cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.7.20090711) project(Export C CXX) # Pretend that RelWithDebInfo should link to debug libraries to test # the DEBUG_CONFIGURATIONS property. set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY DEBUG_CONFIGURATIONS Debug RelWithDebInfo) add_library(testExe1lib STATIC testExe1lib.c) # not exported add_executable(testExe1 testExe1.c) target_link_libraries(testExe1 testExe1lib) set_property(TARGET testExe1 PROPERTY VERSION 4) add_library(testExe2libImp SHARED testExe2libImp.c) set_property(TARGET testExe2libImp PROPERTY LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY impl) add_library(testExe2lib SHARED testExe2lib.c) target_link_libraries(testExe2lib testExe2libImp) set_property(TARGET testExe2lib PROPERTY LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES "") add_executable(testExe2 testExe2.c) set_property(TARGET testExe2 PROPERTY ENABLE_EXPORTS 1) set_property(TARGET testExe2 PROPERTY LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES testExe2lib) add_library(testLib1 STATIC testLib1.c) add_library(testLib2 STATIC testLib2.c) target_link_libraries(testLib2 testLib1) add_library(testLib3Imp SHARED testLib3Imp.c) set_property(TARGET testLib3Imp PROPERTY LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY impl) add_library(testLib3 SHARED testLib3.c) target_link_libraries(testLib3 testLib3Imp) set_property(TARGET testLib3 PROPERTY LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES "") set_property(TARGET testLib3 PROPERTY VERSION 1.2) set_property(TARGET testLib3 PROPERTY SOVERSION 3) # Test <ARCHIVE|LIBRARY|RUNTIME>_OUTPUT_NAME[_<CONFIG>] properties. set_property(TARGET testLib3 PROPERTY RUNTIME_OUTPUT_NAME_DEBUG testLib3dll-d) set_property(TARGET testLib3 PROPERTY RUNTIME_OUTPUT_NAME_RELEASE testLib3dll-r) set_property(TARGET testLib3 PROPERTY RUNTIME_OUTPUT_NAME testLib3dll) set_property(TARGET testLib3 PROPERTY LIBRARY_OUTPUT_NAME_DEBUG testLib3lib-d) set_property(TARGET testLib3 PROPERTY LIBRARY_OUTPUT_NAME_RELEASE testLib3lib-r) set_property(TARGET testLib3 PROPERTY LIBRARY_OUTPUT_NAME testLib3lib) set_property(TARGET testLib3 PROPERTY ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_NAME testLib3import) add_library(testLib4 SHARED testLib4.c) set_property(TARGET testLib4 PROPERTY FRAMEWORK 1) add_library(testLib5 SHARED testLib5.c) add_library(testLib6 STATIC testLib6.cxx testLib6c.c) # Work-around: Visual Studio 6 does not support per-target object files. set(VS6) if("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "Visual Studio 6") set(VS6 1) endif("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "Visual Studio 6") # Test using the target_link_libraries command to set the # LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES* properties. We construct two libraries # providing the same two symbols. In each library one of the symbols # will work and the other one will fail to link. The import part of # this test will try to use the symbol corresponding to the # configuration in which it is built. If the proper library is not # used via the link interface the import test will fail to link. add_library(testLib4lib STATIC testLib4lib.c) add_library(testLib4libdbg STATIC testLib4libopt.c testLib4libdbg${VS6}.c) add_library(testLib4libopt STATIC testLib4libdbg.c testLib4libopt${VS6}.c) set_property(TARGET testLib4libdbg PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS LIB_DBG) set_property(TARGET testLib4libopt PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS LIB_OPT) target_link_libraries(testLib4 LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES testLib4lib debug testLib4libdbg optimized testLib4libopt ) add_executable(testExe3 testExe3.c) set_property(TARGET testExe3 PROPERTY MACOSX_BUNDLE 1) # Install and export from install tree. install( TARGETS testExe1 testLib1 testLib2 testExe2 testLib3 testLib4 testExe3 testExe2lib testLib4lib testLib4libdbg testLib4libopt testLib6 EXPORT exp RUNTIME DESTINATION bin LIBRARY DESTINATION lib NAMELINK_SKIP ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib FRAMEWORK DESTINATION Frameworks BUNDLE DESTINATION Applications ) install( TARGETS testExe2libImp testLib3Imp EXPORT exp RUNTIME DESTINATION bin LIBRARY DESTINATION lib/impl ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib/impl ) install( TARGETS testLib5 EXPORT exp # Leave out RUNTIME DESTINATION to test implib-only export. LIBRARY DESTINATION lib ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib ) install(EXPORT exp NAMESPACE exp_ DESTINATION lib/exp) # Install testLib5.dll outside the export. if(WIN32) install(TARGETS testLib5 RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) endif(WIN32) # Export from build tree. export(TARGETS testExe1 testLib1 testLib2 testLib3 testExe2libImp testLib3Imp NAMESPACE bld_ FILE ExportBuildTree.cmake ) export(TARGETS testExe2 testLib4 testLib5 testLib6 testExe3 testExe2lib testLib4lib testLib4libdbg testLib4libopt NAMESPACE bld_ APPEND FILE ExportBuildTree.cmake )