The if(STREQUAL) expressions do not support globbing expressions.
Use regular experssions with MATCHES instead.
Reported-by: Yahui Wang <>
There were issues in the special-character-escaping and line-wrapping
code which caused DragNDrop packaging to fail mysteriously at a later
step with parsing errors in the `sla.r` file generated by the following
On Solaris the system `/usr/include/floatingpoint.h` header contains
typedef float single;
so the GNU compiler warns that uses of the name `single` shadow it.
Just suppress the warning because our uses of this name would become
less readable with a different name.
fae47798 Utilities/Release: Configure Windows binary to support Windows XP
083312a8 Utilities/Release: Switch to .msi builder for Windows binary
240b065f Utilities/Release: Optionally load environment on remote build server
a95b4715 Utilities/Release: Add optional remote launcher to ssh calls
d8bc26a0 Xcode: Parse variant and genex for CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE (#14947)
dc0ddb9e Xcode: Store configuration name along with XcodeObject (#14947)
28f98cee Xcode: Make CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE calculation last step (#14947)
28db2268 Xcode: Factor out XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_ variant filter (#14947)
Before this change backslashes in strings were escaped during compile
flags adds via AppendFlag(). But global flags like OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS
are not added as flags but as plain strings so they were not escaped
Now the escaping is performed within cmXCodeObject::PrintString() which
ensures that strings are always encoded.
Create a `CMAKE_XDGDATA_DIR` option and add a corresponding flag to the
`bootstrap` script. This is needed for multiarch layouts where the
prefix is `/usr/${host}` but where architecture-independent files (like
the XDG-specific ones) are installed to `/usr/share`.
Compile with `-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x501` to use a WinXP-compatible API.
Compile with `-D_USING_V110_SDK71_` to tell the VS standard library
headers that we are building with a WinXP-compatible Windows SDK. Link
executables with `-subsystem:console,5.01` to make them runnable on
Windows XP. Ideally `cmake-gui` should instead be linked with
`-subsystem:windows,5.01` but with the Ninja and Makefile generators
CMake adds `-subsystem:windows` after our `-subsystem:console,5.01` flag
and the linker seems to interpret this combination as we need.
a5dd0c9d Add option to use a system-installed KWIML
036b6ef7 Port CMake from cmIML to KWIML
12293371 Merge branch 'upstream-KWIML' into import-kwiml
3fdbb0a8 KWIML 2015-12-09 (43f9f8d0)
55b21d07 Add script to update KWIML from upstream
c7d9a249 Utilities/KWIML: Drop sources to make room for fresh import