AUX_SOURCE_DIRECTORY(ExtraSources LibrarySources) # SOURCE_FILES_REMOVE is used for Coverage SOURCE_FILES(LibrarySources file2 create_file.cxx) SOURCE_FILES_REMOVE(LibrarySources create_file.cxx) ADD_LIBRARY(CMakeTestLibrary LibrarySources) SOURCE_FILES(SharedLibrarySources sharedFile) ADD_LIBRARY(CMakeTestLibraryShared SHARED SharedLibrarySources) # # Small utility used to create file # UTILITY_SOURCE(CREATE_FILE_EXE create_file "." create_file.cxx) ADD_EXECUTABLE(create_file create_file.cxx) # # Attach a post-build custom-command to the lib. # It run ${CREATE_FILE_EXE} which will create the file # ${Complex_BINARY_DIR}/postbuild.txt. # The 'complex' executable will then test if this file exists, # and remove it. # ADD_DEPENDENCIES(CMakeTestLibraryShared create_file) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(SOURCE CMakeTestLibraryShared COMMAND ${CREATE_FILE_EXE} ARGS "${Complex_BINARY_DIR}/postbuild.txt" TARGET CMakeTestLibraryShared) # # Add custom target # It run ${CREATE_FILE_EXE} which will create the file # ${Complex_BINARY_DIR}/custom_target1.txt. # The 'complex' executable will then test if this file exists, # and remove it. # ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(custom_target1 ALL ${CREATE_FILE_EXE} "${Complex_BINARY_DIR}/custom_target1.txt") ADD_DEPENDENCIES(custom_target1 create_file)