ctest_test ---------- Run tests in the project build tree. :: ctest_test([BUILD build_dir] [APPEND] [START start number] [END end number] [STRIDE stride number] [EXCLUDE exclude regex ] [INCLUDE include regex] [RETURN_VALUE res] [EXCLUDE_LABEL exclude regex] [INCLUDE_LABEL label regex] [PARALLEL_LEVEL level] [SCHEDULE_RANDOM on] [STOP_TIME time of day]) Tests the given build directory and stores results in Test.xml. The second argument is a variable that will hold value. Optionally, you can specify the starting test number START, the ending test number END, the number of tests to skip between each test STRIDE, a regular expression for tests to run INCLUDE, or a regular expression for tests to not run EXCLUDE. EXCLUDE_LABEL and INCLUDE_LABEL are regular expression for test to be included or excluded by the test property LABEL. PARALLEL_LEVEL should be set to a positive number representing the number of tests to be run in parallel. SCHEDULE_RANDOM will launch tests in a random order, and is typically used to detect implicit test dependencies. STOP_TIME is the time of day at which the tests should all stop running. The APPEND option marks results for append to those previously submitted to a dashboard server since the last ctest_start. Append semantics are defined by the dashboard server in use. The QUIET option suppresses any CTest-specific non-error messages that would have otherwise been printed to the console. Output from the underlying test command is not affected. Summary info detailing the percentage of passing tests is also unaffected by the QUIET option.