BUG: fix#5819: put compile definitions into the eclipse project files so
eclipse handles ifdef blcoks correctly
STYLE: make the code for filtering some global targets out nicer
don't add *all existing* targets as Eclipse targets, but only a subset (the
same as for CodeBlocks), e.g. exclude the subtargets of Experimental, and
also edit_cache, ccmake doesn't work from within an IDE
- cleaning up a bit: static helper functions, remove unused scanner profiles, remove unused variables, etc.
- correct <name> entry in .project file
- converts the make command and other paths obtained from cygwin cmake to windows style paths
- provide environment setup for compiling with nmake
- create linked resources and path entries for executable/library_output_path's not subdirs of binary path
- fixes incorrect exclusions of output dirs when named the same as source dir
- excludes the CMakeFiles subdirs from the directories to scan for output targets
- removes possible redundant entries in <pathentry include ...>
- adds the all and preinstall targets to the target list
- removes the linked resources for non out-of-source builds and conflicting dirs