Merge topic 'cmake-server-commands'

71a50587 server-mode: Add project data for unit tests
7b1e60f2 server-mode: Report CMakeCache entries
84553a6e server-mode: Add command to retrieve build system files
ead71873 server-mode: Report information relevant for a codemodel
This commit is contained in:
Brad King 2016-09-29 08:09:45 -04:00 committed by CMake Topic Stage
commit 48cd0f7405
13 changed files with 952 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -374,3 +374,264 @@ CMake will reply (after reporting progress information)::
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
Type "codemodel"
The "codemodel" request can be used after a project was "compute"d successfully.
It will list the complete project structure as it is known to cmake.
The reply will contain a key "projects", which will contain a list of
project objects, one for each (sub-)project defined in the cmake build system.
Each project object can have the following keys:
contains the (sub-)projects name.
contains the current source directory
contains the current build directory.
contains a list of configuration objects.
Configuration objects are used to destinquish between different
configurations the build directory might have enabled. While most generators
only support one configuration, others support several.
Each configuration object can have the following keys:
contains the name of the configuration. The name may be empty.
contains a list of target objects, one for each build target.
Target objects define individual build targets for a certain configuration.
Each target object can have the following keys:
contains the name of the target.
defines the type of build of the target. Possible values are
contains the full name of the build result (incl. extensions, etc.).
contains the current source directory.
contains the current build directory.
with a list of build artifacts. The list is sorted with the most
important artifacts first (e.g. a .DLL file is listed before a
.PDB file on windows).
contains the language of the linker used to produce the artifact.
with a list of libraries to link to. This value is encoded in the
system's native shell format.
with a list of flags to pass to the linker. This value is encoded in
the system's native shell format.
with the flags for a compiler using the linkerLanguage. This value is
encoded in the system's native shell format.
with the framework path (on Apple computers). This value is encoded
in the system's native shell format.
with the link path. This value is encoded in the system's native shell
with the sysroot path.
contains the source files making up the target.
FileGroups are used to group sources using similar settings together.
Each fileGroup object may contain the following keys:
contains the programming language used by all files in the group.
with a string containing all the flags passed to the compiler
when building any of the files in this group. This value is encoded in
the system's native shell format.
with a list of include paths. Each include path is an object
containing a "path" with the actual include path and "isSystem" with a bool
value informing whether this is a normal include or a system include. This
value is encoded in the system's native shell format.
with a list of defines in the form "SOMEVALUE" or "SOMEVALUE=42". This
value is encoded in the system's native shell format.
with a list of source files.
All file paths in the fileGroup are either absolute or relative to the
sourceDirectory of the target.
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
CMake will reply::
[== CMake Server ==[
"compileFlags":" -std=gnu11",
{ "path":"/tmp/cmake-build-test/Utilities" },
{ "isSystem": true, "path":"/usr/include/something" },
]== CMake Server ==]
The output can be tailored to the specific needs via parameter passed when
requesting "project" information.
You can have a "depth" key, which accepts "project", "configuration" and
"target" as string values. These cause the output to be trimmed at the
appropriate depth of the output tree.
You can also set "configurations" to an array of strings with configuration
names to list. This will cause any configuration that is not listed to be
trimmed from the output.
Generated files can be included in the listing by setting "includeGeneratedFiles"
to "true". This setting defaults to "false", so generated files are not
listed by default.
Finally you can limit the target types that are going to be listed. This is
done by providing a list of target types as an array of strings to the
"targetTypes" key.
Type "cmakeInputs"
The "cmakeInputs" requests will report files used by CMake as part
of the build system itself.
This request is only available after a project was successfully
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
CMake will reply with the following information::
[== CMake Server ==[
{"isCMake":true,"isTemporary":false,"sources":["/usr/lib/cmake/...", ... ]},
{"isCMake":false,"isTemporary":false,"sources":["CMakeLists.txt", ...]},
{"isCMake":false,"isTemporary":true,"sources":["/tmp/build/CMakeFiles/...", ...]}
]== CMake Server ==]
All file names are either relative to the top level source directory or
The list of files which "isCMake" set to true are part of the cmake installation.
The list of files witch "isTemporary" set to true are part of the build directory
and will not survive the build directory getting cleaned out.
Type "cache"
The "cache" request can be used once a project is configured and will
list the cached configuration values.
[== CMake Server ==[
]== CMake Server ==]
CMake will respond with the following output::
[== CMake Server ==[
"HELPSTRING":"This is not helpful"
]== CMake Server ==]
The output can be limited to a list of keys by passing an array of key names
to the "keys" optional field of the "cache" request.

View File

@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
// Vocabulary:
static const std::string kCACHE_TYPE = "cache";
static const std::string kCMAKE_INPUTS_TYPE = "cmakeInputs";
static const std::string kCODE_MODEL_TYPE = "codemodel";
static const std::string kCOMPUTE_TYPE = "compute";
static const std::string kCONFIGURE_TYPE = "configure";
static const std::string kERROR_TYPE = "error";
@ -17,33 +20,63 @@ static const std::string kREPLY_TYPE = "reply";
static const std::string kSET_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_TYPE = "setGlobalSettings";
static const std::string kSIGNAL_TYPE = "signal";
static const std::string kARTIFACTS_KEY = "artifacts";
static const std::string kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY = "buildDirectory";
static const std::string kBUILD_FILES_KEY = "buildFiles";
static const std::string kCACHE_ARGUMENTS_KEY = "cacheArguments";
static const std::string kCACHE_KEY = "cache";
static const std::string kCAPABILITIES_KEY = "capabilities";
static const std::string kCHECK_SYSTEM_VARS_KEY = "checkSystemVars";
static const std::string kCMAKE_ROOT_DIRECTORY_KEY = "cmakeRootDirectory";
static const std::string kCOMPILE_FLAGS_KEY = "compileFlags";
static const std::string kCONFIGURATIONS_KEY = "configurations";
static const std::string kCOOKIE_KEY = "cookie";
static const std::string kDEBUG_OUTPUT_KEY = "debugOutput";
static const std::string kDEFINES_KEY = "defines";
static const std::string kERROR_MESSAGE_KEY = "errorMessage";
static const std::string kEXTRA_GENERATOR_KEY = "extraGenerator";
static const std::string kFILE_GROUPS_KEY = "fileGroups";
static const std::string kFRAMEWORK_PATH_KEY = "frameworkPath";
static const std::string kFULL_NAME_KEY = "fullName";
static const std::string kGENERATOR_KEY = "generator";
static const std::string kINCLUDE_PATH_KEY = "includePath";
static const std::string kIS_CMAKE_KEY = "isCMake";
static const std::string kIS_EXPERIMENTAL_KEY = "isExperimental";
static const std::string kIS_GENERATED_KEY = "isGenerated";
static const std::string kIS_SYSTEM_KEY = "isSystem";
static const std::string kIS_TEMPORARY_KEY = "isTemporary";
static const std::string kKEY_KEY = "key";
static const std::string kKEYS_KEY = "keys";
static const std::string kLANGUAGE_KEY = "language";
static const std::string kLINKER_LANGUAGE_KEY = "linkerLanguage";
static const std::string kLINK_FLAGS_KEY = "linkFlags";
static const std::string kLINK_LANGUAGE_FLAGS_KEY = "linkLanguageFlags";
static const std::string kLINK_LIBRARIES_KEY = "linkLibraries";
static const std::string kLINK_PATH_KEY = "linkPath";
static const std::string kMAJOR_KEY = "major";
static const std::string kMESSAGE_KEY = "message";
static const std::string kMINOR_KEY = "minor";
static const std::string kNAME_KEY = "name";
static const std::string kPATH_KEY = "path";
static const std::string kPROGRESS_CURRENT_KEY = "progressCurrent";
static const std::string kPROGRESS_MAXIMUM_KEY = "progressMaximum";
static const std::string kPROGRESS_MESSAGE_KEY = "progressMessage";
static const std::string kPROGRESS_MINIMUM_KEY = "progressMinimum";
static const std::string kPROJECTS_KEY = "projects";
static const std::string kPROPERTIES_KEY = "properties";
static const std::string kPROTOCOL_VERSION_KEY = "protocolVersion";
static const std::string kREPLY_TO_KEY = "inReplyTo";
static const std::string kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY = "sourceDirectory";
static const std::string kSOURCES_KEY = "sources";
static const std::string kSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS =
static const std::string kSYSROOT_KEY = "sysroot";
static const std::string kTARGETS_KEY = "targets";
static const std::string kTITLE_KEY = "title";
static const std::string kTRACE_EXPAND_KEY = "traceExpand";
static const std::string kTRACE_KEY = "trace";
static const std::string kTYPE_KEY = "type";
static const std::string kVALUE_KEY = "value";
static const std::string kWARN_UNINITIALIZED_KEY = "warnUninitialized";
static const std::string kWARN_UNUSED_CLI_KEY = "warnUnusedCli";
static const std::string kWARN_UNUSED_KEY = "warnUnused";

View File

@ -2,10 +2,16 @@
file Copyright.txt or for details. */
#include "cmServerProtocol.h"
#include "cmCacheManager.h"
#include "cmExternalMakefileProjectGenerator.h"
#include "cmGeneratorTarget.h"
#include "cmGlobalGenerator.h"
#include "cmListFileCache.h"
#include "cmLocalGenerator.h"
#include "cmMakefile.h"
#include "cmServer.h"
#include "cmServerDictionary.h"
#include "cmSourceFile.h"
#include "cmSystemTools.h"
#include "cmake.h"
@ -16,6 +22,100 @@
#include "cm_jsoncpp_value.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Get rid of some windows macros:
#undef max
namespace {
static std::vector<std::string> getConfigurations(const cmake* cm)
std::vector<std::string> configurations;
auto makefiles = cm->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetMakefiles();
if (makefiles.empty()) {
return configurations;
if (configurations.empty())
return configurations;
static bool hasString(const Json::Value& v, const std::string& s)
return !v.isNull() &&
std::find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), [s](const Json::Value& i) {
return i.asString() == s;
}) != v.end();
template <class T>
static Json::Value fromStringList(const T& in)
Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
for (const std::string& i : in) {
return result;
static std::vector<std::string> toStringList(const Json::Value& in)
std::vector<std::string> result;
for (const auto& it : in) {
return result;
static void getCMakeInputs(const cmGlobalGenerator* gg,
const std::string& sourceDir,
const std::string& buildDir,
std::vector<std::string>* internalFiles,
std::vector<std::string>* explicitFiles,
std::vector<std::string>* tmpFiles)
const std::string cmakeRootDir = cmSystemTools::GetCMakeRoot() + '/';
const std::vector<cmMakefile*> makefiles = gg->GetMakefiles();
for (auto it = makefiles.begin(); it != makefiles.end(); ++it) {
const std::vector<std::string> listFiles = (*it)->GetListFiles();
for (auto jt = listFiles.begin(); jt != listFiles.end(); ++jt) {
const std::string startOfFile = jt->substr(0, cmakeRootDir.size());
const bool isInternal = (startOfFile == cmakeRootDir);
const bool isTemporary = !isInternal && (jt->find(buildDir + '/') == 0);
std::string toAdd = *jt;
if (!sourceDir.empty()) {
const std::string& relative =
cmSystemTools::RelativePath(sourceDir.c_str(), jt->c_str());
if (toAdd.size() > relative.size())
toAdd = relative;
if (isInternal) {
if (internalFiles)
} else {
if (isTemporary) {
if (tmpFiles)
} else {
if (explicitFiles)
} // namespace
cmServerRequest::cmServerRequest(cmServer* server, const std::string& t,
const std::string& c, const Json::Value& d)
: Type(t)
@ -270,6 +370,15 @@ const cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::Process(
assert(this->m_State >= STATE_ACTIVE);
if (request.Type == kCACHE_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessCache(request);
if (request.Type == kCMAKE_INPUTS_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessCMakeInputs(request);
if (request.Type == kCODE_MODEL_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessCodeModel(request);
if (request.Type == kCOMPUTE_TYPE) {
return this->ProcessCompute(request);
@ -291,6 +400,441 @@ bool cmServerProtocol1_0::IsExperimental() const
return true;
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessCache(
const cmServerRequest& request)
if (this->m_State < STATE_CONFIGURED) {
return request.ReportError("This project was not configured yet.");
cmState* state = this->CMakeInstance()->GetState();
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
std::vector<std::string> allKeys = state->GetCacheEntryKeys();
Json::Value list = Json::arrayValue;
std::vector<std::string> keys = toStringList(request.Data[kKEYS_KEY]);
if (keys.empty()) {
keys = allKeys;
} else {
for (auto i : keys) {
if (std::find_if(allKeys.begin(), allKeys.end(),
[i](const std::string& j) { return i == j; }) ==
allKeys.end()) {
return request.ReportError("Key \"" + i + "\" not found in cache.");
std::sort(keys.begin(), keys.end());
for (auto key : keys) {
Json::Value entry = Json::objectValue;
entry[kKEY_KEY] = key;
entry[kTYPE_KEY] =
entry[kVALUE_KEY] = state->GetCacheEntryValue(key);
Json::Value props = Json::objectValue;
bool haveProperties = false;
for (auto prop : state->GetCacheEntryPropertyList(key)) {
haveProperties = true;
props[prop] = state->GetCacheEntryProperty(key, prop);
if (haveProperties) {
entry[kPROPERTIES_KEY] = props;
result[kCACHE_KEY] = list;
return request.Reply(result);
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessCMakeInputs(
const cmServerRequest& request)
if (this->m_State < STATE_CONFIGURED) {
return request.ReportError("This instance was not yet configured.");
const cmake* cm = this->CMakeInstance();
const cmGlobalGenerator* gg = cm->GetGlobalGenerator();
const std::string cmakeRootDir = cmSystemTools::GetCMakeRoot();
const std::string buildDir = cm->GetHomeOutputDirectory();
const std::string sourceDir = cm->GetHomeDirectory();
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
result[kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY] = sourceDir;
result[kCMAKE_ROOT_DIRECTORY_KEY] = cmakeRootDir;
std::vector<std::string> internalFiles;
std::vector<std::string> explicitFiles;
std::vector<std::string> tmpFiles;
getCMakeInputs(gg, sourceDir, buildDir, &internalFiles, &explicitFiles,
Json::Value array = Json::arrayValue;
Json::Value tmp = Json::objectValue;
tmp[kIS_CMAKE_KEY] = true;
tmp[kIS_TEMPORARY_KEY] = false;
tmp[kSOURCES_KEY] = fromStringList(internalFiles);
tmp = Json::objectValue;
tmp[kIS_CMAKE_KEY] = false;
tmp[kIS_TEMPORARY_KEY] = false;
tmp[kSOURCES_KEY] = fromStringList(explicitFiles);
tmp = Json::objectValue;
tmp[kIS_CMAKE_KEY] = false;
tmp[kIS_TEMPORARY_KEY] = true;
tmp[kSOURCES_KEY] = fromStringList(tmpFiles);
result[kBUILD_FILES_KEY] = array;
return request.Reply(result);
class LanguageData
bool operator==(const LanguageData& other) const;
void SetDefines(const std::set<std::string>& defines);
bool IsGenerated = false;
std::string Language;
std::string Flags;
std::vector<std::string> Defines;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool> > IncludePathList;
bool LanguageData::operator==(const LanguageData& other) const
return Language == other.Language && Defines == other.Defines &&
Flags == other.Flags && IncludePathList == other.IncludePathList &&
IsGenerated == other.IsGenerated;
void LanguageData::SetDefines(const std::set<std::string>& defines)
std::vector<std::string> result;
for (auto i : defines) {
std::sort(result.begin(), result.end());
Defines = result;
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<LanguageData>
std::size_t operator()(const LanguageData& in) const
using std::hash;
size_t result =
hash<std::string>()(in.Language) ^ hash<std::string>()(in.Flags);
for (auto i : in.IncludePathList) {
result = result ^ (hash<std::string>()(i.first) ^
(i.second ? std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() : 0));
for (auto i : in.Defines) {
result = result ^ hash<std::string>()(i);
result =
result ^ (in.IsGenerated ? std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() : 0);
return result;
} // namespace std
static Json::Value DumpSourceFileGroup(const LanguageData& data,
const std::vector<std::string>& files,
const std::string& baseDir)
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
if (!data.Language.empty()) {
result[kLANGUAGE_KEY] = data.Language;
if (!data.Flags.empty()) {
result[kCOMPILE_FLAGS_KEY] = data.Flags;
if (!data.IncludePathList.empty()) {
Json::Value includes = Json::arrayValue;
for (auto i : data.IncludePathList) {
Json::Value tmp = Json::objectValue;
tmp[kPATH_KEY] = i.first;
if (i.second) {
tmp[kIS_SYSTEM_KEY] = i.second;
result[kINCLUDE_PATH_KEY] = includes;
if (!data.Defines.empty()) {
result[kDEFINES_KEY] = fromStringList(data.Defines);
result[kIS_GENERATED_KEY] = data.IsGenerated;
Json::Value sourcesValue = Json::arrayValue;
for (auto i : files) {
const std::string relPath =
cmSystemTools::RelativePath(baseDir.c_str(), i.c_str());
sourcesValue.append(relPath.size() < i.size() ? relPath : i);
result[kSOURCES_KEY] = sourcesValue;
return result;
static Json::Value DumpSourceFilesList(
cmGeneratorTarget* target, const std::string& config,
const std::map<std::string, LanguageData>& languageDataMap)
// Collect sourcefile groups:
std::vector<cmSourceFile*> files;
target->GetSourceFiles(files, config);
std::unordered_map<LanguageData, std::vector<std::string> > fileGroups;
for (cmSourceFile* file : files) {
LanguageData fileData;
fileData.Language = file->GetLanguage();
if (!fileData.Language.empty()) {
const LanguageData& ld =;
cmLocalGenerator* lg = target->GetLocalGenerator();
std::string compileFlags = ld.Flags;
lg->AppendFlags(compileFlags, file->GetProperty("COMPILE_FLAGS"));
fileData.Flags = compileFlags;
fileData.IncludePathList = ld.IncludePathList;
std::set<std::string> defines;
lg->AppendDefines(defines, file->GetProperty("COMPILE_DEFINITIONS"));
const std::string defPropName =
"COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_" + cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config);
lg->AppendDefines(defines, file->GetProperty(defPropName));
defines.insert(ld.Defines.begin(), ld.Defines.end());
fileData.IsGenerated = file->GetPropertyAsBool("GENERATED");
std::vector<std::string>& groupFileList = fileGroups[fileData];
const std::string baseDir = target->Makefile->GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
for (auto it = fileGroups.begin(); it != fileGroups.end(); ++it) {
Json::Value group = DumpSourceFileGroup(it->first, it->second, baseDir);
if (!group.isNull())
return result;
static Json::Value DumpTarget(cmGeneratorTarget* target,
const std::string& config)
cmLocalGenerator* lg = target->GetLocalGenerator();
const cmState* state = lg->GetState();
const cmState::TargetType type = target->GetType();
const std::string typeName = state->GetTargetTypeName(type);
Json::Value ttl = Json::arrayValue;
if (!hasString(ttl, typeName) || target->IsImported()) {
return Json::Value();
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
result[kNAME_KEY] = target->GetName();
result[kTYPE_KEY] = typeName;
result[kFULL_NAME_KEY] = target->GetFullName(config);
result[kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY] = lg->GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
result[kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY] = lg->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory();
if (target->HaveWellDefinedOutputFiles()) {
Json::Value artifacts = Json::arrayValue;
artifacts.append(target->GetFullPath(config, false));
if (target->IsDLLPlatform()) {
artifacts.append(target->GetFullPath(config, true));
const cmGeneratorTarget::OutputInfo* output =
if (output && !output->PdbDir.empty()) {
artifacts.append(output->PdbDir + '/' + target->GetPDBName(config));
result[kARTIFACTS_KEY] = artifacts;
result[kLINKER_LANGUAGE_KEY] = target->GetLinkerLanguage(config);
std::string linkLibs;
std::string linkFlags;
std::string linkLanguageFlags;
std::string frameworkPath;
std::string linkPath;
lg->GetTargetFlags(config, linkLibs, linkLanguageFlags, linkFlags,
frameworkPath, linkPath, target, false);
linkLibs = cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkLibs);
linkFlags = cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkFlags);
linkLanguageFlags = cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkLanguageFlags);
frameworkPath = cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(frameworkPath);
linkPath = cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkPath);
if (!cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkLibs).empty()) {
result[kLINK_LIBRARIES_KEY] = linkLibs;
if (!cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkFlags).empty()) {
result[kLINK_FLAGS_KEY] = linkFlags;
if (!cmSystemTools::TrimWhitespace(linkLanguageFlags).empty()) {
result[kLINK_LANGUAGE_FLAGS_KEY] = linkLanguageFlags;
if (!frameworkPath.empty()) {
result[kFRAMEWORK_PATH_KEY] = frameworkPath;
if (!linkPath.empty()) {
result[kLINK_PATH_KEY] = linkPath;
const std::string sysroot =
if (!sysroot.empty()) {
result[kSYSROOT_KEY] = sysroot;
std::set<std::string> languages;
target->GetLanguages(languages, config);
std::map<std::string, LanguageData> languageDataMap;
for (auto lang : languages) {
LanguageData& ld = languageDataMap[lang];
ld.Language = lang;
lg->GetTargetCompileFlags(target, config, lang, ld.Flags);
std::set<std::string> defines;
lg->GetTargetDefines(target, config, lang, defines);
std::vector<std::string> includePathList;
lg->GetIncludeDirectories(includePathList, target, lang, config, true);
for (auto i : includePathList) {
std::make_pair(i, target->IsSystemIncludeDirectory(i, config)));
Json::Value sourceGroupsValue =
DumpSourceFilesList(target, config, languageDataMap);
if (!sourceGroupsValue.empty()) {
result[kFILE_GROUPS_KEY] = sourceGroupsValue;
return result;
static Json::Value DumpTargetsList(
const std::vector<cmLocalGenerator*>& generators, const std::string& config)
Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
std::vector<cmGeneratorTarget*> targetList;
for (const auto& lgIt : generators) {
auto list = lgIt->GetGeneratorTargets();
targetList.insert(targetList.end(), list.begin(), list.end());
std::sort(targetList.begin(), targetList.end());
for (cmGeneratorTarget* target : targetList) {
Json::Value tmp = DumpTarget(target, config);
if (!tmp.isNull()) {
return result;
static Json::Value DumpProjectList(const cmake* cm, const std::string config)
Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
auto globalGen = cm->GetGlobalGenerator();
for (const auto& projectIt : globalGen->GetProjectMap()) {
Json::Value pObj = Json::objectValue;
pObj[kNAME_KEY] = projectIt.first;
assert(projectIt.second.size() >
0); // All Projects must have at least one local generator
const cmLocalGenerator* lg =;
// Project structure information:
const cmMakefile* mf = lg->GetMakefile();
pObj[kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY] = mf->GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
pObj[kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY] = mf->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory();
pObj[kTARGETS_KEY] = DumpTargetsList(projectIt.second, config);
return result;
static Json::Value DumpConfiguration(const cmake* cm,
const std::string& config)
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
result[kNAME_KEY] = config;
result[kPROJECTS_KEY] = DumpProjectList(cm, config);
return result;
static Json::Value DumpConfigurationsList(const cmake* cm)
Json::Value result = Json::arrayValue;
for (const std::string& c : getConfigurations(cm)) {
result.append(DumpConfiguration(cm, c));
return result;
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessCodeModel(
const cmServerRequest& request)
if (this->m_State != STATE_COMPUTED) {
return request.ReportError("No build system was generated yet.");
Json::Value result = Json::objectValue;
result[kCONFIGURATIONS_KEY] = DumpConfigurationsList(this->CMakeInstance());
return request.Reply(result);
cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessCompute(
const cmServerRequest& request)
@ -346,6 +890,8 @@ cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessConfigure(
std::string sourceDir = cm->GetHomeDirectory();
const std::string buildDir = cm->GetHomeOutputDirectory();
cmGlobalGenerator* gg = cm->GetGlobalGenerator();
if (buildDir.empty()) {
return request.ReportError(
"No build directory set via setGlobalSettings.");
@ -366,8 +912,7 @@ cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessConfigure(
const char* cachedGenerator =
if (cachedGenerator) {
cmGlobalGenerator* gen = cm->GetGlobalGenerator();
if (gen && gen->GetName() != cachedGenerator) {
if (gg && gg->GetName() != cachedGenerator) {
return request.ReportError("Configured generator does not match with "
"CMAKE_GENERATOR found in cache.");

View File

@ -108,6 +108,9 @@ private:
std::string* errorMessage) override;
// Handle requests:
cmServerResponse ProcessCache(const cmServerRequest& request);
cmServerResponse ProcessCMakeInputs(const cmServerRequest& request);
cmServerResponse ProcessCodeModel(const cmServerRequest& request);
cmServerResponse ProcessCompute(const cmServerRequest& request);
cmServerResponse ProcessConfigure(const cmServerRequest& request);
cmServerResponse ProcessGlobalSettings(const cmServerRequest& request);

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ macro(do_test bsname file)
@ -20,5 +21,6 @@ endmacro()
do_test("test_handshake" "tc_handshake.json")
do_test("test_globalSettings" "tc_globalSettings.json")
do_test("test_buildsystem1" "tc_buildsystem1.json")
add_executable(Server empty.cpp)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4)
set(var1 123)
set(var2 345)
add_executable(main main.cpp)
add_executable(m_other main.cpp)
add_library(foo foo.cpp)
set(var3 345)
add_library(someImportedLib UNKNOWN IMPORTED)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
int foo()
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
int main()
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
set(bar4 something)
set(bar5 more)
add_executable(ooo empty.cpp)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
int foo()
return 0;

View File

@ -102,10 +102,20 @@ def waitForMessage(cmakeCommand, expected):
return packet
def waitForReply(cmakeCommand, originalType, cookie):
packet = waitForRawMessage(cmakeCommand)
if packet['cookie'] != cookie or packet['type'] != 'reply' or packet['inReplyTo'] != originalType:
def waitForReply(cmakeCommand, originalType, cookie, skipProgress):
gotResult = False
while True:
packet = waitForRawMessage(cmakeCommand)
t = packet['type']
if packet['cookie'] != cookie or packet['inReplyTo'] != originalType:
if t == 'message' or t == 'progress':
if skipProgress:
if t == 'reply':
return packet
def waitForError(cmakeCommand, originalType, cookie, message):
@ -126,10 +136,10 @@ def handshake(cmakeCommand, major, minor, source, build, generator, extraGenerat
writePayload(cmakeCommand, { 'type': 'handshake', 'protocolVersion': version,
'cookie': 'TEST_HANDSHAKE', 'sourceDirectory': source, 'buildDirectory': build,
'generator': generator, 'extraGenerator': extraGenerator })
waitForReply(cmakeCommand, 'handshake', 'TEST_HANDSHAKE')
waitForReply(cmakeCommand, 'handshake', 'TEST_HANDSHAKE', False)
def validateGlobalSettings(cmakeCommand, cmakeCommandPath, data):
packet = waitForReply(cmakeCommand, 'globalSettings', '')
packet = waitForReply(cmakeCommand, 'globalSettings', '', False)
capabilities = packet['capabilities']

View File

@ -1,24 +1,25 @@
import sys, cmakelib, json
import sys, cmakelib, json, os, shutil
debug = True
cmakeCommand = sys.argv[1]
testFile = sys.argv[2]
sourceDir = sys.argv[3]
buildDir = sys.argv[4]
buildDir = sys.argv[4] + "/" + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(testFile))[0]
cmakeGenerator = sys.argv[5]
print("SourceDir: ", sourceDir, " -- BuildDir: ", buildDir)
print("Test:", testFile,
"\n-- SourceDir:", sourceDir,
"\n-- BuildDir:", buildDir,
"\n-- Generator:", cmakeGenerator)
if os.path.exists(buildDir):
proc = cmakelib.initProc(cmakeCommand)
with open(testFile) as f:
testText =
testText = testText.replace('%BUILDDIR%', buildDir)
testText = testText.replace('%SOURCEDIR%', sourceDir)
testData = json.loads(testText)
buildDir = sys.argv[3]
sourceDir = sys.argv[4]
testData = json.loads(
for obj in testData:
if 'sendRaw' in obj:
@ -38,9 +39,11 @@ for obj in testData:
if debug: print("Waiting for reply:", json.dumps(data))
originalType = ""
cookie = ""
skipProgress = False;
if 'cookie' in data: cookie = data['cookie']
if 'type' in data: originalType = data['type']
cmakelib.waitForReply(proc, originalType, cookie)
if 'skipProgress' in data: skipProgress = data['skipProgress']
cmakelib.waitForReply(proc, originalType, cookie, skipProgress)
elif 'error' in obj:
data = obj['error']
if debug: print("Waiting for error:", json.dumps(data))
@ -68,8 +71,8 @@ for obj in testData:
if debug: print("Doing handshake:", json.dumps(data))
major = -1
minor = -1
generator = 'Ninja'
extraGenerator = 'CodeBlocks'
generator = cmakeGenerator
extraGenerator = ''
sourceDirectory = sourceDir
buildDirectory = buildDir
if 'major' in data: major = data['major']
@ -78,14 +81,18 @@ for obj in testData:
if 'sourceDirectory' in data: sourceDirectory = data['sourceDirectory']
if 'generator' in data: generator = data['generator']
if 'extraGenerator' in data: extraGenerator = data['extraGenerator']
if not os.path.isabs(buildDirectory):
buildDirectory = buildDir + "/" + buildDirectory
if not os.path.isabs(sourceDirectory):
sourceDirectory = sourceDir + "/" + sourceDirectory
cmakelib.handshake(proc, major, minor, sourceDirectory, buildDirectory,
generator, extraGenerator)
elif 'validateGlobalSettings' in obj:
data = obj['validateGlobalSettings']
if not 'buildDirectory' in data: data['buildDirectory'] = buildDir
if not 'sourceDirectory' in data: data['sourceDirectory'] = sourceDir
if not 'generator' in data: data['generator'] = 'Ninja'
if not 'extraGenerator' in data: data['extraGenerator'] = 'CodeBlocks'
if not 'generator' in data: data['generator'] = cmakeGenerator
if not 'extraGenerator' in data: data['extraGenerator'] = ''
cmakelib.validateGlobalSettings(proc, cmakeCommand, data)
elif 'message' in obj:
print("MESSAGE:", obj["message"])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
{ "message": "Testing globalSettings" },
{ "handshake": {"major": 1, "sourceDirectory":"buildsystem1","buildDirectory":"buildsystem1"} },
{ "message": "Configure:" },
{ "send": { "type": "configure", "cookie":"CONFIG" } },
{ "reply": { "type": "configure", "cookie":"CONFIG", "skipProgress":true } },
{ "message": "Compute:" },
{ "send": { "type": "compute", "cookie":"COMPUTE" } },
{ "reply": { "type": "compute", "cookie":"COMPUTE", "skipProgress":true } },
{ "message": "Codemodel:" },
{ "send": { "type": "codemodel", "cookie":"CODEMODEL" } },
{ "reply": { "type": "codemodel", "cookie":"CODEMODEL" } },
{ "message": "CMake Inputs:"},
{ "send": { "type": "cmakeInputs", "cookie":"INPUTS" } },
{ "reply": { "type": "cmakeInputs", "cookie":"INPUTS" } },
{ "message": "Cache:"},
{ "send": { "type": "cache", "cookie":"CACHE" } },
{ "reply": { "type": "cache", "cookie":"CACHE" } },
{ "message": "Everything ok." }