IF(NOT RUN_FROM_CTEST_OR_DART) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Do not incldue CTestTargets.cmake directly") ENDIF(NOT RUN_FROM_CTEST_OR_DART) # make directories in the binary tree FILE(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Testing/Temporary) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(CMAKE_HOST_PATH ${CMAKE_COMMAND} PATH) SET(CMAKE_TARGET_PATH ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}) FIND_PROGRAM(CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND ctest ${CMAKE_HOST_PATH} ${CMAKE_TARGET_PATH}) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND) # Use CTest # configure files IF(CTEST_NEW_FORMAT) CONFIGURE_FILE( ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/DartConfiguration.tcl.in ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/CTestConfiguration.ini ) ELSE(CTEST_NEW_FORMAT) CONFIGURE_FILE( ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/DartConfiguration.tcl.in ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/DartConfiguration.tcl ) ENDIF(CTEST_NEW_FORMAT) # # Section 3: # # Custom targets to perform dashboard builds and submissions. # These should NOT need to be modified from project to project. # SET(__conf_types "") IF(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) # We need to pass the configuration type on the test command line. SET(__conf_types -C "${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}") ENDIF(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) # Add convenience targets. Do this at most once in case of nested # projects. DEFINE_PROPERTY(CTEST_TARGETS_ADDED GLOBAL "Internal property used by CTestTargets module." "Set by the CTestTargets module to track addition of testing targets." FALSE) GET_PROPERTY(_CTEST_TARGETS_ADDED GLOBAL PROPERTY CTEST_TARGETS_ADDED) IF(NOT _CTEST_TARGETS_ADDED) SET_PROPERTY(GLOBAL PROPERTY CTEST_TARGETS_ADDED 1) # For all generators add basic testing targets. FOREACH(mode Experimental Nightly Continuous NightlyMemoryCheck) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(${mode} ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} ${__conf_types} -D ${mode} ) ENDFOREACH(mode) # For Makefile generators add more granular targets. IF("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" MATCHES Make) # Make targets for Experimental builds FOREACH(mode Nightly Experimental Continuous) FOREACH(testtype Start Update Configure Build Test Coverage MemCheck Submit # missing purify ) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(${mode}${testtype} ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} ${__conf_types} -D ${mode}${testtype} ) ENDFOREACH(testtype) ENDFOREACH(mode) ENDIF("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" MATCHES Make) ENDIF(NOT _CTEST_TARGETS_ADDED)