/* * "untar" is an extremely simple tar extractor: * * A single C source file, so it should be easy to compile * and run on any system with a C compiler. * * Extremely portable standard C. The only non-ANSI function * used is mkdir(). * * Reads basic ustar tar archives. * * Does not require libarchive or any other special library. * * To compile: cc -o untar untar.c * * Usage: untar * * In particular, this program should be sufficient to extract the * distribution for libarchive, allowing people to bootstrap * libarchive on systems that do not already have a tar program. * * To unpack libarchive-x.y.z.tar.gz: * * gunzip libarchive-x.y.z.tar.gz * * untar libarchive-x.y.z.tar * * Written by Tim Kientzle, March 2009. * * Released into the public domain. */ /* These are all highly standard and portable headers. */ #include #include #include /* This is for mkdir(); this may need to be changed for some platforms. */ #include /* For mkdir() */ /* Parse an octal number, ignoring leading and trailing nonsense. */ static int parseoct(const char *p, size_t n) { int i = 0; while (*p < '0' || *p > '7') { ++p; --n; } while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '7' && n > 0) { i *= 8; i += *p - '0'; ++p; --n; } return (i); } /* Returns true if this is 512 zero bytes. */ static int is_end_of_archive(const char *p) { int n; for (n = 511; n >= 0; --n) if (p[n] != '\0') return (0); return (1); } /* Create a directory, including parent directories as necessary. */ static void create_dir(char *pathname, int mode) { char *p; int r; /* Strip trailing '/' */ if (pathname[strlen(pathname) - 1] == '/') pathname[strlen(pathname) - 1] = '\0'; /* Try creating the directory. */ r = mkdir(pathname, mode); if (r != 0) { /* On failure, try creating parent directory. */ p = strrchr(pathname, '/'); if (p != NULL) { *p = '\0'; create_dir(pathname, 0755); *p = '/'; r = mkdir(pathname, mode); } } if (r != 0) fprintf(stderr, "Could not create directory %s\n", pathname); } /* Create a file, including parent directory as necessary. */ static FILE * create_file(char *pathname, int mode) { FILE *f; f = fopen(pathname, "w+"); if (f == NULL) { /* Try creating parent dir and then creating file. */ char *p = strrchr(pathname, '/'); if (p != NULL) { *p = '\0'; create_dir(pathname, 0755); *p = '/'; f = fopen(pathname, "w+"); } } return (f); } /* Verify the tar checksum. */ static int verify_checksum(const char *p) { int n, u = 0; for (n = 0; n < 512; ++n) { if (n < 148 || n > 155) /* Standard tar checksum adds unsigned bytes. */ u += ((unsigned char *)p)[n]; else u += 0x20; } return (u == parseoct(p + 148, 8)); } /* Extract a tar archive. */ static void untar(FILE *a, const char *path) { char buff[512]; FILE *f = NULL; size_t bytes_read; int filesize; printf("Extracting from %s\n", path); for (;;) { bytes_read = fread(buff, 1, 512, a); if (bytes_read < 512) { fprintf(stderr, "Short read on %s: expected 512, got %d\n", path, bytes_read); return; } if (is_end_of_archive(buff)) { printf("End of %s\n", path); return; } if (!verify_checksum(buff)) { fprintf(stderr, "Checksum failure\n"); return; } filesize = parseoct(buff + 124, 12); switch (buff[156]) { case '1': printf(" Ignoring hardlink %s\n", buff); break; case '2': printf(" Ignoring symlink %s\n", buff); break; case '3': printf(" Ignoring character device %s\n", buff); break; case '4': printf(" Ignoring block device %s\n", buff); break; case '5': printf(" Extracting dir %s\n", buff); create_dir(buff, parseoct(buff + 100, 8)); filesize = 0; break; case '6': printf(" Ignoring FIFO %s\n", buff); break; default: printf(" Extracting file %s\n", buff); f = create_file(buff, parseoct(buff + 100, 8)); break; } while (filesize > 0) { bytes_read = fread(buff, 1, 512, a); if (bytes_read < 512) { fprintf(stderr, "Short read on %s: Expected 512, got %d\n", path, bytes_read); return; } if (filesize < 512) bytes_read = filesize; if (f != NULL) { if (fwrite(buff, 1, bytes_read, f) != bytes_read) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed write\n"); fclose(f); f = NULL; } } filesize -= bytes_read; } if (f != NULL) { fclose(f); f = NULL; } } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *a; ++argv; /* Skip program name */ for ( ;*argv != NULL; ++argv) { a = fopen(*argv, "r"); if (a == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s\n", *argv); else { untar(a, *argv); fclose(a); } } return (0); }