#include "CMakeSetupGUIImplementation.h" #include "FL/fl_file_chooser.H" #include "FL/filename.H" #include "FL/fl_ask.H" #include "../cmCacheManager.h" #include "../cmMakefile.h" #include #include "FLTKPropertyList.h" #include "FLTKPropertyItemRow.h" #include "FL/fl_draw.H" #include "../cmake.h" #include "../cmMakefileGenerator.h" void FLTKMessageCallback(const char* message, const char* title, bool& nomore) { std::string msg = message; msg += "\nPress cancel to suppress any further messages."; int choice = fl_choice( msg.c_str(), "Cancel","Ok",0); if(choice==0) { nomore = true; } } /** * Constructor */ CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::CMakeSetupGUIImplementation():m_CacheEntriesList( this ) { cmSystemTools::SetErrorCallback(FLTKMessageCallback); m_BuildPathChanged = false; } /** * Destructor */ CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::~CMakeSetupGUIImplementation() { } /** * Show the graphic interface */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::Show( void ) { dialogWindow->show(); } /** * Hide the graphic interface */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::Close( void ) { SaveRecentDirectories(); dialogWindow->hide(); } /** * Browse for the path to the sources */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::BrowseForSourcePath( void ) { const char * path = fl_file_chooser( "Path to Sources", "", sourcePathTextInput->value() ); if( !path ) { return; } SetSourcePath( path ); } /** * Browse for the path to the binaries */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::BrowseForBinaryPath( void ) { const char * path = fl_file_chooser( "Path to Binaries", "", binaryPathTextInput->value() ); if( !path ) { return; } SetBinaryPath( path ); } /** * Set path to executable. Used to get the path to CMake */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::SetPathToExecutable( const char * path ) { char expandedPath[1024]; filename_expand( expandedPath, path ); char absolutePath[1024]; filename_absolute( absolutePath, expandedPath ); char * p = absolutePath + strlen( absolutePath ); while( *p != '/' && *p != '\\' ) { p--; } p--; while( *p != '/' && *p != '\\' ) { p--; } *p = '\0'; m_PathToExecutable = absolutePath; #if defined(_WIN32) m_PathToExecutable += "/Debug/CMake.exe"; #else m_PathToExecutable += "/cmake"; #endif } /** * Set the source path */ bool CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::SetSourcePath( const char * path ) { if( !path || strlen(path)==0 ) { fl_alert("Please select the path to the sources"); return false; } std::string expandedAbsolutePath = ExpandPathAndMakeItAbsolute( path ); sourcePathTextInput->value( expandedAbsolutePath.c_str() ); if( VerifySourcePath( expandedAbsolutePath ) ) { m_WhereSource = expandedAbsolutePath; return true; } return false; } /** * Expand environment variables in the path and make it absolute */ std::string CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::ExpandPathAndMakeItAbsolute( const std::string & inputPath ) const { char expandedPath[3000]; filename_expand( expandedPath, inputPath.c_str() ); char absolutePath[3000]; filename_absolute( absolutePath, expandedPath ); std::string expandedAbsolutePath = absolutePath; return expandedAbsolutePath; } /** * Set the binary path */ bool CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::SetBinaryPath( const char * path ) { if( !path || strlen(path)==0 ) { fl_alert("Please select the path to the binaries"); return false; } std::string expandedAbsolutePath = ExpandPathAndMakeItAbsolute( path ); binaryPathTextInput->value( expandedAbsolutePath.c_str() ); if( !VerifyBinaryPath( expandedAbsolutePath.c_str() ) ) { return false; } if( m_WhereBuild != expandedAbsolutePath ) { m_BuildPathChanged = true; m_WhereBuild = expandedAbsolutePath; LoadCacheFromDiskToGUI(); } else { m_BuildPathChanged = false; } return true; } /** * Verify the path to binaries */ bool CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::VerifyBinaryPath( const std::string & path ) const { bool pathIsOK = false; if( filename_isdir( path.c_str() ) ) { pathIsOK = true; } else { int userWantsToCreateDirectory = fl_ask("The directory \n %s \n Doesn't exist. Do you want to create it ?", path.c_str() ); if( userWantsToCreateDirectory ) { std::string command = "mkdir "; command += path; system( command.c_str() ); pathIsOK = true; } else { pathIsOK = false; } } return pathIsOK; } /** * Verify the path to sources */ bool CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::VerifySourcePath( const std::string & path ) const { if( !filename_isdir( path.c_str() ) ) { fl_alert("The Source directory \n %s \n Doesn't exist or is not a directory", path.c_str() ); return false; } return true; } /** * Build the project files */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::RunCMake( bool generateProjectFiles ) { if(!cmSystemTools::FileExists( m_WhereBuild.c_str() )) { std::string message = "Build directory does not exist, should I create it?\n\n" "Directory: "; message += m_WhereBuild; int userWantToCreateDirectory = fl_ask(message.c_str()); if( userWantToCreateDirectory ) { cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory( m_WhereBuild.c_str() ); } else { fl_alert("Build Project aborted, nothing done."); return; } } // set the wait cursor fl_cursor(FL_CURSOR_WAIT,FL_BLACK,FL_WHITE); // save the current GUI values to the cache this->SaveCacheFromGUI(); // Make sure we are working from the cache on disk this->LoadCacheFromDiskToGUI(); UpdateListOfRecentDirectories(); SaveRecentDirectories(); // create a cmake object cmake make; // create the arguments for the cmake object std::vector args; args.push_back( m_PathToExecutable.c_str() ); std::string arg; arg = "-H"; arg += m_WhereSource; args.push_back(arg); arg = "-B"; arg += m_WhereBuild; args.push_back(arg); arg = "-G"; m_GeneratorChoiceString = "Unix Makefiles"; arg += m_GeneratorChoiceString; args.push_back(arg); // run the generate process if(make.Generate(args, generateProjectFiles) != 0) { cmSystemTools::Error( "Error in generation process, project files may be invalid"); cmSystemTools::ResetErrorOccuredFlag(); } // update the GUI with any new values in the caused by the // generation process this->LoadCacheFromDiskToGUI(); // path is up-to-date now m_BuildPathChanged = false; // put the cursor back fl_cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT,FL_BLACK,FL_WHITE); fl_message("Done !"); } /** * Load Cache from disk to GUI */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::LoadCacheFromDiskToGUI( void ) { if( m_WhereBuild != "" ) { cmCacheManager::GetInstance()->LoadCache( m_WhereBuild.c_str() ); this->FillCacheGUIFromCacheManager(); } } /** * Save Cache from disk to GUI */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::SaveCacheFromGUI( void ) { this->FillCacheManagerFromCacheGUI(); if( m_WhereBuild != "" ) { cmCacheManager::GetInstance()->SaveCache( m_WhereBuild.c_str() ); } } /** * Fill Cache GUI from cache manager */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::FillCacheGUIFromCacheManager( void ) { int size = m_CacheEntriesList.GetItems().size(); bool reverseOrder = false; // if there are already entries in the cache, then // put the new ones in the top, so they show up first if(size) { reverseOrder = true; } // all the current values are not new any more std::set items = m_CacheEntriesList.GetItems(); for(std::set::iterator i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { fltk::PropertyItem* item = *i; item->m_NewValue = false; } // Prepare to add rows to the FLTK scroll/pack propertyListPack->clear(); propertyListPack->begin(); const cmCacheManager::CacheEntryMap &cache = cmCacheManager::GetInstance()->GetCacheMap(); if(cache.size() == 0) { m_OKButton->deactivate(); } else { m_OKButton->activate(); } for(cmCacheManager::CacheEntryMap::const_iterator i = cache.begin(); i != cache.end(); ++i) { const char* key = i->first.c_str(); const cmCacheManager::CacheEntry& value = i->second; switch(value.m_Type ) { case cmCacheManager::BOOL: if(cmSystemTools::IsOn(value.m_Value.c_str())) { m_CacheEntriesList.AddProperty(key, "ON", value.m_HelpString.c_str(), fltk::PropertyList::CHECKBOX,"", reverseOrder); } else { m_CacheEntriesList.AddProperty(key, "OFF", value.m_HelpString.c_str(), fltk::PropertyList::CHECKBOX,"", reverseOrder); } break; case cmCacheManager::PATH: m_CacheEntriesList.AddProperty(key, value.m_Value.c_str(), value.m_HelpString.c_str(), fltk::PropertyList::PATH,"", reverseOrder); break; case cmCacheManager::FILEPATH: m_CacheEntriesList.AddProperty(key, value.m_Value.c_str(), value.m_HelpString.c_str(), fltk::PropertyList::FILE,"", reverseOrder); break; case cmCacheManager::STRING: m_CacheEntriesList.AddProperty(key, value.m_Value.c_str(), value.m_HelpString.c_str(), fltk::PropertyList::EDIT,"", reverseOrder); break; case cmCacheManager::INTERNAL: // These entries should not be seen by the user m_CacheEntriesList.RemoveProperty(key); break; } } // Add the old entry to the end of the pack for(std::set::iterator i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { fltk::PropertyItem* item = *i; if( !(item->m_NewValue) ) { new fltk::PropertyItemRow( item ); // GUI of the old property row } } propertyListPack->end(); propertyListPack->init_sizes(); cacheValuesScroll->position( 0, 0 ); propertyListPack->redraw(); Fl::check(); this->UpdateData(false); } /** * UpdateData */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::UpdateData( bool option ) { dialogWindow->redraw(); Fl::check(); } /** * Fill cache manager from Cache GUI */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::FillCacheManagerFromCacheGUI( void ) { cmCacheManager::GetInstance()->GetCacheMap(); std::set items = m_CacheEntriesList.GetItems(); for(std::set::iterator i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { fltk::PropertyItem* item = *i; cmCacheManager::CacheEntry *entry = cmCacheManager::GetInstance()->GetCacheEntry( (const char*)item->m_propName.c_str() ); if (entry) { entry->m_Value = item->m_curValue; } if( item->m_Dirty ) { m_CacheEntriesList.SetDirty(); } } } /** * Load Recent Directories */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::LoadRecentDirectories( void ) { std::string home = getenv("HOME"); std::string filename = home + "/.cmakerc"; std::ifstream input; input.open(filename.c_str()); if( input.fail() ) { // probably the file doesn't exist return; } m_RecentBinaryDirectories.clear(); m_RecentSourceDirectories.clear(); std::string key; std::string onedirectory; while( !input.eof() ) { input >> key; if( input.eof() ) break; if( key == "MostRecentSource" ) { input >> onedirectory; m_WhereSource = onedirectory; sourcePathTextInput->value( m_WhereSource.c_str() ); } else if( key == "MostRecentBinary" ) { input >> onedirectory; m_WhereBuild = onedirectory; binaryPathTextInput->value( m_WhereBuild.c_str() ); } else if( key == "Binary" ) { input >> onedirectory; // insert is only done if the directory doesn't exist m_RecentBinaryDirectories.insert( onedirectory ); recentBinaryDirectoriesBrowser->add( (onedirectory.c_str()), (void*)(onedirectory.c_str()) ); } else if( key == "Source" ) { input >> onedirectory; // insert is only done if the directory doesn't exist m_RecentSourceDirectories.insert( onedirectory ); recentSourceDirectoriesBrowser->add( (onedirectory.c_str()), (void*)(onedirectory.c_str()) ); } } input.close(); } /** * Save Recent Directories */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::SaveRecentDirectories( void ) { std::string home = getenv("HOME"); if( home.empty() ) { return; } std::string filename = home + "/.cmakerc"; std::ofstream output; output.open(filename.c_str()); output << "MostRecentBinary " << m_WhereBuild << std::endl; output << "MostRecentSource " << m_WhereSource << std::endl; // Save Recent binary directories std::set< std::string >::iterator bindir = m_RecentBinaryDirectories.begin(); while( bindir != m_RecentBinaryDirectories.end() ) { output << "Binary " << *bindir << std::endl; bindir++; } // Save Recent source directories std::set< std::string >::iterator srcdir = m_RecentSourceDirectories.begin(); while( srcdir != m_RecentSourceDirectories.end() ) { output << "Source " << *srcdir << std::endl; srcdir++; } } /** * Show Recent Binary Directories */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::ShowRecentBinaryDirectories( void ) { if( recentBinaryDirectoriesBrowser->size() ) { recentBinaryDirectoriesBrowser->Fl_Widget::show(); } } /** * Show Recent Source Directories */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::ShowRecentSourceDirectories( void ) { if( recentSourceDirectoriesBrowser->size() ) { recentSourceDirectoriesBrowser->Fl_Widget::show(); } } /** * Select one Recent Binary Directory */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::SelectOneRecentBinaryDirectory( void ) { const int selected = recentBinaryDirectoriesBrowser->value(); if( selected == 0 ) { return; } m_WhereBuild = static_cast( recentBinaryDirectoriesBrowser->data( selected )); binaryPathTextInput->value( m_WhereBuild.c_str() ); recentBinaryDirectoriesBrowser->Fl_Widget::hide(); } /** * Select one Recent Source Directory */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::SelectOneRecentSourceDirectory( void ) { const int selected = recentSourceDirectoriesBrowser->value(); if( selected == 0 ) { return; } m_WhereSource = static_cast< char * >( recentSourceDirectoriesBrowser->data( selected )); sourcePathTextInput->value( m_WhereSource.c_str() ); recentSourceDirectoriesBrowser->Fl_Widget::hide(); } /** * Update List of Recent Directories */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::UpdateListOfRecentDirectories( void ) { // Update Recent binary directories // insert is only done if the directory doesn't exist m_RecentBinaryDirectories.insert( m_WhereBuild ); // Update Recent source directories // insert is only done if the directory doesn't exist m_RecentSourceDirectories.insert( m_WhereSource ); } /** * Clicked on Configure Button */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::ClickOnConfigure( void ) { this->RunCMake(false); } /** * Clicked on OK Button */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::ClickOnOK( void ) { m_CacheEntriesList.ClearDirty(); this->RunCMake(true); cmMakefileGenerator::UnRegisterGenerators(); this->Close(); } /** * Clicked on Cancel Button */ void CMakeSetupGUIImplementation ::ClickOnCancel( void ) { if(m_CacheEntriesList.IsDirty()) { int userWantsExitEvenThoughOptionsHaveChanged = fl_ask("You have changed options but not rebuilt, \n" "are you sure you want to exit?"); if( userWantsExitEvenThoughOptionsHaveChanged ) { this->Close(); } } else { this->Close(); } }