#include #include #include #include @CMAKE_TESTDRIVER_EXTRA_INCLUDES@ /* Forward declare test functions. */ @CMAKE_FORWARD_DECLARE_TESTS@ /* Create map. */ typedef int (*MainFuncPointer)(int , char*[]); typedef struct { const char* name; MainFuncPointer func; } functionMapEntry; functionMapEntry cmakeGeneratedFunctionMapEntries[] = { @CMAKE_FUNCTION_TABLE_ENTIRES@ {0,0} }; /* Allocate and create a lowercased copy of string (note that it has to be free'd manually) */ char* lowercase(const char *string) { char *new_string, *p; new_string = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (size_t)(strlen(string) + 1)); if (!new_string) { return 0; } strcpy(new_string, string); p = new_string; while (*p != 0) { *p = (char)tolower(*p); ++p; } return new_string; } int main(int ac, char *av[]) { int i, NumTests, testNum, partial_match; char *arg, *test_name; int count; int testToRun = -1; @CMAKE_TESTDRIVER_ARGVC_FUNCTION@ for(count =0; cmakeGeneratedFunctionMapEntries[count].name != 0; count++) { } NumTests = count; /* If no test name was given */ /* process command line with user function. */ if (ac < 2) { /* Ask for a test. */ printf("Available tests:\n"); for (i =0; i < NumTests; ++i) { printf("%3d. %s\n", i, cmakeGeneratedFunctionMapEntries[i].name); } printf("To run a test, enter the test number: "); fflush(stdout); testNum = 0; if( scanf("%d", &testNum) != 1 ) { printf("Couldn't parse that input as a number\n"); return -1; } if (testNum >= NumTests) { printf("%3d is an invalid test number.\n", testNum); return -1; } testToRun = testNum; ac--; av++; } partial_match = 0; arg = 0; /* If partial match is requested. */ if(testToRun == -1 && ac > 1) { partial_match = (strcmp(av[1], "-R") == 0) ? 1 : 0; } if (partial_match && ac < 3) { printf("-R needs an additional parameter.\n"); return -1; } if(testToRun == -1) { arg = lowercase(av[1 + partial_match]); } for (i =0; i < NumTests && testToRun == -1; ++i) { test_name = lowercase(cmakeGeneratedFunctionMapEntries[i].name); if (partial_match && strstr(test_name, arg) != NULL) { testToRun = i; ac -=2; av += 2; } else if (!partial_match && strcmp(test_name, arg) == 0) { testToRun = i; ac--; av++; } free(test_name); } if(arg) { free(arg); } if(testToRun != -1) { int result; @CMAKE_TESTDRIVER_BEFORE_TESTMAIN@ result = (*cmakeGeneratedFunctionMapEntries[testToRun].func)(ac, av); @CMAKE_TESTDRIVER_AFTER_TESTMAIN@ return result; } /* Nothing was run, display the test names. */ printf("Available tests:\n"); for (i =0; i < NumTests; ++i) { printf("%3d. %s\n", i, cmakeGeneratedFunctionMapEntries[i].name); } printf("Failed: %s is an invalid test name.\n", av[1]); return -1; }