#.rst: # UseSWIG # ------- # # Defines the following macros for use with SWIG: # # :: # # SWIG_ADD_MODULE(name language [ files ]) # - Define swig module with given name and specified language # SWIG_LINK_LIBRARIES(name [ libraries ]) # - Link libraries to swig module # # Source files properties on module files can be set before the invocation # of the SWIG_ADD_MODULE macro to specify special behavior of SWIG. # # The source file property CPLUSPLUS calls SWIG in c++ mode, e.g.:: # # set_property(SOURCE mymod.i PROPERTY CPLUSPLUS ON) # swig_add_module(mymod python mymod.i) # # The source file property SWIG_FLAGS adds custom flags to the SWIG executable. # # The source-file property SWIG_MODULE_NAME have to be provided to specify the actual # import name of the module in the target language if it cannot be scanned automatically # from source or different from the module file basename.:: # # set_property(SOURCE mymod.i PROPERTY SWIG_MODULE_NAME mymod_realname) # # To get the name of the swig module target library, use: ${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_REAL_NAME}. # # Also some variables can be set to specify special behavior of SWIG. # # CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS can be used to add special flags to all swig calls. # # Another special variable is CMAKE_SWIG_OUTDIR, it allows one to specify # where to write all the swig generated module (swig -outdir option) # # The name-specific variable SWIG_MODULE__EXTRA_DEPS may be used to specify extra # dependencies for the generated modules. # # If the source file generated by swig need some special flag you can use:: # # set_source_files_properties( ${swig_generated_file_fullname} # PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-bla") #============================================================================= # Copyright 2004-2009 Kitware, Inc. # Copyright 2009 Mathieu Malaterre # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) set(SWIG_CXX_EXTENSION "cxx") set(SWIG_EXTRA_LIBRARIES "") set(SWIG_PYTHON_EXTRA_FILE_EXTENSION "py") # # For given swig module initialize variables associated with it # macro(SWIG_MODULE_INITIALIZE name language) string(TOUPPER "${language}" swig_uppercase_language) string(TOLOWER "${language}" swig_lowercase_language) set(SWIG_MODULE_${name}_LANGUAGE "${swig_uppercase_language}") set(SWIG_MODULE_${name}_SWIG_LANGUAGE_FLAG "${swig_lowercase_language}") set(SWIG_MODULE_${name}_REAL_NAME "${name}") if (CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS MATCHES "-noproxy") set (SWIG_MODULE_${name}_NOPROXY TRUE) endif () if("${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_LANGUAGE}" STREQUAL "UNKNOWN") message(FATAL_ERROR "SWIG Error: Language \"${language}\" not found") elseif("${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_LANGUAGE}" STREQUAL "PYTHON" AND NOT SWIG_MODULE_${name}_NOPROXY) # swig will produce a module.py containing an 'import _modulename' statement, # which implies having a corresponding _modulename.so (*NIX), _modulename.pyd (Win32), # unless the -noproxy flag is used set(SWIG_MODULE_${name}_REAL_NAME "_${name}") elseif("${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_LANGUAGE}" STREQUAL "PERL") set(SWIG_MODULE_${name}_EXTRA_FLAGS "-shadow") elseif("${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_LANGUAGE}" STREQUAL "CSHARP") # This makes sure that the name used in the generated DllImport # matches the library name created by CMake set(SWIG_MODULE_${name}_EXTRA_FLAGS "-dllimport;${name}") endif() endmacro() # # For a given language, input file, and output file, determine extra files that # will be generated. This is internal swig macro. # macro(SWIG_GET_EXTRA_OUTPUT_FILES language outfiles generatedpath infile) set(${outfiles} "") get_source_file_property(SWIG_GET_EXTRA_OUTPUT_FILES_module_basename ${infile} SWIG_MODULE_NAME) if(SWIG_GET_EXTRA_OUTPUT_FILES_module_basename STREQUAL "NOTFOUND") # try to get module name from "%module foo" syntax if ( EXISTS ${infile} ) file ( STRINGS ${infile} _MODULE_NAME REGEX "[ ]*%module[ ]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+.*" ) endif () if ( _MODULE_NAME ) string ( REGEX REPLACE "[ ]*%module[ ]*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+).*" "\\1" _MODULE_NAME "${_MODULE_NAME}" ) set(SWIG_GET_EXTRA_OUTPUT_FILES_module_basename "${_MODULE_NAME}") else () # try to get module name from "%module (options=...) foo" syntax if ( EXISTS ${infile} ) file ( STRINGS ${infile} _MODULE_NAME REGEX "[ ]*%module[ ]*\\(.*\\)[ ]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+.*" ) endif () if ( _MODULE_NAME ) string ( REGEX REPLACE "[ ]*%module[ ]*\\(.*\\)[ ]*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+).*" "\\1" _MODULE_NAME "${_MODULE_NAME}" ) set(SWIG_GET_EXTRA_OUTPUT_FILES_module_basename "${_MODULE_NAME}") else () # fallback to file basename get_filename_component(SWIG_GET_EXTRA_OUTPUT_FILES_module_basename ${infile} NAME_WE) endif () endif () endif() foreach(it ${SWIG_${language}_EXTRA_FILE_EXTENSION}) set(${outfiles} ${${outfiles}} "${generatedpath}/${SWIG_GET_EXTRA_OUTPUT_FILES_module_basename}.${it}") endforeach() endmacro() # # Take swig (*.i) file and add proper custom commands for it # macro(SWIG_ADD_SOURCE_TO_MODULE name outfiles infile) set(swig_full_infile ${infile}) get_filename_component(swig_source_file_name_we "${infile}" NAME_WE) get_source_file_property(swig_source_file_generated ${infile} GENERATED) get_source_file_property(swig_source_file_cplusplus ${infile} CPLUSPLUS) get_source_file_property(swig_source_file_flags ${infile} SWIG_FLAGS) if("${swig_source_file_flags}" STREQUAL "NOTFOUND") set(swig_source_file_flags "") endif() get_filename_component(swig_source_file_fullname "${infile}" ABSOLUTE) # If CMAKE_SWIG_OUTDIR was specified then pass it to -outdir if(CMAKE_SWIG_OUTDIR) set(swig_outdir ${CMAKE_SWIG_OUTDIR}) else() set(swig_outdir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) endif() SWIG_GET_EXTRA_OUTPUT_FILES(${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_LANGUAGE} swig_extra_generated_files "${swig_outdir}" "${infile}") set(swig_generated_file_fullname "${swig_outdir}/${swig_source_file_name_we}") # add the language into the name of the file (i.e. TCL_wrap) # this allows for the same .i file to be wrapped into different languages set(swig_generated_file_fullname "${swig_generated_file_fullname}${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_LANGUAGE}_wrap") if(swig_source_file_cplusplus) set(swig_generated_file_fullname "${swig_generated_file_fullname}.${SWIG_CXX_EXTENSION}") else() set(swig_generated_file_fullname "${swig_generated_file_fullname}.c") endif() #message("Full path to source file: ${swig_source_file_fullname}") #message("Full path to the output file: ${swig_generated_file_fullname}") get_directory_property(cmake_include_directories INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES cmake_include_directories) set(swig_include_dirs) foreach(it ${cmake_include_directories}) set(swig_include_dirs ${swig_include_dirs} "-I${it}") endforeach() set(swig_special_flags) # default is c, so add c++ flag if it is c++ if(swig_source_file_cplusplus) set(swig_special_flags ${swig_special_flags} "-c++") endif() set(swig_extra_flags) if(SWIG_MODULE_${name}_EXTRA_FLAGS) set(swig_extra_flags ${swig_extra_flags} ${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_EXTRA_FLAGS}) endif() add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${swig_generated_file_fullname}" ${swig_extra_generated_files} # Let's create the ${swig_outdir} at execution time, in case dir contains $(OutDir) COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${swig_outdir} COMMAND "${SWIG_EXECUTABLE}" ARGS "-${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_SWIG_LANGUAGE_FLAG}" ${swig_source_file_flags} ${CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS} -outdir ${swig_outdir} ${swig_special_flags} ${swig_extra_flags} ${swig_include_dirs} -o "${swig_generated_file_fullname}" "${swig_source_file_fullname}" MAIN_DEPENDENCY "${swig_source_file_fullname}" DEPENDS ${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_EXTRA_DEPS} COMMENT "Swig source") set_source_files_properties("${swig_generated_file_fullname}" ${swig_extra_generated_files} PROPERTIES GENERATED 1) set(${outfiles} "${swig_generated_file_fullname}" ${swig_extra_generated_files}) endmacro() # # Create Swig module # macro(SWIG_ADD_MODULE name language) SWIG_MODULE_INITIALIZE(${name} ${language}) set(swig_dot_i_sources) set(swig_other_sources) foreach(it ${ARGN}) if(${it} MATCHES "\\.i$") set(swig_dot_i_sources ${swig_dot_i_sources} "${it}") else() set(swig_other_sources ${swig_other_sources} "${it}") endif() endforeach() set(swig_generated_sources) foreach(it ${swig_dot_i_sources}) SWIG_ADD_SOURCE_TO_MODULE(${name} swig_generated_source ${it}) set(swig_generated_sources ${swig_generated_sources} "${swig_generated_source}") endforeach() get_directory_property(swig_extra_clean_files ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES) set_directory_properties(PROPERTIES ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES "${swig_extra_clean_files};${swig_generated_sources}") add_library(${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_REAL_NAME} MODULE ${swig_generated_sources} ${swig_other_sources}) set_target_properties(${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_REAL_NAME} PROPERTIES NO_SONAME ON) string(TOLOWER "${language}" swig_lowercase_language) if ("${swig_lowercase_language}" STREQUAL "octave") set_target_properties(${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_REAL_NAME} PROPERTIES PREFIX "") set_target_properties(${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_REAL_NAME} PROPERTIES SUFFIX ".oct") elseif ("${swig_lowercase_language}" STREQUAL "java") if (APPLE) # In java you want: # System.loadLibrary("LIBRARY"); # then JNI will look for a library whose name is platform dependent, namely # MacOS : libLIBRARY.jnilib # Windows: LIBRARY.dll # Linux : libLIBRARY.so set_target_properties (${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_REAL_NAME} PROPERTIES SUFFIX ".jnilib") endif () elseif ("${swig_lowercase_language}" STREQUAL "python") # this is only needed for the python case where a _modulename.so is generated set_target_properties(${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_REAL_NAME} PROPERTIES PREFIX "") # Python extension modules on Windows must have the extension ".pyd" # instead of ".dll" as of Python 2.5. Older python versions do support # this suffix. # http://docs.python.org/whatsnew/ports.html#SECTION0001510000000000000000 # # Windows: .dll is no longer supported as a filename extension for extension modules. # .pyd is now the only filename extension that will be searched for. # if(WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN) set_target_properties(${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_REAL_NAME} PROPERTIES SUFFIX ".pyd") endif() elseif ("${swig_lowercase_language}" STREQUAL "ruby") # In ruby you want: # require 'LIBRARY' # then ruby will look for a library whose name is platform dependent, namely # MacOS : LIBRARY.bundle # Windows: LIBRARY.dll # Linux : LIBRARY.so set_target_properties (${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_REAL_NAME} PROPERTIES PREFIX "") if (APPLE) set_target_properties (${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_REAL_NAME} PROPERTIES SUFFIX ".bundle") endif () endif () endmacro() # # Like TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES but for swig modules # macro(SWIG_LINK_LIBRARIES name) if(SWIG_MODULE_${name}_REAL_NAME) target_link_libraries(${SWIG_MODULE_${name}_REAL_NAME} ${ARGN}) else() message(SEND_ERROR "Cannot find Swig library \"${name}\".") endif() endmacro()