1.0 dialogblocks Project File 0 87 FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE Jorgen Bodde FALSE <All platforms> <Any> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: %HEADER-FILENAME% // Purpose: // Author: %AUTHOR% // Modified by: // Created: %DATE% // RCS-ID: // Copyright: %COPYRIGHT% // Licence: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: %SOURCE-FILENAME% // Purpose: // Author: %AUTHOR% // Modified by: // Created: %DATE% // RCS-ID: // Copyright: %COPYRIGHT% // Licence: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! * %BODY% */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: %SYMBOLS-FILENAME% // Purpose: Symbols file // Author: %AUTHOR% // Modified by: // Created: %DATE% // RCS-ID: // Copyright: %COPYRIGHT% // Licence: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// app_resources.h app_resources.cpp AppResources app.h app.cpp Application FALSE <None> 15088528 data-document 0 1 0 0 0 Configurations 15310432 config-data-document 0 1 0 15088528 0 TRUE Debug ANSI Static Modular GUI wxMSW Dynamic Yes No No %WXVERSION% %EXECUTABLE% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% %AUTO% Projects 15057456 root-document project 1 1 0 0 0 Windows 15140496 html-document dialogsfolder 1 1 0 15057456 1 CMakeSetupApp 14833712 dialog-document app 0 1 0 15140496 0 7/4/2005 wbAppProxy 10000 FALSE CMakeSetupApp wxApp CMakeSetup.cpp CMakeSetup.h CMake Setup 15139352 dialog-document frame 0 1 0 15140496 0 7/4/2005 wbFrameProxy 10100 FALSE wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW|OnCloseWindow ID_FRAME 10100 CMakeSetupFrm wxFrame CMakeSetupFrame.cpp CMakeSetupFrame.h CMake Setup v2.0.x TRUE cmake_icon.xpm FALSE FALSE <Any platform> TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 600 550 wxSplitterWindow: ID_SPLITTERWINDOW 15327264 dialog-control-document splitter 0 1 0 15139352 0 7/4/2005 wbSplitterWindowProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGING|OnSplitterPosChanging wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_DOUBLECLICKED|OnSplitterwindowSashDClick ID_SPLITTERWINDOW 10101 wxSplitterWindow wxSplitterWindow m_splitter TRUE Horizontal 300 FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 100 100 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxPanel: ID_MAINPANEL 15222232 dialog-control-document panel 0 1 0 15327264 0 7/4/2005 wbPanelProxy ID_MAINPANEL 10102 wxPanel wxPanel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 600 400 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE wxBoxSizer V 15211392 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15222232 0 7/4/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxBoxSizer H 15336232 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15211392 0 7/4/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Expand Centre 0 5 FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxFlexGridSizer 15345208 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15336232 0 7/4/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 1 1 3 2 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Top 1 5 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 15174904 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 15345208 0 7/4/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText CMake project path FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_PROJECT_PATH 15369448 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 15345208 0 7/4/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_PROJECT_PATH 10103 wxTextCtrl m_cmProjectPath FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 50 -1 Expand Centre 1 5 FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: ID_BROWSE_PROJECT 15341600 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 15345208 0 7/4/2005 wbButtonProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED|OnButtonBrowseProject ID_BROWSE_PROJECT 10104 wxButton m_BrowseProjectPathButton Browse FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 55 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 15095456 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 15345208 0 7/4/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Project build path FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_SOURCE_BUILD_PATH 15114544 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 15345208 0 7/4/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED|OnSourceBuildPathUpdated wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER|OnSourceBuildPathEnter ID_SOURCE_BUILD_PATH 10105 wxTextCtrl m_cmBuildPath FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 50 -1 Expand Top 1 5 FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: ID_BROWSE_BUILD 15258912 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 15345208 0 7/4/2005 wbButtonProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED|OnButtonBrowseBuild ID_BROWSE_BUILD 10106 wxButton m_BrowseSourcePathButton Browse FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 55 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 15234376 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15336232 0 7/4/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Expand 0 5 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxFlexGridSizer 15190200 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15234376 0 21/4/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 2 2 0 0 <Any platform> Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 15184416 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 15190200 0 28/4/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Generate FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxComboBox: ID_CHOOSE_GENERATOR 15380104 dialog-control-document combobox 0 1 0 15190200 0 28/4/2005 wbComboBoxProxy ID_CHOOSE_GENERATOR 10107 wxComboBox m_cmGeneratorChoice FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 170 -1 Centre Expand 1 5 FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 15143832 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 15190200 0 21/4/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Search FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxComboBox: ID_SEARCHQUERY 15164688 dialog-control-document combobox 0 1 0 15190200 0 21/4/2005 wbComboBoxProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED|OnSearchquerySelected wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED|OnSearchqueryUpdated ID_SEARCHQUERY 10109 wxComboBox m_cmSearchQuery FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 170 -1 Centre Expand 1 5 FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxCheckBox: ID_SHOW_ADVANCED 15248616 dialog-control-document checkbox 0 1 0 15234376 0 7/4/2005 wbCheckBoxProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED|OnShowAdvancedValues ID_SHOW_ADVANCED 10108 wxCheckBox m_cmShowAdvanced Show advanced values FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Right Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxGrid: ID_OPTIONS 15335040 dialog-control-document grid 0 1 0 15211392 0 7/4/2005 wbGridProxy wxEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE|OnCellChange wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL|OnGridSelectCell wxEVT_MOTION|OnPropertyMotion ID_OPTIONS 10110 wxPropertyList wxGrid m_cmOptions TRUE 10 2 250 25 20 0 Rows FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE -1 -1 200 150 Expand Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxPanel: ID_LOGPANEL 15443800 dialog-control-document panel 0 1 0 15327264 0 7/4/2005 wbPanelProxy ID_LOGPANEL 10111 wxPanel wxPanel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 -1 100 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE wxBoxSizer V 15414728 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15443800 0 7/4/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxBoxSizer H 15422736 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15414728 0 8/4/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Expand Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxTextCtrl: ID_LOG_AREA 15432752 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 15422736 0 8/4/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_LOG_AREA 10112 wxTextCtrl m_cmLog Select your project path (where CMakeLists.txt is) and then select the build path (where the projects should be saved), or select a previous build path. Right click on a cache value for additional options (delete and ignore). Press configure to update and display new values in red, press OK to generate the projects and exit. FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Expand 1 5 FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl: ID_DESCRIPTION 35749000 dialog-control-document textctrl 0 1 0 15422736 0 8/4/2005 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_DESCRIPTION 10113 wxTextCtrl m_cmDescription FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE -1 -1 200 -1 Centre Expand 0 5 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer H 35769328 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15414728 0 7/4/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxButton: ID_DO_CONFIGURE 35775496 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 35769328 0 7/4/2005 wbButtonProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED|OnButtonConfigure ID_DO_CONFIGURE 10114 wxButton m_ConfigureButton Co&nfigure TRUE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: ID_DO_OK 35789784 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 35769328 0 7/4/2005 wbButtonProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED|OnButtonOk ID_DO_OK 10115 wxButton m_OkButton &Generate! FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: ID_DO_CANCEL 35804120 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 35769328 0 23/4/2005 wbButtonProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED|OnButtonCancel ID_DO_CANCEL 10116 wxButton m_CancelButton C&ancel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticLine: wxID_STATIC 35818312 dialog-control-document staticline 0 1 0 35769328 0 23/4/2005 wbStaticLineProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticLine FALSE __WXMSW__ TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Expand 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: ID_DO_DELETE_CACHE 35831264 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 35769328 0 8/4/2005 wbButtonProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED|OnButtonDeleteCache ID_DO_DELETE_CACHE 10117 wxButton m_DeleteCacheButton &Delete Cache FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: ID_CLEAR_LOG 35845416 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 35769328 0 23/4/2005 wbButtonProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED|OnClearLogClick ID_CLEAR_LOG 10118 wxButton m_ClearLogButton Clear &Log FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticLine: wxID_STATIC 35859640 dialog-control-document staticline 0 1 0 35769328 0 23/4/2005 wbStaticLineProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticLine FALSE __WXMSW__ TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Expand 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: ID_BROWSE_GRID 35872520 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 35769328 0 23/4/2005 wbButtonProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED|OnBrowseGridClick ID_BROWSE_GRID 10119 wxButton m_cmBrowseCell &Browse FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStatusBar: ID_STATUSBAR 15182152 dialog-control-document statusbar 0 1 0 15139352 0 7/4/2005 wbStatusBarProxy ID_STATUSBAR 10120 wxStatusBar FALSE <Any platform> 2 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxMenuBar: ID_CMAKE_MENUBAR 35895160 dialog-control-document menubar 0 1 0 15139352 0 19/4/2005 wbMenuBarProxy ID_CMAKE_MENUBAR <Any platform> File 35897080 dialog-control-document menu 0 1 0 35895160 0 19/4/2005 wbMenuProxy &File <Any platform> &Reload Cache\tCtrl+R: ID_MENU_RELOAD_CACHE 35899080 dialog-control-document menuitem 0 1 0 35897080 0 19/4/2005 wbMenuItemProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED|OnMenuReloadCacheClick ID_MENU_RELOAD_CACHE 10122 &Reload Cache\tCtrl+R Normal FALSE Reload the cache from disk <Any platform> &Delete Cache\tCtrl+D: ID_MENU_DELETE_CACHE 35902816 dialog-control-document menuitem 0 1 0 35897080 0 19/4/2005 wbMenuItemProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED|OnMenuDeleteCacheClick ID_MENU_DELETE_CACHE 10123 &Delete Cache\tCtrl+D Normal FALSE Delete the cache on disk of the current path <Any platform> ------------ 35906472 dialog-control-document menuitem 0 1 0 35897080 0 19/4/2005 wbMenuSeparatorProxy <Any platform> E&xit\tAlt+F4: ID_MENU_QUIT 35908352 dialog-control-document menuitem 0 1 0 35897080 0 19/4/2005 wbMenuItemProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED|OnMenuQuitClick ID_MENU_QUIT 10125 E&xit\tAlt+F4 Normal FALSE Quit CMake Setup <Any platform> Tools 35912048 dialog-control-document menu 0 1 0 35895160 0 29/4/2005 wbMenuProxy &Tools <Any platform> &Configure\tCtrl+N: ID_MENU_CONFIGURE 35913904 dialog-control-document menuitem 0 1 0 35912048 0 31/4/2005 wbMenuItemProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED|OnMenuConfigureClick ID_MENU_CONFIGURE 10126 &Configure\tCtrl+N Normal FALSE <Any platform> &Generate and Exit\tCtrl+G: ID_MENU_EXITGENERATE 35917648 dialog-control-document menuitem 0 1 0 35912048 0 31/4/2005 wbMenuItemProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED|OnMenuGenerateClick ID_MENU_EXITGENERATE 10127 &Generate and Exit\tCtrl+G Normal FALSE <Any platform> Toggle &Advanced\tCtrl+A: ID_MENU_TOGGLE_ADVANCED 35921344 dialog-control-document menuitem 0 1 0 35912048 0 31/4/2005 wbMenuItemProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED|OnMenuToggleAdvancedClick ID_MENU_TOGGLE_ADVANCED 10128 Toggle &Advanced\tCtrl+A Normal FALSE <Any platform> ------------ 35925000 dialog-control-document menuitem 0 1 0 35912048 0 31/4/2005 wbMenuSeparatorProxy <Any platform> &Options\tCtrl+O: ID_CMAKE_OPTIONS 35926880 dialog-control-document menuitem 0 1 0 35912048 0 31/4/2005 wbMenuItemProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED|OnOptionsClick ID_CMAKE_OPTIONS 10124 &Options\tCtrl+O Normal FALSE <Any platform> Help 35930576 dialog-control-document menu 0 1 0 35895160 0 29/4/2005 wbMenuProxy &Help <Any platform> &About ...: ID_ABOUTDLG 35932424 dialog-control-document menuitem 0 1 0 35930576 0 29/4/2005 wbMenuItemProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED|OnAboutClick ID_ABOUTDLG 10121 &About ... Normal FALSE Shows the about dialog ... <Any platform> CachePopupMenu 15138824 dialog-document menu 0 1 0 15140496 0 wbStandaloneMenuProxy 10050 FALSE ID_MENU CreatePopupMenu <Any platform> &Ignore cache entry: ID_CACHE_IGNORE 35936824 dialog-control-document menuitem 0 1 0 15138824 0 16/4/2005 wbMenuItemProxy ID_CACHE_IGNORE 10051 &Ignore cache entry Normal FALSE Ignores the value of the current cache entry <Any platform> &Delete cache entry: ID_CACHE_DELETE 35940576 dialog-control-document menuitem 0 1 0 15138824 0 16/4/2005 wbMenuItemProxy ID_CACHE_DELETE 10052 &Delete cache entry Normal FALSE Deletes the current cache entry (reverts on next configure) <Any platform> ------------ 35944192 dialog-control-document menuitem 0 1 0 15138824 0 23/4/2005 wbMenuSeparatorProxy <Any platform> &Browse ...: ID_CACHE_BROWSE 35945856 dialog-control-document menuitem 0 1 0 15138824 0 23/4/2005 wbMenuItemProxy ID_CACHE_BROWSE 10053 &Browse ... Normal FALSE <Any platform> Progress Dialog 35949536 dialog-document dialog 0 1 0 15140496 0 27/4/2005 wbDialogProxy 10000 FALSE ID_PROGRESSDLG 10000 CMProgressDialog wxDialog wxDialog progressdlg.cpp progressdlg.h Progress Dialog TRUE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 400 300 wxBoxSizer V 35967376 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 35949536 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> Spacer 35975296 dialog-control-document spacer 0 1 0 35967376 0 27/4/2005 wbSpacerProxy 5 5 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC 35982864 dialog-control-document statictext 0 1 0 35967376 0 27/4/2005 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText m_textMessage Please wait while CMake configures ... FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE wxBoxSizer H 35998688 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 35967376 0 27/4/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxGauge: ID_CMAKE_PROGRESS 36006648 dialog-control-document gauge 0 1 0 35998688 0 27/4/2005 wbGaugeProxy ID_CMAKE_PROGRESS 10001 wxGauge m_progress 0 100 FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 250 20 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: ID_CMAKE_BUTTON 36022448 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 35967376 0 27/4/2005 wbButtonProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED|OnCmakeCancelClick ID_CMAKE_BUTTON 10002 wxButton &Cancel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE Spacer 36035776 dialog-control-document spacer 0 1 0 35967376 0 27/4/2005 wbSpacerProxy 5 5 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> About ... 15317784 dialog-document dialog 0 1 0 15140496 0 27/4/2005 wbDialogProxy 10000 FALSE ID_SOME_ABOUTDLG 10003 CMAboutDlg wxDialog wxDialog aboutdlg.cpp aboutdlg.h About ... TRUE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 400 300 wxBoxSizer V 36057296 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 15317784 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxFlexGridSizer 36065536 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 36057296 0 28/4/2005 wbFlexGridSizerProxy 1 0 2 1 0 0 <Any platform> Expand Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticBitmap: wxID_STATIC 36075864 dialog-control-document staticbitmap 0 1 0 36065536 0 28/4/2005 wbStaticBitmapProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticBitmap m_cmIcon FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 32 32 Centre Top 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxHtmlWindow: ID_HTMLWINDOW 36090408 dialog-control-document htmlwindow 0 1 0 36065536 0 28/4/2005 wbHtmlWindowProxy ID_HTMLWINDOW 10000 wxHtmlWindow m_html FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE -1 -1 500 300 Expand Expand 1 5 FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: ID_ABOUT_DLG_OK 36107664 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 36057296 0 28/4/2005 wbButtonProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED|OnAboutDlgClick ID_ABOUT_DLG_OK 10005 wxButton &Ok FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE CMakeSetup Options ... 35982000 dialog-document dialog 0 1 0 15140496 0 29/4/2005 wbDialogProxy 10000 FALSE ID_DIALOG 10004 CMOptionsDlg wxDialog wxDialog optionsdlg.cpp optionsdlg.h CMakeSetup Options ... TRUE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 400 300 wxBoxSizer V 36135880 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 35982000 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxNotebook: ID_NOTEBOOK 36145472 dialog-control-document notebook 0 1 0 36135880 0 29/4/2005 wbNotebookProxy ID_NOTEBOOK 10006 wxNotebook FALSE FALSE <Any platform> TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE wxPanel: ID_PANEL 36166888 dialog-control-document panel 0 1 0 36145472 0 29/4/2005 wbPanelProxy ID_PANEL 10007 wxPanel wxPanel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE General wxBoxSizer V 36317128 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 36166888 0 29/4/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> Spacer 36325216 dialog-control-document spacer 0 1 0 36317128 0 29/4/2005 wbSpacerProxy 5 5 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxCheckBox: ID_CHECKBOX_CLOSECMAKE 36332952 dialog-control-document checkbox 0 1 0 36317128 0 29/4/2005 wbCheckBoxProxy wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED|OnButtonOK ID_CHECKBOX_CLOSECMAKE 10008 wxCheckBox m_closeAfterGenerate Close down CMakeSetup after generation of project FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer H 36164088 dialog-control-document sizer 0 1 0 36135880 0 29/4/2005 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE <Any platform> wxButton: wxID_OK 36348448 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 36164088 0 29/4/2005 wbButtonProxy wxID_OK 5100 wxButton &OK FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton: wxID_CANCEL 36362168 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 1 0 36164088 0 29/4/2005 wbButtonProxy wxID_CANCEL 5101 wxButton &Cancel FALSE FALSE <Any platform> FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE Sources 15191936 html-document sourcesfolder 1 1 0 15057456 1 CMakeSetup.rc 15091464 source-editor-document CMakeSetup.rc source-editor 0 0 1 15191936 0 7/4/2005 Images 36089928 html-document bitmapsfolder 1 1 0 15057456 1 NGDialog.ico 36090080 image-document NGDialog.ico image 0 0 0 36089928 0 25/4/2005 100