
Should the target be processed with automoc (for Qt projects).

AUTOMOC is a boolean specifying whether CMake will handle the Qt moc
preprocessor automatically, i.e.  without having to use the
QT4_WRAP_CPP() or QT5_WRAP_CPP() macro.  Currently Qt4 and Qt5 are
supported.  When this property is set to TRUE, CMake will scan the
source files at build time and invoke moc accordingly.  If an #include
statement like #include "moc_foo.cpp" is found, the Q_OBJECT class
declaration is expected in the header, and moc is run on the header
file.  If an #include statement like #include "foo.moc" is found, then
a Q_OBJECT is expected in the current source file and moc is run on
the file itself.  Additionally, all header files are parsed for
Q_OBJECT macros, and if found, moc is also executed on those files.
The resulting moc files, which are not included as shown above in any
of the source files are included in a generated
<targetname>_automoc.cpp file, which is compiled as part of the
target.This property is initialized by the value of the variable
CMAKE_AUTOMOC if it is set when a target is created.

Additional command line options for moc can be set via the

By setting the CMAKE_AUTOMOC_RELAXED_MODE variable to TRUE the rules
for searching the files which will be processed by moc can be relaxed.
See the documentation for this variable for more details.

The global property AUTOMOC_TARGETS_FOLDER can be used to group the
automoc targets together in an IDE, e.g.  in MSVS.