// CMakeCommandLineInfo.cpp : command line arguments // #include "stdafx.h" #include "CMakeCommandLineInfo.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMakeCommandLineInfo CMakeCommandLineInfo::CMakeCommandLineInfo() { m_WhereSource = _T(""); m_WhereBuild = _T(""); m_AdvancedValues = FALSE; m_GeneratorChoiceString = _T(""); } CMakeCommandLineInfo::~CMakeCommandLineInfo() { } int CMakeCommandLineInfo::GetBoolValue(const CString& v) { CString value = v; value.MakeLower(); if (value == "1" || value == "on" || value == "true" || value == "yes") { return 1; } else if (value == "0" || value == "off" || value == "false" || value == "no") { return -1; } return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parse param void CMakeCommandLineInfo::ParseParam(LPCTSTR lpszParam, BOOL bFlag, BOOL bLast) { if(bFlag) { CString sParam(lpszParam); // Single letter valued flag like /B=value or /B:value if (sParam[1] == '=' || sParam[1] == ':') { CString value(sParam.Right(sParam.GetLength() - 2)); int res; switch (sParam[0]) { case 'A': res = CMakeCommandLineInfo::GetBoolValue(value); if (res == 1) { m_AdvancedValues = TRUE; } else if (res == -1) { m_AdvancedValues = FALSE; } break; case 'B': m_WhereBuild = value; break; case 'G': m_GeneratorChoiceString = value; break; case 'H': m_WhereSource = value; break; } } } // Call the base class to ensure proper command line processing CCommandLineInfo::ParseParam(lpszParam, bFlag, bLast); }