ENH: fix check for intel windows module mangling

This commit is contained in:
Bill Hoffman 2008-10-29 19:49:18 -04:00
parent 574530c07d
commit c0e7bcd4ae

@ -93,7 +93,11 @@ function(discover_fortran_module_mangling prefix suffix found)
test_fortran_mangling("${CODE}" "${interface}"
${FORTRAN_C_MANGLING_UPPERCASE} "" "module" "sub" worked)
string(TOLOWER "${interface}" interface)
# if this is the upper case module match then
# lower case it for the extraction of pre and post strings
if("${interface}" MATCHES "TEST_INTERFACE")
string(TOLOWER "${interface}" interface)
string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)test_interface(.*)" "\\1" pre "${interface}")
string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)test_interface(.*)" "\\2" post "${interface}")
set(${prefix} "${pre}" PARENT_SCOPE)