/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmListFileCache.h" #include "cmListFileLexer.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include #ifdef __BORLANDC__ # pragma warn -8060 /* possibly incorrect assignment */ #endif bool cmListFileCacheParseFunction(cmListFileLexer* lexer, cmListFileFunction& function, const char* filename); bool cmListFile::ParseFile(const char* filename, bool topLevel, cmMakefile *mf) { if(!cmSystemTools::FileExists(filename)) { return false; } // Create the scanner. cmListFileLexer* lexer = cmListFileLexer_New(); if(!lexer) { cmSystemTools::Error("cmListFileCache: error allocating lexer "); return false; } // Open the file. if(!cmListFileLexer_SetFileName(lexer, filename)) { cmListFileLexer_Delete(lexer); cmSystemTools::Error("cmListFileCache: error can not open file ", filename); return false; } // Use a simple recursive-descent parser to process the token // stream. this->ModifiedTime = cmSystemTools::ModifiedTime(filename); bool parseError = false; bool haveNewline = true; cmListFileLexer_Token* token; while(!parseError && (token = cmListFileLexer_Scan(lexer))) { if(token->type == cmListFileLexer_Token_Newline) { haveNewline = true; } else if(token->type == cmListFileLexer_Token_Identifier) { if(haveNewline) { haveNewline = false; cmListFileFunction inFunction; inFunction.Name = token->text; inFunction.FilePath = filename; inFunction.Line = token->line; if(cmListFileCacheParseFunction(lexer, inFunction, filename)) { this->Functions.push_back(inFunction); } else { parseError = true; } } else { cmOStringStream error; error << "Error in cmake code at\n" << filename << ":" << token->line << ":\n" << "Parse error. Expected a newline, got " << cmListFileLexer_GetTypeAsString(lexer, token->type) << " with text \"" << token->text << "\"."; cmSystemTools::Error(error.str().c_str()); parseError = true; } } else { cmOStringStream error; error << "Error in cmake code at\n" << filename << ":" << token->line << ":\n" << "Parse error. Expected a command name, got " << cmListFileLexer_GetTypeAsString(lexer, token->type) << " with text \"" << token->text << "\"."; cmSystemTools::Error(error.str().c_str()); parseError = true; } } if (parseError) { this->ModifiedTime = 0; } cmListFileLexer_Delete(lexer); // do we need a cmake_policy(VERSION call? if(topLevel) { bool hasPolicy = false; // search for the right policy command for(std::vector::iterator i = this->Functions.begin(); i != this->Functions.end(); ++i) { if (cmSystemTools::LowerCase(i->Name) == "cmake_policy" && i->Arguments.size() && cmSystemTools::LowerCase(i->Arguments[0].Value) == "version") { hasPolicy = true; break; } } // if no policy command is found this is an error if(!hasPolicy) { // add in the old CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY var for old CMake compatibility if (!mf->GetCacheManager()-> GetCacheValue("CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY")) { mf->AddCacheDefinition ("CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY", "2.5", "For backwards compatibility, what version of CMake commands and " "syntax should this version of CMake try to support.", cmCacheManager::STRING); } switch (mf->GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::CMP_0000)) { case cmPolicies::WARN: mf->IssueWarning( mf->GetPolicies()->GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP_0000) ); case cmPolicies::OLD: break; default: mf->IssueError( mf->GetPolicies()->GetRequiredPolicyError(cmPolicies::CMP_0000) ); return false; } } else { // add in the old CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY var for old CMake compatibility if (!mf->GetCacheManager()-> GetCacheValue("CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY")) { mf->AddCacheDefinition ("CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY", "2.5", "For backwards compatibility, what version of CMake commands and " "syntax should this version of CMake try to support.", cmCacheManager::INTERNAL); } } } if(topLevel) { bool hasProject = false; // search for a project command for(std::vector::iterator i = this->Functions.begin(); i != this->Functions.end(); ++i) { if(cmSystemTools::LowerCase(i->Name) == "project") { hasProject = true; break; } } // if no project command is found, add one if(!hasProject) { cmListFileFunction project; project.Name = "PROJECT"; cmListFileArgument prj("Project", false, filename, 0); project.Arguments.push_back(prj); this->Functions.insert(this->Functions.begin(),project); } } if(parseError) { return false; } return true; } bool cmListFileCacheParseFunction(cmListFileLexer* lexer, cmListFileFunction& function, const char* filename) { // Command name has already been parsed. Read the left paren. cmListFileLexer_Token* token; if(!(token = cmListFileLexer_Scan(lexer))) { cmOStringStream error; error << "Error in cmake code at\n" << filename << ":" << cmListFileLexer_GetCurrentLine(lexer) << ":\n" << "Parse error. Function missing opening \"(\"."; cmSystemTools::Error(error.str().c_str()); return false; } if(token->type != cmListFileLexer_Token_ParenLeft) { cmOStringStream error; error << "Error in cmake code at\n" << filename << ":" << cmListFileLexer_GetCurrentLine(lexer) << ":\n" << "Parse error. Expected \"(\", got " << cmListFileLexer_GetTypeAsString(lexer, token->type) << " with text \"" << token->text << "\"."; cmSystemTools::Error(error.str().c_str()); return false; } // Arguments. unsigned long lastLine = cmListFileLexer_GetCurrentLine(lexer); while((token = cmListFileLexer_Scan(lexer))) { if(token->type == cmListFileLexer_Token_ParenRight) { return true; } else if(token->type == cmListFileLexer_Token_Identifier || token->type == cmListFileLexer_Token_ArgumentUnquoted) { cmListFileArgument a(token->text, false, filename, token->line); function.Arguments.push_back(a); } else if(token->type == cmListFileLexer_Token_ArgumentQuoted) { cmListFileArgument a(token->text, true, filename, token->line); function.Arguments.push_back(a); } else if(token->type != cmListFileLexer_Token_Newline) { // Error. cmOStringStream error; error << "Error in cmake code at\n" << filename << ":" << cmListFileLexer_GetCurrentLine(lexer) << ":\n" << "Parse error. Function missing ending \")\". " << "Instead found " << cmListFileLexer_GetTypeAsString(lexer, token->type) << " with text \"" << token->text << "\"."; cmSystemTools::Error(error.str().c_str()); return false; } lastLine = cmListFileLexer_GetCurrentLine(lexer); } cmOStringStream error; error << "Error in cmake code at\n" << filename << ":" << lastLine << ":\n" << "Parse error. Function missing ending \")\". " << "End of file reached."; cmSystemTools::Error(error.str().c_str()); return false; }