# - Functions to help assemble a standalone Qt4 executable. # A collection of CMake utility functions useful for deploying # Qt4 executables. # # The following functions are provided by this module: # write_qt4_conf # resolve_qt4_paths # fixup_qt4_executable # install_qt4_plugin_path # install_qt4_plugin # install_qt4_executable # Requires CMake 2.6 or greater because it uses function and # PARENT_SCOPE. Also depends on BundleUtilities.cmake. # # WRITE_QT4_CONF( ) # Writes a qt.conf file with the into . # # RESOLVE_QT4_PATHS( []) # Loop through list and if any don't exist resolve them # relative to the (if supplied) or the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. # # FIXUP_QT4_EXECUTABLE( [ ]) # Copies Qt plugins, writes a Qt configuration file (if needed) and fixes up a # Qt4 executable using BundleUtilities so it is standalone and can be # drag-and-drop copied to another machine as long as all of the system # libraries are compatible. # # should point to the executable to be fixed-up. # # should contain a list of the names or paths of any Qt plugins # to be installed. # # will be passed to BundleUtilities and should be a list of any already # installed plugins, libraries or executables to also be fixed-up. # # will be passed to BundleUtilities and should contain and directories # to be searched to find library dependencies. # # allows an custom plugins directory to be used. # # will force a qt.conf file to be written even if not needed. # # INSTALL_QT4_PLUGIN_PATH(plugin executable copy installed_plugin_path_var ) # Install (or copy) a resolved to the default plugins directory # (or ) relative to and store the result in # . # # If is set to TRUE then the plugins will be copied rather than # installed. This is to allow this module to be used at CMake time rather than # install time. # # If is set then anything installed will use this COMPONENT. # # INSTALL_QT4_PLUGIN(plugin executable copy installed_plugin_path_var ) # Install (or copy) an unresolved to the default plugins directory # (or ) relative to and store the result in # . See documentation of INSTALL_QT4_PLUGIN_PATH. # # INSTALL_QT4_EXECUTABLE( [ ]) # Installs Qt plugins, writes a Qt configuration file (if needed) and fixes up # a Qt4 executable using BundleUtilities so it is standalone and can be # drag-and-drop copied to another machine as long as all of the system # libraries are compatible. The executable will be fixed-up at install time. # is the COMPONENT used for bundle fixup and plugin installation. # See documentation of FIXUP_QT4_BUNDLE. #============================================================================= # Copyright 2011 Mike McQuaid # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) # The functions defined in this file depend on the fixup_bundle function # (and others) found in BundleUtilities.cmake include(BundleUtilities) set(DeployQt4_cmake_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}") set(DeployQt4_apple_plugins_dir "PlugIns") function(write_qt4_conf qt_conf_dir qt_conf_contents) set(qt_conf_path "${qt_conf_dir}/qt.conf") message(STATUS "Writing ${qt_conf_path}") file(WRITE "${qt_conf_path}" "${qt_conf_contents}") endfunction() function(resolve_qt4_paths paths_var) set(executable_path ${ARGV1}) set(paths_resolved) foreach(path ${${paths_var}}) if(EXISTS "${path}") list(APPEND paths_resolved "${path}") else() if(${executable_path}) list(APPEND paths_resolved "${executable_path}/${path}") else() list(APPEND paths_resolved "\${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${path}") endif() endif() endforeach() set(${paths_var} ${paths_resolved} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(fixup_qt4_executable executable) set(qtplugins ${ARGV1}) set(libs ${ARGV2}) set(dirs ${ARGV3}) set(plugins_dir ${ARGV4}) set(request_qt_conf ${ARGV5}) message(STATUS "fixup_qt4_executable") message(STATUS " executable='${executable}'") message(STATUS " qtplugins='${qtplugins}'") message(STATUS " libs='${libs}'") message(STATUS " dirs='${dirs}'") message(STATUS " plugins_dir='${plugins_dir}'") message(STATUS " request_qt_conf='${request_qt_conf}'") if(QT_LIBRARY_DIR) list(APPEND dirs "${QT_LIBRARY_DIR}") endif() if(QT_BINARY_DIR) list(APPEND dirs "${QT_BINARY_DIR}") endif() if(APPLE) set(qt_conf_dir "${executable}/Contents/Resources") set(executable_path "${executable}") set(write_qt_conf TRUE) if(NOT plugins_dir) set(plugins_dir "${DeployQt4_apple_plugins_dir}") endif() else() get_filename_component(executable_path "${executable}" PATH) if(NOT executable_path) set(executable_path ".") endif() set(qt_conf_dir "${executable_path}") set(write_qt_conf ${request_qt_conf}) endif() foreach(plugin ${qtplugins}) set(installed_plugin_path "") install_qt4_plugin("${plugin}" "${executable}" 1 installed_plugin_path) list(APPEND libs ${installed_plugin_path}) endforeach() foreach(lib ${libs}) if(NOT EXISTS "${lib}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Library does not exist: ${lib}") endif() endforeach() resolve_qt4_paths(libs "${executable_path}") if(write_qt_conf) set(qt_conf_contents "[Paths]\nPlugins = ${plugins_dir}") write_qt4_conf("${qt_conf_dir}" "${qt_conf_contents}") endif() fixup_bundle("${executable}" "${libs}" "${dirs}") endfunction() function(install_qt4_plugin_path plugin executable copy installed_plugin_path_var) set(plugins_dir ${ARGV4}) set(component ${ARGV5}) set(configurations ${ARGV6}) if(EXISTS "${plugin}") if(APPLE) if(NOT plugins_dir) set(plugins_dir "${DeployQt4_apple_plugins_dir}") endif() set(plugins_path "${executable}/Contents/${plugins_dir}") else() get_filename_component(plugins_path "${executable}" PATH) if(NOT plugins_path) set(plugins_path ".") endif() if(plugins_dir) set(plugins_path "${plugins_path}/${plugins_dir}") endif() endif() set(plugin_group "") get_filename_component(plugin_path "${plugin}" PATH) get_filename_component(plugin_parent_path "${plugin_path}" PATH) get_filename_component(plugin_parent_dir_name "${plugin_parent_path}" NAME) get_filename_component(plugin_name "${plugin}" NAME) string(TOLOWER "${plugin_parent_dir_name}" plugin_parent_dir_name) if("${plugin_parent_dir_name}" STREQUAL "plugins") get_filename_component(plugin_group "${plugin_path}" NAME) set(${plugin_group_var} "${plugin_group}") endif() set(plugins_path "${plugins_path}/${plugin_group}") if(${copy}) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${plugins_path}") file(COPY "${plugin}" DESTINATION "${plugins_path}") else() if(configurations AND (CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES OR CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE)) set(configurations CONFIGURATIONS ${configurations}) else() unset(configurations) endif() install(FILES "${plugin}" DESTINATION "${plugins_path}" ${configurations} ${component}) endif() set(${installed_plugin_path_var} "${plugins_path}/${plugin_name}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(install_qt4_plugin plugin executable copy installed_plugin_path_var) set(plugins_dir ${ARGV4}) set(component ${ARGV5}) if(EXISTS "${plugin}") install_qt4_plugin_path("${plugin}" "${executable}" "${copy}" "${installed_plugin_path_var}" "${plugins_dir}" "${component}") else() string(TOUPPER "QT_${plugin}_PLUGIN" plugin_var) set(plugin_release_var "${plugin_var}_RELEASE") set(plugin_debug_var "${plugin_var}_DEBUG") set(plugin_release "${${plugin_release_var}}") set(plugin_debug "${${plugin_debug_var}}") if(DEFINED "${plugin_release_var}" AND DEFINED "${plugin_debug_var}" AND NOT EXISTS "${plugin_release}" AND NOT EXISTS "${plugin_debug}") message(WARNING "Qt plugin \"${plugin}\" not recognized or found.") endif() if(NOT EXISTS "${${plugin_debug_var}}") set(plugin_debug "${plugin_release}") endif() if(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES OR CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) install_qt4_plugin_path("${plugin_release}" "${executable}" "${copy}" "${installed_plugin_path_var}_release" "${plugins_dir}" "${component}" "Release|RelWithDebInfo|MinSizeRel") install_qt4_plugin_path("${plugin_debug}" "${executable}" "${copy}" "${installed_plugin_path_var}_debug" "${plugins_dir}" "${component}" "Debug") if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "^Debug$") set(${installed_plugin_path_var} ${${installed_plugin_path_var}_debug}) else() set(${installed_plugin_path_var} ${${installed_plugin_path_var}_release}) endif() else() install_qt4_plugin_path("${plugin_release}" "${executable}" "${copy}" "${installed_plugin_path_var}" "${plugins_dir}" "${component}") endif() endif() set(${installed_plugin_path_var} ${${installed_plugin_path_var}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(install_qt4_executable executable) set(qtplugins ${ARGV1}) set(libs ${ARGV2}) set(dirs ${ARGV3}) set(plugins_dir ${ARGV4}) set(request_qt_conf ${ARGV5}) set(component ${ARGV6}) if(QT_LIBRARY_DIR) list(APPEND dirs "${QT_LIBRARY_DIR}") endif() if(QT_BINARY_DIR) list(APPEND dirs "${QT_BINARY_DIR}") endif() if(component) set(component COMPONENT ${component}) else() unset(component) endif() get_filename_component(executable_absolute "${executable}" ABSOLUTE) if(EXISTS "${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY_RELEASE}") gp_file_type("${executable_absolute}" "${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY_RELEASE}" qtcore_type) elseif(EXISTS "${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY_DEBUG}") gp_file_type("${executable_absolute}" "${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY_DEBUG}" qtcore_type) endif() if(qtcore_type STREQUAL "system") set(qt_plugins_dir "") endif() if(QT_IS_STATIC) message(WARNING "Qt built statically: not installing plugins.") else() foreach(plugin ${qtplugins}) set(installed_plugin_paths "") install_qt4_plugin("${plugin}" "${executable}" 0 installed_plugin_paths "${plugins_dir}" "${component}") list(APPEND libs ${installed_plugin_paths}) endforeach() endif() resolve_qt4_paths(libs "") install(CODE "INCLUDE(\"${DeployQt4_cmake_dir}/DeployQt4.cmake\") SET(BU_CHMOD_BUNDLE_ITEMS TRUE) FIXUP_QT4_EXECUTABLE(\"\${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${executable}\" \"\" \"${libs}\" \"${dirs}\" \"${plugins_dir}\" \"${request_qt_conf}\")" ${component} ) endfunction()