/*============================================================================ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator Copyright 2004-2011 Kitware, Inc. Copyright 2011 Alexander Neundorf (neundorf@kde.org) Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more information. ============================================================================*/ #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmOutputConverter.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmState.h" #include "cmAlgorithms.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__APPLE__) #include #endif #include "cmQtAutoGenerators.h" static bool requiresMocing(const std::string& text, std::string ¯oName) { // this simple check is much much faster than the regexp if (strstr(text.c_str(), "Q_OBJECT") == NULL && strstr(text.c_str(), "Q_GADGET") == NULL) { return false; } cmsys::RegularExpression qObjectRegExp("[\n][ \t]*Q_OBJECT[^a-zA-Z0-9_]"); if (qObjectRegExp.find(text)) { macroName = "Q_OBJECT"; return true; } cmsys::RegularExpression qGadgetRegExp("[\n][ \t]*Q_GADGET[^a-zA-Z0-9_]"); if (qGadgetRegExp.find(text)) { macroName = "Q_GADGET"; return true; } return false; } static std::string findMatchingHeader(const std::string& absPath, const std::string& mocSubDir, const std::string& basename, const std::vector& headerExtensions) { std::string header; for(std::vector::const_iterator ext = headerExtensions.begin(); ext != headerExtensions.end(); ++ext) { std::string sourceFilePath = absPath + basename + "." + (*ext); if (cmsys::SystemTools::FileExists(sourceFilePath.c_str())) { header = sourceFilePath; break; } if (!mocSubDir.empty()) { sourceFilePath = mocSubDir + basename + "." + (*ext); if (cmsys::SystemTools::FileExists(sourceFilePath.c_str())) { header = sourceFilePath; break; } } } return header; } static std::string extractSubDir(const std::string& absPath, const std::string& currentMoc) { std::string subDir; if (currentMoc.find_first_of('/') != std::string::npos) { subDir = absPath + cmsys::SystemTools::GetFilenamePath(currentMoc) + '/'; } return subDir; } cmQtAutoGenerators::cmQtAutoGenerators() :Verbose(cmsys::SystemTools::GetEnv("VERBOSE") != 0) ,ColorOutput(true) ,RunMocFailed(false) ,RunUicFailed(false) ,RunRccFailed(false) ,GenerateAll(false) { std::string colorEnv = ""; cmsys::SystemTools::GetEnv("COLOR", colorEnv); if(!colorEnv.empty()) { if(cmSystemTools::IsOn(colorEnv.c_str())) { this->ColorOutput = true; } else { this->ColorOutput = false; } } } void cmQtAutoGenerators::MergeUicOptions(std::vector &opts, const std::vector &fileOpts, bool isQt5) { static const char* valueOptions[] = { "tr", "translate", "postfix", "generator", "include", // Since Qt 5.3 "g" }; std::vector extraOpts; for(std::vector::const_iterator it = fileOpts.begin(); it != fileOpts.end(); ++it) { std::vector::iterator existingIt = std::find(opts.begin(), opts.end(), *it); if (existingIt != opts.end()) { const char *o = it->c_str(); if (*o == '-') { ++o; } if (isQt5 && *o == '-') { ++o; } if (std::find_if(cmArrayBegin(valueOptions), cmArrayEnd(valueOptions), cmStrCmp(*it)) != cmArrayEnd(valueOptions)) { assert(existingIt + 1 != opts.end()); *(existingIt + 1) = *(it + 1); ++it; } } else { extraOpts.push_back(*it); } } opts.insert(opts.end(), extraOpts.begin(), extraOpts.end()); } bool cmQtAutoGenerators::Run(const std::string& targetDirectory, const std::string& config) { bool success = true; cmake cm; cm.SetHomeOutputDirectory(targetDirectory); cm.SetHomeDirectory(targetDirectory); cm.GetCurrentSnapshot().SetDefaultDefinitions(); cmGlobalGenerator gg(&cm); cmState::Snapshot snapshot = cm.GetCurrentSnapshot(); snapshot.GetDirectory().SetCurrentBinary(targetDirectory); snapshot.GetDirectory().SetCurrentSource(targetDirectory); cmsys::auto_ptr mf(new cmMakefile(&gg, snapshot)); gg.SetCurrentMakefile(mf.get()); this->ReadAutogenInfoFile(mf.get(), targetDirectory, config); this->ReadOldMocDefinitionsFile(mf.get(), targetDirectory); this->Init(); if (this->QtMajorVersion == "4" || this->QtMajorVersion == "5") { success = this->RunAutogen(mf.get()); } this->WriteOldMocDefinitionsFile(targetDirectory); return success; } bool cmQtAutoGenerators::ReadAutogenInfoFile(cmMakefile* makefile, const std::string& targetDirectory, const std::string& config) { std::string filename( cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(targetDirectory)); cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(filename); filename += "/AutogenInfo.cmake"; if (!makefile->ReadListFile(filename.c_str())) { cmSystemTools::Error("Error processing file: ", filename.c_str()); return false; } this->QtMajorVersion = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_QT_VERSION_MAJOR"); if (this->QtMajorVersion == "") { this->QtMajorVersion = makefile->GetSafeDefinition( "AM_Qt5Core_VERSION_MAJOR"); } this->Sources = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_SOURCES"); { std::string rccSources = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_RCC_SOURCES"); cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(rccSources, this->RccSources); } this->SkipMoc = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_SKIP_MOC"); this->SkipUic = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_SKIP_UIC"); this->Headers = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_HEADERS"); this->IncludeProjectDirsBefore = makefile->IsOn( "AM_CMAKE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES_PROJECT_BEFORE"); this->Srcdir = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR"); this->Builddir = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR"); this->MocExecutable = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE"); this->UicExecutable = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE"); this->RccExecutable = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_QT_RCC_EXECUTABLE"); { std::string compileDefsPropOrig = "AM_MOC_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS"; std::string compileDefsProp = compileDefsPropOrig; if(!config.empty()) { compileDefsProp += "_"; compileDefsProp += config; } const char *compileDefs = makefile->GetDefinition(compileDefsProp); this->MocCompileDefinitionsStr = compileDefs ? compileDefs : makefile->GetSafeDefinition(compileDefsPropOrig); } { std::string includesPropOrig = "AM_MOC_INCLUDES"; std::string includesProp = includesPropOrig; if(!config.empty()) { includesProp += "_"; includesProp += config; } const char *includes = makefile->GetDefinition(includesProp); this->MocIncludesStr = includes ? includes : makefile->GetSafeDefinition(includesPropOrig); } this->MocOptionsStr = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_MOC_OPTIONS"); this->ProjectBinaryDir = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_CMAKE_BINARY_DIR"); this->ProjectSourceDir = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR"); this->TargetName = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_TARGET_NAME"); this->OriginTargetName = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_ORIGIN_TARGET_NAME"); { const char *uicOptionsFiles = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_UIC_OPTIONS_FILES"); std::string uicOptionsPropOrig = "AM_UIC_TARGET_OPTIONS"; std::string uicOptionsProp = uicOptionsPropOrig; if(!config.empty()) { uicOptionsProp += "_"; uicOptionsProp += config; } const char *uicTargetOptions = makefile->GetSafeDefinition(uicOptionsProp); cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument( uicTargetOptions ? uicTargetOptions : makefile->GetSafeDefinition(uicOptionsPropOrig), this->UicTargetOptions); const char *uicOptionsOptions = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_UIC_OPTIONS_OPTIONS"); std::vector uicFilesVec; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(uicOptionsFiles, uicFilesVec); std::vector uicOptionsVec; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(uicOptionsOptions, uicOptionsVec); if (uicFilesVec.size() != uicOptionsVec.size()) { return false; } for (std::vector::iterator fileIt = uicFilesVec.begin(), optionIt = uicOptionsVec.begin(); fileIt != uicFilesVec.end(); ++fileIt, ++optionIt) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(*optionIt, "@list_sep@", ";"); this->UicOptions[*fileIt] = *optionIt; } } { const char *rccOptionsFiles = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_RCC_OPTIONS_FILES"); const char *rccOptionsOptions = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_RCC_OPTIONS_OPTIONS"); std::vector rccFilesVec; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(rccOptionsFiles, rccFilesVec); std::vector rccOptionsVec; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(rccOptionsOptions, rccOptionsVec); if (rccFilesVec.size() != rccOptionsVec.size()) { return false; } for (std::vector::iterator fileIt = rccFilesVec.begin(), optionIt = rccOptionsVec.begin(); fileIt != rccFilesVec.end(); ++fileIt, ++optionIt) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(*optionIt, "@list_sep@", ";"); this->RccOptions[*fileIt] = *optionIt; } const char *rccInputs = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_RCC_INPUTS"); std::vector rccInputLists; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(rccInputs, rccInputLists); if (this->RccSources.size() != rccInputLists.size()) { cmSystemTools::Error("Error processing file: ", filename.c_str()); return false; } for (std::vector::iterator fileIt = this->RccSources.begin(), inputIt = rccInputLists.begin(); fileIt != this->RccSources.end(); ++fileIt, ++inputIt) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(*inputIt, "@list_sep@", ";"); std::vector rccInputFiles; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(*inputIt, rccInputFiles); this->RccInputs[*fileIt] = rccInputFiles; } } this->CurrentCompileSettingsStr = this->MakeCompileSettingsString(makefile); this->RelaxedMode = makefile->IsOn("AM_RELAXED_MODE"); return true; } std::string cmQtAutoGenerators::MakeCompileSettingsString(cmMakefile* makefile) { std::string s; s += makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_MOC_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS"); s += " ~~~ "; s += makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_MOC_INCLUDES"); s += " ~~~ "; s += makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_MOC_OPTIONS"); s += " ~~~ "; s += makefile->IsOn("AM_CMAKE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES_PROJECT_BEFORE") ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"; s += " ~~~ "; return s; } bool cmQtAutoGenerators::ReadOldMocDefinitionsFile(cmMakefile* makefile, const std::string& targetDirectory) { std::string filename( cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(targetDirectory)); cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(filename); filename += "/AutomocOldMocDefinitions.cmake"; if (makefile->ReadListFile(filename.c_str())) { this->OldCompileSettingsStr = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("AM_OLD_COMPILE_SETTINGS"); } return true; } void cmQtAutoGenerators::WriteOldMocDefinitionsFile( const std::string& targetDirectory) { std::string filename( cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(targetDirectory)); cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(filename); filename += "/AutomocOldMocDefinitions.cmake"; cmsys::ofstream outfile; outfile.open(filename.c_str(), std::ios::trunc); outfile << "set(AM_OLD_COMPILE_SETTINGS " << cmOutputConverter::EscapeForCMake( this->CurrentCompileSettingsStr) << ")\n"; outfile.close(); } void cmQtAutoGenerators::Init() { this->OutMocCppFilename = this->Builddir; this->OutMocCppFilename += this->TargetName; this->OutMocCppFilename += ".cpp"; std::vector cdefList; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(this->MocCompileDefinitionsStr, cdefList); for(std::vector::const_iterator it = cdefList.begin(); it != cdefList.end(); ++it) { this->MocDefinitions.push_back("-D" + (*it)); } cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(this->MocOptionsStr, this->MocOptions); std::vector incPaths; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(this->MocIncludesStr, incPaths); std::set frameworkPaths; for(std::vector::const_iterator it = incPaths.begin(); it != incPaths.end(); ++it) { const std::string &path = *it; this->MocIncludes.push_back("-I" + path); if (cmHasLiteralSuffix(path, ".framework/Headers")) { // Go up twice to get to the framework root std::vector pathComponents; cmsys::SystemTools::SplitPath(path, pathComponents); std::string frameworkPath =cmsys::SystemTools::JoinPath( pathComponents.begin(), pathComponents.end() - 2); frameworkPaths.insert(frameworkPath); } } for (std::set::const_iterator it = frameworkPaths.begin(); it != frameworkPaths.end(); ++it) { this->MocIncludes.push_back("-F"); this->MocIncludes.push_back(*it); } if (this->IncludeProjectDirsBefore) { const std::string binDir = "-I" + this->ProjectBinaryDir; const std::string srcDir = "-I" + this->ProjectSourceDir; std::list sortedMocIncludes; std::list::iterator it = this->MocIncludes.begin(); while (it != this->MocIncludes.end()) { if (this->StartsWith(*it, binDir)) { sortedMocIncludes.push_back(*it); it = this->MocIncludes.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } it = this->MocIncludes.begin(); while (it != this->MocIncludes.end()) { if (this->StartsWith(*it, srcDir)) { sortedMocIncludes.push_back(*it); it = this->MocIncludes.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } sortedMocIncludes.insert(sortedMocIncludes.end(), this->MocIncludes.begin(), this->MocIncludes.end()); this->MocIncludes = sortedMocIncludes; } } static std::string ReadAll(const std::string& filename) { cmsys::ifstream file(filename.c_str()); std::stringstream stream; stream << file.rdbuf(); file.close(); return stream.str(); } bool cmQtAutoGenerators::RunAutogen(cmMakefile* makefile) { if (!cmsys::SystemTools::FileExists(this->OutMocCppFilename.c_str()) || (this->OldCompileSettingsStr != this->CurrentCompileSettingsStr)) { this->GenerateAll = true; } // the program goes through all .cpp files to see which moc files are // included. It is not really interesting how the moc file is named, but // what file the moc is created from. Once a moc is included the same moc // may not be included in the _automoc.cpp file anymore. OTOH if there's a // header containing Q_OBJECT where no corresponding moc file is included // anywhere a moc_.cpp file is created and included in // the _automoc.cpp file. // key = moc source filepath, value = moc output filepath std::map includedMocs; // collect all headers which may need to be mocced std::set headerFiles; std::vector sourceFiles; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(this->Sources, sourceFiles); const std::vector& headerExtensions = makefile->GetCMakeInstance()->GetHeaderExtensions(); std::map > includedUis; std::map > skippedUis; std::vector uicSkipped; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(this->SkipUic, uicSkipped); for (std::vector::const_iterator it = sourceFiles.begin(); it != sourceFiles.end(); ++it) { const bool skipUic = std::find(uicSkipped.begin(), uicSkipped.end(), *it) != uicSkipped.end(); std::map >& uiFiles = skipUic ? skippedUis : includedUis; const std::string &absFilename = *it; if (this->Verbose) { std::cout << "AUTOGEN: Checking " << absFilename << std::endl; } if (this->RelaxedMode) { this->ParseCppFile(absFilename, headerExtensions, includedMocs, uiFiles); } else { this->StrictParseCppFile(absFilename, headerExtensions, includedMocs, uiFiles); } this->SearchHeadersForCppFile(absFilename, headerExtensions, headerFiles); } { std::vector mocSkipped; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(this->SkipMoc, mocSkipped); for (std::vector::const_iterator it = mocSkipped.begin(); it != mocSkipped.end(); ++it) { if (std::find(uicSkipped.begin(), uicSkipped.end(), *it) != uicSkipped.end()) { const std::string &absFilename = *it; if (this->Verbose) { std::cout << "AUTOGEN: Checking " << absFilename << std::endl; } this->ParseForUic(absFilename, includedUis); } } } std::vector headerFilesVec; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(this->Headers, headerFilesVec); headerFiles.insert(headerFilesVec.begin(), headerFilesVec.end()); // key = moc source filepath, value = moc output filename std::map notIncludedMocs; this->ParseHeaders(headerFiles, includedMocs, notIncludedMocs, includedUis); // run moc on all the moc's that are #included in source files for(std::map::const_iterator it = includedMocs.begin(); it != includedMocs.end(); ++it) { this->GenerateMoc(it->first, it->second); } for(std::map >::const_iterator it = includedUis.begin(); it != includedUis.end(); ++it) { for (std::vector::const_iterator nit = it->second.begin(); nit != it->second.end(); ++nit) { this->GenerateUi(it->first, *nit); } } if(!this->RccExecutable.empty()) { this->GenerateQrc(); } std::stringstream outStream; outStream << "/* This file is autogenerated, do not edit*/\n"; bool automocCppChanged = false; if (notIncludedMocs.empty()) { outStream << "enum some_compilers { need_more_than_nothing };\n"; } else { // run moc on the remaining headers and include them in // the _automoc.cpp file for(std::map::const_iterator it = notIncludedMocs.begin(); it != notIncludedMocs.end(); ++it) { bool mocSuccess = this->GenerateMoc(it->first, it->second); if (mocSuccess) { automocCppChanged = true; } outStream << "#include \"" << it->second << "\"\n"; } } if (this->RunMocFailed) { std::cerr << "moc failed..." << std::endl; return false; } if (this->RunUicFailed) { std::cerr << "uic failed..." << std::endl; return false; } if (this->RunRccFailed) { std::cerr << "rcc failed..." << std::endl; return false; } outStream.flush(); std::string automocSource = outStream.str(); if (!automocCppChanged) { // compare contents of the _automoc.cpp file const std::string oldContents = ReadAll(this->OutMocCppFilename); if (oldContents == automocSource) { // nothing changed: don't touch the _automoc.cpp file return true; } } // source file that includes all remaining moc files (_automoc.cpp file) cmsys::ofstream outfile; outfile.open(this->OutMocCppFilename.c_str(), std::ios::trunc); outfile << automocSource; outfile.close(); return true; } void cmQtAutoGenerators::ParseCppFile(const std::string& absFilename, const std::vector& headerExtensions, std::map& includedMocs, std::map > &includedUis) { cmsys::RegularExpression mocIncludeRegExp( "[\n][ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]+" "[\"<](([^ \">]+/)?moc_[^ \">/]+\\.cpp|[^ \">]+\\.moc)[\">]"); const std::string contentsString = ReadAll(absFilename); if (contentsString.empty()) { std::cerr << "AUTOGEN: warning: " << absFilename << ": file is empty\n" << std::endl; return; } this->ParseForUic(absFilename, contentsString, includedUis); if (this->MocExecutable.empty()) { return; } const std::string absPath = cmsys::SystemTools::GetFilenamePath( cmsys::SystemTools::GetRealPath(absFilename)) + '/'; const std::string scannedFileBasename = cmsys::SystemTools:: GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(absFilename); std::string macroName; const bool requiresMoc = requiresMocing(contentsString, macroName); bool dotMocIncluded = false; bool mocUnderscoreIncluded = false; std::string ownMocUnderscoreFile; std::string ownDotMocFile; std::string ownMocHeaderFile; std::string::size_type matchOffset = 0; // first a simple string check for "moc" is *much* faster than the regexp, // and if the string search already fails, we don't have to try the // expensive regexp if ((strstr(contentsString.c_str(), "moc") != NULL) && (mocIncludeRegExp.find(contentsString))) { // for every moc include in the file do { const std::string currentMoc = mocIncludeRegExp.match(1); //std::cout << "found moc include: " << currentMoc << std::endl; std::string basename = cmsys::SystemTools:: GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(currentMoc); const bool moc_style = cmHasLiteralPrefix(basename, "moc_"); // If the moc include is of the moc_foo.cpp style we expect // the Q_OBJECT class declaration in a header file. // If the moc include is of the foo.moc style we need to look for // a Q_OBJECT macro in the current source file, if it contains the // macro we generate the moc file from the source file. // Q_OBJECT if (moc_style) { // basename should be the part of the moc filename used for // finding the correct header, so we need to remove the moc_ part basename = basename.substr(4); std::string mocSubDir = extractSubDir(absPath, currentMoc); std::string headerToMoc = findMatchingHeader( absPath, mocSubDir, basename, headerExtensions); if (!headerToMoc.empty()) { includedMocs[headerToMoc] = currentMoc; if (basename == scannedFileBasename) { mocUnderscoreIncluded = true; ownMocUnderscoreFile = currentMoc; ownMocHeaderFile = headerToMoc; } } else { std::cerr << "AUTOGEN: error: " << absFilename << ": The file " << "includes the moc file \"" << currentMoc << "\", " << "but could not find header \"" << basename << '{' << this->Join(headerExtensions, ',') << "}\" "; if (mocSubDir.empty()) { std::cerr << "in " << absPath << "\n" << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "neither in " << absPath << " nor in " << mocSubDir << "\n" << std::endl; } ::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { std::string fileToMoc = absFilename; if ((basename != scannedFileBasename) || (requiresMoc==false)) { std::string mocSubDir = extractSubDir(absPath, currentMoc); std::string headerToMoc = findMatchingHeader( absPath, mocSubDir, basename, headerExtensions); if (!headerToMoc.empty()) { // this is for KDE4 compatibility: fileToMoc = headerToMoc; if ((requiresMoc==false) &&(basename==scannedFileBasename)) { std::cerr << "AUTOGEN: warning: " << absFilename << ": The file " "includes the moc file \"" << currentMoc << "\", but does not contain a " << macroName << " macro. Running moc on " << "\"" << headerToMoc << "\" ! Include \"moc_" << basename << ".cpp\" for a compatibility with " "strict mode (see CMAKE_AUTOMOC_RELAXED_MODE).\n" << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "AUTOGEN: warning: " << absFilename << ": The file " "includes the moc file \"" << currentMoc << "\" instead of \"moc_" << basename << ".cpp\". " "Running moc on " << "\"" << headerToMoc << "\" ! Include \"moc_" << basename << ".cpp\" for compatibility with " "strict mode (see CMAKE_AUTOMOC_RELAXED_MODE).\n" << std::endl; } } else { std::cerr <<"AUTOGEN: error: " << absFilename << ": The file " "includes the moc file \"" << currentMoc << "\", which seems to be the moc file from a different " "source file. CMake also could not find a matching " "header.\n" << std::endl; ::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { dotMocIncluded = true; ownDotMocFile = currentMoc; } includedMocs[fileToMoc] = currentMoc; } matchOffset += mocIncludeRegExp.end(); } while(mocIncludeRegExp.find(contentsString.c_str() + matchOffset)); } // In this case, check whether the scanned file itself contains a Q_OBJECT. // If this is the case, the moc_foo.cpp should probably be generated from // foo.cpp instead of foo.h, because otherwise it won't build. // But warn, since this is not how it is supposed to be used. if ((dotMocIncluded == false) && (requiresMoc == true)) { if (mocUnderscoreIncluded == true) { // this is for KDE4 compatibility: std::cerr << "AUTOGEN: warning: " << absFilename << ": The file " << "contains a " << macroName << " macro, but does not " "include " << "\"" << scannedFileBasename << ".moc\", but instead " "includes " << "\"" << ownMocUnderscoreFile << "\". Running moc on " << "\"" << absFilename << "\" ! Better include \"" << scannedFileBasename << ".moc\" for compatibility with " "strict mode (see CMAKE_AUTOMOC_RELAXED_MODE).\n" << std::endl; includedMocs[absFilename] = ownMocUnderscoreFile; includedMocs.erase(ownMocHeaderFile); } else { // otherwise always error out since it will not compile: std::cerr << "AUTOGEN: error: " << absFilename << ": The file " << "contains a " << macroName << " macro, but does not " "include " << "\"" << scannedFileBasename << ".moc\" !\n" << std::endl; ::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } void cmQtAutoGenerators::StrictParseCppFile(const std::string& absFilename, const std::vector& headerExtensions, std::map& includedMocs, std::map >& includedUis) { cmsys::RegularExpression mocIncludeRegExp( "[\n][ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]+" "[\"<](([^ \">]+/)?moc_[^ \">/]+\\.cpp|[^ \">]+\\.moc)[\">]"); const std::string contentsString = ReadAll(absFilename); if (contentsString.empty()) { std::cerr << "AUTOGEN: warning: " << absFilename << ": file is empty\n" << std::endl; return; } this->ParseForUic(absFilename, contentsString, includedUis); if (this->MocExecutable.empty()) { return; } const std::string absPath = cmsys::SystemTools::GetFilenamePath( cmsys::SystemTools::GetRealPath(absFilename)) + '/'; const std::string scannedFileBasename = cmsys::SystemTools:: GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(absFilename); bool dotMocIncluded = false; std::string::size_type matchOffset = 0; // first a simple string check for "moc" is *much* faster than the regexp, // and if the string search already fails, we don't have to try the // expensive regexp if ((strstr(contentsString.c_str(), "moc") != NULL) && (mocIncludeRegExp.find(contentsString))) { // for every moc include in the file do { const std::string currentMoc = mocIncludeRegExp.match(1); std::string basename = cmsys::SystemTools:: GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(currentMoc); const bool mocUnderscoreStyle = cmHasLiteralPrefix(basename, "moc_"); // If the moc include is of the moc_foo.cpp style we expect // the Q_OBJECT class declaration in a header file. // If the moc include is of the foo.moc style we need to look for // a Q_OBJECT macro in the current source file, if it contains the // macro we generate the moc file from the source file. if (mocUnderscoreStyle) { // basename should be the part of the moc filename used for // finding the correct header, so we need to remove the moc_ part basename = basename.substr(4); std::string mocSubDir = extractSubDir(absPath, currentMoc); std::string headerToMoc = findMatchingHeader( absPath, mocSubDir, basename, headerExtensions); if (!headerToMoc.empty()) { includedMocs[headerToMoc] = currentMoc; } else { std::cerr << "AUTOGEN: error: " << absFilename << " The file " << "includes the moc file \"" << currentMoc << "\", " << "but could not find header \"" << basename << '{' << this->Join(headerExtensions, ',') << "}\" "; if (mocSubDir.empty()) { std::cerr << "in " << absPath << "\n" << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "neither in " << absPath << " nor in " << mocSubDir << "\n" << std::endl; } ::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { if (basename != scannedFileBasename) { std::cerr <<"AUTOGEN: error: " << absFilename << ": The file " "includes the moc file \"" << currentMoc << "\", which seems to be the moc file from a different " "source file. This is not supported. " "Include \"" << scannedFileBasename << ".moc\" to run " "moc on this source file.\n" << std::endl; ::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } dotMocIncluded = true; includedMocs[absFilename] = currentMoc; } matchOffset += mocIncludeRegExp.end(); } while(mocIncludeRegExp.find(contentsString.c_str() + matchOffset)); } // In this case, check whether the scanned file itself contains a Q_OBJECT. // If this is the case, the moc_foo.cpp should probably be generated from // foo.cpp instead of foo.h, because otherwise it won't build. // But warn, since this is not how it is supposed to be used. std::string macroName; if ((dotMocIncluded == false) && (requiresMocing(contentsString, macroName))) { // otherwise always error out since it will not compile: std::cerr << "AUTOGEN: error: " << absFilename << ": The file " << "contains a " << macroName << " macro, but does not include " << "\"" << scannedFileBasename << ".moc\" !\n" << std::endl; ::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void cmQtAutoGenerators::ParseForUic(const std::string& absFilename, std::map >& includedUis) { if (this->UicExecutable.empty()) { return; } const std::string contentsString = ReadAll(absFilename); if (contentsString.empty()) { std::cerr << "AUTOGEN: warning: " << absFilename << ": file is empty\n" << std::endl; return; } this->ParseForUic(absFilename, contentsString, includedUis); } void cmQtAutoGenerators::ParseForUic(const std::string& absFilename, const std::string& contentsString, std::map >& includedUis) { if (this->UicExecutable.empty()) { return; } cmsys::RegularExpression uiIncludeRegExp( "[\n][ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]+" "[\"<](([^ \">]+/)?ui_[^ \">/]+\\.h)[\">]"); std::string::size_type matchOffset = 0; const std::string realName = cmsys::SystemTools::GetRealPath(absFilename); matchOffset = 0; if ((strstr(contentsString.c_str(), "ui_") != NULL) && (uiIncludeRegExp.find(contentsString))) { do { const std::string currentUi = uiIncludeRegExp.match(1); std::string basename = cmsys::SystemTools:: GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(currentUi); // basename should be the part of the ui filename used for // finding the correct header, so we need to remove the ui_ part basename = basename.substr(3); includedUis[realName].push_back(basename); matchOffset += uiIncludeRegExp.end(); } while(uiIncludeRegExp.find(contentsString.c_str() + matchOffset)); } } void cmQtAutoGenerators::SearchHeadersForCppFile(const std::string& absFilename, const std::vector& headerExtensions, std::set& absHeaders) { // search for header files and private header files we may need to moc: const std::string basename = cmsys::SystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(absFilename); const std::string absPath = cmsys::SystemTools::GetFilenamePath( cmsys::SystemTools::GetRealPath(absFilename)) + '/'; for(std::vector::const_iterator ext = headerExtensions.begin(); ext != headerExtensions.end(); ++ext) { const std::string headerName = absPath + basename + "." + (*ext); if (cmsys::SystemTools::FileExists(headerName.c_str())) { absHeaders.insert(headerName); break; } } for(std::vector::const_iterator ext = headerExtensions.begin(); ext != headerExtensions.end(); ++ext) { const std::string privateHeaderName = absPath+basename+"_p."+(*ext); if (cmsys::SystemTools::FileExists(privateHeaderName.c_str())) { absHeaders.insert(privateHeaderName); break; } } } void cmQtAutoGenerators::ParseHeaders(const std::set& absHeaders, const std::map& includedMocs, std::map& notIncludedMocs, std::map >& includedUis) { for(std::set::const_iterator hIt=absHeaders.begin(); hIt!=absHeaders.end(); ++hIt) { const std::string& headerName = *hIt; const std::string contents = ReadAll(headerName); if (!this->MocExecutable.empty() && includedMocs.find(headerName) == includedMocs.end()) { if (this->Verbose) { std::cout << "AUTOGEN: Checking " << headerName << std::endl; } const std::string basename = cmsys::SystemTools:: GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(headerName); const std::string currentMoc = "moc_" + basename + ".cpp"; std::string macroName; if (requiresMocing(contents, macroName)) { //std::cout << "header contains Q_OBJECT macro"; notIncludedMocs[headerName] = currentMoc; } } this->ParseForUic(headerName, contents, includedUis); } } bool cmQtAutoGenerators::GenerateMoc(const std::string& sourceFile, const std::string& mocFileName) { const std::string mocFilePath = this->Builddir + mocFileName; int sourceNewerThanMoc = 0; bool success = cmsys::SystemTools::FileTimeCompare(sourceFile, mocFilePath, &sourceNewerThanMoc); if (this->GenerateAll || !success || sourceNewerThanMoc >= 0) { // make sure the directory for the resulting moc file exists std::string mocDir = mocFilePath.substr(0, mocFilePath.rfind('/')); if (!cmsys::SystemTools::FileExists(mocDir.c_str(), false)) { cmsys::SystemTools::MakeDirectory(mocDir.c_str()); } std::string msg = "Generating "; msg += mocFileName; cmSystemTools::MakefileColorEcho(cmsysTerminal_Color_ForegroundBlue |cmsysTerminal_Color_ForegroundBold, msg.c_str(), true, this->ColorOutput); std::vector command; command.push_back(this->MocExecutable); command.insert(command.end(), this->MocIncludes.begin(), this->MocIncludes.end()); command.insert(command.end(), this->MocDefinitions.begin(), this->MocDefinitions.end()); command.insert(command.end(), this->MocOptions.begin(), this->MocOptions.end()); #ifdef _WIN32 command.push_back("-DWIN32"); #endif command.push_back("-o"); command.push_back(mocFilePath); command.push_back(sourceFile); if (this->Verbose) { for(std::vector::const_iterator cmdIt = command.begin(); cmdIt != command.end(); ++cmdIt) { std::cout << *cmdIt << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; } std::string output; int retVal = 0; bool result = cmSystemTools::RunSingleCommand(command, &output, &output, &retVal); if (!result || retVal) { std::cerr << "AUTOGEN: error: process for " << mocFilePath <<" failed:\n" << output << std::endl; this->RunMocFailed = true; cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(mocFilePath); } return true; } return false; } bool cmQtAutoGenerators::GenerateUi(const std::string& realName, const std::string& uiFileName) { if (!cmsys::SystemTools::FileExists(this->Builddir.c_str(), false)) { cmsys::SystemTools::MakeDirectory(this->Builddir.c_str()); } const std::string path = cmsys::SystemTools::GetFilenamePath( realName) + '/'; std::string ui_output_file = "ui_" + uiFileName + ".h"; std::string ui_input_file = path + uiFileName + ".ui"; int sourceNewerThanUi = 0; bool success = cmsys::SystemTools::FileTimeCompare(ui_input_file, this->Builddir + ui_output_file, &sourceNewerThanUi); if (this->GenerateAll || !success || sourceNewerThanUi >= 0) { std::string msg = "Generating "; msg += ui_output_file; cmSystemTools::MakefileColorEcho(cmsysTerminal_Color_ForegroundBlue |cmsysTerminal_Color_ForegroundBold, msg.c_str(), true, this->ColorOutput); std::vector command; command.push_back(this->UicExecutable); std::vector opts = this->UicTargetOptions; std::map::const_iterator optionIt = this->UicOptions.find(ui_input_file); if (optionIt != this->UicOptions.end()) { std::vector fileOpts; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(optionIt->second, fileOpts); cmQtAutoGenerators::MergeUicOptions(opts, fileOpts, this->QtMajorVersion == "5"); } command.insert(command.end(), opts.begin(), opts.end()); command.push_back("-o"); command.push_back(this->Builddir + ui_output_file); command.push_back(ui_input_file); if (this->Verbose) { for(std::vector::const_iterator cmdIt = command.begin(); cmdIt != command.end(); ++cmdIt) { std::cout << *cmdIt << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; } std::string output; int retVal = 0; bool result = cmSystemTools::RunSingleCommand(command, &output, &output, &retVal); if (!result || retVal) { std::cerr << "AUTOUIC: error: process for " << ui_output_file << " needed by\n \"" << realName << "\"\nfailed:\n" << output << std::endl; this->RunUicFailed = true; cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(ui_output_file); return false; } return true; } return false; } bool cmQtAutoGenerators::InputFilesNewerThanQrc(const std::string& qrcFile, const std::string& rccOutput) { std::vector const& files = this->RccInputs[qrcFile]; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it) { int inputNewerThanQrc = 0; bool success = cmsys::SystemTools::FileTimeCompare(*it, rccOutput, &inputNewerThanQrc); if (!success || inputNewerThanQrc >= 0) { return true; } } return false; } bool cmQtAutoGenerators::GenerateQrc() { for(std::vector::const_iterator si = this->RccSources.begin(); si != this->RccSources.end(); ++si) { std::string ext = cmsys::SystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(*si); if (ext != ".qrc") { continue; } std::vector command; command.push_back(this->RccExecutable); std::string basename = cmsys::SystemTools:: GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(*si); std::string rcc_output_file = this->Builddir + "CMakeFiles/" + this->OriginTargetName + ".dir/qrc_" + basename + ".cpp"; int sourceNewerThanQrc = 0; bool generateQrc = !cmsys::SystemTools::FileTimeCompare(*si, rcc_output_file, &sourceNewerThanQrc); generateQrc = generateQrc || (sourceNewerThanQrc >= 0); generateQrc = generateQrc || this->InputFilesNewerThanQrc(*si, rcc_output_file); if (this->GenerateAll || generateQrc) { std::map::const_iterator optionIt = this->RccOptions.find(*si); if (optionIt != this->RccOptions.end()) { cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(optionIt->second, command); } command.push_back("-name"); command.push_back(basename); command.push_back("-o"); command.push_back(rcc_output_file); command.push_back(*si); if (this->Verbose) { for(std::vector::const_iterator cmdIt = command.begin(); cmdIt != command.end(); ++cmdIt) { std::cout << *cmdIt << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; } std::string output; int retVal = 0; bool result = cmSystemTools::RunSingleCommand(command, &output, &output, &retVal); if (!result || retVal) { std::cerr << "AUTORCC: error: process for " << rcc_output_file << " failed:\n" << output << std::endl; this->RunRccFailed = true; cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(rcc_output_file); return false; } } } return true; } std::string cmQtAutoGenerators::Join(const std::vector& lst, char separator) { if (lst.empty()) { return ""; } std::string result; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it) { result += "." + (*it) + separator; } result.erase(result.end() - 1); return result; } bool cmQtAutoGenerators::StartsWith(const std::string& str, const std::string& with) { return (str.substr(0, with.length()) == with); } bool cmQtAutoGenerators::EndsWith(const std::string& str, const std::string& with) { if (with.length() > (str.length())) { return false; } return (str.substr(str.length() - with.length(), with.length()) == with); }