Improve documentation of BundleUtilities.cmake

Put the function documentation into the header-comment, improve
formatting and list the user-relevant functions first.

Signed-off-by: Michael Wild <>
This commit is contained in:
Michael Wild 2010-05-21 22:29:16 +02:00
parent 37fb1f3690
commit f811470a96

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
# BundleUtilities.cmake
# - A collection of CMake utility functions useful for dealing with .app
# bundles on the Mac and bundle-like directories on any OS.
# A collection of CMake utility functions useful for dealing with .app bundles
# on the Mac and bundle-like directories on any OS.
# The following functions are provided by this script:
# The following functions are provided by this module:
# fixup_bundle
# copy_and_fixup_bundle
# verify_app
# get_bundle_main_executable
# get_dotapp_dir
# get_bundle_and_executable
@ -14,14 +15,108 @@
# get_bundle_keys
# copy_resolved_item_into_bundle
# fixup_bundle_item
# fixup_bundle
# copy_and_fixup_bundle
# verify_bundle_prerequisites
# verify_bundle_symlinks
# verify_app
# Requires CMake 2.6 or greater because it uses function, break and
# PARENT_SCOPE. Also depends on GetPrerequisites.cmake.
# FIXUP_BUNDLE(<app> <libs> <dirs>)
# Fix up a bundle in-place and make it standalone, such that it can be
# drag-n-drop copied to another machine and run on that machine as long as all
# of the system libraries are compatible.
# Gather all the keys for all the executables and libraries in a bundle, and
# then, for each key, copy each prerequisite into the bundle. Then fix each one
# up according to its own list of prerequisites.
# Then clear all the keys and call verify_app on the final bundle to ensure
# that it is truly standalone.
# COPY_AND_FIXUP_BUNDLE(<src> <dst> <libs> <dirs>)
# Makes a copy of the bundle <src> at location <dst> and then fixes up the
# new copied bundle in-place at <dst>...
# VERIFY_APP(<app>)
# Verifies that an application <app> appears valid based on running analysis
# tools on it. Calls "message(FATAL_ERROR" if the application is not verified.
# GET_BUNDLE_MAIN_EXECUTABLE(<bundle> <result_var>)
# The result will be the full path name of the bundle's main executable file
# or an "error:" prefixed string if it could not be determined.
# GET_DOTAPP_DIR(<exe> <dotapp_dir_var>)
# Returns the nearest parent dir whose name ends with ".app" given the full
# path to an executable. If there is no such parent dir, then return a dir at
# the same level as the executable, named with the executable's base name and
# ending with ".app"
# The returned directory may or may not exist.
# GET_BUNDLE_AND_EXECUTABLE(<app> <bundle_var> <executable_var> <valid_var>)
# Takes either a ".app" directory name or the name of an executable
# nested inside a ".app" directory and returns the path to the ".app"
# directory in <bundle_var> and the path to its main executable in
# <executable_var>
# GET_BUNDLE_ALL_EXECUTABLES(<bundle> <exes_var>)
# Scans the given bundle recursively for all executable files and accumulates
# them into a variable.
# GET_ITEM_KEY(<item> <key_var>)
# Given a file (item) name, generate a key that should be unique considering
# the set of libraries that need copying or fixing up to make a bundle
# standalone. This is essentially the file name including extension with "."
# replaced by "_"
# This key is used as a prefix for CMake variables so that we can associate a
# set of variables with a given item based on its key.
# CLEAR_BUNDLE_KEYS(<keys_var>)
# Loop over the list of keys, clearing all the variables associated with each
# key. After the loop, clear the list of keys itself.
# Caller of get_bundle_keys should call clear_bundle_keys when done with list
# of keys.
# SET_BUNDLE_KEY_VALUES(<keys_var> <context> <item> <exepath> <dirs>
# <copyflag>)
# Add a key to the list (if necessary) for the given item. If added,
# also set all the variables associated with that key.
# GET_BUNDLE_KEYS(<app> <libs> <dirs> <keys_var>)
# Loop over all the executable and library files within the bundle (and given
# as extra <libs>) and accumulate a list of keys representing them. Set
# values associated with each key such that we can loop over all of them and
# copy prerequisite libs into the bundle and then do appropriate
# install_name_tool fixups.
# COPY_RESOLVED_ITEM_INTO_BUNDLE(<resolved_item> <resolved_embedded_item>)
# Copy a resolved item into the bundle if necessary. Copy is not necessary if
# the resolved_item is "the same as" the resolved_embedded_item.
# FIXUP_BUNDLE_ITEM(<resolved_embedded_item> <exepath> <dirs>)
# Get the direct/non-system prerequisites of the resolved embedded item. For
# each prerequisite, change the way it is referenced to the value of the
# _EMBEDDED_ITEM keyed variable for that prerequisite. (Most likely changing to
# an "@executable_path" style reference.)
# Also, change the id of the item being fixed up to its own _EMBEDDED_ITEM
# value.
# Accumulate changes in a local variable and make *one* call to
# install_name_tool at the end of the function with all the changes at once.
# VERIFY_BUNDLE_PREREQUISITES(<bundle> <result_var> <info_var>)
# Verifies that the sum of all prerequisites of all files inside the bundle
# are contained within the bundle or are "system" libraries, presumed to exist
# everywhere.
# VERIFY_BUNDLE_SYMLINKS(<bundle> <result_var> <info_var>)
# Verifies that any symlinks found in the bundle point to other files that are
# already also in the bundle... Anything that points to an external file causes
# this function to fail the verification.
# Copyright 2008-2009 Kitware, Inc.
@ -43,11 +138,6 @@ get_filename_component(BundleUtilities_cmake_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PA
# get_bundle_main_executable
# The result will be the full path name of the bundle's main executable file
# or an "error:" prefixed string if it could not be determined.
function(get_bundle_main_executable bundle result_var)
set(result "error: '${bundle}/Contents/Info.plist' file does not exist")
@ -109,15 +199,6 @@ function(get_bundle_main_executable bundle result_var)
# get_dotapp_dir
# Returns the nearest parent dir whose name ends with ".app" given the full path
# to an executable. If there is no such parent dir, then return a dir at the same
# level as the executable, named with the executable's base name and ending with
# ".app"
# The returned directory may or may not exist.
function(get_dotapp_dir exe dotapp_dir_var)
set(s "${exe}")
@ -155,13 +236,6 @@ function(get_dotapp_dir exe dotapp_dir_var)
# get_bundle_and_executable
# Takes either a ".app" directory name or the name of an executable
# nested inside a ".app" directory and returns the path to the ".app"
# directory in ${bundle_var} and the path to its main executable in
# ${executable_var}
function(get_bundle_and_executable app bundle_var executable_var valid_var)
set(valid 0)
@ -215,11 +289,6 @@ function(get_bundle_and_executable app bundle_var executable_var valid_var)
# get_bundle_all_executables
# Scans the given bundle recursively for all executable files and accumulates
# them into a variable.
function(get_bundle_all_executables bundle exes_var)
set(exes "")
@ -235,15 +304,6 @@ function(get_bundle_all_executables bundle exes_var)
# get_item_key
# Given a file (item) name, generate a key that should be unique considering the set of
# libraries that need copying or fixing up to make a bundle standalone. This is
# essentially the file name including extension with "." replaced by "_"
# This key is used as a prefix for CMake variables so that we can associate a set
# of variables with a given item based on its key.
function(get_item_key item key_var)
get_filename_component(item_name "${item}" NAME)
@ -254,14 +314,6 @@ function(get_item_key item key_var)
# clear_bundle_keys
# Loop over the list of keys, clearing all the variables associated with each
# key. After the loop, clear the list of keys itself.
# Caller of get_bundle_keys should call clear_bundle_keys when done with list
# of keys.
function(clear_bundle_keys keys_var)
foreach(key ${${keys_var}})
@ -275,11 +327,6 @@ function(clear_bundle_keys keys_var)
# set_bundle_key_values
# Add a key to the list (if necessary) for the given item. If added,
# also set all the variables associated with that key.
function(set_bundle_key_values keys_var context item exepath dirs copyflag)
get_filename_component(item_name "${item}" NAME)
@ -335,14 +382,6 @@ function(set_bundle_key_values keys_var context item exepath dirs copyflag)
# get_bundle_keys
# Loop over all the executable and library files within the bundle (and given as
# extra "${libs}") and accumulate a list of keys representing them. Set values
# associated with each key such that we can loop over all of them and copy
# prerequisite libs into the bundle and then do appropriate install_name_tool
# fixups.
function(get_bundle_keys app libs dirs keys_var)
set(${keys_var} PARENT_SCOPE)
@ -405,11 +444,6 @@ function(get_bundle_keys app libs dirs keys_var)
# copy_resolved_item_into_bundle
# Copy a resolved item into the bundle if necessary. Copy is not necessary if
# the resolved_item is "the same as" the resolved_embedded_item.
function(copy_resolved_item_into_bundle resolved_item resolved_embedded_item)
# ignore case on Windows
@ -433,18 +467,6 @@ function(copy_resolved_item_into_bundle resolved_item resolved_embedded_item)
# fixup_bundle_item
# Get the direct/non-system prerequisites of the resolved embedded item. For each
# prerequisite, change the way it is referenced to the value of the _EMBEDDED_ITEM
# keyed variable for that prerequisite. (Most likely changing to an "@executable_path"
# style reference.)
# Also, change the id of the item being fixed up to its own _EMBEDDED_ITEM value.
# Accumulate changes in a local variable and make *one* call to install_name_tool
# at the end of the function with all the changes at once.
function(fixup_bundle_item resolved_embedded_item exepath dirs)
# This item's key is "ikey":
@ -476,19 +498,6 @@ function(fixup_bundle_item resolved_embedded_item exepath dirs)
# fixup_bundle
# Fix up a bundle in-place and make it standalone, such that it can be drag-n-drop
# copied to another machine and run on that machine as long as all of the system
# libraries are compatible.
# Gather all the keys for all the executables and libraries in a bundle, and then,
# for each key, copy each prerequisite into the bundle. Then fix each one up according
# to its own list of prerequisites.
# Then clear all the keys and call verify_app on the final bundle to ensure that
# it is truly standalone.
function(fixup_bundle app libs dirs)
message(STATUS "fixup_bundle")
message(STATUS " app='${app}'")
@ -557,23 +566,12 @@ function(fixup_bundle app libs dirs)
# copy_and_fixup_bundle
# Makes a copy of the bundle "src" at location "dst" and then fixes up the
# new copied bundle in-place at "dst"...
function(copy_and_fixup_bundle src dst libs dirs)
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory "${src}" "${dst}")
fixup_bundle("${dst}" "${libs}" "${dirs}")
# verify_bundle_prerequisites
# Verifies that the sum of all prerequisites of all files inside the bundle
# are contained within the bundle or are "system" libraries, presumed to exist
# everywhere.
function(verify_bundle_prerequisites bundle result_var info_var)
set(result 1)
set(info "")
@ -635,12 +633,6 @@ function(verify_bundle_prerequisites bundle result_var info_var)
# verify_bundle_symlinks
# Verifies that any symlinks found in the bundle point to other files that are
# already also in the bundle... Anything that points to an external file causes
# this function to fail the verification.
function(verify_bundle_symlinks bundle result_var info_var)
set(result 1)
set(info "")
@ -654,11 +646,6 @@ function(verify_bundle_symlinks bundle result_var info_var)
# verify_app
# Verifies that an application appears valid based on running analysis tools on it.
# Calls message/FATAL_ERROR if the application is not verified.
function(verify_app app)
set(verified 0)
set(info "")