8bfff686 cmLocalGenerator: Compute object max path on construction.
2c2479fb cmGlobalGenerator: Create all local generators after Configure().
194bb068 cmGlobalGenerator: Remove unused method.
c5f07e05 cmGlobalGenerator: Create local generators after all makefiles configured.
dd408de4 cmGlobalGenerator: Create local generator after configuring the makefile.
8a88089b cmMakefile: Create the local generator after configuring the makefile.
934aa454 Makefiles: Remove need to create local generator at configure time.
61b48e70 Makefiles: Port to cmOutputConverter.
Commit 7235334a (Project: Determine default language dialect for the
compiler., 2015-09-15) introduced a mechanism to determine the default
dialect used for the running compiler. If conditions in
the <CompilerId>-<Lang>.cmake file are such that compile features for
that version of the compiler should be supported, the _DEFAULT_STANDARD
is set to the computed value.
However, the CMakeForceCompiler module allows users to bypass execution of the
compiler by CMake. In that case, do not set the _DEFAULT_STANDARD variable at
all, which effectively disables the compile-features where the module is used.
No compile features have ever been recorded where the module is used so no
functionality is lost.
When using "cmake --build ." or "MSBuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj" to drive the
build the dependencies in the .sln file are not considered. This means
that ProjectReference elements in .vcxproj files are used to order
targets. We must ensure that the ZERO_CHECK target is listed as the
first dependency of every target so that when it causes regeneration of
the build files then MSBuild has not yet loaded the updated files.
Refactor cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::TargetCompare to store the name of
the target that should come first instead of hard-coding "ALL_BUILD".
Update client sites to specify "ALL_BUILD" when ordering for .sln files
and an empty string otherwise (in cases when "ALL_BUILD" should not be
encountered anyway).
Set policy CMP0065 to the value used in the calling project.
Set the the value of CMAKE_ENABLE_EXPORTS if set in the calling
project to initialize the target property appropriately.
2514e426 CMP0026: Use compatibility codepath until configure is finished (#15748)
b98f7712 cmGlobalGenerator: Add API for the configure step being finished.
b5de2bd9 cmLocalGenerator: Simplify condition.
If variable is set to TRUE, values of all variables prefixed with CPACK_
will be escaped so special characters such as dolar sign, quotes or
foreward slash will not be lost. By default variable is treated as set
to FALSE for back compatibility.
The cpack_encode_variables macro is changed into a function to remove
scope pollution. There should be no other effects.