# This test will verify if CheckCXXSymbolExists only report symbols available # for linking that really are. You can find some documentation on this in # bug 11333 where we found out that gcc would optimize out the actual # reference to the symbol, so symbols that are in fact _not_ available in the # given libraries (but seen in header) were reported as present. # # If you change this test do not forget to change the CheckSymbolExists # test, too. PROJECT(CheckCXXSymbolExists CXX) CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.8 FATAL_ERROR) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../CheckSymbolExists") INCLUDE(CheckCXXSymbolExists) foreach(_config_type Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel Debug) set(CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_CONFIGURATION ${_config_type}) unset(CSE_RESULT_${_config_type} CACHE) MESSAGE(STATUS "Testing configuration ${_config_type}") check_cxx_symbol_exists(non_existent_function_for_symbol_test "cm_cse.h" CSE_RESULT_${_config_type}) IF (CSE_RESULT_${_config_type}) MESSAGE(SEND_ERROR "CheckCXXSymbolExists reported a nonexistent symbol as existing in configuration ${_config_type}") ENDIF (CSE_RESULT_${_config_type}) endforeach() set(CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_CONFIGURATION ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}) unset(CSE_RESULT_ERRNO_CERRNO CACHE) MESSAGE(STATUS "Checking ") check_cxx_symbol_exists(errno "cerrno" CSE_RESULT_ERRNO_CERRNO) IF (NOT CSE_RESULT_ERRNO_CERRNO) unset(CSE_RESULT_ERRNO_ERRNOH CACHE) MESSAGE(STATUS "Checking ") check_cxx_symbol_exists(errno "errno.h" CSE_RESULT_ERRNO_ERRNOH) IF (NOT CSE_RESULT_ERRNO_ERRNOH) MESSAGE(SEND_ERROR "CheckCXXSymbolExists did not find errno in and ") ELSE (NOT CSE_RESULT_ERRNO_ERRNOH) MESSAGE(STATUS "errno found in ") ENDIF (NOT CSE_RESULT_ERRNO_ERRNOH) ELSE (NOT CSE_RESULT_ERRNO_CERRNO) MESSAGE(STATUS "errno found in ") ENDIF (NOT CSE_RESULT_ERRNO_CERRNO) IF (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -O3") unset(CSE_RESULT_O3 CACHE) MESSAGE(STATUS "Testing with optimization -O3") check_cxx_symbol_exists(non_existent_function_for_symbol_test "cm_cse.h" CSE_RESULT_O3) IF (CSE_RESULT_O3) MESSAGE(SEND_ERROR "CheckCXXSymbolExists reported a nonexistent symbol as existing with optimization -O3") ENDIF (CSE_RESULT_O3) ENDIF (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX)