cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6) PROJECT(PrecompiledHeader C) # Make sure the proper compiler is in use. IF(NOT MSVC) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "The PrecompiledHeader test works only with MSVC") ENDIF(NOT MSVC) # Compute a custom name for the precompiled header. IF(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) SET(PCH_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/PCH/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}") FOREACH(cfg ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES}) FILE(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/PCH/${cfg}) ENDFOREACH() ELSE(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) SET(PCH_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/PCH") FILE(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/PCH) ENDIF(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) # The VS6 IDE does not support renaming .pch files with /Fp. IF("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "Visual Studio 6") SET(PCH_USE_INCLUDE_DIR 1) SET(PCH_FILE) ELSE("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "Visual Studio 6") SET(PCH_USE_INCLUDE_DIR 0) SET(PCH_FILE "\"/Fp${PCH_DIR}/foo_precompiled.pch\"") ENDIF("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "Visual Studio 6") # Choose between an explicit include path and using /I during # precompilation. The /I form is used to test that the PCH is # actually used. In practice the include path form would be used. IF(PCH_USE_INCLUDE_DIR) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include) ELSE(PCH_USE_INCLUDE_DIR) SET(PCH_INCLUDE_DIR "\"/I${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include\"") ENDIF(PCH_USE_INCLUDE_DIR) # Create a target that will use a precompiled header. SET(foo_SRCS foo1.c foo2.c) ADD_EXECUTABLE(foo foo_precompile.c ${foo_SRCS}) # Setup flags on the target to create and use the precompiled header. SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(foo PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "/Yufoo_precompiled.h /FIfoo_precompiled.h ${PCH_FILE}") SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(foo_precompile.c PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "/Ycfoo_precompiled.h ${PCH_INCLUDE_DIR}") # Setup dependencies for precompiled header creation and use. The VS # IDE takes care of this automatically. IF("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "Makefile") # This source file creates the precompiled header as a side-effect. SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(foo_precompile.c PROPERTIES OBJECT_OUTPUTS "${PCH_DIR}/foo_precompiled.pch") # These source files use the precompiled header. SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(${foo_SRCS} PROPERTIES OBJECT_DEPENDS "${PCH_DIR}/foo_precompiled.pch") ENDIF("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "Makefile")