/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmCommand.h" #include "cmSourceFile.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmLocalGenerator.h" #include "cmCommands.h" #include "cmCacheManager.h" #include "cmFunctionBlocker.h" #include "cmListFileCache.h" #include "cmCommandArgumentParserHelper.h" #include "cmTest.h" #ifdef CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE # include "cmVariableWatch.h" #endif #include "cmInstallGenerator.h" #include "cmake.h" #include // required for atoi #include #include // for isspace // default is not to be building executables cmMakefile::cmMakefile() { // Setup the default include file regular expression (match everything). this->IncludeFileRegularExpression = "^.*$"; // Setup the default include complaint regular expression (match nothing). this->ComplainFileRegularExpression = "^$"; // Source and header file extensions that we can handle // Set up a list of source and header extensions // these are used to find files when the extension // is not given // The "c" extension MUST precede the "C" extension. this->SourceFileExtensions.push_back( "c" ); this->SourceFileExtensions.push_back( "C" ); this->SourceFileExtensions.push_back( "c++" ); this->SourceFileExtensions.push_back( "cc" ); this->SourceFileExtensions.push_back( "cpp" ); this->SourceFileExtensions.push_back( "cxx" ); this->SourceFileExtensions.push_back( "m" ); this->SourceFileExtensions.push_back( "M" ); this->SourceFileExtensions.push_back( "mm" ); this->HeaderFileExtensions.push_back( "h" ); this->HeaderFileExtensions.push_back( "hh" ); this->HeaderFileExtensions.push_back( "h++" ); this->HeaderFileExtensions.push_back( "hm" ); this->HeaderFileExtensions.push_back( "hpp" ); this->HeaderFileExtensions.push_back( "hxx" ); this->HeaderFileExtensions.push_back( "in" ); this->HeaderFileExtensions.push_back( "txx" ); this->DefineFlags = " "; this->LocalGenerator = 0; #if defined(CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE) this->AddSourceGroup("", "^.*$"); this->AddSourceGroup ("Source Files", "\\.(C|M|c|c\\+\\+|cc|cpp|cxx|m|mm|rc|def|r|odl|idl|hpj|bat)$"); this->AddSourceGroup("Header Files", "\\.(h|hh|h\\+\\+|hm|hpp|hxx|in|txx|inl)$"); this->AddSourceGroup("CMake Rules", "\\.rule$"); this->AddSourceGroup("Resources", "\\.plist$"); #endif this->AddDefaultDefinitions(); this->cmDefineRegex.compile("#cmakedefine[ \t]+([A-Za-z_0-9]*)"); this->cmDefine01Regex.compile("#cmakedefine01[ \t]+([A-Za-z_0-9]*)"); this->PreOrder = false; } cmMakefile::cmMakefile(const cmMakefile& mf) { this->Prefix = mf.Prefix; this->AuxSourceDirectories = mf.AuxSourceDirectories; this->cmStartDirectory = mf.cmStartDirectory; this->StartOutputDirectory = mf.StartOutputDirectory; this->cmHomeDirectory = mf.cmHomeDirectory; this->HomeOutputDirectory = mf.HomeOutputDirectory; this->cmCurrentListFile = mf.cmCurrentListFile; this->ProjectName = mf.ProjectName; this->Targets = mf.Targets; this->SourceFiles = mf.SourceFiles; this->Tests = mf.Tests; this->IncludeDirectories = mf.IncludeDirectories; this->LinkDirectories = mf.LinkDirectories; this->ListFiles = mf.ListFiles; this->OutputFiles = mf.OutputFiles; this->LinkLibraries = mf.LinkLibraries; this->InstallGenerators = mf.InstallGenerators; this->IncludeFileRegularExpression = mf.IncludeFileRegularExpression; this->ComplainFileRegularExpression = mf.ComplainFileRegularExpression; this->SourceFileExtensions = mf.SourceFileExtensions; this->HeaderFileExtensions = mf.HeaderFileExtensions; this->DefineFlags = mf.DefineFlags; #if defined(CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE) this->SourceGroups = mf.SourceGroups; #endif this->Definitions = mf.Definitions; this->LocalGenerator = mf.LocalGenerator; this->FunctionBlockers = mf.FunctionBlockers; this->DataMap = mf.DataMap; this->MacrosMap = mf.MacrosMap; this->SubDirectoryOrder = mf.SubDirectoryOrder; this->TemporaryDefinitionKey = mf.TemporaryDefinitionKey; this->Properties = mf.Properties; this->PreOrder = mf.PreOrder; this->ListFileStack = mf.ListFileStack; } const char* cmMakefile::GetReleaseVersion() { #if CMake_VERSION_MINOR & 1 return "development"; #else # if CMake_VERSION_PATCH == 0 return "beta"; # else return "patch " CMAKE_TO_STRING(CMake_VERSION_PATCH); # endif #endif } unsigned int cmMakefile::GetCacheMajorVersion() { if(const char* vstr = this->GetCacheManager()->GetCacheValue("CMAKE_CACHE_MAJOR_VERSION")) { unsigned int v=0; if(sscanf(vstr, "%u", &v) == 1) { return v; } } return 0; } unsigned int cmMakefile::GetCacheMinorVersion() { if(const char* vstr = this->GetCacheManager()->GetCacheValue("CMAKE_CACHE_MINOR_VERSION")) { unsigned int v=0; if(sscanf(vstr, "%u", &v) == 1) { return v; } } return 0; } cmMakefile::~cmMakefile() { for(std::vector::iterator i = this->InstallGenerators.begin(); i != this->InstallGenerators.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } for(std::vector::iterator i = this->SourceFiles.begin(); i != this->SourceFiles.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } for(std::vector::iterator i = this->Tests.begin(); i != this->Tests.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } for(unsigned int i=0; i < this->UsedCommands.size(); i++) { delete this->UsedCommands[i]; } for(DataMapType::const_iterator d = this->DataMap.begin(); d != this->DataMap.end(); ++d) { if(d->second) { delete d->second; } } std::list::iterator pos; for (pos = this->FunctionBlockers.begin(); pos != this->FunctionBlockers.end(); ++pos) { cmFunctionBlocker* b = *pos; delete b; } this->FunctionBlockers.clear(); } void cmMakefile::PrintStringVector(const char* s, const std::vector& v) const { std::cout << s << ": ( \n"; for(std::vector::const_iterator i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i) { std::cout << (*i).c_str() << " "; } std::cout << " )\n"; } void cmMakefile ::PrintStringVector(const char* s, const std::vector >& v) const { std::cout << s << ": ( \n"; for(std::vector >::const_iterator i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i) { std::cout << i->first.c_str() << " " << i->second; } std::cout << " )\n"; } // call print on all the classes in the makefile void cmMakefile::Print() { // print the class lists std::cout << "classes:\n"; std::cout << " this->Targets: "; for (cmTargets::iterator l = this->Targets.begin(); l != this->Targets.end(); l++) { std::cout << l->first << std::endl; } std::cout << " this->StartOutputDirectory; " << this->StartOutputDirectory.c_str() << std::endl; std::cout << " this->HomeOutputDirectory; " << this->HomeOutputDirectory.c_str() << std::endl; std::cout << " this->cmStartDirectory; " << this->cmStartDirectory.c_str() << std::endl; std::cout << " this->cmHomeDirectory; " << this->cmHomeDirectory.c_str() << std::endl; std::cout << " this->ProjectName; " << this->ProjectName.c_str() << std::endl; this->PrintStringVector("this->IncludeDirectories;", this->IncludeDirectories); this->PrintStringVector("this->LinkDirectories", this->LinkDirectories); #if defined(CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE) for( std::vector::const_iterator i = this->SourceGroups.begin(); i != this->SourceGroups.end(); ++i) { std::cout << "Source Group: " << i->GetName() << std::endl; } #endif } bool cmMakefile::CommandExists(const char* name) const { return this->GetCMakeInstance()->CommandExists(name); } bool cmMakefile::ExecuteCommand(const cmListFileFunction& lff) { bool result = true; // quick return if blocked if(this->IsFunctionBlocked(lff)) { // No error. return result; } std::string name = lff.Name; // execute the command cmCommand *rm = this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetCommand(name.c_str()); if(rm) { const char* versionValue = this->GetDefinition("CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY"); int major = 0; int minor = 0; if ( versionValue ) { sscanf(versionValue, "%d.%d", &major, &minor); } if ( rm->IsDeprecated(major, minor) ) { cmOStringStream error; error << "Error in cmake code at\n" << lff.FilePath << ":" << lff.Line << ":\n" << rm->GetError() << std::endl << "Current CMake stack: " << this->GetListFileStack().c_str(); cmSystemTools::Error(error.str().c_str()); return false; } cmCommand* usedCommand = rm->Clone(); usedCommand->SetMakefile(this); bool keepCommand = false; if(usedCommand->GetEnabled() && !cmSystemTools::GetFatalErrorOccured() && (!this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetScriptMode() || usedCommand->IsScriptable())) { if(!usedCommand->InvokeInitialPass(lff.Arguments)) { cmOStringStream error; error << "Error in cmake code at\n" << lff.FilePath << ":" << lff.Line << ":\n" << usedCommand->GetError() << std::endl << "Current CMake stack: " << this->GetListFileStack().c_str(); cmSystemTools::Error(error.str().c_str()); result = false; if ( this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetScriptMode() ) { cmSystemTools::SetFatalErrorOccured(); } } else { // use the command keepCommand = true; this->UsedCommands.push_back(usedCommand); } } else if ( this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetScriptMode() && !usedCommand->IsScriptable() ) { cmOStringStream error; error << "Error in cmake code at\n" << lff.FilePath << ":" << lff.Line << ":\n" << "Command " << usedCommand->GetName() << " not scriptable" << std::endl; cmSystemTools::Error(error.str().c_str()); result = false; cmSystemTools::SetFatalErrorOccured(); } // if the Cloned command was not used // then delete it if(!keepCommand) { delete usedCommand; } } else { if(!cmSystemTools::GetFatalErrorOccured()) { cmOStringStream error; error << "Error in cmake code at\n" << lff.FilePath << ":" << lff.Line << ":\n" << "Unknown CMake command \"" << lff.Name.c_str() << "\"."; cmSystemTools::Error(error.str().c_str()); result = false; cmSystemTools::SetFatalErrorOccured(); } } return result; } // Parse the given CMakeLists.txt file executing all commands // bool cmMakefile::ReadListFile(const char* filename_in, const char *external_in) { std::string currentFile = this->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE"); this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE", filename_in); // used to watch for blockers going out of scope // e.g. mismatched IF statement std::set originalBlockers; const char* external = 0; std::string external_abs; const char* filename = filename_in; std::string filename_abs; if (external_in) { external_abs = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(external_in, this->cmStartDirectory.c_str()); external = external_abs.c_str(); if (filename_in) { filename_abs = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(filename_in, this->cmStartDirectory.c_str()); filename = filename_abs.c_str(); } } // keep track of the current file being read if (filename) { if(this->cmCurrentListFile != filename) { this->cmCurrentListFile = filename; } // loop over current function blockers and record them std::list::iterator pos; for (pos = this->FunctionBlockers.begin(); pos != this->FunctionBlockers.end(); ++pos) { originalBlockers.insert(*pos); } } // Now read the input file const char *filenametoread= filename; if( external) { filenametoread= external; } // try to see if the list file is the top most // list file for a project, and if it is, then it // must have a project command. If there is not // one, then cmake will provide one via the // cmListFileCache class. bool requireProjectCommand = false; if(!external && this->cmStartDirectory == this->cmHomeDirectory) { if(cmSystemTools::LowerCase( cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(filename)) == "cmakelists.txt") { requireProjectCommand = true; } } // push the listfile onto the stack this->ListFileStack.push_back(filenametoread); cmListFile cacheFile; if( !cacheFile.ParseFile(filenametoread, requireProjectCommand) ) { this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE", currentFile.c_str()); return false; } // add this list file to the list of dependencies this->ListFiles.push_back( filenametoread); const size_t numberFunctions = cacheFile.Functions.size(); for(size_t i =0; i < numberFunctions; ++i) { this->ExecuteCommand(cacheFile.Functions[i]); if ( cmSystemTools::GetFatalErrorOccured() ) { // pop the listfile off the stack this->ListFileStack.pop_back(); this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE", currentFile.c_str()); return true; } } // send scope ended to and function blockers if (filename) { // loop over all function blockers to see if any block this command std::list::iterator pos; for (pos = this->FunctionBlockers.begin(); pos != this->FunctionBlockers.end(); ++pos) { // if this blocker was not in the original then send a // scope ended message if (originalBlockers.find(*pos) == originalBlockers.end()) { (*pos)->ScopeEnded(*this); } } } this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE", currentFile.c_str()); // pop the listfile off the stack this->ListFileStack.pop_back(); return true; } void cmMakefile::AddCommand(cmCommand* wg) { this->GetCMakeInstance()->AddCommand(wg); } // Set the make file void cmMakefile::SetLocalGenerator(cmLocalGenerator* lg) { this->LocalGenerator = lg; } void cmMakefile::FinalPass() { // do all the variable expansions here this->ExpandVariables(); // give all the commands a chance to do something // after the file has been parsed before generation for(std::vector::iterator i = this->UsedCommands.begin(); i != this->UsedCommands.end(); ++i) { (*i)->FinalPass(); } } // Generate the output file void cmMakefile::ConfigureFinalPass() { this->FinalPass(); const char* oldValue = this->GetDefinition("CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY"); if (oldValue && atof(oldValue) <= 1.2) { cmSystemTools::Error("You have requested backwards compatibility " "with CMake version 1.2 or earlier. This version " "of CMake only supports backwards compatibility " "with CMake 1.4 or later. For compatibility with " "1.2 or earlier please use CMake 2.0"); } for (cmTargets::iterator l = this->Targets.begin(); l != this->Targets.end(); l++) { l->second.GenerateSourceFilesFromSourceLists(*this); l->second.AnalyzeLibDependencies(*this); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmMakefile::AddCustomCommandToTarget(const char* target, const std::vector& depends, const cmCustomCommandLines& commandLines, cmTarget::CustomCommandType type, const char* comment, const char* workingDir, bool escapeOldStyle) { // Find the target to which to add the custom command. cmTargets::iterator ti = this->Targets.find(target); if(ti != this->Targets.end()) { // Add the command to the appropriate build step for the target. std::vector no_output; cmCustomCommand cc(no_output, depends, commandLines, comment, workingDir); cc.SetEscapeOldStyle(escapeOldStyle); switch(type) { case cmTarget::PRE_BUILD: ti->second.GetPreBuildCommands().push_back(cc); break; case cmTarget::PRE_LINK: ti->second.GetPreLinkCommands().push_back(cc); break; case cmTarget::POST_BUILD: ti->second.GetPostBuildCommands().push_back(cc); break; } // Add dependencies on commands CMake knows how to build. for(cmCustomCommandLines::const_iterator cli = commandLines.begin(); cli != commandLines.end(); ++cli) { std::string cacheCommand = *cli->begin(); if(const char* knownTarget = this->GetCacheManager()->GetCacheValue(cacheCommand.c_str())) { ti->second.AddUtility(knownTarget); } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmMakefile::AddCustomCommandToOutput(const std::vector& outputs, const std::vector& depends, const char* main_dependency, const cmCustomCommandLines& commandLines, const char* comment, const char* workingDir, bool replace, bool escapeOldStyle) { // Make sure there is at least one output. if(outputs.empty()) { cmSystemTools::Error("Attempt to add a custom rule with no output!"); return; } // Choose a source file on which to store the custom command. cmSourceFile* file = 0; if(main_dependency && main_dependency[0]) { // The main dependency was specified. Use it unless a different // custom command already used it. file = this->GetSource(main_dependency); if(file && file->GetCustomCommand() && !replace) { // The main dependency already has a custom command. if(commandLines == file->GetCustomCommand()->GetCommandLines()) { // The existing custom command is identical. Silently ignore // the duplicate. return; } else { // The existing custom command is different. We need to // generate a rule file for this new command. file = 0; } } else { // The main dependency does not have a custom command or we are // allowed to replace it. Use it to store the command. file = this->GetOrCreateSource(main_dependency); } } // Generate a rule file if the main dependency is not available. if(!file) { // Construct a rule file associated with the first output produced. std::string outName = outputs[0]; outName += ".rule"; // Check if the rule file already exists. file = this->GetSource(outName.c_str()); if(file && file->GetCustomCommand() && !replace) { // The rule file already exists. if(commandLines != file->GetCustomCommand()->GetCommandLines()) { cmSystemTools::Error("Attempt to add a custom rule to output \"", outName.c_str(), "\" which already has a custom rule."); } return; } // Create a cmSourceFile for the rule file. file = this->GetOrCreateSource(outName.c_str(), true); } // Always create the output sources and mark them generated. for(std::vector::const_iterator o = outputs.begin(); o != outputs.end(); ++o) { if(cmSourceFile* out = this->GetOrCreateSource(o->c_str(), true)) { out->SetProperty("GENERATED", "1"); } } // Construct a complete list of dependencies. std::vector depends2(depends); if(main_dependency && main_dependency[0]) { depends2.push_back(main_dependency); } // Attach the custom command to the file. if(file) { cmCustomCommand* cc = new cmCustomCommand(outputs, depends2, commandLines, comment, workingDir); cc->SetEscapeOldStyle(escapeOldStyle); file->SetCustomCommand(cc); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmMakefile::AddCustomCommandToOutput(const char* output, const std::vector& depends, const char* main_dependency, const cmCustomCommandLines& commandLines, const char* comment, const char* workingDir, bool replace, bool escapeOldStyle) { std::vector outputs; outputs.push_back(output); this->AddCustomCommandToOutput(outputs, depends, main_dependency, commandLines, comment, workingDir, replace, escapeOldStyle); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmMakefile::AddCustomCommandOldStyle(const char* target, const std::vector& outputs, const std::vector& depends, const char* source, const cmCustomCommandLines& commandLines, const char* comment) { // Translate the old-style signature to one of the new-style // signatures. if(strcmp(source, target) == 0) { // In the old-style signature if the source and target were the // same then it added a post-build rule to the target. Preserve // this behavior. this->AddCustomCommandToTarget(target, depends, commandLines, cmTarget::POST_BUILD, comment, 0); return; } // Each output must get its own copy of this rule. cmsys::RegularExpression sourceFiles("\\.(C|M|c|c\\+\\+|cc|cpp|cxx|m|mm|" "rc|def|r|odl|idl|hpj|bat|h|h\\+\\+|" "hm|hpp|hxx|in|txx|inl)$"); for(std::vector::const_iterator oi = outputs.begin(); oi != outputs.end(); ++oi) { // Get the name of this output. const char* output = oi->c_str(); // Choose whether to use a main dependency. if(sourceFiles.find(source)) { // The source looks like a real file. Use it as the main dependency. this->AddCustomCommandToOutput(output, depends, source, commandLines, comment, 0); } else { // The source may not be a real file. Do not use a main dependency. const char* no_main_dependency = 0; std::vector depends2 = depends; depends2.push_back(source); this->AddCustomCommandToOutput(output, depends2, no_main_dependency, commandLines, comment, 0); } // If the rule was added to the source (and not a .rule file), // then add the source to the target to make sure the rule is // included. std::string sname = output; sname += ".rule"; if(!this->GetSource(sname.c_str())) { if (this->Targets.find(target) != this->Targets.end()) { this->Targets[target].GetSourceLists().push_back(source); } else { cmSystemTools::Error("Attempt to add a custom rule to a target " "that does not exist yet for target ", target); return; } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmMakefile::AddUtilityCommand(const char* utilityName, bool all, const std::vector& depends, const char* workingDirectory, const char* command, const char* arg1, const char* arg2, const char* arg3, const char* arg4) { // Construct the command line for the custom command. cmCustomCommandLine commandLine; commandLine.push_back(command); if(arg1) { commandLine.push_back(arg1); } if(arg2) { commandLine.push_back(arg2); } if(arg3) { commandLine.push_back(arg3); } if(arg4) { commandLine.push_back(arg4); } cmCustomCommandLines commandLines; commandLines.push_back(commandLine); // Call the real signature of this method. this->AddUtilityCommand(utilityName, all, workingDirectory, depends, commandLines); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmMakefile::AddUtilityCommand(const char* utilityName, bool all, const char* workingDirectory, const std::vector& depends, const cmCustomCommandLines& commandLines, bool escapeOldStyle) { // Create a target instance for this utility. cmTarget target; target.SetType(cmTarget::UTILITY, utilityName); target.SetInAll(all); target.SetMakefile(this); // Store the custom command in the target. std::string force = this->GetStartOutputDirectory(); force += cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectory(); force += "/"; force += utilityName; const char* no_main_dependency = 0; const char* empty_comment = ""; bool no_replace = false; this->AddCustomCommandToOutput(force.c_str(), depends, no_main_dependency, commandLines, empty_comment, workingDirectory, no_replace, escapeOldStyle); target.GetSourceLists().push_back(force); // Add the target to the set of targets. cmTargets::iterator it = this->Targets.insert(cmTargets::value_type(utilityName,target)).first; this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddTarget(*it); } void cmMakefile::AddDefineFlag(const char* flag) { this->DefineFlags += " "; this->DefineFlags += flag; } void cmMakefile::RemoveDefineFlag(const char* flag) { // Check the length of the flag to remove. std::string::size_type len = strlen(flag); if(len < 1) { return; } // Remove all instances of the flag that are surrounded by // whitespace or the beginning/end of the string. for(std::string::size_type lpos = this->DefineFlags.find(flag, 0); lpos != std::string::npos; lpos = this->DefineFlags.find(flag, lpos)) { std::string::size_type rpos = lpos + len; if((lpos <= 0 || isspace(this->DefineFlags[lpos-1])) && (rpos >= this->DefineFlags.size() || isspace(this->DefineFlags[rpos]))) { this->DefineFlags.erase(lpos, len); } else { ++lpos; } } } void cmMakefile::AddLinkLibrary(const char* lib, cmTarget::LinkLibraryType llt) { this->LinkLibraries.push_back( std::pair(lib,llt)); } void cmMakefile::AddLinkLibraryForTarget(const char *target, const char* lib, cmTarget::LinkLibraryType llt) { cmTargets::iterator i = this->Targets.find(target); if ( i != this->Targets.end()) { cmTarget* tgt = this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetGlobalGenerator()->FindTarget(0, lib); if(tgt) { bool allowModules = true; const char* versionValue = this->GetDefinition("CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY"); if (versionValue && (atof(versionValue) >= 2.4) ) { allowModules = false; } // if it is not a static or shared library then you can not link to it if(!((tgt->GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) || (tgt->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY))) { cmOStringStream e; e << "Attempt to add link target " << lib << " of type: " << cmTarget::TargetTypeNames[static_cast(tgt->GetType())] << "\nto target " << target << ". You can only link to STATIC or SHARED libraries."; // in older versions of cmake linking to modules was allowed if( tgt->GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY ) { e << "\nTo allow linking of modules set " "CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY to 2.2 or lower\n"; } // if no modules are allowed then this is always an error if(!allowModules || // if we allow modules but the type is not a module then it is // still an error (allowModules && tgt->GetType() != cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY)) { cmSystemTools::Error(e.str().c_str()); } } } i->second.AddLinkLibrary( *this, target, lib, llt ); } else { cmOStringStream e; e << "Attempt to add link library \"" << lib << "\" to target \"" << target << "\" which is not built by this project."; cmSystemTools::Error(e.str().c_str()); } } void cmMakefile::AddLinkDirectoryForTarget(const char *target, const char* d) { cmTargets::iterator i = this->Targets.find(target); if ( i != this->Targets.end()) { i->second.AddLinkDirectory( d ); } else { cmSystemTools::Error ("Attempt to add link directories to non-existant target: ", target, " for directory ", d); } } void cmMakefile::AddLinkLibrary(const char* lib) { this->AddLinkLibrary(lib,cmTarget::GENERAL); } void cmMakefile::AddLinkDirectory(const char* dir) { // Don't add a link directory that is already present. Yes, this // linear search results in n^2 behavior, but n won't be getting // much bigger than 20. We cannot use a set because of order // dependency of the link search path. // remove trailing slashes if(dir && dir[strlen(dir)-1] == '/') { std::string newdir = dir; newdir = newdir.substr(0, newdir.size()-1); if(std::find(this->LinkDirectories.begin(), this->LinkDirectories.end(), newdir.c_str()) == this->LinkDirectories.end()) { this->LinkDirectories.push_back(newdir); } } else { if(std::find(this->LinkDirectories.begin(), this->LinkDirectories.end(), dir) == this->LinkDirectories.end()) { this->LinkDirectories.push_back(dir); } } } void cmMakefile::InitializeFromParent() { cmMakefile *parent = this->LocalGenerator->GetParent()->GetMakefile(); // copy the definitions this->Definitions = parent->Definitions; // copy include paths this->IncludeDirectories = parent->IncludeDirectories; // define flags this->DefineFlags = parent->DefineFlags; // link libraries this->LinkLibraries = parent->LinkLibraries; // link directories this->LinkDirectories = parent->LinkDirectories; // the initial project name this->ProjectName = parent->ProjectName; // Copy include regular expressions. this->IncludeFileRegularExpression = parent->IncludeFileRegularExpression; this->ComplainFileRegularExpression = parent->ComplainFileRegularExpression; } void cmMakefile::ConfigureSubDirectory(cmLocalGenerator *lg2) { // copy our variables from the child makefile lg2->GetMakefile()->InitializeFromParent(); lg2->GetMakefile()->MakeStartDirectoriesCurrent(); // finally configure the subdir lg2->Configure(); } void cmMakefile::AddSubDirectory(const char* sub, bool topLevel, bool preorder) { // the source path must be made full if it isn't already std::string srcPath = sub; if (!cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(srcPath.c_str())) { srcPath = this->GetCurrentDirectory(); srcPath += "/"; srcPath += sub; } // binary path must be made full if it isn't already std::string binPath = sub; if (!cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(binPath.c_str())) { binPath = this->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(); binPath += "/"; binPath += sub; } this->AddSubDirectory(srcPath.c_str(), binPath.c_str(), topLevel, preorder, false); } void cmMakefile::AddSubDirectory(const char* srcPath, const char *binPath, bool topLevel, bool preorder, bool immediate) { std::vector& children = this->LocalGenerator->GetChildren(); // has this directory already been added? If so error unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { if (srcPath == children[i]->GetMakefile()->GetStartDirectory()) { cmSystemTools::Error ("Attempt to add subdirectory multiple times for directory.\n", srcPath); return; } } // create a new local generator and set its parent cmLocalGenerator *lg2 = this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->CreateLocalGenerator(); lg2->SetParent(this->LocalGenerator); this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddLocalGenerator(lg2); // set the subdirs start dirs lg2->GetMakefile()->SetStartDirectory(srcPath); lg2->GetMakefile()->SetStartOutputDirectory(binPath); lg2->SetExcludeAll(!topLevel); lg2->GetMakefile()->SetPreOrder(preorder); if (immediate) { this->ConfigureSubDirectory(lg2); } } void cmMakefile::AddIncludeDirectory(const char* inc, bool before) { // Don't add an include directory that is already present. Yes, // this linear search results in n^2 behavior, but n won't be // getting much bigger than 20. We cannot use a set because of // order dependency of the include path. std::vector::iterator i = std::find(this->IncludeDirectories.begin(), this->IncludeDirectories.end(), inc); if(i == this->IncludeDirectories.end()) { if (before) { // WARNING: this *is* expensive (linear time) since it's a vector this->IncludeDirectories.insert(this->IncludeDirectories.begin(), inc); } else { this->IncludeDirectories.push_back(inc); } } else { if(before) { // if this before and already in the path then remove it this->IncludeDirectories.erase(i); // WARNING: this *is* expensive (linear time) since it's a vector this->IncludeDirectories.insert(this->IncludeDirectories.begin(), inc); } } } void cmMakefile::AddDefinition(const char* name, const char* value) { if (!value ) { return; } this->TemporaryDefinitionKey = name; this->Definitions[this->TemporaryDefinitionKey] = value; #ifdef CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE cmVariableWatch* vv = this->GetVariableWatch(); if ( vv ) { vv->VariableAccessed(this->TemporaryDefinitionKey, cmVariableWatch::VARIABLE_MODIFIED_ACCESS); } #endif } void cmMakefile::AddCacheDefinition(const char* name, const char* value, const char* doc, cmCacheManager::CacheEntryType type) { const char* val = value; cmCacheManager::CacheIterator it = this->GetCacheManager()->GetCacheIterator(name); if(!it.IsAtEnd() && (it.GetType() == cmCacheManager::UNINITIALIZED) && it.Initialized()) { val = it.GetValue(); if ( type == cmCacheManager::PATH || type == cmCacheManager::FILEPATH ) { std::vector::size_type cc; std::vector files; std::string nvalue = ""; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(val, files); for ( cc = 0; cc < files.size(); cc ++ ) { files[cc] = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(files[cc].c_str()); if ( cc > 0 ) { nvalue += ";"; } nvalue += files[cc]; } this->GetCacheManager()->AddCacheEntry(name, nvalue.c_str(), doc, type); val = it.GetValue(); } } this->GetCacheManager()->AddCacheEntry(name, val, doc, type); this->AddDefinition(name, val); } void cmMakefile::AddDefinition(const char* name, bool value) { if(value) { this->Definitions.erase( DefinitionMap::key_type(name)); this->Definitions.insert(DefinitionMap::value_type(name, "ON")); } else { this->Definitions.erase( DefinitionMap::key_type(name)); this->Definitions.insert(DefinitionMap::value_type(name, "OFF")); } #ifdef CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE cmVariableWatch* vv = this->GetVariableWatch(); if ( vv ) { vv->VariableAccessed(name, cmVariableWatch::VARIABLE_MODIFIED_ACCESS); } #endif } void cmMakefile::AddCacheDefinition(const char* name, bool value, const char* doc) { bool val = value; cmCacheManager::CacheIterator it = this->GetCacheManager()->GetCacheIterator(name); if(!it.IsAtEnd() && (it.GetType() == cmCacheManager::UNINITIALIZED) && it.Initialized()) { val = it.GetValueAsBool(); } this->GetCacheManager()->AddCacheEntry(name, val, doc); this->AddDefinition(name, val); } void cmMakefile::RemoveDefinition(const char* name) { this->Definitions.erase(DefinitionMap::key_type(name)); #ifdef CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE cmVariableWatch* vv = this->GetVariableWatch(); if ( vv ) { vv->VariableAccessed(name, cmVariableWatch::VARIABLE_REMOVED_ACCESS); } #endif } void cmMakefile::SetProjectName(const char* p) { this->ProjectName = p; } void cmMakefile::AddGlobalLinkInformation(const char* name, cmTarget& target) { // for these targets do not add anything switch(target.GetType()) { case cmTarget::UTILITY: case cmTarget::GLOBAL_TARGET: case cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES: case cmTarget::INSTALL_PROGRAMS: return; default:; } std::vector::iterator j; for(j = this->LinkDirectories.begin(); j != this->LinkDirectories.end(); ++j) { target.AddLinkDirectory(j->c_str()); } target.MergeLinkLibraries( *this, name, this->LinkLibraries ); } void cmMakefile::AddLibrary(const char* lname, int shared, const std::vector &srcs) { cmTarget target; switch (shared) { case 0: target.SetType(cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY, lname); break; case 1: target.SetType(cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY, lname); break; case 2: target.SetType(cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY, lname); break; default: target.SetType(cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY, lname); } // Clear its dependencies. Otherwise, dependencies might persist // over changes in CMakeLists.txt, making the information stale and // hence useless. target.ClearDependencyInformation( *this, lname ); target.SetInAll(true); target.GetSourceLists() = srcs; target.SetMakefile(this); this->AddGlobalLinkInformation(lname, target); cmTargets::iterator it = this->Targets.insert(cmTargets::value_type(lname,target)).first; this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddTarget(*it); } cmTarget* cmMakefile::AddExecutable(const char *exeName, const std::vector &srcs) { cmTarget target; target.SetType(cmTarget::EXECUTABLE, exeName); target.SetInAll(true); target.GetSourceLists() = srcs; target.SetMakefile(this); this->AddGlobalLinkInformation(exeName, target); cmTargets::iterator it = this->Targets.insert(cmTargets::value_type(exeName,target)).first; this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddTarget(*it); return &it->second; } cmSourceFile *cmMakefile::GetSourceFileWithOutput(const char *cname) { std::string name = cname; std::string out; // look through all the source files that have custom commands // and see if the custom command has the passed source file as an output // keep in mind the possible .rule extension that may be tacked on for(std::vector::const_iterator i = this->SourceFiles.begin(); i != this->SourceFiles.end(); ++i) { // does this source file have a custom command? if ((*i)->GetCustomCommand()) { // is the output of the custom command match the source files name const std::vector& outputs = (*i)->GetCustomCommand()->GetOutputs(); for(std::vector::const_iterator o = outputs.begin(); o != outputs.end(); ++o) { out = *o; std::string::size_type pos = out.rfind(name); // If the output matches exactly if (pos != out.npos && pos == out.size() - name.size() && (pos ==0 || out[pos-1] == '/')) { return *i; } } } } // otherwise return NULL return 0; } #if defined(CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE) cmSourceGroup* cmMakefile::GetSourceGroup(const char* name) { // First see if the group exists. If so, replace its regular expression. for(std::vector::iterator sg = this->SourceGroups.begin(); sg != this->SourceGroups.end(); ++sg) { std::string sgName = sg->GetName(); if(sgName == name) { return &(*sg); } else { cmSourceGroup *target = sg->lookupChild(name); if(target) { return target; } } } return 0; } void cmMakefile::AddSourceGroup(const char* name, const char* regex, const char *parent) { // First see if the group exists. If so, replace its regular expression. for(unsigned int i=0;iSourceGroups.size();++i) { cmSourceGroup *sg = &this->SourceGroups[i]; std::string sgName = sg->GetName(); if(!parent) { if(sgName == name) { if ( regex ) { // We only want to set the regular expression. If there are already // source files in the group, we don't want to remove them. sg->SetGroupRegex(regex); } return; } } else { if(sgName == parent) { cmSourceGroup *localtarget = sg->lookupChild(name); if(localtarget) { if ( regex ) { // We only want to set the regular expression. If there are // already source files in the group, we don't want to remove // them. localtarget->SetGroupRegex(regex); } } else { sg->AddChild(cmSourceGroup(name, regex)); } return; } else { cmSourceGroup *localtarget = sg->lookupChild(parent); if(localtarget) { cmSourceGroup *addtarget = localtarget->lookupChild(name); if(addtarget) { if ( regex ) { // We only want to set the regular expression. If there are // already source files in the group, we don't want to // remove them. addtarget->SetGroupRegex(regex); } } else { localtarget->AddChild(cmSourceGroup(name, regex)); } return; } } } } // The group doesn't exist. Add it. this->SourceGroups.push_back(cmSourceGroup(name, regex)); } #endif void cmMakefile::AddExtraDirectory(const char* dir) { this->AuxSourceDirectories.push_back(dir); } // expance CMAKE_BINARY_DIR and CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR in the // include and library directories. void cmMakefile::ExpandVariables() { // Now expand variables in the include and link strings for(std::vector::iterator d = this->IncludeDirectories.begin(); d != this->IncludeDirectories.end(); ++d) { this->ExpandVariablesInString(*d, true, true); } for(std::vector::iterator d = this->LinkDirectories.begin(); d != this->LinkDirectories.end(); ++d) { this->ExpandVariablesInString(*d, true, true); } for(cmTarget::LinkLibraryVectorType::iterator l = this->LinkLibraries.begin(); l != this->LinkLibraries.end(); ++l) { this->ExpandVariablesInString(l->first, true, true); } } bool cmMakefile::IsOn(const char* name) const { const char* value = this->GetDefinition(name); return cmSystemTools::IsOn(value); } bool cmMakefile::IsSet(const char* name) const { const char* value = this->GetDefinition(name); if ( !value ) { return false; } if ( ! *value ) { return false; } if ( cmSystemTools::IsNOTFOUND(value) ) { return false; } return true; } bool cmMakefile::CanIWriteThisFile(const char* fileName) { if ( !this->IsOn("CMAKE_DISABLE_SOURCE_CHANGES") ) { return true; } // If we are doing an in-source build, than the test will always fail if ( cmSystemTools::SameFile(this->GetHomeDirectory(), this->GetHomeOutputDirectory()) ) { if ( this->IsOn("CMAKE_DISABLE_IN_SOURCE_BUILD") ) { return false; } return true; } // Check if this is subdirectory of the source tree but not a // subdirectory of a build tree if ( cmSystemTools::IsSubDirectory(fileName, this->GetHomeDirectory()) && !cmSystemTools::IsSubDirectory(fileName, this->GetHomeOutputDirectory()) ) { return false; } return true; } const char* cmMakefile::GetRequiredDefinition(const char* name) const { const char* ret = this->GetDefinition(name); if(!ret) { cmSystemTools::Error("Error required internal CMake variable not " "set, cmake may be not be built correctly.\n", "Missing variable is:\n", name); return ""; } return ret; } const char* cmMakefile::GetDefinition(const char* name) const { const char* def = 0; DefinitionMap::const_iterator pos = this->Definitions.find(name); if(pos != this->Definitions.end()) { def = (*pos).second.c_str(); } else { def = this->GetCacheManager()->GetCacheValue(name); } #ifdef CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE cmVariableWatch* vv = this->GetVariableWatch(); if ( vv ) { if ( def ) { vv->VariableAccessed(name, cmVariableWatch::VARIABLE_READ_ACCESS); } else { // are unknown access allowed DefinitionMap::const_iterator pos2 = this->Definitions.find("CMAKE_ALLOW_UNKNOWN_VARIABLE_READ_ACCESS"); if (pos2 != this->Definitions.end() && cmSystemTools::IsOn((*pos2).second.c_str())) { vv->VariableAccessed (name, cmVariableWatch::ALLOWED_UNKNOWN_VARIABLE_READ_ACCESS); } else { vv->VariableAccessed(name, cmVariableWatch:: UNKNOWN_VARIABLE_READ_ACCESS); } } } #endif return def; } const char* cmMakefile::GetSafeDefinition(const char* def) const { const char* ret = this->GetDefinition(def); if(!ret) { return ""; } return ret; } std::vector cmMakefile ::GetDefinitions(int cacheonly /* = 0 */) const { std::map definitions; if ( !cacheonly ) { DefinitionMap::const_iterator it; for ( it = this->Definitions.begin(); it != this->Definitions.end(); it ++ ) { definitions[it->first] = 1; } } cmCacheManager::CacheIterator cit = this->GetCacheManager()->GetCacheIterator(); for ( cit.Begin(); !cit.IsAtEnd(); cit.Next() ) { definitions[cit.GetName()] = 1; } std::vector res; std::map::iterator fit; for ( fit = definitions.begin(); fit != definitions.end(); fit ++ ) { res.push_back(fit->first); } return res; } const char *cmMakefile::ExpandVariablesInString(std::string& source) const { return this->ExpandVariablesInString(source, false, false); } const char *cmMakefile::ExpandVariablesInString(std::string& source, bool escapeQuotes, bool noEscapes, bool atOnly, const char* filename, long line, bool removeEmpty) const { if ( source.empty() || source.find_first_of("$@\\") == source.npos) { return source.c_str(); } // This method replaces ${VAR} and @VAR@ where VAR is looked up // with GetDefinition(), if not found in the map, nothing is expanded. // It also supports the $ENV{VAR} syntax where VAR is looked up in // the current environment variables. bool notParsed = true; if ( !atOnly ) { cmCommandArgumentParserHelper parser; parser.SetMakefile(this); parser.SetLineFile(line, filename); parser.SetEscapeQuotes(escapeQuotes); parser.SetNoEscapeMode(noEscapes); int res = parser.ParseString(source.c_str(), 0); if ( res ) { source = parser.GetResult(); notParsed = false; } else { cmOStringStream error; error << "Syntax error in cmake code at\n" << (filename?filename:"(no filename given)") << ":" << line << ":\n" << parser.GetError() << ", when parsing string \"" << source.c_str() << "\""; const char* versionValue = this->GetDefinition("CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY"); int major = 0; int minor = 0; if ( versionValue ) { sscanf(versionValue, "%d.%d", &major, &minor); } if ( major < 2 || major == 2 && minor < 1 ) { cmSystemTools::Error(error.str().c_str()); cmSystemTools::SetFatalErrorOccured(); return source.c_str(); } else { cmSystemTools::Message(error.str().c_str()); } } } if ( notParsed ) { // start by look for $ or @ in the string std::string::size_type markerPos; if(atOnly) { markerPos = source.find_first_of("@"); } else { markerPos = source.find_first_of("$@"); } // if not found, or found as the last character, then leave quickly as // nothing needs to be expanded if((markerPos == std::string::npos) || (markerPos >= source.size()-1)) { return source.c_str(); } // current position std::string::size_type currentPos =0; // start at 0 std::string result; // string with replacements // go until the the end of the string while((markerPos != std::string::npos) && (markerPos < source.size()-1)) { // grab string from currentPos to the start of the variable // and add it to the result result += source.substr(currentPos, markerPos - currentPos); char endVariableMarker; // what is the end of the variable @ or } int markerStartSize = 1; // size of the start marker 1 or 2 or 5 if(!atOnly && source[markerPos] == '$') { // ${var} case if(source[markerPos+1] == '{') { endVariableMarker = '}'; markerStartSize = 2; } // $ENV{var} case else if(markerPos+4 < source.size() && source[markerPos+4] == '{' && !source.substr(markerPos+1, 3).compare("ENV")) { endVariableMarker = '}'; markerStartSize = 5; } else { // bogus $ with no { so add $ to result and move on result += '$'; // add bogus $ back into string currentPos = markerPos+1; // move on // set end var to space so we can tell bogus endVariableMarker = ' '; } } else { // @VAR case endVariableMarker = '@'; } // if it was a valid variable (started with @ or ${ or $ENV{ ) if(endVariableMarker != ' ') { markerPos += markerStartSize; // move past marker // find the end variable marker starting at the markerPos // make sure it is a valid variable between std::string::size_type endVariablePos = source.find_first_not_of( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_", markerPos); if(endVariablePos != std::string::npos && source[endVariablePos] != endVariableMarker) { endVariablePos = std::string::npos; } if(endVariablePos == std::string::npos) { // no end marker found so add the bogus start if(endVariableMarker == '@') { result += '@'; } else { result += (markerStartSize == 5 ? "$ENV{" : "${"); } currentPos = markerPos; } else { // good variable remove it std::string var = source.substr(markerPos, endVariablePos - markerPos); bool found = false; if (markerStartSize == 5) // $ENV{ { char *ptr = getenv(var.c_str()); if (ptr) { if (escapeQuotes) { result += cmSystemTools::EscapeQuotes(ptr); } else { result += ptr; } found = true; } } else { const char* lookup = this->GetDefinition(var.c_str()); if(lookup) { if (escapeQuotes) { result += cmSystemTools::EscapeQuotes(lookup); } else { result += lookup; } found = true; } else if(filename && (var == "CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE")) { result += filename; found = true; } else if(line >= 0 && (var == "CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE")) { cmOStringStream ostr; ostr << line; result += ostr.str(); found = true; } } // if found add to result, if not, then it gets blanked if (!found) { // if no definition is found then add the var back if(!removeEmpty && endVariableMarker == '@') { result += "@"; result += var; result += "@"; } } // lookup var, and replace it currentPos = endVariablePos+1; } } if(atOnly) { markerPos = source.find_first_of("@", currentPos); } else { markerPos = source.find_first_of("$@", currentPos); } } result += source.substr(currentPos); // pick up the rest of the string source = result; } return source.c_str(); } void cmMakefile::RemoveVariablesInString(std::string& source, bool atOnly) const { if(!atOnly) { cmsys::RegularExpression var("(\\${[A-Za-z_0-9]*})"); while (var.find(source)) { source.erase(var.start(),var.end() - var.start()); } } if(!atOnly) { cmsys::RegularExpression varb("(\\$ENV{[A-Za-z_0-9]*})"); while (varb.find(source)) { source.erase(varb.start(),varb.end() - varb.start()); } } cmsys::RegularExpression var2("(@[A-Za-z_0-9]*@)"); while (var2.find(source)) { source.erase(var2.start(),var2.end() - var2.start()); } } /** * Add the default definitions to the makefile. These values must not * be dependent on anything that isn't known when this cmMakefile instance * is constructed. */ void cmMakefile::AddDefaultDefinitions() { #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) this->AddDefinition("WIN32", "1"); #else this->AddDefinition("UNIX", "1"); #endif // Cygwin is more like unix so enable the unix commands #if defined(__CYGWIN__) this->AddDefinition("UNIX", "1"); this->AddDefinition("CYGWIN", "1"); #endif #if defined(__APPLE__) this->AddDefinition("APPLE", "1"); #endif #if defined(__QNXNTO__) this->AddDefinition("QNXNTO", "1"); #endif char temp[1024]; sprintf(temp, "%d", cmMakefile::GetMinorVersion()); this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION", temp); sprintf(temp, "%d", cmMakefile::GetMajorVersion()); this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION", temp); sprintf(temp, "%d", cmMakefile::GetPatchVersion()); this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_PATCH_VERSION", temp); this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY", cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectory()); } #if defined(CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE) /** * Find a source group whose regular expression matches the filename * part of the given source name. Search backward through the list of * source groups, and take the first matching group found. This way * non-inherited SOURCE_GROUP commands will have precedence over * inherited ones. */ cmSourceGroup& cmMakefile::FindSourceGroup(const char* source, std::vector &groups) { // First search for a group that lists the file explicitly. for(std::vector::reverse_iterator sg = groups.rbegin(); sg != groups.rend(); ++sg) { cmSourceGroup *result = sg->MatchChildrenFiles(source); if(result) { return *result; } } // Now search for a group whose regex matches the file. for(std::vector::reverse_iterator sg = groups.rbegin(); sg != groups.rend(); ++sg) { cmSourceGroup *result = sg->MatchChildrenRegex(source); if(result) { return *result; } } // Shouldn't get here, but just in case, return the default group. return groups.front(); } #endif bool cmMakefile::IsFunctionBlocked(const cmListFileFunction& lff) { // if there are no blockers get out of here if (this->FunctionBlockers.begin() == this->FunctionBlockers.end()) { return false; } // loop over all function blockers to see if any block this command // evaluate in reverse, this is critical for balanced IF statements etc std::list::reverse_iterator pos; for (pos = this->FunctionBlockers.rbegin(); pos != this->FunctionBlockers.rend(); ++pos) { if((*pos)->IsFunctionBlocked(lff, *this)) { return true; } } return false; } void cmMakefile::ExpandArguments( std::vector const& inArgs, std::vector& outArgs) { std::vector::const_iterator i; std::string value; outArgs.reserve(inArgs.size()); for(i = inArgs.begin(); i != inArgs.end(); ++i) { // Expand the variables in the argument. value = i->Value; this->ExpandVariablesInString(value, false, false, false, i->FilePath, i->Line); // If the argument is quoted, it should be one argument. // Otherwise, it may be a list of arguments. if(i->Quoted) { outArgs.push_back(value); } else { cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(value, outArgs); } } } void cmMakefile::RemoveFunctionBlocker(const cmListFileFunction& lff) { // loop over all function blockers to see if any block this command std::list::reverse_iterator pos; for (pos = this->FunctionBlockers.rbegin(); pos != this->FunctionBlockers.rend(); ++pos) { if ((*pos)->ShouldRemove(lff, *this)) { cmFunctionBlocker* b = *pos; this->FunctionBlockers.remove(b); delete b; break; } } return; } void cmMakefile::SetHomeDirectory(const char* dir) { this->cmHomeDirectory = dir; cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(this->cmHomeDirectory); this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR", this->GetHomeDirectory()); if ( !this->GetDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR") ) { this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR", this->GetHomeDirectory()); } } void cmMakefile::SetHomeOutputDirectory(const char* lib) { this->HomeOutputDirectory = lib; cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(this->HomeOutputDirectory); this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_BINARY_DIR", this->GetHomeOutputDirectory()); if ( !this->GetDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR") ) { this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR", this->GetHomeOutputDirectory()); } } /** * Register the given cmData instance with its own name. */ void cmMakefile::RegisterData(cmData* data) { std::string name = data->GetName(); DataMapType::const_iterator d = this->DataMap.find(name); if((d != this->DataMap.end()) && (d->second != 0) && (d->second != data)) { delete d->second; } this->DataMap[name] = data; } /** * Register the given cmData instance with the given name. This can be used * to register a NULL pointer. */ void cmMakefile::RegisterData(const char* name, cmData* data) { DataMapType::const_iterator d = this->DataMap.find(name); if((d != this->DataMap.end()) && (d->second != 0) && (d->second != data)) { delete d->second; } this->DataMap[name] = data; } /** * Lookup a cmData instance previously registered with the given name. If * the instance cannot be found, return NULL. */ cmData* cmMakefile::LookupData(const char* name) const { DataMapType::const_iterator d = this->DataMap.find(name); if(d != this->DataMap.end()) { return d->second; } else { return 0; } } cmSourceFile* cmMakefile::GetSource(const char* sourceName) const { // if the source is provided with a full path use it, otherwise // by default it is in the current source dir std::string path; if (cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(sourceName)) { path = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(sourceName); } else { path = this->GetCurrentDirectory(); // even though it is not a full path, it may still be relative std::string subpath = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(sourceName); if (!subpath.empty()) { path += "/"; path += cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(sourceName); } } std::string sname = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(sourceName); // compute the extension std::string ext = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(sourceName); if ( ext.length() && ext[0] == '.' ) { ext = ext.substr(1); } for(std::vector::const_iterator i = this->SourceFiles.begin(); i != this->SourceFiles.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->GetSourceNameWithoutLastExtension() == sname && cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath((*i)->GetFullPath()) == path && (ext.size() == 0 || (ext == (*i)->GetSourceExtension()))) { return *i; } } // geeze, if it wasn't found maybe it is listed under the output dir if (!cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(sourceName).empty()) { return 0; } path = this->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(); for(std::vector::const_iterator i = this->SourceFiles.begin(); i != this->SourceFiles.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->GetSourceName() == sname && cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath((*i)->GetFullPath()) == path && (ext.size() == 0 || (ext == (*i)->GetSourceExtension()))) { return *i; } } return 0; } cmSourceFile* cmMakefile::GetOrCreateSource(const char* sourceName, bool generated) { // make it a full path first std::string src = sourceName; bool relative = !cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(sourceName); std::string srcTreeFile = this->GetCurrentDirectory(); srcTreeFile += "/"; srcTreeFile += sourceName; if(relative) { src = srcTreeFile; } // check to see if it exists cmSourceFile* ret = this->GetSource(src.c_str()); if (ret) { return ret; } // OK a source file object doesn't exist for the source // maybe we made a bad call on assuming it was in the src tree std::string buildTreeFile = this->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(); buildTreeFile += "/"; buildTreeFile += sourceName; if (relative) { src = buildTreeFile; ret = this->GetSource(src.c_str()); if (ret) { return ret; } // if it has not been marked generated check to see if it exists in the // src tree if(!generated) { // see if the file is in the source tree, otherwise assume it // is in the binary tree if (cmSystemTools::FileExists(srcTreeFile.c_str()) && !cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(srcTreeFile.c_str())) { src = srcTreeFile; } else { if ( cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension (srcTreeFile.c_str()).size() == 0) { if (cmSystemTools::DoesFileExistWithExtensions( srcTreeFile.c_str(), this->GetSourceExtensions())) { src = srcTreeFile; } else if (cmSystemTools::DoesFileExistWithExtensions( srcTreeFile.c_str(), this->GetHeaderExtensions())) { src = srcTreeFile; } } } } } // a cmSourceFile instance does not exist yet so we must create one // go back to looking in the source directory for it // we must create one cmSourceFile file; std::string path = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(src); if(generated) { std::string ext = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(src); std::string name_no_ext = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(src.c_str()); name_no_ext = name_no_ext.substr(0, name_no_ext.length()-ext.length()); if ( ext.length() && ext[0] == '.' ) { ext = ext.substr(1); } bool headerFile = !(std::find( this->HeaderFileExtensions.begin(), this->HeaderFileExtensions.end(), ext ) == this->HeaderFileExtensions.end()); file.SetName(name_no_ext.c_str(), path.c_str(), ext.c_str(), headerFile); } else { std::string relPath = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(sourceName); if (relative && relPath.size()) { // we need to keep the relative part of the filename std::string fullPathLessRel = path; std::string::size_type pos = fullPathLessRel.rfind(relPath); if (pos == std::string::npos) { cmSystemTools::Error( "CMake failed to properly look up relative cmSourceFile: ", sourceName); } fullPathLessRel.erase(pos-1); file.SetName(sourceName, fullPathLessRel.c_str(), this->GetSourceExtensions(), this->GetHeaderExtensions()); } else { file.SetName(cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(src.c_str()).c_str(), path.c_str(), this->GetSourceExtensions(), this->GetHeaderExtensions()); } } // add the source file to the makefile this->AddSource(file); src = file.GetFullPath(); ret = this->GetSource(src.c_str()); if (!ret) { cmSystemTools::Error( "CMake failed to properly look up cmSourceFile: ", sourceName); } return ret; } cmSourceFile* cmMakefile::AddSource(cmSourceFile const&sf) { // check to see if it exists cmSourceFile* ret = this->GetSource(sf.GetFullPath().c_str()); if(ret) { return ret; } ret = new cmSourceFile(sf); this->SourceFiles.push_back(ret); return ret; } void cmMakefile::EnableLanguage(std::vector const & lang) { this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR", this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetCMakeCFGInitDirectory()); this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->EnableLanguage(lang, this); } void cmMakefile::ExpandSourceListArguments( std::vector const& arguments, std::vector& newargs, unsigned int /* start */) { // now expand the args unsigned int i; for(i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i) { // List expansion will have been done already. newargs.push_back(arguments[i]); } } int cmMakefile::TryCompile(const char *srcdir, const char *bindir, const char *projectName, const char *targetName, const std::vector *cmakeArgs, std::string *output) { // does the binary directory exist ? If not create it... if (!cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(bindir)) { cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(bindir); } // change to the tests directory and run cmake // use the cmake object instead of calling cmake std::string cwd = cmSystemTools::GetCurrentWorkingDirectory(); cmSystemTools::ChangeDirectory(bindir); // make sure the same generator is used // use this program as the cmake to be run, it should not // be run that way but the cmake object requires a vailid path std::string cmakeCommand = this->GetDefinition("CMAKE_COMMAND"); cmake cm; cm.SetIsInTryCompile(true); cmGlobalGenerator *gg = cm.CreateGlobalGenerator (this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetName()); if (!gg) { cmSystemTools::Error( "Internal CMake error, TryCompile bad GlobalGenerator"); // return to the original directory cmSystemTools::ChangeDirectory(cwd.c_str()); return 1; } cm.SetGlobalGenerator(gg); // do a configure cm.SetHomeDirectory(srcdir); cm.SetHomeOutputDirectory(bindir); cm.SetStartDirectory(srcdir); cm.SetStartOutputDirectory(bindir); cm.SetCMakeCommand(cmakeCommand.c_str()); cm.LoadCache(); // if cmake args were provided then pass them in if (cmakeArgs) { cm.SetCacheArgs(*cmakeArgs); } // to save time we pass the EnableLanguage info directly gg->EnableLanguagesFromGenerator (this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()); if (cm.Configure() != 0) { cmSystemTools::Error( "Internal CMake error, TryCompile configure of cmake failed"); // return to the original directory cmSystemTools::ChangeDirectory(cwd.c_str()); return 1; } if (cm.Generate() != 0) { cmSystemTools::Error( "Internal CMake error, TryCompile generation of cmake failed"); // return to the original directory cmSystemTools::ChangeDirectory(cwd.c_str()); return 1; } // finally call the generator to actually build the resulting project int ret = this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->TryCompile(srcdir,bindir, projectName, targetName, output, this); cmSystemTools::ChangeDirectory(cwd.c_str()); return ret; } cmake *cmMakefile::GetCMakeInstance() const { if ( this->LocalGenerator && this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator() ) { return this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetCMakeInstance(); } return 0; } #ifdef CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE cmVariableWatch *cmMakefile::GetVariableWatch() const { if ( this->GetCMakeInstance() && this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetVariableWatch() ) { return this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetVariableWatch(); } return 0; } #endif void cmMakefile::AddMacro(const char* name, const char* signature) { if ( !name || !signature ) { return; } this->MacrosMap[name] = signature; } void cmMakefile::GetListOfMacros(std::string& macros) { StringStringMap::iterator it; macros = ""; int cc = 0; for ( it = this->MacrosMap.begin(); it != this->MacrosMap.end(); ++it ) { if ( cc > 0 ) { macros += ";"; } macros += it->first; cc ++; } } cmCacheManager *cmMakefile::GetCacheManager() const { return this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetCacheManager(); } void cmMakefile::DisplayStatus(const char* message, float s) { this->GetLocalGenerator()->GetGlobalGenerator() ->GetCMakeInstance()->UpdateProgress(message, s); } std::string cmMakefile::GetModulesFile(const char* filename) { std::vector modulePath; const char* def = this->GetDefinition("CMAKE_MODULE_PATH"); if(def) { cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(def, modulePath); } // Also search in the standard modules location. def = this->GetDefinition("CMAKE_ROOT"); if(def) { std::string rootModules = def; rootModules += "/Modules"; modulePath.push_back(rootModules); } //std::string Look through the possible module directories. for(std::vector::iterator i = modulePath.begin(); i != modulePath.end(); ++i) { std::string itempl = *i; cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(itempl); itempl += "/"; itempl += filename; if(cmSystemTools::FileExists(itempl.c_str())) { return itempl; } } return ""; } void cmMakefile::ConfigureString(const std::string& input, std::string& output, bool atOnly, bool escapeQuotes) { // Split input to handle one line at a time. std::string::const_iterator lineStart = input.begin(); while(lineStart != input.end()) { // Find the end of this line. std::string::const_iterator lineEnd = lineStart; while(lineEnd != input.end() && *lineEnd != '\n') { ++lineEnd; } // Copy the line. std::string line(lineStart, lineEnd); // Skip the newline character. bool haveNewline = (lineEnd != input.end()); if(haveNewline) { ++lineEnd; } // Replace #cmakedefine instances. if(this->cmDefineRegex.find(line)) { const char* def = this->GetDefinition(this->cmDefineRegex.match(1).c_str()); if(!cmSystemTools::IsOff(def)) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "#cmakedefine", "#define"); output += line; } else { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "#cmakedefine", "#undef"); output += "/* "; output += line; output += " */"; } } else if(this->cmDefine01Regex.find(line)) { const char* def = this->GetDefinition(this->cmDefine01Regex.match(1).c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "#cmakedefine01", "#define"); output += line; if(!cmSystemTools::IsOff(def)) { output += " 1"; } else { output += " 0"; } } else { output += line; } if(haveNewline) { output += "\n"; } // Move to the next line. lineStart = lineEnd; } // Perform variable replacements. this->ExpandVariablesInString(output, escapeQuotes, true, atOnly, 0, -1, true); } int cmMakefile::ConfigureFile(const char* infile, const char* outfile, bool copyonly, bool atOnly, bool escapeQuotes) { int res = 1; if ( !this->CanIWriteThisFile(outfile) ) { cmSystemTools::Error("Attempt to write file: ", outfile, " into a source directory."); return 0; } if ( !cmSystemTools::FileExists(infile) ) { cmSystemTools::Error("File ", infile, " does not exist."); return 0; } std::string soutfile = outfile; std::string sinfile = infile; this->AddCMakeDependFile(infile); cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(soutfile); mode_t perm = 0; cmSystemTools::GetPermissions(sinfile.c_str(), perm); std::string::size_type pos = soutfile.rfind('/'); if(pos != std::string::npos) { std::string path = soutfile.substr(0, pos); cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(path.c_str()); } if(copyonly) { if ( !cmSystemTools::CopyFileIfDifferent(sinfile.c_str(), soutfile.c_str())) { return 0; } } else { std::string tempOutputFile = soutfile; tempOutputFile += ".tmp"; std::ofstream fout(tempOutputFile.c_str()); if(!fout) { cmSystemTools::Error( "Could not open file for write in copy operation ", tempOutputFile.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReportLastSystemError(""); return 0; } std::ifstream fin(sinfile.c_str()); if(!fin) { cmSystemTools::Error("Could not open file for read in copy operation ", sinfile.c_str()); return 0; } // now copy input to output and expand variables in the // input file at the same time std::string inLine; std::string outLine; while( cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(fin, inLine) ) { outLine = ""; this->ConfigureString(inLine, outLine, atOnly, escapeQuotes); fout << outLine.c_str() << "\n"; } // close the files before attempting to copy fin.close(); fout.close(); if ( !cmSystemTools::CopyFileIfDifferent(tempOutputFile.c_str(), soutfile.c_str()) ) { res = 0; } else { cmSystemTools::SetPermissions(soutfile.c_str(), perm); } cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(tempOutputFile.c_str()); } return res; } void cmMakefile::AddWrittenFile(const char* file) { this->GetCMakeInstance()->AddWrittenFile(file); } bool cmMakefile::HasWrittenFile(const char* file) { return this->GetCMakeInstance()->HasWrittenFile(file); } bool cmMakefile::CheckInfiniteLoops() { std::vector::iterator it; for ( it = this->ListFiles.begin(); it != this->ListFiles.end(); ++ it ) { if ( this->HasWrittenFile(it->c_str()) ) { cmOStringStream str; str << "File " << it->c_str() << " is written by WRITE_FILE (or FILE WRITE) command and should " "not be used as input to CMake. Please use CONFIGURE_FILE to " "be safe. Refer to the note next to FILE WRITE command."; cmSystemTools::Error(str.str().c_str()); return false; } } return true; } void cmMakefile::SetProperty(const char* prop, const char* value) { if (!prop) { return; } if (!value) { value = "NOTFOUND"; } this->Properties[prop] = value; } const char *cmMakefile::GetProperty(const char* prop) { // watch for specific properties if (!strcmp("PARENT_DIRECTORY",prop)) { return this->LocalGenerator->GetParent() ->GetMakefile()->GetStartDirectory(); } // watch for specific properties if (!strcmp("LISTFILE_STACK",prop)) { std::string tmp; for (std::deque::iterator i = this->ListFileStack.begin(); i != this->ListFileStack.end(); ++i) { if (i != this->ListFileStack.begin()) { tmp += ";"; } tmp += *i; } this->SetProperty("LISTFILE_STACK",tmp.c_str()); } std::map::const_iterator i = this->Properties.find(prop); if (i != this->Properties.end()) { return i->second.c_str(); } return 0; } bool cmMakefile::GetPropertyAsBool(const char* prop) const { std::map::const_iterator i = this->Properties.find(prop); if (i != this->Properties.end()) { return cmSystemTools::IsOn(i->second.c_str()); } return false; } cmTarget* cmMakefile::FindTarget(const char* name) { cmTargets& tgts = this->GetTargets(); cmTargets::iterator i = tgts.find(name); if (i == tgts.end()) { return 0; } return &i->second; } cmTest* cmMakefile::CreateTest(const char* testName) { if ( !testName ) { return 0; } cmTest* test = this->GetTest(testName); if ( test ) { return test; } test = new cmTest; test->SetName(testName); this->Tests.push_back(test); return test; } cmTest* cmMakefile::GetTest(const char* testName) const { if ( !testName ) { return 0; } std::vector::const_iterator it; for ( it = this->Tests.begin(); it != this->Tests.end(); ++ it ) { if ( strcmp((*it)->GetName(), testName) == 0 ) { return *it; } } return 0; } const std::vector *cmMakefile::GetTests() const { return &this->Tests; } std::vector *cmMakefile::GetTests() { return &this->Tests; } std::string cmMakefile::GetListFileStack() { std::string tmp; for (std::deque::iterator i = this->ListFileStack.begin(); i != this->ListFileStack.end(); ++i) { if (i != this->ListFileStack.begin()) { tmp += ";"; } tmp += *i; } return tmp; }