# Locate SDL_net library # This module defines # SDLNET_LIBRARY, the name of the library to link against # SDLNET_FOUND, if false, do not try to link against # SDLNET_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find the headers # SDLNET_VERSION_STRING - human-readable string containing the version of SDL_net # # $SDLDIR is an environment variable that would # correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$SDLDIR # used in building SDL. # # Created by Eric Wing. This was influenced by the FindSDL.cmake # module, but with modifications to recognize OS X frameworks and # additional Unix paths (FreeBSD, etc). #============================================================================= # Copyright 2005-2009 Kitware, Inc. # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) find_path(SDLNET_INCLUDE_DIR SDL_net.h HINTS ENV SDLNETDIR ENV SDLDIR PATH_SUFFIXES include include/SDL PATHS ~/Library/Frameworks /Library/Frameworks /usr/local/include/SDL12 /usr/local/include/SDL11 # FreeBSD ports /usr/include/SDL12 /usr/include/SDL11 /sw # Fink /opt/local # DarwinPorts /opt/csw # Blastwave /opt ) find_library(SDLNET_LIBRARY NAMES SDL_net HINTS ENV SDLNETDIR ENV SDLDIR PATH_SUFFIXES lib PATHS ~/Library/Frameworks /Library/Frameworks /sw /opt/local /opt/csw /opt ) if(SDLNET_INCLUDE_DIR AND EXISTS "${SDLNET_INCLUDE_DIR}/SDL_net.h") file(STRINGS "${SDLNET_INCLUDE_DIR}/SDL_net.h" SDLNET_VERSION_MAJOR_LINE REGEX "^#define[ \t]+SDL_NET_MAJOR_VERSION[ \t]+[0-9]+$") file(STRINGS "${SDLNET_INCLUDE_DIR}/SDL_net.h" SDLNET_VERSION_MINOR_LINE REGEX "^#define[ \t]+SDL_NET_MINOR_VERSION[ \t]+[0-9]+$") file(STRINGS "${SDLNET_INCLUDE_DIR}/SDL_net.h" SDLNET_VERSION_PATCH_LINE REGEX "^#define[ \t]+SDL_NET_PATCHLEVEL[ \t]+[0-9]+$") string(REGEX REPLACE "^#define[ \t]+SDL_NET_MAJOR_VERSION[ \t]+([0-9]+)$" "\\1" SDLNET_VERSION_MAJOR "${SDLNET_VERSION_MAJOR_LINE}") string(REGEX REPLACE "^#define[ \t]+SDL_NET_MINOR_VERSION[ \t]+([0-9]+)$" "\\1" SDLNET_VERSION_MINOR "${SDLNET_VERSION_MINOR_LINE}") string(REGEX REPLACE "^#define[ \t]+SDL_NET_PATCHLEVEL[ \t]+([0-9]+)$" "\\1" SDLNET_VERSION_PATCH "${SDLNET_VERSION_PATCH_LINE}") set(SDLNET_VERSION_STRING ${SDLNET_VERSION_MAJOR}.${SDLNET_VERSION_MINOR}.${SDLNET_VERSION_PATCH}) unset(SDLNET_VERSION_MAJOR_LINE) unset(SDLNET_VERSION_MINOR_LINE) unset(SDLNET_VERSION_PATCH_LINE) unset(SDLNET_VERSION_MAJOR) unset(SDLNET_VERSION_MINOR) unset(SDLNET_VERSION_PATCH) endif() include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(SDLNET REQUIRED_VARS SDLNET_LIBRARY SDLNET_INCLUDE_DIR VERSION_VAR SDLNET_VERSION_STRING)