/*============================================================================ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator Copyright 2004-2009 Kitware, Inc. Copyright 2004 Alexander Neundorf (neundorf@kde.org) Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more information. ============================================================================*/ #include "cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator.h" #include "cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3.h" #include "cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmake.h" #include "cmSourceFile.h" #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" #include "cmTarget.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmXMLSafe.h" #include #if defined(_WIN32) # define PATH_SEP "\\" #else # define PATH_SEP "/" #endif /* Some useful URLs: Homepage: http://www.sublimetext.com/ File format docs: http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/2/projects.html http://sublimetext.info/docs/en/reference/build_systems.html */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator ::GetDocumentation(cmDocumentationEntry& entry, const char*) const { entry.Name = this->GetName(); entry.Brief = "Generates Sublime Text 2 project files."; entry.Full = "Project files for Sublime Text 2 will be created in the top directory " "and in every subdirectory which features a CMakeLists.txt file " "containing a PROJECT() call. " "Additionally a hierarchy of makefiles is generated into the " "build tree. The appropriate make program can build the project through " "the default make target. A \"make install\" target is also provided."; } cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator::cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator() :cmExternalMakefileProjectGenerator() { #if defined(_WIN32) this->SupportedGlobalGenerators.push_back("MinGW Makefiles"); this->SupportedGlobalGenerators.push_back("NMake Makefiles"); // disable until somebody actually tests it: // this->SupportedGlobalGenerators.push_back("MSYS Makefiles"); #endif this->SupportedGlobalGenerators.push_back("Ninja"); this->SupportedGlobalGenerators.push_back("Unix Makefiles"); } void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator::Generate() { // for each sub project in the project create a sublime text 2 project for (std::map >::const_iterator it = this->GlobalGenerator->GetProjectMap().begin(); it!= this->GlobalGenerator->GetProjectMap().end(); ++it) { // create a project file this->CreateProjectFile(it->second); } } /* create the project file */ void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator::CreateProjectFile( const std::vector& lgs) { const cmMakefile* mf=lgs[0]->GetMakefile(); std::string outputDir=mf->GetStartOutputDirectory(); std::string projectName=mf->GetProjectName(); std::string filename=outputDir+"/"; filename+=projectName+".sublime-project"; this->CreateNewProjectFile(lgs, filename); } void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator ::CreateNewProjectFile(const std::vector& lgs, const std::string& filename) { const cmMakefile* mf=lgs[0]->GetMakefile(); cmGeneratedFileStream fout(filename.c_str()); if(!fout) { return; } // A set of folders to include in the project std::set folderIncludePatternsSet; // Collect all files, this includes source files and list files std::vector allFiles; std::stringstream fileIncludePatternsStream; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = lgs.begin(); it != lgs.end(); ++it) { cmMakefile* makefile=(*it)->GetMakefile(); // Add list files const std::vector & listFiles = makefile->GetListFiles(); allFiles.insert(allFiles.end(), listFiles.begin(), listFiles.end()); // Add source files cmTargets& targets=makefile->GetTargets(); for (cmTargets::iterator ti = targets.begin(); ti != targets.end(); ti++) { switch(ti->second.GetType()) { case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE: case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::OBJECT_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::UTILITY: // can have sources since 2.6.3 { const std::vector&sources=ti->second.GetSourceFiles(); for (std::vector::const_iterator si=sources.begin(); si!=sources.end(); si++) { // don't add source files which have the GENERATED property set: if ((*si)->GetPropertyAsBool("GENERATED")) { continue; } allFiles.push_back((*si)->GetFullPath()); } } default: // intended fallthrough break; } } } // Convert const char* cmakeRoot = mf->GetDefinition("CMAKE_ROOT"); for (std::vector::const_iterator jt = allFiles.begin(); jt != allFiles.end(); ++jt) { // don't put cmake's own files into the project (#12110): if (jt->find(cmakeRoot) == 0) { continue; } const std::string &relative = cmSystemTools::RelativePath( lgs[0]->GetMakefile()->GetHomeDirectory(), jt->c_str()); // Split filename from path std::string fileName = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(relative); std::string path = ""; if (fileName.length() < relative.length()) { path = relative.substr(0, relative.length() - fileName.length() - 1); } // We don't want paths with CMakeFiles in them if (relative.find("CMakeFiles") == std::string::npos) { if (fileIncludePatternsStream.tellp() > 0) { fileIncludePatternsStream << ", "; } fileIncludePatternsStream << "\"" << relative << "\""; if ((!path.empty()) && (folderIncludePatternsSet.find(path) == folderIncludePatternsSet.end())) { folderIncludePatternsSet.insert(path); std::string::size_type splitIndex = path.rfind(PATH_SEP); std::string splitPath = path; while (splitIndex != std::string::npos) { splitPath = splitPath.substr(0, splitIndex); if ((splitPath.empty()) || (folderIncludePatternsSet.insert(splitPath).second == false)) { // If the path is already in the set then all of its // parents are as well break; } splitIndex = splitPath.rfind(PATH_SEP); } } } } // Write the folder entries to the project file const std::string &homeRelative = cmSystemTools::RelativePath( lgs[0]->GetMakefile()->GetHomeOutputDirectory(), lgs[0]->GetMakefile()->GetHomeDirectory()); fout << "{\n"; fout << "\t\"folders\":\n\t[\n\t"; fout << "\t{\n\t\t\t\"path\": \"" << homeRelative << "\",\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\"folder_include_patterns\": ["; std::set::const_iterator folderIter = folderIncludePatternsSet.begin(); while (folderIter != folderIncludePatternsSet.end()) { fout << "\"" << *folderIter << "\""; folderIter++; if (folderIter != folderIncludePatternsSet.end()) { fout << ", "; } } fout << "],\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\"file_include_patterns\": [" << fileIncludePatternsStream.str() << "]\n"; fout << "\t\t}\n\t"; // End of the folders section fout << "]"; // Write the beginning of the build systems section to the project file fout << ",\n\t\"build_systems\":\n\t[\n\t"; // Set of include directories over all targets (sublime text/sublimeclang // doesn't currently support these settings per build system, only project // wide std::set includeDirs; std::set defines; std::string make = mf->GetRequiredDefinition("CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM"); std::string compiler = ""; this->AppendTarget(fout, "all", 0, make.c_str(), mf, compiler.c_str(), includeDirs, defines, true); this->AppendTarget(fout, "clean", 0, make.c_str(), mf, compiler.c_str(), includeDirs, defines, false); // add all executable and library targets and some of the GLOBAL // and UTILITY targets for (std::vector::const_iterator lg=lgs.begin(); lg!=lgs.end(); lg++) { cmMakefile* makefile=(*lg)->GetMakefile(); cmTargets& targets=makefile->GetTargets(); for (cmTargets::iterator ti = targets.begin(); ti != targets.end(); ti++) { switch(ti->second.GetType()) { case cmTarget::GLOBAL_TARGET: { bool insertTarget = false; // Only add the global targets from CMAKE_BINARY_DIR, // not from the subdirs if (strcmp(makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(), makefile->GetHomeOutputDirectory())==0) { insertTarget = true; // only add the "edit_cache" target if it's not ccmake, because // this will not work within the IDE if (ti->first == "edit_cache") { const char* editCommand = makefile->GetDefinition ("CMAKE_EDIT_COMMAND"); if (editCommand == 0) { insertTarget = false; } else if (strstr(editCommand, "ccmake")!=NULL) { insertTarget = false; } } } if (insertTarget) { this->AppendTarget(fout, ti->first.c_str(), 0, make.c_str(), makefile, compiler.c_str(), includeDirs, defines, false); } } break; case cmTarget::UTILITY: // Add all utility targets, except the Nightly/Continuous/ // Experimental-"sub"targets as e.g. NightlyStart if (((ti->first.find("Nightly")==0) &&(ti->first!="Nightly")) || ((ti->first.find("Continuous")==0)&&(ti->first!="Continuous")) || ((ti->first.find("Experimental")==0) && (ti->first!="Experimental"))) { break; } this->AppendTarget(fout, ti->first.c_str(), 0, make.c_str(), makefile, compiler.c_str(), includeDirs, defines, false); break; case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE: case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::OBJECT_LIBRARY: { this->AppendTarget(fout, ti->first.c_str(), &ti->second, make.c_str(), makefile, compiler.c_str(), includeDirs, defines, false); std::string fastTarget = ti->first; fastTarget += "/fast"; this->AppendTarget(fout, fastTarget.c_str(), &ti->second, make.c_str(), makefile, compiler.c_str(), includeDirs, defines, false); } break; default: break; } } } // End of build_systems fout << "\n\t]"; // Write the settings section with sublimeclang options fout << ",\n\t\"settings\":\n\t{\n\t"; fout << "\t\"sublimeclang_options\":\n\t\t[\n\t\t"; std::set::const_iterator stringSetIter = includeDirs.begin(); while (stringSetIter != includeDirs.end()) { const std::string &includeDir = *stringSetIter; const std::string &relative = cmSystemTools::RelativePath( lgs[0]->GetMakefile()->GetHomeOutputDirectory(), includeDir.c_str()); fout << "\t\"-I" << relative << "\""; stringSetIter++; if (stringSetIter != includeDirs.end()) { fout << ","; } fout << "\n\t\t"; } stringSetIter = defines.begin(); while (stringSetIter != defines.end()) { fout << "\t\"-D" << *stringSetIter << "\""; stringSetIter++; if (stringSetIter != defines.end()) { fout << ","; } fout << "\n\t\t"; } // End of the sublimeclang_options section fout << "]\n\t"; // End of the settings section fout << "}\n"; // End of file fout << "}"; } // Generate the build_system entry for one target void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator::AppendTarget(cmGeneratedFileStream& fout, const char* targetName, cmTarget* target, const char* make, const cmMakefile* makefile, const char* compiler, std::set& includeDirs, std::set& defines, bool firstTarget) { if (target != 0) { // the compilerdefines for this target cmGeneratorTarget *gtgt = this->GlobalGenerator ->GetGeneratorTarget(target); std::string cdefs = gtgt->GetCompileDefinitions(); if(cdefs.empty()) { // Expand the list. std::vector defs; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(cdefs.c_str(), defs); for(std::vector::const_iterator di = defs.begin(); di != defs.end(); ++di) { cmXMLSafe safedef(di->c_str()); defines.insert(safedef.str()); } } // the include directories for this target std::vector includes; target->GetMakefile()->GetLocalGenerator()-> GetIncludeDirectories(includes, gtgt); for(std::vector::const_iterator dirIt=includes.begin(); dirIt != includes.end(); ++dirIt) { includeDirs.insert(*dirIt); } std::string systemIncludeDirs = makefile->GetSafeDefinition( "CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_C_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_DIRS"); if (!systemIncludeDirs.empty()) { std::vector dirs; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(systemIncludeDirs.c_str(), dirs); for(std::vector::const_iterator dirIt=dirs.begin(); dirIt != dirs.end(); ++dirIt) { includeDirs.insert(*dirIt); } } systemIncludeDirs = makefile->GetSafeDefinition( "CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR_CXX_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_DIRS"); if (!systemIncludeDirs.empty()) { std::vector dirs; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(systemIncludeDirs.c_str(), dirs); for(std::vector::const_iterator dirIt=dirs.begin(); dirIt != dirs.end(); ++dirIt) { includeDirs.insert(*dirIt); } } } // Write out the build_system data for this target std::string makefileName = makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(); makefileName += "/Makefile"; if (!firstTarget) { fout << ",\n\t"; } fout << "\t{\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"" << makefile->GetProjectName() << " - " << targetName << "\",\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\"cmd\": [" << this->BuildMakeCommand(make, makefileName.c_str(), targetName) << "],\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\"working_dir\": \"${project_path}\",\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\"file_regex\": \"^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$\"\n"; fout << "\t\t}"; } // Create the command line for building the given target using the selected // make std::string cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator::BuildMakeCommand( const std::string& make, const char* makefile, const char* target) { std::string command = "\""; command += make + "\""; if (strcmp(this->GlobalGenerator->GetName(), "NMake Makefiles")==0) { std::string makefileName = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(makefile); command += ", \"/NOLOGO\", \"/f\", \""; command += makefileName + "\""; command += ", \"VERBOSE=1\", \""; command += target; command += "\""; } else if (strcmp(this->GlobalGenerator->GetName(), "MinGW Makefiles")==0) { // no escaping of spaces in this case, see // http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=10014 std::string makefileName = makefile; command += ", \"-f\", \""; command += makefileName + "\""; command += ", \"VERBOSE=1\", \""; command += target; command += "\""; } else { std::string makefileName = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(makefile); command += ", \"-f\", \""; command += makefileName + "\""; command += ", \"VERBOSE=1\", \""; command += target; command += "\""; } return command; }