This fixes bugs #0011355 and 0008342.
The merged patch is a contribution from Michael Lasmanis and Petri Hodju
with some extra documentation added by the merger.
Restore CMake 2.6 behavoir where the dart processing apparently was run from within the tests directory instead of the root of the build tree. This addresses issue reported on the VTK Dashboard where the Testing/Temporary directory is defined as ../../../Testing/Temporary but the DartProcessing is run with respect to the root of the build tree. This causes the regression/difference images to not be located by ctest and thus not uploaded to the dashboard.
BundleUtilities is better supported and allows including
shared Qt libs on other platforms. Also removed limitation
of static Qt for windows build of cmake-gui.
96a335f XCode generation should fail if lang isn't known
d3a8943 Fix which string is checked for in the test
220c5dc Add test that CMake errors with empty libs
The CodeBlocks generator used to omit files that were in siblings directories.
Though that filters out a few files that could be argued aren't of interest
to the user, it also potentialy hides files that are relevant to the user.
Patch by Daniel Teske.
See: for an example.
Visual Studio Express editions do not support solution folders,
so default behavior should be as if USE_FOLDERS global property
is OFF.
Also, allow folder names to be the same as target names: internally,
use a prefix to distinguish folder GUIDs from target GUIDs. Add
a target and folder with the same name in the ExternalProject
test to exercise this code.
For CMake itself, provide a new option CMAKE_USE_FOLDERS that
defaults to ON so that Visual Studio users get a nicely organized
CMake project. Express edition users will have to turn off the
CMAKE_USE_FOLDERS option in order to build CMake in the VS Express