EVIS: Reimplement using custom parsing code

Introduce a new implementation of ExpandVariablesInString and select
between the old and new implementations based on policy CMP0053.
Instead of cmCommandArgumentParserHelper, use a custom parser with our
own stack.  This is much faster and works well for our simple grammar.

The new behavior of CMP0053 should expand @VAR@ syntax only in certain
contexts.  All existing EVIS callers use "replaceAt == true" so
hard-code our call to the old implementation.  Update the signature to
default to "replaceAt == false" and pass "replaceAt == true" explicitly
in the call sites for configure_file and string(CONFIGURE).

Testing the configure (no generate) step with ParaView shows ~20%
performance improvement.

In terms of complete configure/generate steps, further testing with
ParaView shows a 20% performance improvement over with Unix
Makefiles and minimal with Ninja. Ninja is less because it generate step
is the expensive part (future work will address this) by a long shot and
these changes help the configure step for the most part.
This commit is contained in:
Ben Boeckel 2014-02-07 22:37:54 -05:00 committed by Brad King
parent 25102efc1d
commit bc38565863
2 changed files with 470 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ void cmMakefile::Initialize()
this->cmDefineRegex.compile("#cmakedefine[ \t]+([A-Za-z_0-9]*)");
this->cmDefine01Regex.compile("#cmakedefine01[ \t]+([A-Za-z_0-9]*)");
// Enter a policy level for this directory.
@ -2540,23 +2541,129 @@ const char *cmMakefile::ExpandVariablesInString(std::string& source,
bool removeEmpty,
bool replaceAt) const
if ( source.empty() || source.find_first_of("$@\\") == source.npos)
bool compareResults = false;
cmake::MessageType mtype = cmake::LOG;
std::string errorstr;
std::string original;
// Sanity check the @ONLY mode.
if(atOnly && (!noEscapes || !removeEmpty))
// This case should never be called. At-only is for
// configure-file/string which always does no escapes.
"ExpandVariablesInString @ONLY called "
"on something with escapes.");
return source.c_str();
// Variables used in the WARN case.
std::string newResult;
std::string newErrorstr;
cmake::MessageType newError = cmake::LOG;
case cmPolicies::WARN:
// Save the original string for the warning.
original = source;
newResult = source;
compareResults = true;
newError =
ExpandVariablesInStringNew(newErrorstr, newResult, escapeQuotes,
noEscapes, atOnly, filename, line,
removeEmpty, replaceAt);
case cmPolicies::OLD:
mtype = ExpandVariablesInStringOld(errorstr, source, escapeQuotes,
noEscapes, atOnly, filename,
line, removeEmpty, true);
case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED:
case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS:
// Messaging here would be *very* verbose.
case cmPolicies::NEW:
mtype = ExpandVariablesInStringNew(errorstr, source, escapeQuotes,
noEscapes, atOnly, filename,
line, removeEmpty, replaceAt);
// If it's an error in either case, just report the error...
if(mtype != cmake::LOG)
if(mtype == cmake::FATAL_ERROR)
this->IssueMessage(mtype, errorstr);
// ...otherwise, see if there's a difference that needs to be warned about.
else if(compareResults && (newResult != source || newError != mtype))
std::string msg =
msg += "\n";
std::string msg_input = original;
cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(msg_input, "\n", "\n ");
msg += "For input:\n '";
msg += msg_input;
msg += "'\n";
std::string msg_old = source;
cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(msg_old, "\n", "\n ");
msg += "the old evaluation rules produce:\n '";
msg += msg_old;
msg += "'\n";
if(newError == mtype)
std::string msg_new = newResult;
cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(msg_new, "\n", "\n ");
msg += "but the new evaluation rules produce:\n '";
msg += msg_new;
msg += "'\n";
std::string msg_err = newErrorstr;
cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(msg_err, "\n", "\n ");
msg += "but the new evaluation rules produce an error:\n ";
msg += msg_err;
msg += "\n";
msg +=
"Using the old result for compatibility since the policy is not set.";
this->IssueMessage(cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING, msg);
return source.c_str();
cmake::MessageType cmMakefile::ExpandVariablesInStringOld(
std::string& errorstr,
std::string& source,
bool escapeQuotes,
bool noEscapes,
bool atOnly,
const char* filename,
long line,
bool removeEmpty,
bool replaceAt) const
// Fast path strings without any special characters.
if ( source.find_first_of("$@\\") == source.npos)
return cmake::LOG;
// Special-case the @ONLY mode.
if(!noEscapes || !removeEmpty || !replaceAt)
// This case should never be called. At-only is for
// configure-file/string which always does no escapes.
"ExpandVariablesInString @ONLY called "
"on something with escapes.");
// Store an original copy of the input.
std::string input = source;
@ -2596,7 +2703,7 @@ const char *cmMakefile::ExpandVariablesInString(std::string& source,
// Append the rest of the unchanged part of the string.
return source.c_str();
return cmake::LOG;
// This method replaces ${VAR} and @VAR@ where VAR is looked up
@ -2613,6 +2720,7 @@ const char *cmMakefile::ExpandVariablesInString(std::string& source,
int res = parser.ParseString(source.c_str(), 0);
const char* emsg = parser.GetError();
cmake::MessageType mtype = cmake::LOG;
if ( res && !emsg[0] )
source = parser.GetResult();
@ -2639,7 +2747,7 @@ const char *cmMakefile::ExpandVariablesInString(std::string& source,
// parser reported an error message without failing because the
// helper implementation is unhappy, which has always reported an
// error.
cmake::MessageType mtype = cmake::FATAL_ERROR;
mtype = cmake::FATAL_ERROR;
// This is a real argument parsing error. Use policy CMP0010 to
@ -2661,13 +2769,334 @@ const char *cmMakefile::ExpandVariablesInString(std::string& source,
case cmPolicies::NEW:
// NEW behavior is to report the error.
this->IssueMessage(mtype, error.str());
errorstr = error.str();
return source.c_str();
return mtype;
typedef enum
} t_domain;
struct t_lookup
t_lookup(): domain(NORMAL), loc(0) {}
t_domain domain;
size_t loc;
cmake::MessageType cmMakefile::ExpandVariablesInStringNew(
std::string& errorstr,
std::string& source,
bool escapeQuotes,
bool noEscapes,
bool atOnly,
const char* filename,
long line,
bool removeEmpty,
bool replaceAt) const
// This method replaces ${VAR} and @VAR@ where VAR is looked up
// with GetDefinition(), if not found in the map, nothing is expanded.
// It also supports the $ENV{VAR} syntax where VAR is looked up in
// the current environment variables.
const char* in = source.c_str();
const char* last = in;
std::string result;
std::stack<t_lookup> openstack;
bool error = false;
bool done = false;
cmake::MessageType mtype = cmake::LOG;
char inc = *in;
case '}':
if(openstack.size() > 1)
t_lookup var = openstack.top();
result.append(last, in - last);
std::string const& lookup = result.substr(var.loc);
const char* value = NULL;
std::string varresult;
static const std::string lineVar = "CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE";
case NORMAL:
if(filename && lookup == lineVar)
cmOStringStream ostr;
ostr << line;
varresult = ostr.str();
value = this->GetDefinition(lookup);
value = cmSystemTools::GetEnv(lookup.c_str());
case CACHE:
value = this->GetCacheManager()->GetCacheValue(lookup);
// Get the string we're meant to append to.
varresult = cmSystemTools::EscapeQuotes(value);
varresult = value;
else if(!removeEmpty)
// check to see if we need to print a warning
// if strict mode is on and the variable has
// not been "cleared"/initialized with a set(foo ) call
if(this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetWarnUninitialized() &&
if (this->CheckSystemVars ||
this->GetHomeDirectory()) ||
cmOStringStream msg;
cmListFileBacktrace bt;
cmListFileContext lfc;
lfc.FilePath = filename;
lfc.Line = line;
msg << "uninitialized variable \'" << lookup << "\'";
msg.str().c_str(), bt);
result.replace(var.loc, result.size() - var.loc, varresult);
// Start looking from here on out.
last = in + 1;
case '$':
t_lookup lookup;
const char* next = in + 1;
const char* start = NULL;
char nextc = *next;
if(nextc == '{')
// Looking for a variable.
start = in + 2;
lookup.domain = NORMAL;
else if(nextc == '<')
else if(!nextc)
result.append(last, next - last);
last = next;
else if(cmHasLiteralPrefix(next, "ENV{"))
// Looking for an environment variable.
start = in + 5;
lookup.domain = ENVIRONMENT;
else if(cmHasLiteralPrefix(next, "CACHE{"))
// Looking for a cache variable.
start = in + 7;
lookup.domain = CACHE;
errorstr = "Syntax $"
+ std::string(next, this->cmNamedCurly.end())
+ "{} is not supported. Only ${}, $ENV{}, "
"and $CACHE{} are allowed.";
mtype = cmake::FATAL_ERROR;
error = true;
result.append(last, in - last);
last = start;
in = start - 1;
lookup.loc = result.size();
case '\\':
const char* next = in + 1;
char nextc = *next;
if(nextc == 't')
result.append(last, in - last);
last = next + 1;
else if(nextc == 'n')
result.append(last, in - last);
last = next + 1;
else if(nextc == 'r')
result.append(last, in - last);
last = next + 1;
else if(nextc == ';' && openstack.size() == 1)
// Handled in ExpandListArgument; pass the backslash literally.
else if (isalnum(nextc) || nextc == '\0')
errorstr += "Invalid character escape '\\";
if (nextc)
errorstr += nextc;
errorstr += "'.";
errorstr += "' (at end of input).";
error = true;
// Take what we've found so far, skipping the escape character.
result.append(last, in - last);
// Start tracking from the next character.
last = in + 1;
// Skip the next character since it was escaped, but don't read past
// the end of the string.
case '\n':
// Onto the next line.
case '\0':
done = true;
case '@':
const char* nextAt = strchr(in + 1, '@');
if(nextAt && nextAt != in + 1 &&
nextAt == in + 1 + strspn(in + 1,
std::string variable(in + 1, nextAt - in - 1);
std::string varresult = this->GetSafeDefinition(variable);
varresult = cmSystemTools::EscapeQuotes(varresult);
// Skip over the variable.
result.append(last, in - last);
in = nextAt;
last = in + 1;
// Failed to find a valid @ expansion; treat it as literal.
if(openstack.size() > 1 &&
!(isalnum(inc) || inc == '_' ||
inc == '/' || inc == '.' ||
inc == '+' || inc == '-'))
errorstr += "Invalid character (\'";
errorstr += inc;
result.append(last, in - last);
errorstr += "\') in a variable name: "
"'" + result.substr(openstack.top().loc) + "'";
mtype = cmake::FATAL_ERROR;
error = true;
// Look at the next character.
} while(!error && !done && *++in);
// Check for open variable references yet.
if(!error && openstack.size() != 1)
// There's an open variable reference waiting. Policy CMP0010 flags
// whether this is an error or not. The new parser now enforces
// CMP0010 as well.
errorstr += "There is an unterminated variable reference.";
error = true;
cmOStringStream emsg;
emsg << "Syntax error in cmake code ";
// This filename and line number may be more specific than the
// command context because one command invocation can have
// arguments on multiple lines.
emsg << "at\n"
<< " " << filename << ":" << line << "\n";
emsg << "when parsing string\n"
<< " " << source << "\n";
emsg << errorstr;
mtype = cmake::FATAL_ERROR;
errorstr = emsg.str();
// Append the rest of the unchanged part of the string.
source = result;
return mtype;
void cmMakefile::RemoveVariablesInString(std::string& source,
@ -2890,7 +3319,7 @@ bool cmMakefile::ExpandArguments(
value = i->Value;
this->ExpandVariablesInString(value, false, false, false,
i->FilePath, i->Line,
false, true);
false, false);
// If the argument is quoted, it should be one argument.
// Otherwise, it may be a list of arguments.
@ -3451,7 +3880,7 @@ void cmMakefile::ConfigureString(const std::string& input,
// Perform variable replacements.
this->ExpandVariablesInString(output, escapeQuotes, true,
atOnly, 0, -1, true);
atOnly, 0, -1, true, true);
int cmMakefile::ConfigureFile(const char* infile, const char* outfile,

View File

@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ public:
const char* filename = 0,
long line = -1,
bool removeEmpty = false,
bool replaceAt = true) const;
bool replaceAt = false) const;
* Remove any remaining variables in the string. Anything with ${var} or
@ -994,6 +994,7 @@ private:
mutable cmsys::RegularExpression cmDefineRegex;
mutable cmsys::RegularExpression cmDefine01Regex;
mutable cmsys::RegularExpression cmAtVarRegex;
mutable cmsys::RegularExpression cmNamedCurly;
cmPropertyMap Properties;
@ -1050,6 +1051,28 @@ private:
// Enforce rules about CMakeLists.txt files.
void EnforceDirectoryLevelRules() const;
// CMP0053 == old
cmake::MessageType ExpandVariablesInStringOld(
std::string& errorstr,
std::string& source,
bool escapeQuotes,
bool noEscapes,
bool atOnly,
const char* filename,
long line,
bool removeEmpty,
bool replaceAt) const;
// CMP0053 == new
cmake::MessageType ExpandVariablesInStringNew(
std::string& errorstr,
std::string& source,
bool escapeQuotes,
bool noEscapes,
bool atOnly,
const char* filename,
long line,
bool removeEmpty,
bool replaceAt) const;
bool GeneratingBuildSystem;
* Old version of GetSourceFileWithOutput(const std::string&) kept for