var assert = require("assert") var test = { version: "1.0.0" } function covTest(p1,p2) { if (p1 > 3) { return 1; } else { return p1 + p2; } } function covTest2(p1,p2) { return 0; } function covTest3(p1) { for(i=0;i < p1;i++){ } return i; } function covTest4(p1) { i=0; while(i < p1){ i++; } return i; } describe('Array', function(){ describe('CovTest', function(){ it('should return when the value is not present', function(){ assert.equal(4,covTest(2,2)); }) }) describe('CovTest>3', function(){ it('should return when the value is not present', function(){ assert.equal(1,covTest(4,2)); }) }) describe('covTest4', function(){ it('should return when the value is not present', function(){ assert.equal(5,covTest4(5)); }) }) describe('covTest3', function(){ it('should return when the value is not present', function(){ assert.equal(5,covTest3(5)); }) }) })