Both define and include flags from CMAKE_C(XX)_FLAGS are now included in
SublimeClang options.
Include directories are now used with absolute paths instead of relative
paths since CMake generated build trees cannot be moved anyway.
Changed the the SublimeText2 generator name to Sublime Text 2.
Fixed a minor issue where if the build directory was outside of the source
directory an unnecessary folder_exclude_pattern was generated in the
Sublime Text 2 project file.
This adds -I include path flags and -D define flags for sublimeclang.
The current problem with this is that these flags cannot be set per
target (build_system in sublime text), it can only be set project
wide. Currently all of the include paths and compiler definitions from
ALL of the targets are used (with duplicates removed). This could be
problematic in some cases (conflicting compiler definitions among targets).
The generator adds all list and source files for each defined
project. The generated project files also include build_system
entries that run the platform-specific make on the generated
Makefiles. A build_system entry is created for each target
that was defined in the CMakeLists.txt files.
At the moment this has only been tested with C/C++ projects.