#include "cmDSPMakefile.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include #include #include void cmDSPMakefile::OutputDSPFile() { m_IncludeOptions = "/STACK:10000000 "; m_IncludeOptions = "/I \""; m_IncludeOptions += this->GetHomeDirectory(); m_IncludeOptions += "/Code/Common\" "; m_IncludeOptions += "/I \""; m_IncludeOptions += this->GetHomeDirectory(); m_IncludeOptions += "/Code/Insight3DParty/vxl\" "; // Add the Build directory vcl to the -I path for config.h type stuff m_IncludeOptions += "/I \""; m_IncludeOptions += this->GetOutputHomeDirectory(); m_IncludeOptions += "/Code/Insight3DParty/vxl\" "; // Add the Build directory to the -I path for config.h type stuff m_IncludeOptions += "/I \""; m_IncludeOptions += this->GetOutputHomeDirectory(); m_IncludeOptions += "\" "; m_DebugLibraryOptions = " ITKCommon.lib ITKNumerics.lib "; m_DebugLibraryOptions += " /LIBPATH:\""; m_DebugLibraryOptions += this->GetOutputHomeDirectory(); m_DebugLibraryOptions += "/Code/Common/Debug\" "; m_DebugLibraryOptions += " /LIBPATH:\""; m_DebugLibraryOptions += this->GetOutputHomeDirectory(); m_DebugLibraryOptions += "/Code/Insight3DParty/vxl/Debug\" "; m_ReleaseLibraryOptions = m_DebugLibraryOptions; cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(m_ReleaseLibraryOptions, "Debug", "Release"); // If the output directory is not the m_cmHomeDirectory // then create it. if(m_OutputDirectory != m_cmHomeDirectory) { if(!cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(m_OutputDirectory.c_str())) { MessageBox(0, "Error creating directory ", 0, MB_OK); MessageBox(0, m_OutputDirectory.c_str(), 0, MB_OK); } } if(!m_Executables) { if(this->m_LibraryName == "") { std::cerr << "No library name in Makefile.in dsp not created" << std::endl; return; } std::cerr << "building library " << this->m_LibraryName.c_str() << std::endl; this->SetBuildType(STATIC_LIBRARY); this->CreateSingleDSP(); } else { std::cerr << "Build Executables " << std::endl; this->CreateExecutableDSPFiles(); } } void cmDSPMakefile::CreateExecutableDSPFiles() { std::cerr << "Create executables for "; for(int i = 0; i < m_Classes.size(); ++i) { cmClassFile& classfile = m_Classes[i]; std::string fname = m_OutputDirectory; fname += "/"; fname += classfile.m_ClassName; fname += ".dsp"; std::ofstream fout(fname.c_str()); if(!fout) { MessageBox(0, "Error writing ", 0, MB_OK); MessageBox(0, fname.c_str(), 0, MB_OK); std::cerr << "Error can not open " << fname.c_str() << " for write" << std::endl; } else { m_LibraryName = classfile.m_ClassName; this->SetBuildType(EXECUTABLE); std::string pname = m_LibraryName; m_CreatedProjectNames.push_back(pname); this->WriteDSPHeader(fout); this->WriteDSPBeginGroup(fout, "Source Files", "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat"); this->WriteDSPBuildRule(fout, classfile.m_FullPath.c_str()); this->WriteDSPEndGroup(fout); this->WriteDSPBuildRule(fout); this->WriteDSPFooter(fout); } } } void cmDSPMakefile::CreateSingleDSP() { std::string fname; std::cerr << "writting dsp file " << m_cmCurrentDirectory.c_str() << std::endl; fname = m_OutputDirectory; fname += "/"; fname += this->m_LibraryName; fname += ".dsp"; m_CreatedProjectNames.clear(); std::string pname = m_LibraryName; m_CreatedProjectNames.push_back(pname); std::cerr << "writting dsp file " << fname.c_str() << std::endl; std::ofstream fout(fname.c_str()); if(!fout) { MessageBox(0, "Error writing ", 0, MB_OK); MessageBox(0, fname.c_str(), 0, MB_OK); std::cerr << "Error can not open " << fname.c_str() << " for write" << std::endl; return; } this->WriteDSPFile(fout); } void cmDSPMakefile::WriteDSPBuildRule(std::ostream& fout) { std::string dspname = *(m_CreatedProjectNames.end()-1); dspname += ".dsp"; #undef GetCurrentDirectory std::string makefileIn = this->GetCurrentDirectory(); makefileIn += "/"; makefileIn += "Makefile.in"; std::string dsprule = GetHomeDirectory(); dsprule += "/CMake/pcbuilderCMD "; dsprule += makefileIn; dsprule += " -DSP -H"; dsprule += this->GetHomeDirectory(); dsprule += " -D"; dsprule += this->GetCurrentDirectory(); dsprule += " -O"; dsprule += this->GetOutputDirectory(); dsprule += " -B"; dsprule += this->GetOutputHomeDirectory(); this->WriteCustomRule(fout, makefileIn.c_str(), dspname.c_str(), dsprule.c_str()); } void cmDSPMakefile::WriteDSPFile(std::ostream& fout) { this->WriteDSPHeader(fout); this->WriteDSPBeginGroup(fout, "Source Files", "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat"); this->WriteDSPBuildRules(fout); this->WriteDSPEndGroup(fout); this->WriteDSPBuildRule(fout); this->WriteDSPFooter(fout); } void cmDSPMakefile::WriteCustomRule(std::ostream& fout, const char* source, const char* result, const char* command) { fout << "# Begin Source File\n\n"; fout << "SOURCE=" << source << "\n\n"; fout << "# Begin Custom Build\n\n"; fout << '\"' << result << "\" : $(SOURCE) \"$(INTDIR)\" \"$(OUTDIR)\"\n"; fout << " " << command << "\n\n"; fout << "# End Custom Build\n\n"; fout << "# End Source File\n"; } void cmDSPMakefile::WriteDSPBeginGroup(std::ostream& fout, const char* group, const char* filter) { fout << "# Begin Group \"" << group << "\"\n" "# PROP Default_Filter \"" << filter << "\"\n"; } void cmDSPMakefile::WriteDSPEndGroup(std::ostream& fout) { fout << "# End Group\n"; } void cmDSPMakefile::SetBuildType(BuildType b) { switch(b) { case STATIC_LIBRARY: m_DSPHeaderTemplate = m_cmHomeDirectory; m_DSPHeaderTemplate += "/CMake/staticLibHeader.dsptemplate"; m_DSPFooterTemplate = m_cmHomeDirectory; m_DSPFooterTemplate += "/CMake/staticLibFooter.dsptemplate"; break; case DLL: m_DSPHeaderTemplate = m_cmHomeDirectory; m_DSPHeaderTemplate += "/CMake/DLLHeader.dsptemplate"; m_DSPFooterTemplate = m_cmHomeDirectory; m_DSPFooterTemplate += "/CMake/DLLFooter.dsptemplate"; break; case EXECUTABLE: m_DSPHeaderTemplate = m_cmHomeDirectory; m_DSPHeaderTemplate += "/CMake/EXEHeader.dsptemplate"; m_DSPFooterTemplate = m_cmHomeDirectory; m_DSPFooterTemplate += "/CMake/EXEFooter.dsptemplate"; break; } } void cmDSPMakefile::WriteDSPHeader(std::ostream& fout) { std::ifstream fin(m_DSPHeaderTemplate.c_str()); if(!fin) { std::cerr << "failed to open " << m_DSPHeaderTemplate.c_str() << " for read" << std::endl; return; } char buffer[2048]; while(fin) { fin.getline(buffer, 2048); std::string line = buffer; cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "CM_RELEASE_LIBRARIES", m_ReleaseLibraryOptions.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "CM_DEBUG_LIBRARIES", m_DebugLibraryOptions.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "BUILD_INCLUDES", m_IncludeOptions.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "OUTPUT_LIBNAME", m_LibraryName.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "EXTRA_DEFINES", ""); fout << line.c_str() << std::endl; } } void cmDSPMakefile::WriteDSPFooter(std::ostream& fout) { std::ifstream fin(m_DSPFooterTemplate.c_str()); if(!fin) { std::cerr << "can not open " << m_DSPFooterTemplate.c_str() << " for read" << std::endl; return; } char buffer[2048]; while(fin) { fin.getline(buffer, 2048); fout << buffer << std::endl; } } void cmDSPMakefile::WriteDSPBuildRules(std::ostream& fout) { for(int i = 0; i < m_Classes.size(); ++i) { if(!m_Classes[i].m_AbstractClass && !m_Classes[i].m_HeaderFileOnly) { this->WriteDSPBuildRule(fout, m_Classes[i].m_FullPath.c_str()); } } } void cmDSPMakefile::WriteDSPBuildRule(std::ostream& fout, const char* path) { fout << "# Begin Source File\n\n"; fout << "SOURCE=" << path << "\n"; fout << "# End Source File\n"; }