Sublime Text 2 Gen: Per-source Compile flags are now saved in a separate file.

We no longer write sublimeclang_options to the project file, but instead
write a separate .sublimeclang-options JSON file that contains a map
of source file paths to compile flags for that file.
This commit is contained in:
Morné Chamberlain 2012-11-11 22:07:49 +02:00
parent 5b2aa3dd9a
commit 304b885d36
2 changed files with 263 additions and 160 deletions

View File

@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator
const std::string &sourceRootRelativeToOutput = cmSystemTools::RelativePath(
// Write the folder entries to the project file
fout << "{\n";
fout << "\t\"folders\":\n\t[\n\t";
@ -114,9 +114,8 @@ void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator
fout << "\t{\n\t\t\t\"path\": \"" << sourceRootRelativeToOutput << "\"";
const std::string &outputRelativeToSourceRoot =
if ((!outputRelativeToSourceRoot.empty()) &&
((outputRelativeToSourceRoot.length() < 3) ||
(outputRelativeToSourceRoot.substr(0, 3) != "../")))
@ -130,18 +129,6 @@ void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator
fout << "\t{\n\t\t\t\"path\": \"./\"";
fout << "\n\t\t}";
// In order for SublimeClang's path resolution to work, the directory that
// contains the sublime-project file must be included here. We just ensure
// that no files or subfolders are included.
// In the case of an in-source build, however, this must not be used, since
// it'll end up excluding the source directory.
if (!sourceRootRelativeToOutput.empty())
fout << ",\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"path\": \"./\",\n";
fout << "\t\t\t\"folder_exclude_patterns\": [\"*\"],\n";
fout << "\t\t\t\"file_exclude_patterns\": [\"*\"]\n";
fout << "\t\t}";
// End of the folders section
fout << "\n\t]";
@ -151,9 +138,8 @@ void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator
// Set of include directories over all targets (sublime text/sublimeclang
// doesn't currently support these settings per build system, only project
// wide
std::set<std::string> includeDirs;
std::set<std::string> defines;
AppendAllTargets(lgs, mf, fout, includeDirs, defines);
MapSourceFileFlags sourceFileFlags;
AppendAllTargets(lgs, mf, fout, sourceFileFlags);
// End of build_systems
fout << "\n\t]";
@ -162,7 +148,7 @@ void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator
// Check if the CMAKE_SUBLIMECLANG_DISABLED flag has been set. If it has
// disable sublimeclang for this project.
const char* sublimeclangDisabledValue =
bool sublimeclangEnabled = cmSystemTools::IsOff(sublimeclangDisabledValue);
// Per project sublimeclang settings override default and user settings,
// so we only write the sublimeclang_enabled setting to the project file
@ -171,60 +157,79 @@ void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator
fout << "\t\"sublimeclang_enabled\": false,\n\t";
fout << "\t\"sublimeclang_options\":\n\t\t[\n\t\t";
std::set<std::string>::const_iterator stringSetIter = includeDirs.begin();
while (stringSetIter != includeDirs.end())
const std::string &includeDir = *stringSetIter;
const std::string &relative = cmSystemTools::RelativePath(
// It appears that a relative path to the sublime-project file doesn't
// always work. So we use ${folder:${project_path:<project_filename>}}
// that SublimeClang will expand to the correct path
// fout << "\t\"-I${folder:${project_path:" << mf->GetProjectName() <<
// ".sublime-project}}/" << relative << "\"";
fout << "\t\"-I" << includeDir << "\"";
if ((stringSetIter != includeDirs.end()) || (!defines.empty()))
fout << ",";
fout << "\n\t\t";
stringSetIter = defines.begin();
while (stringSetIter != defines.end())
fout << "\t\"-D" << *stringSetIter << "\"";
if (stringSetIter != defines.end())
fout << ",";
fout << "\n\t\t";
// End of the sublimeclang_options section
fout << "]\n\t";
std::string outputDir = mf->GetStartOutputDirectory();
std::string projectName = mf->GetProjectName();
std::string sublimeClangOptionsFilename = outputDir+"/";
sublimeClangOptionsFilename += projectName + ".sublimeclang-options";
fout << "\t\"sublimeclang_options_file\": \"" << sublimeClangOptionsFilename
<< "\"\n\t";
// End of the settings section
fout << "}\n";
// End of file
fout << "}";
void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator::
WriteSublimeClangOptionsFile(const MapSourceFileFlags& sourceFileFlags,
const std::string& filename)
cmGeneratedFileStream fout(filename.c_str());
fout << "{\n";
MapSourceFileFlags::const_iterator sourceFileFlagsEnd =
int totalFiles = sourceFileFlags.size();
int fileIndex = 0;
for (MapSourceFileFlags::const_iterator iter = sourceFileFlags.begin();
iter != sourceFileFlagsEnd; ++iter)
const std::string& sourceFilePath = iter->first;
const std::vector<std::string>& flags = iter->second;
fout << "\t\"" << sourceFilePath << "\":\n\t[\n\t";
std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator flagsEnd = flags.end();
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator flagsIter = flags.begin();
flagsIter != flagsEnd; ++flagsIter)
fout << "\t\"" << *flagsIter << "\"";
if (flagsIter + 1 != flagsEnd)
fout << ",";
fout << "\n\t";
fout << "]";
if (fileIndex < totalFiles - 1)
fout << ",";
fout << "\n";
fout << "}\n";
void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator::
AppendAllTargets(const std::vector<cmLocalGenerator*>& lgs,
const cmMakefile* mf,
cmGeneratedFileStream& fout,
std::set<std::string>& includeDirs,
std::set<std::string>& defines)
MapSourceFileFlags& sourceFileFlags)
std::string make = mf->GetRequiredDefinition("CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM");
std::string compiler = "";
this->AppendTarget(fout, "all", 0, make.c_str(), mf, compiler.c_str(),
includeDirs, defines, true);
this->AppendTarget(fout, "clean", 0, make.c_str(), mf, compiler.c_str(),
includeDirs, defines, false);
if (!lgs.empty())
this->AppendTarget(fout, "all", lgs[0], 0, make.c_str(), mf,
compiler.c_str(), sourceFileFlags, true);
this->AppendTarget(fout, "clean", lgs[0], 0, make.c_str(), mf,
compiler.c_str(), sourceFileFlags, false);
// add all executable and library targets and some of the GLOBAL
// and UTILITY targets
@ -265,9 +270,9 @@ void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator::
if (insertTarget)
this->AppendTarget(fout, ti->first.c_str(), 0,
this->AppendTarget(fout, ti->first.c_str(), *lg, 0,
make.c_str(), makefile, compiler.c_str(),
includeDirs, defines, false);
sourceFileFlags, false);
@ -282,9 +287,9 @@ void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator::
this->AppendTarget(fout, ti->first.c_str(), 0,
this->AppendTarget(fout, ti->first.c_str(), *lg, 0,
make.c_str(), makefile, compiler.c_str(),
includeDirs, defines, false);
sourceFileFlags, false);
case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE:
case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY:
@ -292,14 +297,14 @@ void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator::
case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY:
case cmTarget::OBJECT_LIBRARY:
this->AppendTarget(fout, ti->first.c_str(), &ti->second,
this->AppendTarget(fout, ti->first.c_str(), *lg, &ti->second,
make.c_str(), makefile, compiler.c_str(),
includeDirs, defines, false);
sourceFileFlags, false);
std::string fastTarget = ti->first;
fastTarget += "/fast";
this->AppendTarget(fout, fastTarget.c_str(), &ti->second,
this->AppendTarget(fout, fastTarget.c_str(), *lg, &ti->second,
make.c_str(), makefile, compiler.c_str(),
includeDirs, defines, false);
sourceFileFlags, false);
@ -310,94 +315,64 @@ void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator::
void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator::
ExtractFlags(const char* value, const std::string& flag,
std::set<std::string> &defines)
std::string::size_type flagLength = flag.length();
std::vector<std::string> defs;
cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(value, defs);
for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator di = defs.begin();
di != defs.end(); ++di)
cmXMLSafe safedef(di->c_str());
std::string safedefString = safedef.str();
if ((flagLength == 0) || ((safedefString.length() >= flagLength) &&
(safedefString.substr(0, flagLength) == flag)))
if (flagLength > 0)
void cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator::AppendTarget(cmGeneratedFileStream& fout,
AppendTarget(cmGeneratedFileStream& fout,
const char* targetName,
cmLocalGenerator* lg,
cmTarget* target,
const char* make,
const cmMakefile* makefile,
const char* compiler,
std::set<std::string>& defines,
MapSourceFileFlags& sourceFileFlags,
bool firstTarget)
if (target != 0)
// the compilerdefines for this target
cmGeneratorTarget *gtgt = this->GlobalGenerator
std::string cdefs = gtgt->GetCompileDefinitions();
ExtractFlags(cdefs.c_str(), "", defines);
// Get compiler definitions from CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS and CMAKE_C_FLAGS as
// well, in case the user set those flags directly
std::string cflags = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS");
ExtractFlags(cflags.c_str(), "-D", defines);
ExtractFlags(cflags.c_str(), "-I", includeDirs);
cflags = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_C_FLAGS");
ExtractFlags(cflags.c_str(), "-D", defines);
ExtractFlags(cflags.c_str(), "-I", includeDirs);
// the include directories for this target
std::vector<std::string> includes;
GetIncludeDirectories(includes, gtgt);
for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator dirIt=includes.begin();
dirIt != includes.end();
std::vector<cmSourceFile*> const& sourceFiles = target->GetSourceFiles();
std::vector<cmSourceFile*>::const_iterator sourceFilesEnd =
for (std::vector<cmSourceFile*>::const_iterator iter =
sourceFiles.begin(); iter != sourceFilesEnd; ++iter)
cmSourceFile* sourceFile = *iter;
MapSourceFileFlags::iterator sourceFileFlagsIter =
if (sourceFileFlagsIter == sourceFileFlags.end())
sourceFileFlagsIter =
sourceFile->GetFullPath(), std::vector<std::string>())).first;
std::string systemIncludeDirs = makefile->GetSafeDefinition(
if (!systemIncludeDirs.empty())
std::vector<std::string>& flags = sourceFileFlagsIter->second;
std::string flagsString =
this->ComputeFlagsForObject(*iter, lg, target, gtgt);
std::string definesString =
this->ComputeDefines(*iter, lg, target, gtgt);
cmsys::RegularExpression flagRegex;
const char* regexString =
"(^|[ ])-[DIOUWfgs][^= ]+(=\\\"[^\"]+\\\"|=[^\"][^ ]+)?";
std::string workString = flagsString + " " + definesString;
while (flagRegex.find(workString))
std::vector<std::string> dirs;
cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(systemIncludeDirs.c_str(), dirs);
for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator dirIt=dirs.begin();
dirIt != dirs.end();
std::string::size_type start = flagRegex.start();
if (workString[start] == ' ')
flagRegex.end() - start));
if (flagRegex.end() < workString.size())
workString = workString.substr(flagRegex.end());
systemIncludeDirs = makefile->GetSafeDefinition(
if (!systemIncludeDirs.empty())
std::vector<std::string> dirs;
cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(systemIncludeDirs.c_str(), dirs);
for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator dirIt=dirs.begin();
dirIt != dirs.end();
workString = "";
@ -473,3 +448,121 @@ std::string cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator::BuildMakeCommand(
return command;
// TODO: Most of the code is picked up from the Ninja generator, refactor it.
cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator::ComputeFlagsForObject(cmSourceFile* source,
cmLocalGenerator* lg,
cmTarget *target,
cmGeneratorTarget* gtgt)
std::string flags;
cmMakefile *makefile = lg->GetMakefile();
const char* language = source->GetLanguage();
if (language == NULL)
language = "C";
const char* config = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE");
// Add language-specific flags.
lg->AddLanguageFlags(flags, language, config);
lg->AddArchitectureFlags(flags, gtgt, language, config);
// TODO: Fortran support.
// // Fortran-specific flags computed for this target.
// if(*l == "Fortran")
// {
// this->AddFortranFlags(flags);
// }
// Add shared-library flags if needed.
lg->AddCMP0018Flags(flags, target, language);
// Add include directory flags.
std::vector<std::string> includes;
lg->GetIncludeDirectories(includes, gtgt, language, config);
std::string includeFlags =
lg->GetIncludeFlags(includes, language, true); // full include paths
lg->AppendFlags(flags, includeFlags.c_str());
// Append old-style preprocessor definition flags.
lg->AppendFlags(flags, makefile->GetDefineFlags());
// Add target-specific flags.
std::string langIncludeExpr = "CMAKE_";
langIncludeExpr += language;
langIncludeExpr += "_FLAG_REGEX";
const char* regex = makefile->GetDefinition(langIncludeExpr.c_str());
cmsys::RegularExpression r(regex);
std::vector<std::string> args;
ParseWindowsCommandLine(gtgt->GetProperty("COMPILE_FLAGS"), args);
for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = args.begin();
i != args.end(); ++i)
lg->AppendFlags(flags, i->c_str());
lg->AppendFlags(flags, gtgt->GetProperty("COMPILE_FLAGS"));
// Add source file specific flags.
lg->AppendFlags(flags, source->GetProperty("COMPILE_FLAGS"));
// TODO: Handle Apple frameworks.
return flags;
// TODO: Refactor with
// void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteTargetLanguageFlags().
ComputeDefines(cmSourceFile *source, cmLocalGenerator* lg, cmTarget *target,
cmGeneratorTarget* gtgt)
std::set<std::string> defines;
cmMakefile *makefile = lg->GetMakefile();
const char* language = source->GetLanguage();
if (language == NULL)
language = "";
const char* config = makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE");
// Add the export symbol definition for shared library objects.
if(const char* exportMacro = target->GetExportMacro())
lg->AppendDefines(defines, exportMacro);
// Add preprocessor definitions for this target and configuration.
lg->AppendDefines(defines, gtgt->GetCompileDefinitions());
lg->AppendDefines(defines, source->GetProperty("COMPILE_DEFINITIONS"));
std::string defPropName = "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_";
defPropName += cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config);
lg->AppendDefines(defines, gtgt->GetCompileDefinitions(config));
lg->AppendDefines(defines, source->GetProperty(defPropName.c_str()));
std::string definesString;
lg->JoinDefines(defines, definesString, language);
return definesString;

View File

@ -14,11 +14,13 @@
#define cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator_h
#include "cmExternalMakefileProjectGenerator.h"
#include "cmSourceFile.h"
class cmLocalGenerator;
class cmMakefile;
class cmTarget;
class cmGeneratedFileStream;
class cmGeneratorTarget;
/** \class cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator
* \brief Write Sublime Text 2 project files for Makefile based projects
@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ class cmGeneratedFileStream;
class cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator : public cmExternalMakefileProjectGenerator
typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > MapSourceFileFlags;
virtual const char* GetName() const
@ -45,14 +48,15 @@ private:
void CreateNewProjectFile(const std::vector<cmLocalGenerator*>& lgs,
const std::string& filename);
void WriteSublimeClangOptionsFile(const MapSourceFileFlags& sourceFileFlags,
const std::string& filename);
/** Appends all targets as build systems to the project file and get all
* include directories and compiler definitions used.
void AppendAllTargets(const std::vector<cmLocalGenerator*>& lgs,
const cmMakefile* mf,
cmGeneratedFileStream& fout,
std::set<std::string>& includeDirs,
std::set<std::string>& defines);
MapSourceFileFlags& sourceFileFlags);
/** Returns the build command that needs to be executed to build the
* specified target.
@ -63,18 +67,24 @@ private:
void AppendTarget(cmGeneratedFileStream& fout,
const char* targetName,
cmLocalGenerator* lg,
cmTarget* target,
const char* make,
const cmMakefile* makefile,
const char* compiler,
std::set<std::string>& includeDirs,
std::set<std::string>& defines, bool firstTarget);
MapSourceFileFlags& sourceFileFlags, bool firstTarget);
* Extracts compile flags from a variable.
* flag would typically be "-D" or "-I"
* Compute the flags for compilation of object files for a given @a language.
* @note Generally it is the value of the variable whose name is computed
* by LanguageFlagsVarName().
void ExtractFlags(const char* value, const std::string& flag,
std::set<std::string> &defines);
std::string ComputeFlagsForObject(cmSourceFile *source,
cmLocalGenerator* lg,
cmTarget *target,
cmGeneratorTarget* gtgt);
std::string ComputeDefines(cmSourceFile *source, cmLocalGenerator* lg,
cmTarget *target, cmGeneratorTarget* gtgt);