LibArchive now defines this explicitly if it is not defined already.
Since we define _WIN32_WINNT explicitly, we must now define a consistent
value of NTDDI_VERSION explicitly too.
This test fails spuriously too often and prevents the nightly binary
from finishing. Simply skip it for the nightly binary to allow it
to complete more regularly.
Compile with `-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x502` to use a WinXP-compatible API.
Compile with `-D_USING_V110_SDK71_` to tell the VS standard library
headers that we are building with a WinXP-compatible Windows SDK. Link
executables with `-subsystem:console,5.02` to make them runnable on
Windows XP 64-bit. Ideally `cmake-gui` should instead be linked with
`-subsystem:windows,5.02` but with the Ninja and Makefile generators
CMake adds `-subsystem:windows` after our `-subsystem:console,5.02` flag
and the linker seems to interpret this combination as we need.