hello world in it. add_custom_target(sayhello ALL COMMAND FortranOnly1 > out.txt ) # make sure stuff is built in the right order add_dependencies(checktestf2 FortranOnly2) add_dependencies(sayhello FortranOnly1) add_dependencies(FortranOnly2 FortranOnly1) # add a custom target that checkes that out.txt has the correct # content add_custom_target(checksayhello ALL COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${FortranOnly_SOURCE_DIR}/checksayhello.cmake ) add_dependencies(checksayhello sayhello) # Exclude this test on IBM XL for now because the check strangely # fails with 'ld: 0706-029 Use a number with the -H flag'. if(NOT CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL XL) set(err_log ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log) file(REMOVE "${err_log}") include(CheckFortranSourceCompiles) unset(HAVE_PRINT CACHE) CHECK_Fortran_SOURCE_COMPILES([[ PROGRAM TEST_HAVE_PRINT PRINT *, 'Hello' END ]] HAVE_PRINT) if(NOT HAVE_PRINT) if(EXISTS "${err_log}") file(READ "${err_log}" err) endif() string(REPLACE "\n" "\n " err " ${err}") message(SEND_ERROR "CHECK_Fortran_SOURCE_COMPILES for HAVE_PRINT failed:\n" "${err}") endif() endif()