ExternalProject: Use default file name if extracting from URL fails

The download/extract step uses the file name only internally so we can
just use a fallback default name if one cannot be extracted from the
This commit is contained in:
Ruslan Baratov 2016-07-05 16:17:12 +03:00 committed by Brad King
parent 972f24ea94
commit af7da934a7

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@ -1878,7 +1878,12 @@ function(_ep_add_download_command name)
get_filename_component(fname "${fname}" NAME)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not extract tarball filename from url:\n ${url}")
# Fall back to a default file name. The actual file name does not
# matter because it is used only internally and our extraction tool
# inspects the file content directly. If it turns out the wrong URL
# was given that will be revealed during the build which is an easier
# place for users to diagnose than an error here anyway.
set(fname "archive.tar")
string(REPLACE ";" "-" fname "${fname}")
set(file ${download_dir}/${fname})