638843a Remove the Location member from cmTarget.
90ef1cf Move GenerateTargetManifest to cmGeneratorTarget.
25f1df3 Split CreateGeneratorTargets into two methods.
It is never used. Presumably it only exists so that a const char * can
be returned from GetLocation. However, that is getting in the way
now, so use a static std::string instead, which is already a common
pattern in cmake.
9c87d9c Add automatic rcc invocation for Qt.
84218e1 Add automatic uic invocation for Qt.
94a0ca6 Record which files are skipped by automoc.
18fb758 Run the main executable created in the autogen tests.
e485ba1 Rename the QtAutomoc tests to QtAutogen.
7ce65c3 Add extra checks for the AUTOMOC target property.
32771fc Update output messages for generic use.
f371ab5 Rename RunAutomoc to RunAutogen.
85b3d6e Extract an SetupAutoMocTarget method.
ca124a1 Rename the AutomocInfo.cmake file to be more generic.
a342c9f Move some makefile definitions up away from moc-specific code.
63378ba Rename some variables to reflect broader scope.
97f1aa3 Rename method to reflect generic use.
4abb111 Rename local variable to reflect generic use.
03878c9 Move variable set to where it is used.
ff6c401 cmTarget: Add interface for compatible numeric properties
e4e20c1 cmTarget: Add enumeration for consistency to expect from properties.
9877769 cmTarget: Assign consistent content back to the property being evaluated.
816b4a8 cmTarget: Make consistentProperty return consistent content.
030800a cmTarget: Add a template to create correct implied content.
Only valid target names or generator expressions may appear in
the target field of a LINK_ONLY expression.
Other content like link flags should still be added to that property
(wrapped in config-specific generator expressions), but not wrapped
in LINK_ONLY. Otherwise undue warnings would be issued for the
policy CMP0022.
The LINK_ONLY expression only has an effect for actual target
names anyway, so there is no logical deficit.
The source files are already processed by cmQtAutomoc to look for
moc includes, so extend that to also look for ui_ includes and
find corresponding .ui files to process.
This replaces the need to invoke qt4_wrap_ui().
As the ui files are not likely to be part of the SOURCES of the
target, store the options associated with them separately in the
cmMakefile for querying during the autogen run.
When using the boost MPL library, one can set a define to increase
the limit of how many variadic elements should be supported. The
default for BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_VECTOR_SIZE is 20:
If the foo library requires that to be set to 30, and the independent
bar library requires it to be set to 40, consumers of both need to set
it to 40.
add_library(foo INTERFACE)
set_property(TARGET foo PROPERTY INTERFACE_boost_mpl_vector_size 30)
set_property(TARGET foo PROPERTY COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_NUMBER_MAX boost_mpl_vector_size)
target_compile_definitions(foo INTERFACE BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_VECTOR_SIZE=$<TARGET_PROPERTY:boost_mpl_vector_size>)
add_library(bar INTERFACE)
set_property(TARGET bar PROPERTY INTERFACE_boost_mpl_vector_size 40)
# Technically the next two lines are redundant, but as foo and bar are
# independent, they both set these interfaces.
set_property(TARGET bar PROPERTY COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_NUMBER_MAX boost_mpl_vector_size)
target_compile_definitions(bar INTERFACE BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_VECTOR_SIZE=$<TARGET_PROPERTY:boost_mpl_vector_size>)
target_link_libraries(user foo bar)
Because the TARGET_PROPERTY reads the boost_mpl_vector_size property
from the HEAD of the dependency graph (the user target), and because
that property appears in the COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_NUMBER_MAX of
the dependencies of the user target, the maximum value for it is
chosen for the compile definition, ie, 40.
There are also use-cases for choosing the minimum value of a number.
In Qt, deprecated API can be disabled by version. Setting the
definition QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0 disables no deprecated
API. Setting it to 0x501000 disables API which was deprecated before
Qt 5.1 etc.
If two dependencies require the use of API which was deprecated in
different Qt versions, then COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_NUMBER_MIN can be
used to ensure that both can compile.
Otherwise, in the string case, we would get a null pointer instead
of the implied empty string. That will become relevant when the
comparison result is used.
Drop all behavior activated by setting CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY to
a value lower than 2.4, and generate an error when projects or the user
attempt to do so. In the error suggest using a CMake 2.8.x release.
Teach cmake_minimum_required to warn about projects that do not require
at least CMake 2.4. They are not supported by CMake >= 3.0.
Replace the documentation of CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY with a
reference to policy CMP0001.
Other warnings for the same policy already have similar output since
commit 81d2793e (Add differing target property content to policy CMP0022
warning, 2013-09-11).
Introduce a policy to control the behavior.
The AliasTargets unit test already tests that using a
double-semicolon in the name is not an error. Change the ExportImport
test to use a namespace with a double-semicolon too.
The result is that the depends of the target are created.
add_library(somelib foo.cpp)
add_library(anotherlib EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL foo.cpp)
add_library(extra EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL foo.cpp)
target_link_libraries(anotherlib extra)
add_library(iface INTERFACE)
target_link_libraries(iface INTERFACE anotherlib)
Executing 'make iface' will result in the anotherlib and extra targets
being made.
Adding a regular executable to the INTERFACE of an INTERFACE_LIBRARY
will not result in the executable being built with 'make iface' because
of the logic in cmComputeTargetDepends::AddTargetDepend.
So far, this is implemented only for the Makefile generator. Other
generators will follow if this feature is possible for them.
Make INTERFACE_LIBRARY targets part of the all target by default.
Test this by building the all target and making the expected library
Drop all DefineProperty calls for non-chained properties. Drop the
documentation from the chained ones. The documentation for all
properties is now in Help/prop_*/*.rst files.
These checks want to know if named target properties are builtin, which
is now known by checking the Help/prop_tgt directory. (Previously the
check could be confused by a define_property call in the project.)
The final location and name of a build-target is not determined
until generate-time. However, reading the LOCATION property from
a target is currently allowed at configure time. Apart from creating
possibly-erroneous results, this has an impact on the implementation
of cmake itself, and prevents some major cleanups from being made.
Disallow reading LOCATION from build-targets with a policy. Port some
existing uses of it in CMake itself to use the TARGET_FILE generator
This target type only contains INTERFACE_* properties, so it can be
used as a structural node. The target-specific commands enforce
that they may only be used with the INTERFACE keyword when used
with INTERFACE_LIBRARY targets. The old-style target properties
matching LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES_<CONFIG> are always ignored for
this target type.
The name of the INTERFACE_LIBRARY must match a validity generator
expression. The validity is similar to that of an ALIAS target,
but with the additional restriction that it may not contain
double colons. Double colons will carry the meaning of IMPORTED
or ALIAS targets in CMake 2.8.13.
An ALIAS target may be created for an INTERFACE library.
At this point it can not be exported and does not appear in the
buildsystem and project files are not created for them. That may
be added as a feature in a later commit.
The generators need some changes to handle the INTERFACE_LIBRARY
targets returned by cmComputeLinkInterface::GetItems. The Ninja
generator does not use that API, so it doesn't require changes
related to that.
6931999 VS6: Add some delimiting between error message and content.
d1a5f12 cmTarget: Fix typo in comment.
961c0ba Fix comments to match the code.
7cca50c Remove unused include.
We populate and maintain a vector of structs to keep track of
backtraces already, so no need to populate the Properties container
For completeness, it is necessary to remove the condition for
populating the vector for only valid library names and generator
expressions. That condition is now determined when evaluating the
generator expressions.
Exclude Ninja and Xcode from the CMP0021 test
They do not behave the same as the makefile generator with
relative paths.
Don't overwrite the header file for in-source builds.
With this, projects can enable MACOSX_RPATH by default, but still have
a way to install libraries with no install name dirs into locations
such as /usr/local/lib by setting INSTALL_NAME_DIR="".
* The ALIAS name must match a validity regex.
* Executables and libraries may be aliased.
* An ALIAS acts immutable. It can not be used as the lhs
of target_link_libraries or other commands.
* An ALIAS can be used with add_custom_command, add_custom_target,
and add_test in the same way regular targets can.
* The target of an ALIAS can be retrieved with the ALIASED_TARGET
target property.
* An ALIAS does not appear in the generated buildsystem. It
is kept separate from cmMakefile::Targets for that reason.
* A target may have multiple aliases.
* An ALIAS target may not itself have an alias.
* An IMPORTED target may not have an alias.
* An ALIAS may not be exported or imported.