Merge topic 'ctest-svn-update'
57234dd cmCTestSVN: Load and process information from externals 3776690 cmCTestSVN: Add a LoadExternal() function and an ExternalParser class 41f0f83 cmCTestSVN: Use the SVNInfo structure fb6d513 cmCTestSVN: Create the SVNInfo for the root repository 8d1e102 cmCTestSVN: Add the Repositories list and the RootInfo pointer 2f204bc cmCTestSVN: Extend Revision struct with SVN repo information aa1076f cmCTestSVN: Add the new SVNInfo structure
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,11 @@
#include <cmsys/RegularExpression.hxx>
struct cmCTestSVN::Revision: public cmCTestVC::Revision
cmCTestSVN::SVNInfo* SVNInfo;
cmCTestSVN::cmCTestSVN(cmCTest* ct, std::ostream& log):
cmCTestGlobalVC(ct, log)
@ -44,8 +49,11 @@ void cmCTestSVN::CleanupImpl()
class cmCTestSVN::InfoParser: public cmCTestVC::LineParser
InfoParser(cmCTestSVN* svn, const char* prefix, std::string& rev):
SVN(svn), Rev(rev)
InfoParser(cmCTestSVN* svn,
const char* prefix,
std::string& rev,
SVNInfo& svninfo):
Rev(rev), SVNRepo(svninfo)
this->SetLog(&svn->Log, prefix);
this->RegexRev.compile("^Revision: ([0-9]+)");
@ -53,8 +61,8 @@ public:
this->RegexRoot.compile("^Repository Root: +([^ ]+) *$");
cmCTestSVN* SVN;
std::string& Rev;
cmCTestSVN::SVNInfo& SVNRepo;
cmsys::RegularExpression RegexRev;
cmsys::RegularExpression RegexURL;
cmsys::RegularExpression RegexRoot;
@ -66,11 +74,11 @@ private:
else if(this->RegexURL.find(this->Line))
this->SVN->URL = this->RegexURL.match(1);
this->SVNRepo.URL = this->RegexURL.match(1);
else if(this->RegexRoot.find(this->Line))
this->SVN->Root = this->RegexRoot.match(1);
this->SVNRepo.Root = this->RegexRoot.match(1);
return true;
@ -95,13 +103,13 @@ static bool cmCTestSVNPathStarts(std::string const& p1, std::string const& p2)
std::string cmCTestSVN::LoadInfo()
std::string cmCTestSVN::LoadInfo(SVNInfo& svninfo)
// Run "svn info" to get the repository info from the work tree.
const char* svn = this->CommandLineTool.c_str();
const char* svn_info[] = {svn, "info", 0};
const char* svn_info[] = {svn, "info", svninfo.LocalPath.c_str(), 0};
std::string rev;
InfoParser out(this, "info-out> ", rev);
InfoParser out(this, "info-out> ", rev, svninfo);
OutputLogger err(this->Log, "info-err> ");
this->RunChild(svn_info, &out, &err);
return rev;
@ -110,55 +118,94 @@ std::string cmCTestSVN::LoadInfo()
void cmCTestSVN::NoteOldRevision()
this->OldRevision = this->LoadInfo();
this->Log << "Revision before update: " << this->OldRevision << "\n";
cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " Old revision of repository is: "
<< this->OldRevision << "\n");
// Info for root repository
this->Repositories.push_back( SVNInfo("") );
this->RootInfo = &(this->Repositories.back());
// Info for the external repositories
// Get info for all the repositories
std::list<SVNInfo>::iterator itbeg = this->Repositories.begin();
std::list<SVNInfo>::iterator itend = this->Repositories.end();
for( ; itbeg != itend ; itbeg++)
SVNInfo& svninfo = *itbeg;
svninfo.OldRevision = this->LoadInfo(svninfo);
this->Log << "Revision for repository '" << svninfo.LocalPath
<< "' before update: " << svninfo.OldRevision << "\n";
cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT,
" Old revision of external repository '"
<< svninfo.LocalPath << "' is: "
<< svninfo.OldRevision << "\n");
// Set the global old revision to the one of the root
this->OldRevision = this->RootInfo->OldRevision;
this->PriorRev.Rev = this->OldRevision;
void cmCTestSVN::NoteNewRevision()
this->NewRevision = this->LoadInfo();
this->Log << "Revision after update: " << this->NewRevision << "\n";
cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " New revision of repository is: "
<< this->NewRevision << "\n");
// this->Root = ""; // uncomment to test GuessBase
this->Log << "URL = " << this->URL << "\n";
this->Log << "Root = " << this->Root << "\n";
// Compute the base path the working tree has checked out under
// the repository root.
if(!this->Root.empty() && cmCTestSVNPathStarts(this->URL, this->Root))
// Get info for the external repositories
std::list<SVNInfo>::iterator itbeg = this->Repositories.begin();
std::list<SVNInfo>::iterator itend = this->Repositories.end();
for( ; itbeg != itend ; itbeg++)
this->Base = cmCTest::DecodeURL(this->URL.substr(this->Root.size()));
this->Base += "/";
this->Log << "Base = " << this->Base << "\n";
SVNInfo& svninfo = *itbeg;
svninfo.NewRevision = this->LoadInfo(svninfo);
this->Log << "Revision for repository '" << svninfo.LocalPath
<< "' after update: " << svninfo.NewRevision << "\n";
cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT,
" New revision of external repository '"
<< svninfo.LocalPath << "' is: "
<< svninfo.NewRevision << "\n");
// svninfo.Root = ""; // uncomment to test GuessBase
this->Log << "Repository '" << svninfo.LocalPath
<< "' URL = " << svninfo.URL << "\n";
this->Log << "Repository '" << svninfo.LocalPath
<< "' Root = " << svninfo.Root << "\n";
// Compute the base path the working tree has checked out under
// the repository root.
&& cmCTestSVNPathStarts(svninfo.URL, svninfo.Root))
svninfo.Base = cmCTest::DecodeURL(
svninfo.Base += "/";
this->Log << "Repository '" << svninfo.LocalPath
<< "' Base = " << svninfo.Base << "\n";
// Set the global new revision to the one of the root
this->NewRevision = this->RootInfo->NewRevision;
void cmCTestSVN::GuessBase(std::vector<Change> const& changes)
void cmCTestSVN::GuessBase(SVNInfo& svninfo,
std::vector<Change> const& changes)
// Subversion did not give us a good repository root so we need to
// guess the base path from the URL and the paths in a revision with
// changes under it.
// Consider each possible URL suffix from longest to shortest.
for(std::string::size_type slash = this->URL.find('/');
this->Base.empty() && slash != std::string::npos;
slash = this->URL.find('/', slash+1))
for(std::string::size_type slash = svninfo.URL.find('/');
svninfo.Base.empty() && slash != std::string::npos;
slash = svninfo.URL.find('/', slash+1))
// If the URL suffix is a prefix of at least one path then it is the base.
std::string base = cmCTest::DecodeURL(this->URL.substr(slash));
std::string base = cmCTest::DecodeURL(svninfo.URL.substr(slash));
for(std::vector<Change>::const_iterator ci = changes.begin();
this->Base.empty() && ci != changes.end(); ++ci)
svninfo.Base.empty() && ci != changes.end(); ++ci)
if(cmCTestSVNPathStarts(ci->Path, base))
this->Base = base;
svninfo.Base = base;
@ -167,25 +214,9 @@ void cmCTestSVN::GuessBase(std::vector<Change> const& changes)
// base lie under its path. If no base was found then the working
// tree must be a checkout of the entire repo and this will match
// the leading slash in all paths.
this->Base += "/";
svninfo.Base += "/";
this->Log << "Guessed Base = " << this->Base << "\n";
const char* cmCTestSVN::LocalPath(std::string const& path)
if(path.size() > this->Base.size() &&
strncmp(path.c_str(), this->Base.c_str(), this->Base.size()) == 0)
// This path lies under the base, so return a relative path.
return path.c_str() + this->Base.size();
// This path does not lie under the base, so ignore it.
return 0;
this->Log << "Guessed Base = " << svninfo.Base << "\n";
@ -274,11 +305,13 @@ class cmCTestSVN::LogParser: public cmCTestVC::OutputLogger,
private cmXMLParser
LogParser(cmCTestSVN* svn, const char* prefix):
OutputLogger(svn->Log, prefix), SVN(svn) { this->InitializeParser(); }
LogParser(cmCTestSVN* svn, const char* prefix, SVNInfo& svninfo):
OutputLogger(svn->Log, prefix), SVN(svn), SVNRepo(svninfo)
{ this->InitializeParser(); }
~LogParser() { this->CleanupParser(); }
cmCTestSVN* SVN;
cmCTestSVN::SVNInfo& SVNRepo;
typedef cmCTestSVN::Revision Revision;
typedef cmCTestSVN::Change Change;
@ -300,6 +333,7 @@ private:
if(strcmp(name, "logentry") == 0)
this->Rev = Revision();
this->Rev.SVNInfo = &SVNRepo;
if(const char* rev = this->FindAttribute(atts, "revision"))
this->Rev.Rev = rev;
@ -325,11 +359,13 @@ private:
if(strcmp(name, "logentry") == 0)
this->SVN->DoRevision(this->Rev, this->Changes);
this->SVN->DoRevisionSVN(this->Rev, this->Changes);
else if(strcmp(name, "path") == 0 && !this->CData.empty())
this->CurChange.Path.assign(&this->CData[0], this->CData.size());
std::string orig_path(&this->CData[0], this->CData.size());
std::string new_path = SVNRepo.BuildLocalPath( orig_path );
else if(strcmp(name, "author") == 0 && !this->CData.empty())
@ -355,37 +391,59 @@ private:
void cmCTestSVN::LoadRevisions()
// Get revisions for all the external repositories
std::list<SVNInfo>::iterator itbeg = this->Repositories.begin();
std::list<SVNInfo>::iterator itend = this->Repositories.end();
for( ; itbeg != itend ; itbeg++)
SVNInfo& svninfo = *itbeg;
void cmCTestSVN::LoadRevisions(SVNInfo &svninfo)
// We are interested in every revision included in the update.
std::string revs;
if(atoi(this->OldRevision.c_str()) < atoi(this->NewRevision.c_str()))
if(atoi(svninfo.OldRevision.c_str()) < atoi(svninfo.NewRevision.c_str()))
revs = "-r" + this->OldRevision + ":" + this->NewRevision;
revs = "-r" + svninfo.OldRevision + ":" + svninfo.NewRevision;
revs = "-r" + this->NewRevision;
revs = "-r" + svninfo.NewRevision;
// Run "svn log" to get all global revisions of interest.
const char* svn = this->CommandLineTool.c_str();
const char* svn_log[] = {svn, "log", "--xml", "-v", revs.c_str(), 0};
const char* svn_log[] = {svn, "log", "--xml", "-v", revs.c_str(),
svninfo.LocalPath.c_str(), 0};
LogParser out(this, "log-out> ");
LogParser out(this, "log-out> ", svninfo);
OutputLogger err(this->Log, "log-err> ");
this->RunChild(svn_log, &out, &err);
void cmCTestSVN::DoRevision(Revision const& revision,
std::vector<Change> const& changes)
void cmCTestSVN::DoRevisionSVN(Revision const& revision,
std::vector<Change> const& changes)
// Guess the base checkout path from the changes if necessary.
if(this->Base.empty() && !changes.empty())
if(this->RootInfo->Base.empty() && !changes.empty())
this->GuessBase(*this->RootInfo, changes);
// Ignore changes in the old revision for external repositories
if(revision.Rev == revision.SVNInfo->OldRevision
&& revision.SVNInfo->LocalPath != "")
this->cmCTestGlobalVC::DoRevision(revision, changes);
@ -446,5 +504,81 @@ void cmCTestSVN::WriteXMLGlobal(std::ostream& xml)
xml << "\t<SVNPath>" << this->Base << "</SVNPath>\n";
xml << "\t<SVNPath>" << this->RootInfo->Base << "</SVNPath>\n";
class cmCTestSVN::ExternalParser: public cmCTestVC::LineParser
ExternalParser(cmCTestSVN* svn, const char* prefix): SVN(svn)
this->SetLog(&svn->Log, prefix);
this->RegexExternal.compile("^X..... +(.+)$");
cmCTestSVN* SVN;
cmsys::RegularExpression RegexExternal;
bool ProcessLine()
return true;
void DoPath(std::string const& path)
// Get local path relative to the source directory
std::string local_path;
if(path.size() > this->SVN->SourceDirectory.size() &&
strncmp(path.c_str(), this->SVN->SourceDirectory.c_str(),
this->SVN->SourceDirectory.size()) == 0)
local_path = path.c_str() + this->SVN->SourceDirectory.size() + 1;
local_path = path;
this->SVN->Repositories.push_back( SVNInfo(local_path.c_str()) );
void cmCTestSVN::LoadExternals()
// Run "svn status" to get the list of external repositories
const char* svn = this->CommandLineTool.c_str();
const char* svn_status[] = {svn, "status", 0};
ExternalParser out(this, "external-out> ");
OutputLogger err(this->Log, "external-err> ");
this->RunChild(svn_status, &out, &err);
std::string cmCTestSVN::SVNInfo::BuildLocalPath(std::string const& path) const
std::string local_path;
// Add local path prefix if not empty
if (!this->LocalPath.empty())
local_path += this->LocalPath;
local_path += "/";
// Add path with base prefix removed
if(path.size() > this->Base.size() &&
strncmp(path.c_str(), this->Base.c_str(), this->Base.size()) == 0)
local_path += (path.c_str() + this->Base.size());
local_path += path;
return local_path;
@ -33,24 +33,50 @@ private:
virtual void NoteNewRevision();
virtual bool UpdateImpl();
// URL of repository directory checked out in the working tree.
std::string URL;
// Information about an SVN repository (root repository or external)
struct SVNInfo {
// URL of repository root directory.
std::string Root;
SVNInfo(const char* path) : LocalPath(path) {}
// Remove base from the filename
std::string BuildLocalPath(std::string const& path) const;
// Directory under repository root checked out in working tree.
std::string Base;
// LocalPath relative to the main source directory.
std::string LocalPath;
std::string LoadInfo();
// URL of repository directory checked out in the working tree.
std::string URL;
// URL of repository root directory.
std::string Root;
// Directory under repository root checked out in working tree.
std::string Base;
// Old and new repository revisions.
std::string OldRevision;
std::string NewRevision;
// Extended revision structure to include info about external it refers to.
struct Revision;
// Info of all the repositories (root, externals and nested ones).
std::list<SVNInfo> Repositories;
// Pointer to the infos of the root repository.
SVNInfo* RootInfo;
std::string LoadInfo(SVNInfo& svninfo);
void LoadExternals();
void LoadModifications();
void LoadRevisions();
void LoadRevisions(SVNInfo& svninfo);
void GuessBase(std::vector<Change> const& changes);
const char* LocalPath(std::string const& path);
void GuessBase(SVNInfo &svninfo, std::vector<Change> const& changes);
void DoRevision(Revision const& revision,
std::vector<Change> const& changes);
void DoRevisionSVN(Revision const& revision,
std::vector<Change> const& changes);
void WriteXMLGlobal(std::ostream& xml);
@ -59,10 +85,12 @@ private:
class LogParser;
class StatusParser;
class UpdateParser;
class ExternalParser;
friend class InfoParser;
friend class LogParser;
friend class StatusParser;
friend class UpdateParser;
friend class ExternalParser;
Reference in New Issue
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