Commit Graph

18 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Brad King 86578eccf2 Simplify CMake per-source license notices
Per-source copyright/license notice headers that spell out copyright holder
names and years are hard to maintain and often out-of-date or plain wrong.
Precise contributor information is already maintained automatically by the
version control tool.  Ultimately it is the receiver of a file who is
responsible for determining its licensing status, and per-source notices are
merely a convenience.  Therefore it is simpler and more accurate for
each source to have a generic notice of the license name and references to
more detailed information on copyright holders and full license terms.

Our `Copyright.txt` file now contains a list of Contributors whose names
appeared source-level copyright notices.  It also references version control
history for more precise information.  Therefore we no longer need to spell
out the list of Contributors in each source file notice.

Replace CMake per-source copyright/license notice headers with a short
description of the license and links to `Copyright.txt` and online information
available from "".  The online URL also handles
cases of modules being copied out of our source into other projects, so we
can drop our notices about replacing links with full license text.

Run the `Utilities/Scripts/filter-notices.bash` script to perform the majority
of the replacements mechanically.  Manually fix up shebang lines and trailing
newlines in a few files.  Manually update the notices in a few files that the
script does not handle.
2016-09-27 15:14:44 -04:00
Kitware Robot 9db3116226 Remove CMake-language block-end command arguments
Ancient versions of CMake required else(), endif(), and similar block
termination commands to have arguments matching the command starting the
block.  This is no longer the preferred style.

Run the following shell code:

for c in else endif endforeach endfunction endmacro endwhile; do
    echo 's/\b'"$c"'\(\s*\)(.\+)/'"$c"'\1()/'
done >convert.sed &&
git ls-files -z -- bootstrap '*.cmake' '*' '*CMakeLists.txt' |
egrep -z -v '^(Utilities/cm|Source/kwsys/)' |
egrep -z -v 'Tests/CMakeTests/While-Endwhile-' |
xargs -0 sed -i -f convert.sed &&
rm convert.sed
2012-08-13 14:19:16 -04:00
Kitware Robot 77543bde41 Convert CMake-language commands to lower case
Ancient CMake versions required upper-case commands.  Later command
names became case-insensitive.  Now the preferred style is lower-case.

Run the following shell code:

cmake --help-command-list |
grep -v "cmake version" |
while read c; do
    echo 's/\b'"$(echo $c | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')"'\(\s*\)(/'"$c"'\1(/g'
done >convert.sed &&
git ls-files -z -- bootstrap '*.cmake' '*' '*CMakeLists.txt' |
egrep -z -v '^(Utilities/cm|Source/kwsys/)' |
xargs -0 sed -i -f convert.sed &&
rm convert.sed
2012-08-13 14:19:16 -04:00
Kitware Robot 7bbaa4283d Remove trailing whitespace from most CMake and C/C++ code
Our Git commit hooks disallow modification or addition of lines with
trailing whitespace.  Wipe out all remnants of trailing whitespace
everywhere except third-party code.

Run the following shell code:

git ls-files -z -- \
 bootstrap doxygen.config '*.readme' \
 '*.c' '*.cmake' '*.cpp' '*.cxx' \
 '*.el' '*.f' '*.f90' '*.h' '*.in' '*.in.l' '*.java' \
 '*.mm' '*.pike' '*.py' '*.txt' '*.vim' |
egrep -z -v '^(Utilities/cm|Source/(kwsys|CursesDialog/form)/)' |
egrep -z -v '^(Modules/CPack\..*\.in)' |
xargs -0 sed -i 's/ \+$//'
2012-08-13 14:18:39 -04:00
Brad King 7e6a004659 Merge topic 'relative-CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE'
a146e03 Fix relative CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE (#11725)
2011-01-26 15:24:05 -05:00
Brad King a146e03422 Fix relative CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE (#11725)
In commit 295b5b60 (Honor CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE in try_compile,
2010-06-29) we started passing the value of this variable when building
a try_compile project.  If the variable contains a relative path it must
be treated with respect to the file where it is first used.  Ensure that
the value is converted to a full path so that it is correctly referenced
in the try_compile projects.
2011-01-19 18:15:36 -05:00
Todd Gamblin 2cde67a781 Modules: Fix spelling 'To distributed' -> 'To distribute' 2010-08-09 08:48:31 -04:00
Brad King 3a666595c9 Convert CMake non-find modules to BSD License
This adds copyright/license notification blocks CMake's non-find
modules.  Most of the modules had no notices at all.  Some had notices
referring to the BSD license already.  This commit normalizes existing
notices and adds missing notices.
2009-09-28 11:46:51 -04:00
David Cole 6b31f40e40 BUG: Go back to using "." so the Java test passes on the nightly nmake dashboards again. Still need a solution that works with both nmake and Visual Studio builds. 2008-03-15 20:10:02 -04:00
David Cole 908a2b462d COMP: Conditionalize the last change so that the fix only applies to WIN32. Leave it the way it was elsewhere, the new way does not work on the Mac continuous dashboard... 2008-03-13 15:03:20 -04:00
David Cole 4cd5a8a690 BUG: Fix the Java test for Visual Studio builds. Before this, it had been trying to include "BuildLog.htm" in the .jar file because it was using "." as the list of files to include in the .jar file. Use "*.class" instead of "." to prevent this silliness. 2008-03-13 14:29:26 -04:00
Bill Hoffman 5ecfd3d4d3 ENH: fix java and add OBJECT_DIR support 2006-04-17 14:01:22 -04:00
Bill Hoffman 2f78d874a7 ENH: fix for bug 2921, move _OVERRIDE variable to a better position to allow changing _INIT variables 2006-03-02 07:52:52 -05:00
Bill Hoffman b7fa820118 ENH: add documentation support for modules 2005-12-14 13:51:08 -05:00
Bill Hoffman 016e0e52cb BUG: make sure java jar files are not libfoo.jar but are just foo.jar 2004-09-27 11:36:29 -04:00
Bill Hoffman 11aeb6e483 BUG: let the generator quote the path 2004-09-22 14:52:57 -04:00
Bill Hoffman 692ba48c4e ENH: major changes to support addition of languages from cmake modules directory. 2004-09-22 14:42:05 -04:00
Bill Hoffman 66a08c10e5 ENH: more uniform approach to enable language, one step closer to being able to enable a language without modifing cmake source code 2004-08-26 14:55:55 -04:00