#============================================================================= # Copyright 2009 Kitware, Inc. # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) # This file is included in CMakeSystemSpecificInformation.cmake if # the Eclipse CDT4 extra generator has been selected. FIND_PROGRAM(CMAKE_ECLIPSE_EXECUTABLE NAMES eclipse DOC "The Eclipse executable") FUNCTION(_FIND_ECLIPSE_VERSION) # This code is in a function so the variables used here have only local scope IF(CMAKE_ECLIPSE_EXECUTABLE) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_ECLIPSE_DIR "${CMAKE_ECLIPSE_EXECUTABLE}" PATH) FILE(GLOB _ECLIPSE_FEATURE_DIR "${_ECLIPSE_DIR}/features/org.eclipse.platform*") IF("${_ECLIPSE_FEATURE_DIR}" MATCHES ".+org.eclipse.platform_([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+).+") SET(_ECLIPSE_VERSION ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) ENDIF() ENDIF() # Set up a map with the names of the Eclipse releases: SET(_ECLIPSE_VERSION_NAME_ "Unknown" ) SET(_ECLIPSE_VERSION_NAME_3.2 "Callisto" ) SET(_ECLIPSE_VERSION_NAME_3.3 "Europa" ) SET(_ECLIPSE_VERSION_NAME_3.4 "Ganymede" ) SET(_ECLIPSE_VERSION_NAME_3.5 "Galileo" ) SET(_ECLIPSE_VERSION_NAME_3.6 "Helios" ) SET(_ECLIPSE_VERSION_NAME_3.7 "Indigo" ) IF(_ECLIPSE_VERSION) MESSAGE(STATUS "Found Eclipse version ${_ECLIPSE_VERSION} (${_ECLIPSE_VERSION_NAME_${_ECLIPSE_VERSION}})") ELSE() SET(_ECLIPSE_VERSION "3.6" ) MESSAGE(STATUS "Could not determine Eclipse version, assuming at least ${_ECLIPSE_VERSION} (${_ECLIPSE_VERSION_NAME_${_ECLIPSE_VERSION}}). Adjust CMAKE_ECLIPSE_VERSION if this is wrong.") ENDIF() SET(CMAKE_ECLIPSE_VERSION "${_ECLIPSE_VERSION} (${_ECLIPSE_VERSION_NAME_${_ECLIPSE_VERSION}})" CACHE STRING "The version of Eclipse. If Eclipse has not been found, 3.6 (Helios) is assumed.") SET_PROPERTY(CACHE CMAKE_ECLIPSE_VERSION PROPERTY STRINGS "3.2 (${_ECLIPSE_VERSION_NAME_3.2})" "3.3 (${_ECLIPSE_VERSION_NAME_3.3})" "3.4 (${_ECLIPSE_VERSION_NAME_3.4})" "3.5 (${_ECLIPSE_VERSION_NAME_3.5})" "3.6 (${_ECLIPSE_VERSION_NAME_3.6})" "3.7 (${_ECLIPSE_VERSION_NAME_3.7})") ENDFUNCTION() _FIND_ECLIPSE_VERSION() # Try to find out how many CPUs we have and set the -j argument for make accordingly SET(_CMAKE_ECLIPSE_INITIAL_MAKE_ARGS "") INCLUDE(ProcessorCount) PROCESSORCOUNT(_CMAKE_ECLIPSE_PROCESSOR_COUNT) # Only set -j if we are under UNIX and if the make-tool used actually has "make" in the name # (we may also get here in the future e.g. for ninja) IF("${_CMAKE_ECLIPSE_PROCESSOR_COUNT}" GREATER 1 AND UNIX AND "${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM}" MATCHES make) SET(_CMAKE_ECLIPSE_INITIAL_MAKE_ARGS "-j${_CMAKE_ECLIPSE_PROCESSOR_COUNT}") ENDIF() # This variable is used by the Eclipse generator and appended to the make invocation commands. SET(CMAKE_ECLIPSE_MAKE_ARGUMENTS "${_CMAKE_ECLIPSE_INITIAL_MAKE_ARGS}" CACHE STRING "Additional command line arguments when Eclipse invokes make. Enter e.g. -j to get parallel builds") # This variable is used by the Eclipse generator in out-of-source builds only. SET(ECLIPSE_CDT4_GENERATE_SOURCE_PROJECT FALSE CACHE BOOL "If enabled, CMake will generate a source project for Eclipse in CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR") MARK_AS_ADVANCED(ECLIPSE_CDT4_GENERATE_SOURCE_PROJECT) # Determine builtin macros and include dirs: INCLUDE(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CMakeExtraGeneratorDetermineCompilerMacrosAndIncludeDirs.cmake)