Change our message wrapper from
[== CMake Server ==[ ... ]== CMake Server ==]
[== "CMake Server" ==[ ... ]== "CMake Server" ==]
to guarantee that no JSON content can ever contain the ending string
(because it would be encoded as `]== \"CMake Server\" ==]`).
Add a command to trigger cmake to configure a project.
Keep this separate from the compute step (added in the next commit)
to faciliate applications like cmake-gui.
Add "globalSettings" command that returns:
* Return capability information
* Return currently used generator/extra generator
* Return a range of flags for debug/trace/etc.
Use it to split pipe and stdin/out handling out of cmServer itself.
The server will shut down when it looses its connection to the client.
This has the nice property that a crashing client will cause the server
to terminate as the OS will close the connection on behave of the client.
Enable the server to support development with some helper tools:
You can now request debug information with statistics on how
long execution of a command took, how long it took to serialize
the JSON files, and how big the serialized JSON string is.
Also allow to dump results into a file.