CMake documentation is under construction. You may wish to view the following PDF file. (This file is currently out of date: please use it as a general guide only.) For definitive information, refer to the CMake mailing list, or study an existing implementation (such as ITK or VTK). Improved documentation will be available in summer 2001.

To obtain access to the VTK CVS repository:

This repository is the "experimental" CMake-based environment. VTK 4.0 will use CMake in preference to the current build environment. VTK is a very large system for 3D graphics and visualization consisting of approximately 700 classes and hundreds of thousands of lines of executable code. It fully exploits CMake's capabilities due to the automated "wrapping" process that generates interface code to Tcl, Python, and Java from the C++ header files.

cvs -d login
(respond with password vtk)

Follow this command by checking out the source code:
cvs -d co vtk

To obtain access to the ITK CVS repository:

Insight (ITK) is the first project to adopt CMake. It is heavily templated C++ code using the generic programming style. It has an especially nice testing environment driven by CMake.

cvs -d login
(respond with password insight)

Follow this command by checking out the source code:
cvs -d co Insight