file(STRINGS "${Data}" lines LIMIT_INPUT 1024) if(NOT "x${lines}" STREQUAL "xInput file already transformed.") message(SEND_ERROR "Input file:\n ${Data}\ndoes not have expected content, but [[${lines}]]") endif() if(DEFINED DataSpace) file(STRINGS "${DataSpace}" lines LIMIT_INPUT 1024) if(NOT "x${lines}" STREQUAL "xInput file already transformed.") message(SEND_ERROR "Input file:\n ${DataSpace}\ndoes not have expected content, but [[${lines}]]") endif() endif() file(STRINGS "${DataScript}" lines LIMIT_INPUT 1024) if(NOT "x${lines}" STREQUAL "xDataScript") message(SEND_ERROR "Input file:\n ${DataScript}\ndoes not have expected content, but [[${lines}]]") endif() file(STRINGS "${DataAlgoMapA}" lines LIMIT_INPUT 1024) if(NOT "x${lines}" STREQUAL "xDataAlgoMap") message(SEND_ERROR "Input file:\n ${DataAlgoMapA}\ndoes not have expected content, but [[${lines}]]") endif() file(STRINGS "${DataAlgoMapB}" lines LIMIT_INPUT 1024) if(NOT "x${lines}" STREQUAL "xDataAlgoMap") message(SEND_ERROR "Input file:\n ${DataAlgoMapB}\ndoes not have expected content, but [[${lines}]]") endif() if(DataMissing) if(EXISTS "${DataMissing}") message(SEND_ERROR "Input file:\n" " ${DataMissing}\n" "exists but should not." ) endif() else() message(SEND_ERROR "DataMissing is not set!") endif() if(DataMissingWithAssociated) if(EXISTS "${DataMissingWithAssociated}") message(SEND_ERROR "Input file:\n" " ${DataMissingWithAssociated}\n" "exists but should not." ) endif() else() message(SEND_ERROR "DataMissingWithAssociated is not set!") endif() set(SeriesAn1 "1\\.dat") set(SeriesBn1 "_1\\.dat") set(SeriesCn1 "\\.1\\.dat") set(SeriesDn1 "-1\\.dat") set(SeriesAl 1 2 3) set(SeriesBl _1 _2 _3) set(SeriesCl .1 .2 .3) set(SeriesDl -1 -2 -3) foreach(s A B C D) foreach(n "" ${Series${s}l}) string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.dat$" "${n}.dat" file "${Series${s}}") if(NOT EXISTS "${file}") message(SEND_ERROR "Input file:\n ${file}\ndoes not exist!") endif() endforeach() endforeach() foreach(s A B C D) foreach(n ${Series${s}l}) string(REGEX REPLACE "${Series${s}n1}$" "${n}.dat" file "${Series${s}n}") if(NOT EXISTS "${file}") message(SEND_ERROR "Input file:\n ${file}\ndoes not exist!") endif() endforeach() endforeach() foreach(n .1 .2 .3 .4) string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.1\\.dat$" "${n}.dat" file "${SeriesMixed}") if(NOT EXISTS "${file}") message(SEND_ERROR "Input file:\n ${file}\ndoes not exist!") endif() endforeach() foreach(n A B) string(REGEX REPLACE "A\\.dat$" "${n}.dat" file "${Paired}") if(NOT EXISTS "${file}") message(SEND_ERROR "Input file:\n ${file}\ndoes not exist!") endif() endforeach() foreach(n Top A B C) string(REGEX REPLACE "Top\\.dat$" "${n}.dat" file "${Meta}") if(NOT EXISTS "${file}") message(SEND_ERROR "Input file:\n ${file}\ndoes not exist!") endif() endforeach() foreach(n A B C) set(file "${Directory}/${n}.dat") if(NOT EXISTS "${file}") message(SEND_ERROR "Input file:\n ${file}\ndoes not exist!") endif() endforeach() list(LENGTH Semicolons len) if("${len}" EQUAL 2) foreach(file ${Semicolons}) if(NOT EXISTS "${file}") message(SEND_ERROR "Input file:\n ${file}\ndoes not exist!") endif() endforeach() else() message(SEND_ERROR "Semicolons value:\n ${Semicolons}\nis not a list of length 2.") endif()