# # ---- Find Squish # This module can be used to find Squish (currently support is aimed at version 3). # # ---- Variables and Macros # SQUISH_FOUND If false, don't try to use Squish # # SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR The Squish installation directory (containing bin, lib, etc) # SQUISH_SERVER_EXECUTABLE The squishserver executable # SQUISH_CLIENT_EXECUTABLE The squishrunner executable # # SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR_FOUND Was the install directory found? # SQUISH_SERVER_EXECUTABLE_FOUND Was the server executable found? # SQUISH_CLIENT_EXECUTABLE_FOUND Was the client executable found? # # macro SQUISH_ADD_TEST(testName applicationUnderTest testSuite testCase) # # ---- Typical Use # enable_testing() # find_package(Squish) # if (SQUISH_FOUND) # SQUISH_ADD_TEST(myTestName myApplication testSuiteName testCaseName) # endif () # #============================================================================= # Copyright 2008-2009 Kitware, Inc. # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) set(SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR_STRING "Directory containing the bin, doc, and lib directories for Squish; this should be the root of the installation directory.") set(SQUISH_SERVER_EXECUTABLE_STRING "The squishserver executable program.") set(SQUISH_CLIENT_EXECUTABLE_STRING "The squishclient executable program.") # Search only if the location is not already known. if(NOT SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR) # Get the system search path as a list. file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{PATH}" SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR_SEARCH2) # Construct a set of paths relative to the system search path. set(SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR_SEARCH "") foreach(dir ${SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR_SEARCH2}) set(SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR_SEARCH ${SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR_SEARCH} "${dir}/../lib/fltk") endforeach() string(REPLACE "//" "/" SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR_SEARCH "${SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR_SEARCH}") # Look for an installation find_path(SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR bin/squishrunner # Look for an environment variable SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR. $ENV{SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR} # Look in places relative to the system executable search path. ${SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR_SEARCH} # Look in standard UNIX install locations. #/usr/local/squish DOC "The ${SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR_STRING}" ) endif() # search for the executables if(SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR) set(SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR_FOUND 1) # find the client program if(NOT SQUISH_CLIENT_EXECUTABLE) find_program(SQUISH_CLIENT_EXECUTABLE ${SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/squishrunner DOC "The ${SQUISH_CLIENT_EXECUTABLE_STRING}") endif() # find the server program if(NOT SQUISH_SERVER_EXECUTABLE) find_program(SQUISH_SERVER_EXECUTABLE ${SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/squishserver DOC "The ${SQUISH_SERVER_EXECUTABLE_STRING}") endif() else() set(SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR_FOUND 0) endif() # record if executables are set if(SQUISH_CLIENT_EXECUTABLE) set(SQUISH_CLIENT_EXECUTABLE_FOUND 1) else() set(SQUISH_CLIENT_EXECUTABLE_FOUND 0) endif() if(SQUISH_SERVER_EXECUTABLE) set(SQUISH_SERVER_EXECUTABLE_FOUND 1) else() set(SQUISH_SERVER_EXECUTABLE_FOUND 0) endif() # record if Squish was found set(SQUISH_FOUND 1) foreach(var SQUISH_INSTALL_DIR_FOUND SQUISH_CLIENT_EXECUTABLE_FOUND SQUISH_SERVER_EXECUTABLE_FOUND) if(NOT ${var}) set(SQUISH_FOUND 0) endif() endforeach() macro(SQUISH_ADD_TEST testName testAUT testCase envVars testWraper) add_test(${testName} ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -V -VV "-Dsquish_aut:STRING=${testAUT}" "-Dsquish_server_executable:STRING=${SQUISH_SERVER_EXECUTABLE}" "-Dsquish_client_executable:STRING=${SQUISH_CLIENT_EXECUTABLE}" "-Dsquish_libqtdir:STRING=${QT_LIBRARY_DIR}" "-Dsquish_test_case:STRING=${testCase}" "-Dsquish_env_vars:STRING=${envVars}" "-Dsquish_wrapper:STRING=${testWraper}" -P "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/SquishTestScript.cmake" ) set_tests_properties(${testName} PROPERTIES FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "FAILED;ERROR;FATAL" ) endmacro()