#include "cmTestConfigure.h" #include "cmTestConfigureEscape.h" #include "cmTestGeneratedHeader.h" #include "cmVersion.h" #include "ExtraSources/file1.h" #include "file2.h" #include "sharedFile.h" extern "C" { #include "testConly.h" } #include "cmStandardIncludes.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmDynamicLoader.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmOrderLinkDirectories.h" #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" int cm_passed = 0; int cm_failed = 0; #ifndef CMAKE_IS_REALLY_FUN This is a problem. Looks like ADD_DEFINITIONS and REMOVE_DEFINITIONS does not work #endif // Here is a stupid function that tries to use std::string methods // so that the dec cxx compiler will instantiate the stuff that // we are using from the CMakeLib library.... bool TestLibraryOrder(bool shouldFail) { std::string Adir = std::string(BINARY_DIR) + std::string("/A"); std::string Bdir = std::string(BINARY_DIR) + std::string("/B"); std::string Cdir = std::string(BINARY_DIR) + std::string("/C"); if(!shouldFail) { std::string rm = Bdir; rm += "/libA.a"; cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(rm.c_str()); } cmTarget target; target.AddLinkDirectory(Adir.c_str()); target.AddLinkDirectory(Bdir.c_str()); target.AddLinkDirectory(Cdir.c_str()); target.AddLinkDirectory("/lib/extra/stuff"); Adir += "/libA.a"; Bdir += "/libB.a"; Cdir += "/libC.a"; target.AddLinkLibrary(Adir.c_str(), cmTarget::GENERAL); target.AddLinkLibrary(Bdir.c_str(), cmTarget::GENERAL); target.AddLinkLibrary(Cdir.c_str(), cmTarget::GENERAL); target.AddLinkLibrary("-lm", cmTarget::GENERAL); std::vector sortedpaths; std::vector linkItems; cmOrderLinkDirectories orderLibs; orderLibs.DebugOn(); orderLibs.AddLinkExtension(".so"); orderLibs.AddLinkExtension(".a"); orderLibs.SetLinkInformation(target, cmTarget::GENERAL, "A"); bool ret = orderLibs.DetermineLibraryPathOrder(); orderLibs.GetLinkerInformation(sortedpaths, linkItems); std::cout << "Sorted Link Paths:\n"; for(std::vector::iterator i = sortedpaths.begin(); i != sortedpaths.end(); ++i) { std::cout << *i << "\n"; } std::cout << "Link Items: \n"; for(std::vector::iterator i = linkItems.begin(); i != linkItems.end(); ++i) { std::cout << *i << "\n"; } if(!(linkItems[0] == "A" && linkItems[1] == "B" && linkItems[2] == "C" && linkItems[3] == "-lm" )) { std::cout << "fail because link items should be A B C -lm and the are not\n"; return shouldFail; } // if this is not the fail test then the order should be f B C A if(!shouldFail) { char order[5]; order[4] = 0; for(int i =0; i < 4; ++i) { order[i] = sortedpaths[i][sortedpaths[i].size()-1]; } if(!(strcmp(order, "fBCA") == 0 || strcmp(order, "BCAf") == 0)) { std::cout << "fail because order should be /lib/extra/stuff B C A and it is not\n"; return false; } } return ret; } void ForceStringUse() { std::vector v; std::vector v2; v = v2; std::string cachetest = CACHE_TEST_VAR_INTERNAL; v.push_back(cachetest); v2 = v; std::string x(5,'x'); char buff[5]; x.copy(buff, 1, 0); x[0] = 'a'; std::string::size_type pos = 0; x.replace(pos, pos, pos, 'x'); std::string copy = cachetest; cachetest.find("bar"); cachetest.rfind("bar"); copy.append(cachetest); copy = cachetest.substr(0, cachetest.size()); } // ====================================================================== void cmFailed(const char* Message, const char* m2= "", const char* m3 = "") { std::cout << "FAILED: " << Message << m2 << m3 << "\n"; cm_failed++; } // ====================================================================== void cmPassed(const char* Message, const char* m2="") { std::cout << "Passed: " << Message << m2 << "\n"; cm_passed++; } // ====================================================================== void TestAndRemoveFile(const char* filename) { if (!cmSystemTools::FileExists(filename)) { cmFailed("Could not find file: ", filename); } else { if (!cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(filename)) { cmFailed("Unable to remove file. It does not imply that this test failed, but it *will* be corrupted thereafter if this file is not removed: ", filename); } else { cmPassed("Find and remove file: ", filename); } } } // ====================================================================== void TestDir(const char* filename) { if (!cmSystemTools::FileExists(filename)) { cmFailed("Could not find dir: ", filename); } else { if (!cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(filename)) { cmFailed("Unable to check if file is a directory: ", filename); } else { cmPassed("Find dir: ", filename); } } } // ====================================================================== void TestCMGeneratedFileSTream() { cmGeneratedFileStream gm; std::string file1 = std::string(BINARY_DIR) + std::string("/generatedFile1"); std::string file2 = std::string(BINARY_DIR) + std::string("/generatedFile2"); std::string file3 = std::string(BINARY_DIR) + std::string("/generatedFile3"); std::string file4 = std::string(BINARY_DIR) + std::string("/generatedFile4"); std::string file1tmp = file1 + ".tmp"; std::string file2tmp = file2 + ".tmp"; std::string file3tmp = file3 + ".tmp"; std::string file4tmp = file4 + ".tmp"; gm.Open(file1.c_str()); gm << "This is generated file 1"; gm.Close(); gm.Open(file2.c_str()); gm << "This is generated file 2"; gm.Close(); gm.Open(file3.c_str()); gm << "This is generated file 3"; gm.Close(); gm.Open(file4.c_str()); gm << "This is generated file 4"; gm.Close(); if ( cmSystemTools::FileExists(file1.c_str()) ) { if ( cmSystemTools::FileExists(file2.c_str()) ) { if ( cmSystemTools::FileExists(file3.c_str()) ) { if ( cmSystemTools::FileExists(file4.c_str()) ) { if ( cmSystemTools::FileExists(file1tmp.c_str()) ) { cmFailed("Something wrong with cmGeneratedFileStream. Temporary file is still here: ", file1tmp.c_str()); } else if ( cmSystemTools::FileExists(file2tmp.c_str()) ) { cmFailed("Something wrong with cmGeneratedFileStream. Temporary file is still here: ", file2tmp.c_str()); } else if ( cmSystemTools::FileExists(file3tmp.c_str()) ) { cmFailed("Something wrong with cmGeneratedFileStream. Temporary file is still here: ", file3tmp.c_str()); } else if ( cmSystemTools::FileExists(file4tmp.c_str()) ) { cmFailed("Something wrong with cmGeneratedFileStream. Temporary file is still here: ", file4tmp.c_str()); } else { cmPassed("cmGeneratedFileStream works."); } } else { cmFailed("Something wrong with cmGeneratedFileStream. Cannot find file: ", file4.c_str()); } } else { cmFailed("Something wrong with cmGeneratedFileStream. Found file: ", file3.c_str()); } } else { cmFailed("Something wrong with cmGeneratedFileStream. Cannot find file: ", file2.c_str()); } } else { cmFailed("Something wrong with cmGeneratedFileStream. Cannot find file: ", file1.c_str()); } cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(file1.c_str()); cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(file2.c_str()); cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(file3.c_str()); cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(file1tmp.c_str()); cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(file2tmp.c_str()); cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(file3tmp.c_str()); } // ====================================================================== int main() { std::string lib = BINARY_DIR; lib += "/bin/"; #ifdef CMAKE_INTDIR lib += CMAKE_INTDIR; lib += "/"; #endif std::string exe = lib; // Test a single character executable to test a: in makefiles exe += "A"; exe += cmSystemTools::GetExecutableExtension(); int ret; std::string errorMessage; exe = cmSystemTools::ConvertToRunCommandPath(exe.c_str()); if(cmSystemTools::RunSingleCommand(exe.c_str(), 0, &ret)) { if(ret != 10) { errorMessage += exe; errorMessage += " did not return 10"; } } else { errorMessage += exe; errorMessage += ": failed to run."; } if(errorMessage.size()) { cmFailed(errorMessage.c_str()); } else { cmPassed("run Single Character executable A returned 10 as expected."); } lib += cmDynamicLoader::LibPrefix(); lib += "CMakeTestModule"; lib += cmDynamicLoader::LibExtension(); cmLibHandle handle = cmDynamicLoader::OpenLibrary(lib.c_str()); if(!handle) { std::string err = "Can not open CMakeTestModule:\n"; err += lib; cmFailed(err.c_str()); } else { cmDynamicLoaderFunction fun = cmDynamicLoader::GetSymbolAddress(handle, "ModuleFunction"); if(!fun) { fun = cmDynamicLoader::GetSymbolAddress(handle, "_ModuleFunction"); } typedef int (*TEST_FUNCTION)(); TEST_FUNCTION testFun = (TEST_FUNCTION)fun; if(!testFun) { cmFailed("Could not find symbol ModuleFunction in library "); } else { int ret = (*testFun)(); if(!ret) { cmFailed("ModuleFunction call did not return valid return."); } cmPassed("Module loaded and ModuleFunction called correctly."); } } if(sharedFunction() != 1) { cmFailed("Call to sharedFunction from shared library failed."); } else { cmPassed("Call to sharedFunction from shared library worked."); } if(CsharedFunction() != 1) { cmFailed("Call to C sharedFunction from shared library failed."); } else { cmPassed("Call to C sharedFunction from shared library worked."); } if(file1() != 1) { cmFailed("Call to file1 function from library failed."); } else { cmPassed("Call to file1 function returned 1."); } if(file2() != 1) { cmFailed("Call to file2 function from library failed."); } else { cmPassed("Call to file2 function returned 1."); } #ifndef TEST_CXX_FLAGS cmFailed("CMake CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS is not being passed to the compiler!"); #else cmPassed("CMake CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS is being passed to the compiler."); #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test ADD_DEFINITIONS #ifndef CMAKE_IS_FUN cmFailed("CMake is not fun, so it is broken and should be fixed."); #else cmPassed("CMAKE_IS_FUN is defined."); #endif #if defined(CMAKE_ARGV1) && defined(CMAKE_ARGV2) && defined(CMAKE_ARGV3) && defined(CMAKE_ARGV4) cmPassed("Variable args for MACROs are working."); #else cmFailed("Variable args for MACROs are failing."); #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test SET, VARIABLE_REQUIRES #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED is defined."); #endif #ifndef ONE_VAR cmFailed("cmakedefine is broken, ONE_VAR is not defined."); #else cmPassed("ONE_VAR is defined."); #endif #ifndef ONE_VAR_IS_DEFINED cmFailed("cmakedefine, SET or VARIABLE_REQUIRES is broken, " "ONE_VAR_IS_DEFINED is not defined."); #else cmPassed("ONE_VAR_IS_DEFINED is defined."); #endif #ifdef ZERO_VAR cmFailed("cmakedefine is broken, ZERO_VAR is defined."); #else cmPassed("ZERO_VAR is not defined."); #endif #ifndef STRING_VAR cmFailed("the CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, STRING_VAR is not defined."); #else if(strcmp(STRING_VAR, "CMake is great") != 0) { cmFailed("the SET or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken. STRING_VAR == ", STRING_VAR); } else { cmPassed("STRING_VAR == ", STRING_VAR); } #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test various IF/ELSE combinations #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_NOT cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_NOT is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_NOT is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_NOT cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_NOT is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_NOT is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_NOT2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_NOT2 is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_NOT2 is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_NOT2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_NOT2 is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_NOT2 is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_AND cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_AND is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_AND is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_AND cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_AND is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_AND is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_AND2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_AND2 is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_AND2 is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_AND2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_AND2 is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_AND2 is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_OR cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_OR is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_OR is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_OR cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_OR is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_OR is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_OR2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_OR2 is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_OR2 is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_OR2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_OR2 is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_OR2 is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_MATCHES cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_MATCHES is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_MATCHES is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_MATCHES cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_MATCHES is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_MATCHES is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_MATCHES2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_MATCHES2 is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_MATCHES2 is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_MATCHES2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_MATCHES2 is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_MATCHES2 is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_COMMAND cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_COMMAND is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_COMMAND is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_COMMAND cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_COMMAND is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_COMMAND is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_COMMAND2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_COMMAND2 is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_COMMAND2 is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_COMMAND2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_COMMAND2 is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_COMMAND2 is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_EXISTS cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_EXISTS is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_EXISTS is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_EXISTS cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_EXISTS is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_EXISTS is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_EXISTS2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_EXISTS2 is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_EXISTS2 is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_EXISTS2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_EXISTS2 is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_EXISTS2 is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_LESS cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_LESS is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_LESS is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_LESS cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_LESS is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_LESS is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_LESS2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_LESS2 is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_LESS2 is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_LESS2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_LESS2 is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_LESS2 is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_GREATER cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_GREATER is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_GREATER is not defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_EQUAL cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_EQUAL is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_EQUAL is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_EQUAL cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_EQUAL is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_EQUAL is defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_GREATER cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_GREATER is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_GREATER is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_GREATER2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_GREATER2 is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_GREATER2 is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_GREATER2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_GREATER2 is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_GREATER2 is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_STRLESS cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_STRLESS is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_STRLESS is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_STRLESS cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_STRLESS is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_STRLESS is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_STRLESS2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_STRLESS2 is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_STRLESS2 is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_STRLESS2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_STRLESS2 is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_STRLESS2 is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_STRGREATER cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_STRGREATER is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_STRGREATER is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_STRGREATER cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_STRGREATER is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_STRGREATER is defined."); #endif #ifdef SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_STRGREATER2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_STRGREATER2 is defined."); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEFINED_STRGREATER2 is not defined."); #endif #ifndef SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_STRGREATER2 cmFailed("IF or SET is broken, SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_STRGREATER2 is not defined.\n"); #else cmPassed("SHOULD_BE_DEFINED_STRGREATER2 is defined."); #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test FOREACH #ifndef FOREACH_VAR1 cmFailed("the FOREACH, SET or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, " "FOREACH_VAR1 is not defined."); #else if(strcmp(FOREACH_VAR1, "VALUE1") != 0) { cmFailed("the FOREACH, SET or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, " "FOREACH_VAR1 == ", FOREACH_VAR1); } else { cmPassed("FOREACH_VAR1 == ", FOREACH_VAR1); } #endif #ifndef FOREACH_VAR2 cmFailed("the FOREACH, SET or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, " "FOREACH_VAR2 is not defined."); #else if(strcmp(FOREACH_VAR2, "VALUE2") != 0) { cmFailed("the FOREACH, SET or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, " "FOREACH_VAR2 == ", FOREACH_VAR2); } else { cmPassed("FOREACH_VAR2 == ", FOREACH_VAR2); } #endif #ifndef FOREACH_CONCAT cmFailed("the FOREACH, SET or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, " "FOREACH_CONCAT is not defined."); #else if(strcmp(FOREACH_CONCAT, "abcdefg") != 0) { cmFailed("the FOREACH, SET or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, " "FOREACH_CONCAT == ", FOREACH_CONCAT); } else { cmPassed("FOREACH_CONCAT == ", FOREACH_CONCAT); } #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test WHILE if(WHILE_VALUE != 1000) { cmFailed("WHILE command is not working"); } else { cmPassed("WHILE command is working"); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test FIND_FILE, FIND_PATH and various GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT combinations #ifndef FILENAME_VAR_PATH_NAME cmFailed("the FIND_FILE or GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT command is broken, " "FILENAME_VAR_PATH_NAME is not defined."); #else if((strcmp(FILENAME_VAR_PATH_NAME, "Complex") == 0) || (strcmp(FILENAME_VAR_PATH_NAME, "ComplexOneConfig") == 0) || (strcmp(FILENAME_VAR_PATH_NAME, "ComplexRelativePaths") == 0)) { cmPassed("FILENAME_VAR_PATH_NAME == ", FILENAME_VAR_PATH_NAME); } else { cmFailed("the FIND_FILE or GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT command is broken, " "FILENAME_VAR_PATH_NAME == ", FILENAME_VAR_PATH_NAME); } #endif #ifndef FILENAME_VAR_NAME cmFailed("the FIND_FILE or GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT command is broken, " "FILENAME_VAR_NAME is not defined."); #else if(strcmp(FILENAME_VAR_NAME, "VarTests.cmake") != 0) { cmFailed("the FIND_FILE or GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT command is broken, " "FILENAME_VAR_NAME == ", FILENAME_VAR_NAME); } else { cmPassed("FILENAME_VAR_NAME == ", FILENAME_VAR_NAME); } #endif #ifndef FILENAME_VAR_EXT cmFailed("the FIND_FILE or GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT command is broken, " "FILENAME_VAR_EXT is not defined."); #else if(strcmp(FILENAME_VAR_EXT, ".cmake") != 0) { cmFailed("the FIND_FILE or GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT command is broken, " "FILENAME_VAR_EXT == ", FILENAME_VAR_EXT); } else { cmPassed("FILENAME_VAR_EXT == ", FILENAME_VAR_EXT); } #endif #ifndef FILENAME_VAR_NAME_WE cmFailed("the FIND_FILE or GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT command is broken, " "FILENAME_VAR_NAME_WE is not defined."); #else if(strcmp(FILENAME_VAR_NAME_WE, "VarTests") != 0) { cmFailed("the FIND_FILE or GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT command is broken, " "FILENAME_VAR_NAME_WE == ", FILENAME_VAR_NAME_WE); } else { cmPassed("FILENAME_VAR_NAME_WE == ", FILENAME_VAR_NAME_WE); } #endif #ifndef PATH_VAR_NAME cmFailed("the FIND_FILE or GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT command is broken, " "PATH_VAR_NAME is not defined."); #else if((strcmp(PATH_VAR_NAME, "Complex") == 0) || (strcmp(PATH_VAR_NAME, "ComplexOneConfig") == 0) || (strcmp(PATH_VAR_NAME, "ComplexRelativePaths") == 0)) { cmPassed("PATH_VAR_NAME == ", PATH_VAR_NAME); } else { cmFailed("the FIND_FILE or GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT command is broken, " "PATH_VAR_NAME == ", PATH_VAR_NAME); } #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test LOAD_CACHE #ifndef CACHE_TEST_VAR1 cmFailed("the LOAD_CACHE or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, " "CACHE_TEST_VAR1 is not defined."); #else if(strcmp(CACHE_TEST_VAR1, "foo") != 0) { cmFailed("the LOAD_CACHE or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, " "CACHE_TEST_VAR1 == ", CACHE_TEST_VAR1); } else { cmPassed("CACHE_TEST_VAR1 == ", CACHE_TEST_VAR1); } #endif #ifndef CACHE_TEST_VAR2 cmFailed("the LOAD_CACHE or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, " "CACHE_TEST_VAR2 is not defined."); #else if(strcmp(CACHE_TEST_VAR2, "bar") != 0) { cmFailed("the LOAD_CACHE or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, " "CACHE_TEST_VAR2 == ", CACHE_TEST_VAR2); } else { cmPassed("CACHE_TEST_VAR2 == ", CACHE_TEST_VAR2); } #endif #ifndef CACHE_TEST_VAR3 cmFailed("the LOAD_CACHE or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, " "CACHE_TEST_VAR3 is not defined."); #else if(strcmp(CACHE_TEST_VAR3, "1") != 0) { cmFailed("the LOAD_CACHE or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, " "CACHE_TEST_VAR3 == ", CACHE_TEST_VAR3); } else { cmPassed("CACHE_TEST_VAR3 == ", CACHE_TEST_VAR3); } #endif #ifdef CACHE_TEST_VAR_EXCLUDED cmFailed("the LOAD_CACHE or CONFIGURE_FILE command or cmakedefine is broken, " "CACHE_TEST_VAR_EXCLUDED is defined (should not have been loaded)."); #else cmPassed("CACHE_TEST_VAR_EXCLUDED is not defined."); #endif #ifndef CACHE_TEST_VAR_INTERNAL cmFailed("the LOAD_CACHE or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, " "CACHE_TEST_VAR_INTERNAL is not defined."); #else std::string cachetest = CACHE_TEST_VAR_INTERNAL; if(cachetest != "bar") { cmFailed("the LOAD_CACHE or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, " "CACHE_TEST_VAR_INTERNAL == ", CACHE_TEST_VAR_INTERNAL); } else { cmPassed("CACHE_TEST_VAR_INTERNAL == ", CACHE_TEST_VAR_INTERNAL); } #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Some pre-build/pre-link/post-build custom-commands have been // attached to the lib (see Library/). // Each runs ${CREATE_FILE_EXE} which will create a file. // It also copies that file again using cmake -E. // Similar rules have been added to this executable. // // WARNING: if you run 'complex' manually, this *will* fail, because // the file was removed the last time 'complex' was run, and it is // only created during a build. TestAndRemoveFile(BINARY_DIR "/Library/prebuild.txt"); TestAndRemoveFile(BINARY_DIR "/Library/prelink.txt"); TestAndRemoveFile(BINARY_DIR "/Library/postbuild.txt"); TestAndRemoveFile(BINARY_DIR "/Library/postbuild2.txt"); TestAndRemoveFile(BINARY_DIR "/Executable/prebuild.txt"); TestAndRemoveFile(BINARY_DIR "/Executable/prelink.txt"); TestAndRemoveFile(BINARY_DIR "/Executable/postbuild.txt"); TestAndRemoveFile(BINARY_DIR "/Executable/postbuild2.txt"); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // A custom target has been created (see Library/). // It runs ${CREATE_FILE_EXE} which will create a file. // // WARNING: if you run 'complex' manually, this *will* fail, because // the file was removed the last time 'complex' was run, and it is // only created during a build. TestAndRemoveFile(BINARY_DIR "/Library/custom_target1.txt"); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // A directory has been created. TestDir(BINARY_DIR "/make_dir"); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test OUTPUT_REQUIRED_FILES // The files required by 'complex' have been output to a file. // The contents of this file is not tested (absolute paths). // // WARNING: if you run 'complex' manually, this *will* fail, because // the file was removed the last time 'complex' was run, and it is // only created during a build. TestAndRemoveFile(BINARY_DIR "/Executable/Temp/complex-required.txt"); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test FIND_LIBRARY #ifndef FIND_DUMMY_LIB cmFailed("the CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, " "FIND_DUMMY_LIB is not defined."); #else if(strstr(FIND_DUMMY_LIB, "dummylib") == NULL) { cmFailed("the FIND_LIBRARY or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, " "FIND_DUMMY_LIB == ", FIND_DUMMY_LIB); } else { cmPassed("FIND_DUMMY_LIB == ", FIND_DUMMY_LIB); } #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES #ifndef FILE_HAS_EXTRA_COMPILE_FLAGS cmFailed("SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES failed at setting FILE_HAS_EXTRA_COMPILE_FLAGS flag"); #else cmPassed("SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES succeeded in setting FILE_HAS_EXTRA_COMPILE_FLAGS flag"); #endif #ifndef FILE_HAS_ABSTRACT cmFailed("SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES failed at setting ABSTRACT flag"); #else cmPassed("SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES succeeded in setting ABSTRACT flag"); #endif #ifndef FILE_HAS_WRAP_EXCLUDE cmFailed("FILE_HAS_WRAP_EXCLUDE failed at setting WRAP_EXCLUDE flag"); #else cmPassed("FILE_HAS_WRAP_EXCLUDE succeeded in setting WRAP_EXCLUDE flag"); #endif #ifndef FILE_COMPILE_FLAGS cmFailed("the CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, FILE_COMPILE_FLAGS is not defined."); #else if(strcmp(FILE_COMPILE_FLAGS, "-foo -bar") != 0) { cmFailed("the SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken. FILE_COMPILE_FLAGS == ", FILE_COMPILE_FLAGS); } else { cmPassed("SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES succeeded in setting extra flags == ", FILE_COMPILE_FLAGS); } #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test registry (win32) #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) #ifndef REGISTRY_TEST_PATH cmFailed("the CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken, REGISTRY_TEST_PATH is not defined."); #else std::cout << "REGISTRY_TEST_PATH == " << REGISTRY_TEST_PATH << "\n"; if(stricmp(REGISTRY_TEST_PATH, BINARY_DIR "/registry_dir") != 0) { cmFailed("the 'read registry value' function or CONFIGURE_FILE command is broken. REGISTRY_TEST_PATH == ", REGISTRY_TEST_PATH, " is not " BINARY_DIR "/registry_dir"); } else { cmPassed("REGISTRY_TEST_PATH == ", REGISTRY_TEST_PATH); } #endif #endif // defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) if(strcmp(CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION, "1.3") == 0) { cmPassed("CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION is set to 1.3"); } else { cmFailed("CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION is not set to the expected 1.3"); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test REMOVE command if (strcmp("a;b;d",REMOVE_STRING) == 0) { cmPassed("REMOVE is working"); } else { cmFailed("REMOVE is not working"); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test SEPARATE_ARGUMENTS if(strcmp("a;b;c", TEST_SEP) == 0) { cmPassed("SEPARATE_ARGUMENTS is working"); } else { cmFailed("SEPARATE_ARGUMENTS is not working"); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test Escape Quotes if(strcmp("\"hello world\"", STRING_WITH_QUOTES) == 0) { cmPassed("ESCAPE_QUOTES is working"); } else { cmFailed("ESCAPE_QUOTES is not working"); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test cmSystemTools::UpperCase std::string str = "abc"; std::string strupper = "ABC"; if(cmSystemTools::UpperCase(str) == strupper) { cmPassed("cmSystemTools::UpperCase is working"); } else { cmFailed("cmSystemTools::UpperCase is working"); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test if IF command inside a FOREACH works. #if defined(IF_INSIDE_FOREACH_THEN_EXECUTED) && !defined(IF_INSIDE_FOREACH_ELSE_EXECUTED) cmPassed("IF inside a FOREACH block works"); #else cmFailed("IF inside a FOREACH block is broken"); #endif #if defined(GENERATED_HEADER_INCLUDED) cmPassed("Generated header included by non-generated source works."); #else cmFailed("Generated header included by non-generated source failed."); #endif #ifdef FORCE_TEST cmFailed("CMake SET CACHE FORCE"); #else cmPassed("CMake SET CACHE FORCE"); #endif // first run with shouldFail = true, this will // run with A B C as set by the CMakeList.txt file. if(!TestLibraryOrder(true)) { cmPassed("CMake cmOrderLinkDirectories failed when it should."); } else { cmFailed("CMake cmOrderLinkDirectories failed to fail when given an impossible set of paths."); } // next run with shouldPass = true, this will // run with B/libA.a removed and should create the order // B C A if(TestLibraryOrder(false)) { cmPassed("CMake cmOrderLinkDirectories worked."); } else { cmFailed("CMake cmOrderLinkDirectories failed."); } // Test the generated file stream. TestCMGeneratedFileSTream(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary std::cout << "Passed: " << cm_passed << "\n"; if(cm_failed) { std::cout << "Failed: " << cm_failed << "\n"; return cm_failed; } return 0; }