9c87d9c Add automatic rcc invocation for Qt.
84218e1 Add automatic uic invocation for Qt.
94a0ca6 Record which files are skipped by automoc.
18fb758 Run the main executable created in the autogen tests.
e485ba1 Rename the QtAutomoc tests to QtAutogen.
7ce65c3 Add extra checks for the AUTOMOC target property.
32771fc Update output messages for generic use.
f371ab5 Rename RunAutomoc to RunAutogen.
85b3d6e Extract an SetupAutoMocTarget method.
ca124a1 Rename the AutomocInfo.cmake file to be more generic.
a342c9f Move some makefile definitions up away from moc-specific code.
63378ba Rename some variables to reflect broader scope.
97f1aa3 Rename method to reflect generic use.
4abb111 Rename local variable to reflect generic use.
03878c9 Move variable set to where it is used.
ff59365 CTest: fix dashboard issues associated with the ctest-fix-run-serial topic
7a665ae CTest: added test for RUN_SERIAL issue #14484
384beff CTest: added comments that describe the basic test sorting approach
adbe00d CTest: removed redundant copy of test dependency set
1b750cb CTest: perform cycle test early
6d4d7ca CTest: consider previously failed tests before all others
e809d8c CTest: prioritize tests by their depth in the dependency graph
44017a4 CTest: handle dependent and non dependent test requirements equally
Teach the ctest_update implementation to use the p4 command-line
client to perform updates and extract the list of changes.
Add a CTest.UpdateP4 test like those that exist already for the other
version control tools. Make the test available when p4 and the p4d
server are found. During the test launch p4d in the background to
serve a repository from the test directory. Then direct the client
toward this server for the duration of the test.
Don't try to show the windows, which would require a gui capable test
machine, and that's not guaranteed.
Automatically link to qtmain.a on Windows to avoid a policy warning. Set
policy CMP0020 to NEW by increasing the required version.
Don't attempt to run the test when using Windows.
The result is that the depends of the target are created.
add_library(somelib foo.cpp)
add_library(anotherlib EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL foo.cpp)
add_library(extra EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL foo.cpp)
target_link_libraries(anotherlib extra)
add_library(iface INTERFACE)
target_link_libraries(iface INTERFACE anotherlib)
Executing 'make iface' will result in the anotherlib and extra targets
being made.
Adding a regular executable to the INTERFACE of an INTERFACE_LIBRARY
will not result in the executable being built with 'make iface' because
of the logic in cmComputeTargetDepends::AddTargetDepend.
So far, this is implemented only for the Makefile generator. Other
generators will follow if this feature is possible for them.
Make INTERFACE_LIBRARY targets part of the all target by default.
Test this by building the all target and making the expected library
With our modern development workflow it is less likely a property will
be added to C++ code without documentation. This mode only existed to
support the DocTest which had very limited coverage of the properties
This allows the use of the $<TARGET_FILE:...> generator expression as a
replacement for the use of the LOCATION target property. The use of the
LOCATION target property is now deprecated for in-build targets.
Also drop other checks for older CMake versions:
* Simplify cmake_set_target_folder macro.
* Use find_package(LibArchive) unconditionally.
* Simplify condition for running testVisualStudioSlnParser test.
* Convert two macros to functions.
* Unconditionally run the CTestTestRerunFailed test.
7efef02 FindGTK2: Add tests for components and targets in gtk and gtkmm modules
95fc47a FindGTK2: Make pangocairo and cairo optional dependencies
26f790f FindGTK2: Change extra includes -> optional
24e0272 FindGTK2: do not skip target creation if optional dependencies are not found
d5f130c FindGTK2: Refactor _GTK2_ADJUST_LIB_VARS into _GTK2_ADD_TARGET
fffbd72 FindGTK2: Do not add freetype includes if they are not found
b69720d FindGTK2: Add libraries to the GTK2_LIBRARIES variable only when found
425ec40 FindGTK2: Do not link libfreetype
e9f46df FindGTK2: Add config directories only if different from include ones
56a79e1 FindGTK2: Set INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS target property only if not empty
4b47586 FindGTK2: Add check to ensure that target exists
61242cc FindGTK2: Fix gmodule, glibmm, pangoft2, and pangoxft targets
4b876de FindGTK2: Link freetype libs to targets including freetype includes
67e761f FindGTK2: Small cleanup
682eea3 FindGTK2: Do not require the GTK_ prefix in all the internal functions
0bc3763 FindGTK2: Better handling of include directories
This assumes that coverage.py has been run in such a way to produce its
standard XML output. This uses the Cobertura schema and should be somewhat
Add a new command line argument to ctest. This allows users to
rerun tests that failed during the previous call to ctest. This
is accomplished by analyzing the most recently modified file named
"^LastTestsFailed*" in the Testing/Temporary subdirectory of the
project's binary directory.
This target type only contains INTERFACE_* properties, so it can be
used as a structural node. The target-specific commands enforce
that they may only be used with the INTERFACE keyword when used
with INTERFACE_LIBRARY targets. The old-style target properties
matching LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES_<CONFIG> are always ignored for
this target type.
The name of the INTERFACE_LIBRARY must match a validity generator
expression. The validity is similar to that of an ALIAS target,
but with the additional restriction that it may not contain
double colons. Double colons will carry the meaning of IMPORTED
or ALIAS targets in CMake 2.8.13.
An ALIAS target may be created for an INTERFACE library.
At this point it can not be exported and does not appear in the
buildsystem and project files are not created for them. That may
be added as a feature in a later commit.
The generators need some changes to handle the INTERFACE_LIBRARY
targets returned by cmComputeLinkInterface::GetItems. The Ninja
generator does not use that API, so it doesn't require changes
related to that.
The lack of Qt4 on a system should silently skip the corresponding tests
with no other messages. This is already the case for other find_package
calls in Tests/CMakeLists.txt.
This is useful for cases like:
add_test(NAME mytest COMMAND mydriver $<TARGET_FILE:myexe>)
set_tests_properties(mytest PROPERTIES
In this example we require the actual test executable to exist to
run the test in addition to the test driver at argv[0]. Also the
$<CONFIGURATION> expression improves over \${CTEST_CONFIGURATION_TYPE}
because the latter is not normalized for case-sensitive filesystems.
The Borland-built CTest binary has trouble running many instances of
itself in parallel, making the test unreliable. No particular recent
change appears to be the culprit and the failure is not reliably
reproducible. Just silence the failure for now by skipping the test.
* The ALIAS name must match a validity regex.
* Executables and libraries may be aliased.
* An ALIAS acts immutable. It can not be used as the lhs
of target_link_libraries or other commands.
* An ALIAS can be used with add_custom_command, add_custom_target,
and add_test in the same way regular targets can.
* The target of an ALIAS can be retrieved with the ALIASED_TARGET
target property.
* An ALIAS does not appear in the generated buildsystem. It
is kept separate from cmMakefile::Targets for that reason.
* A target may have multiple aliases.
* An ALIAS target may not itself have an alias.
* An IMPORTED target may not have an alias.
* An ALIAS may not be exported or imported.
This property replaces the properties which
for IMPORTED targets, and for non-IMPORTED targets only with a policy.
For static libraries, the INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property is
also used as the source of transitive usage requirements content.
Static libraries still require users to link to all entries in
their LINK_LIBRARIES, but usage requirements such as INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES
COMPILE_DEFINITIONS and COMPILE_OPTIONS can be restricted to only
certain interface libraries.
Because the INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property is populated unconditionally,
we need to compare the evaluated result of it with the link implementation
to determine whether to issue the policy warning for static libraries. For
shared libraries, the policy warning is issued if the contents of
the INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property differs from the contents of the
relevant config-specific old LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES property.
If the CTest make program is not msbuild we find the msbuild
corresponding to the current test generator. In the case of
VS 12 search for the msbuild it provides.
Even with the NMake Makefiles generator, it is not able to properly
clean up after the test.
Internal cmake changing into directory: C:/Dashboards/My Tests/CMake-nmake10-x64-continuous/Tests/WarnUnusedCliUnused
Error: cmake execution failed
CMake Error: Error: generator : NMake Makefiles
Does not match the generator used previously: Visual Studio 10
Either remove the CMakeCache.txt file or choose a different binary directory.
It is common to specify a CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE and get a warning
for using it despite it not being used.
The WarnUnusedCliUnused test relies on the warning being emitted
each time cmake is run on an existing build. That behavior is changed
by this patch to warn only on the first invokation of CMake, and not
on subsequent invokations (because the variable is in the cache with
the same value). For that test, a clean target is added which clears
the cache and cause the warning to be emitted each time.
As the Ninja generator does not support the feature needed to test
this, it is not tested with that generator.
Checkout [1] as an example of the test failures. In that particular cases, the
failures is caused by the plus sign in the path being pass unescaped
(buildd-cmake_2.8.9-1~bpo60+1-armel-3Lvkef) to the regexp.
In addition to failures in the log, the following new tests also fail in 2.8.11:
243 - CTestTestMemcheckUnknown (Failed)
244 - CTestTestMemcheckUnknownQuoted (Failed)
248 - CTestTestMemcheckDummyValgrindFailPre (Failed)
249 - CTestTestMemcheckDummyValgrindFailPost (Failed)
250 - CTestTestMemcheckDummyPurify (Failed)
251 - CTestTestMemcheckDummyBC (Failed)
253 - CMake.List (Failed)
[1] https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=cmake&arch=armel&ver=2.8.9-1~bpo60%2B1&stamp=1369243896
dc1d025 OS X: Add test for rpaths on Mac.
8576b3f OS X: Add support for @rpath in export files.
00d71bd Xcode: Add rpath support in Xcode generator.
94e7fef OS X: Add RPATH support for Mac.
In Qt 5.1, Qt5::Core has a INTERFACE_QT_MAJOR_VERSION property
of '5', and since CMake 2.8.11, Qt4::QtCore has an
INTERFACE_QT_MAJOR_VERSION of '4'. This was introduced in
commit 4aa10cd6 (FindQt4: Set the INTERFACE_QT_MAJOR_VERSION for
Qt4::QtCore, 2013-03-16), to produce an error if Qt 4 and Qt 5
are erroneously used by the same target. This can also be used
however to determine the Qt major version, and therefore the
particular moc executable to use during automoc steps. This means
that targets in a single buildsystem can use a selection of Qt 4
and Qt 5, and still take advantage of the CMAKE_AUTOMOC feature
without conflicting.
6489015 Remove an endif() followed by an if() for the same condition.
e7813b1 Add a test for Qt5Automoc
27fb96b Make the QtAutomoc test compile with either Qt 4 or Qt 5
ac9a5f4 ctest_build: Pass projectDir to GenerateBuildCommand
a6c0299 CTest: Simplify ctest_* command source/build dir lookup
1ca9318 VS: Add test for building MSBuild project in subdir
3cd4000 VS: Use .sln parser to build targets in subdirs with msbuild (#13623)
df035e4 VS: Create parser for Visual Studio .sln files
de8be9e Add projectDir parameter to GenerateBuildCommand
Add support to maintain designer functionality for Visual Studio C++
Windows Forms projects. Also add a test project showing how to use
the CMakeLists.txt file and, when successfully configured, will allow
use of the designer for the included form.
This allows the ctest_build command's TARGET option to name a target
in a subdirectory and still build properly with msbuild.
Add test case covering use of ctest_build() with such a TARGET.
Add test covering cmGlobalGenerator::GenerateBuildCommand for VS
solutions with MSBuild and building a target defined in a subdirectory
and not part of ALL.